
Real-Life Gadgets For Real-Life Superheroes 391

cylonlover writes "Yes, there are real-life superheroes. And no, we're not just referring to firefighters, paramedics, and other heroic people whom we're used to seeing come to the rescue of others. We're talking about costume-wearing, identity-concealing, cool-name-having people who fight crime, pollution, or other evils in their own communities, on their own time, and at their own risk. Many of them actually patrol the city streets, ready to intervene if they see trouble brewing – and being ready includes having the right tools. Given that none of these people have Bruce Wayne's budget, Gizmag takes a look at some of the real-world gadgets they use as they go about their crime-fighting duties."

Twinkie Diet Helps Nutrition Professor Lose 27 Pounds Screenshot-sm 35

Professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University Mark Haub has managed to lose 27 pounds in 10 weeks eating only junk food available at a convenience store. Haub wanted to prove that when it came to dieting calorie counting mattered much more than the nutritional value of food. From the article: "For a class project, Haub limited himself to less than 1,800 calories a day. A man of Haub's pre-dieting size usually consumes about 2,600 calories daily. So he followed a basic principle of weight loss: He consumed significantly fewer calories than he burned."

Pee On Your Phone STD Test 208

A user writes "British health officials are hard at work on a new app that will allow users to pee into their cell phones and find out within minutes if they have an STD. From the article: 'Doctors and technology experts are developing small devices, similar to pregnancy testing kits, that will tell someone quickly and privately if they have caught an infection through sexual contact. People who suspect they have been infected will be able to put urine or saliva on to a computer chip about the size of a USB chip, plug it into their phone or computer and receive a diagnosis within minutes, telling them which, if any, sexually transmitted infection (STI) they have. Seven funders, including the Medical Research Council, have put £4m into developing the technology via a forum called the UK Clinical Research Collaboration.'"

The Placebo Effect Not Just On Drugs 824

dvdme writes "It seems the placebo effect isn't just valid on drugs. It's also a fact on elevators, offices and traffic lights. An article by Greg Ross says: 'In most elevators installed since the early 1990s, the 'close door' button has no effect. Otis Elevator engineers confirmed the fact to the Wall Street Journal in 2003. Similarly, many office thermostats are dummies, designed to give workers the illusion of control. "You just get tired of dealing with them and you screw in a cheap thermostat," said Illinois HVAC specialist Richard Dawson. "Guess what? They quit calling you." In 2004 the New York Times reported that more than 2,500 of the 3,250 "walk" buttons in New York intersections do nothing. "The city deactivated most of the pedestrian buttons long ago with the emergence of computer-controlled traffic signals, even as an unwitting public continued to push on."'"

Disguised Asian Male Caught At Canadian Airport Screenshot-sm 19

An anonymous reader writes "A young male of Asian appearance was caught in disguise during a flight from Hong Kong to Canada. The disguise consisted of a molded silicone face and neck mask, hat, glasses and cardigan. An intelligence alert (PDF) from Canada Border Services Agency contains photos of the man with and without the disguise as well as further details of the incident. Suspicions were raised at the start of the flight when the subject was noted as having an elderly appearance that didn't match his hands of youthful appearance. Later in the flight the subject entered an aircraft washroom to remove the disguise and was caught emerging as an early 20s Asian male. This disguise is more elaborate than those used by the suspected perpetrators of the assassination of Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh in Dubai, January 2010. Will the continued introduction of biometric passport security deprecate the use of disguises or will disguises simply become more sophisticated?"

Researchers Race To Recover Radioactive Rabbits 145

Ponca City writes "The Tri-City Herald reports that radioactive rabbit droppings were recently found near the old Hanford Nuclear Site in southeast Washington that produced nuclear materials for 40 years and is now being decontaminated. The Department of Health looks for contamination off-site to make sure there is no public hazard and a rabbit trapped at the 300 Area caught their attention because it was close enough to the site's boundaries to potentially come in contact with the public. Joe Franco, an assistant manager for the Department of Energy, said workers erected fences, removed potential food sources and even sprayed the scent of a predator around the perimeter to prevent any other rabbit contamination and the Department of Energy said only one of 18 rabbits surveyed were deemed contaminated. Researchers narrowed the area of possible contamination to the 327 Building used during the Cold War for testing highly radioactive materials, particularly fuel elements and cladding that were irradiated at Hanford reactors as part of plutonium production for the nation's nuclear weapons program. Because the number of contaminated droppings being discovered on-site has decreased, officials now believe it's possible that just one rabbit might have been contaminated and they now are finding old droppings from it."

World's Northernmost Town Gets Nightlights Screenshot-sm 144

Velcroman1 writes "On October 26, 2,000 Norwegians watched the sun set. The next time they'll see it rise? Sometime in February. Extended nighttime is an annual occurrence for the residents of Longyearbyen, Norway — Earth's northernmost town. Located at 78 degrees north latitude in the Arctic circle, Longyearbyen experiences a phenomenon called Polar Night, in which the town remains in perpetual darkness for four months each winter. To lighten up the seemingly endless night, Philips has started an experiment called 'Wake Up the Town.' And anyone who's complained about the brief daylight hours in winter will want to know how it works."

Indian Woman Completes Ten-Year Hunger Strike 8

Irom Chanu Sharmila, dubbed the "Iron Lady of Manipur," has completed her tenth year on hunger strike to protest civilian killings in Manipur. From the article: "Now 38, she was arrested shortly after beginning her protest – on charges of attempted suicide – and was sent to a prison hospital where she began a daily routine of being force-fed vitamins and nutrients via a nasal drip. Ms Sharmila is frequently set free by local courts, but once outside she resumes her hunger strike and is rearrested." And you complain when you have to eat a late lunch.

Bus Company Says Thin Drivers Deserve Better Pay Screenshot-sm 54

In an attempt to promote good employee health, a Lithuanian transport company is paying thin drivers better salaries than their overweight co-workers. Over 100 drivers were weighed to determine their BMI. "We just wanted to promote a health lifestyle," said Vilius Lauzikas, director of Busturas, the transport company in question. The local union and donut loving drivers aren't fans of the new policy. "We cannot call it nothing other than a mockery. If they (the company) do not reconsider we will appeal to the courts," a union representative said.

Harry Potter Blamed For India's Disappearing Owls 252

GillBates0 writes "Indian Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh has blamed fans of Harry Potter for the demise of wild owls in the country as children seek to emulate the boy wizard by taking the birds as pets. 'Following Harry Potter, there seems to be a strange fascination even among the urban middle classes for presenting their children with owls,' Ramesh said Wednesday, according to comments reported by the BBC."

Denver Rejects UFO Agency To Track Aliens Screenshot-sm 80

Republicans weren't the only ones to win big yesterday. Aliens in The Mile-High City can breathe easier thanks to voters rejecting a plan to officially track them. From the article: "The proposal defeated soundly Tuesday night would have established a commission to track extraterrestrials. It also would have allowed residents to post their observations on Denver's city Web page and report sightings." Let the anonymous probings begin!

Man Dies of Caffeine Overdose 5

morgan_greywolf writes "A British man died after poisoning himself with two spoonfuls of caffeine powder bought over the internet. Michael Lee Bedford, 23, from Mansfield, central England, was at a party in April when he swallowed caffeine powder that a friend bought online for £3.29 ($5.26), Nottingham Coroner's Court heard Thursday. He washed the powder down with an energy drink, and around 15 minutes later began sweating and vomiting blood. He later died at King's Mill Hospital in Nottinghamshire, central England, the Nottingham Post reported."

Igloo Created Out of Fridges In Hamburg 1

Lanxon writes "A German artist named Ralf Schmerberg has created an igloo out of fridges in a square in Hamburg, Germany, to try and draw attention to energy use and climate change. To make that point, alongside the construction is a giant electricity meter that displays how much electricity is being used by the 322 old fridges that comprise the structure."
The Military

Dentists Offer Halloween Candy Buyback Program 1

Kids in Pennsylvania have an option for all the Smarties they collected this Halloween other than a trash can thanks to two dentists. Nalin and Arpan Patel will donate $1 to troops in Afghanistan and Iraq for every pound of candy they receive. From the article: "The dentists are accepting candy from November 1-5, and hope what is collected will cheer US troops overseas. 'Now during these hard times, the spirit of giving and helping is needed more than ever,' they said."

Big Brother Barbie Screenshot-sm 10

nonprofiteer writes "Mattel's holiday creation is Video Girl Barbie, which comes with a hidden camera installed in Barbie's torso. The lens is disguised as a necklace. The Barbie can hold up to 30 minutes of video, and then can be hooked up to a computer for uploading. Experts are worried about pedophiles taking advantage of posted Barbie footage. I'm worried about the havoc that little girls with hidden cameras are going to wreak."

Car Produced With a 3D Printer 257

Lanxon writes "A prototype for an electric vehicle — code named Urbee — is the first to have its entire body built with a 3D printer, reports Wired. Stratasys and Winnipeg engineering group Kor Ecologic have partnered to create the electric/liquid fuel hybrid, which can deliver more than 200 miles per gallon on the motorway and 100 miles per gallon in the city."

UK Police Get Guide to Arresting a Witch 1

"It's normal for people to be naked, bound and blindfolded," and "don't touch a witch's book of spells or their ornamental daggers" are just a couple of the things one can learn from reading the new 300-page handbook on how to deal with members of the pagan community. The guide was created by The Metropolitan Police in an attempt to improve relations between officers and pagans, thereby decreasing the number of police turned into newts each year.

Debt Collectors Accused of Running Fake Courtroom 3

Collection agency Unicredit America is accused of staging a fake courtroom complete with fake judge in an attempt to convince visiting debtors to pay. Officials in Pennsylvania were so impressed that the Attorney General has invited victims to plead their case in front of a real judge. From the article: "The Attorney General's Office told Team 4 that Unicredit lured debtors to the building by sending employees who appeared to be sheriff's deputies to their homes, implying that they would be taken into custody if they failed to appear at the phony court hearings. 'It really galls me that someone would stoop that low,' Erie County Sheriff Robert Merski said. 'This certainly seems to be a scam, and it upsets me that they are trying to play on the integrity of this office, the office of sheriff. We've been here since the beginning of the United States.'"
Classic Games (Games)

Typewriter Hacked To Play Zork 77

UgLyPuNk writes "Typewriters that can type by themselves are one thing. Typewriters that can type by themselves and play Zork are totally different — the stuff that dreams are made of (at least the dreams of little girls who spent hours in front of a Commodore 64 telling the machine to GO NORTH and such)."

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