
Museum Hosts Animal Sex Exhibit For Valentine's Day Screenshot-sm 3

Can you think of a better way to spend Valentine's Day than looking at a bunch of animals in flagrante delicto with the special person in your life? The Natural History Museum in London is hoping you can't. The museum is hosting an exhibit entitled, "Sexual Nature" which "explores the diverse ways in which animals have evolved to procreate, such as a snail's love darts, the detachable penis of the paper nautilus, or the outsized testes of the promiscuous chimp." Curator Tate Greenhalgh says, "This exhibition is about the relationship between sex and evolution and the bizarre, surprising adaptations that animals have evolved to procreate as much as possible. We ask people to be open-minded when looking at potentially surprising, maybe shocking things that animals do that would be outlawed in human society."

Professor Rejects Camera Implanted In His Head Screenshot-sm 138

Stenchwarrior writes "A New York University professor temporarily removed the camera he had surgically installed in the back of his head to get rid of one of the apparatus' parts after his body rejected it, myFOXny.com reported Wednesday. Photography professor Wafaa Bilal was in near constant pain after part of a thumb-nail-size camera, implanted in December as part of an art project commissioned by a new museum in Qatar, was rejected by his body."

Teacher Suspended Over Blog About Students Screenshot-sm 634

English teacher Natalie Munroe is in a bit of hot water after she described the precious snowflakes in her class as: “Frightfully dim,” “Rat-like,” “Am concerned your kid is going to open fire on the school,” “I hate your kid,” and “Seems smarter than she actually is,” on her blog. The Central Bucks School District has suspended Natalie after parents complained to administrators. “It’s hard to know that you sat in her class for an hour and a half a day and for her to feel that way it is like, it is an awful feeling,” student Alli Woloshyn said.

Vatican Bans IOS Confession App Screenshot-sm 323

An anonymous reader writes "Despite all the hype that a lowly priest had approved the new confessional app hitting the app store, the truth has now revealed itself. According to today's Daily Mail, a spokesman for the Vatican, Federico Lombardi said: 'It is essential to understand that the rites of penance require a personal dialogue between penitents and their confessor. It cannot be replaced by a computer application. I must stress to avoid all ambiguity, under no circumstance is it possible to confess by iPhone."

See How Tough Your Immune System is With "Blood Wars" Screenshot-sm 119

Thanks to a new art/science exhibition called "Blood Wars," you can find out whose dad has the toughest immune system once and for all. The brainchild of artist Kathy High, "Blood Wars" pits white blood cells from two different people against each other. From the article: "In order to create the blood duel, High gets a phlebotomist to take blood samples from two different people. She then separates the white blood cells from the rest of the blood and stains them using different colors. They are then placed in a Petri dish and their interactions are filmed under a microscope using time-lapse microscopy. The cellular 'winner' of each round will go onto fight another participant."

Stabbing Victim Saved by Fast Food Screenshot-sm 4

37-year-old James Hobbs was viciously stabbed in the neck, but luckily for him, he had just picked up a Doner Kebab. James was able to jam the kebab into the 5-inch cut and slow the blood-flow until help arrived. Hobbs said: "I instinctively whacked the kebab to my neck to restrict blood flow. It's pure luck I was hungry." Even with his lunch's greasy help, he still lost lost 6½ pints of blood by the time medics arrived.

Furry Cartoon Critters Debate: Tablet Or Laptop? Screenshot-sm 2

ericatcw writes "Despite the strong inroads that mobile devices are making (see this online list of mass iPad rollouts), many skeptics remain unconvinced of their usefulness. That's true even when confronted with news of Microsoft's fear, reasoned arguments, or even old-timey anti-laptop rants that, hilariously, echo all of the same criticism today against tablets. Will this Xtranormal cartoon video depicting two furry woodland creatures on opposite sides of the 'Tablet or PC?' debate sway your mind?"

Samsung Rains Paper Airplanes From Space Screenshot-sm 122

itwbennett writes "Note to Samsung: If you want to prove how reliable your SD memory cards are, don't hire 'the U.K.'s leading paper plane professional' to build you 100 special paper aircraft. And then definitely don't use a giant helium balloon to send them 122,503 feet into space. Because while some of the planes will fly as far as Sydney and Bangalore, chances are that all the press you'll get will be about the crazy stunt and no one will remember a thing about the SD cards."

Only 39% Curse At Their Computers? 286

netbuzz writes "That's what we are to believe based upon a survey of 14,284 individuals conducted by security vendor Avira. That survey found that 39 percent of respondents 'cursed or yelled at the computer out loud.' And no computer is needed to calculate the implication: 61% of those participating in the poll believe themselves to have never once uttered a profanity or raised their voice in the direction of a malfunctioning machine. Are the majority of us genuinely possessed of such remarkable self-control? Or might some of these self-reported stoics be exercising a bit of selective memory?"

Designers Create Meat Eating Furniture Screenshot-sm 120

Sonny Yatsen writes "NPR's Robert Krulwich explores the work of several designers who are working on carnivorous furniture. These creations, include a clock that feeds on dead flies, and a table that lures mice into a guillotined death. 'We want robots to be able to get their own energy from the environment,' says co-designer Prof. Melhuish. Let's hope they come up with a lounge chair that eats cockroaches sometime soon."

Belgian Senator Calls For: "No Sex Till Government Is Formed" Screenshot-sm 8

dbune writes "Belgium has been in political doldrums for a number a months. And now a politician in Belgium believes she has an idea on how to get negotiators to speed up their work on creating a new government. The country's newspaper, HLN, reported that Senator Marleen Temmerman has told fellow negotiators to abstain from sex until the country has a new government."

Japan Crowns New Hole-Digging Champ

210 teams from around the world converged on the outskirts of Tokyo Sunday to compete for the title of champion digger and win the coveted golden shovel prize. From the article: "'There are a lot of families and groups of friends,' said Manabu Saito, a public relations officer at the Narita Dream Dairy Farm, just east of Tokyo, where the contest took place. 'However, the most numerous are those who are "professionals" who dig for a living, such as gas company workers or those who deal with the water supply.'" The winning hole this year measuring 3.26 meters (10 ft 8 in) deep; not bad for 30 mins of shoveling

Swedish Patients Get Pans And Spoons To Call Help Screenshot-sm 13

The problem with overcrowding in Swedish hospitals has gotten so bad that one recently ran out of emergency buzzers for patients. Children were given pans and spoons to bang together in case of emergency, while adult patients got bells from a local hardware store to summon help. From the article: "All nine hospitals with emergency rooms in western Sweden are desperately overcrowded, a report by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare said. Maria Tenggren, a union official and employee at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, said the hospitals 'long ago passed the limit of what is acceptable. We have for years nagged about the problem of overcrowding, but nothing happens,' she said."

Woman Gets Revenge Courtesy of Google Images 487

another similar writes "This article teaches us that if you happen to have a bad break up with someone who's reasonably tech-savvy, your descriptively captioned photos might end up all over the internet. From the article: 'Upset boyfriends and girlfriends are nothing new. There are plenty of stories of girlfriends getting back at their ex-boyfriends for mistreatment and visa versa. But in the age where Google ranks supreme, you do not want to mess with a girl who knows how to manipulate Google.'"

Designer Tweets Egyptian Riots Due to His New Line Coming Out Screenshot-sm 142

Famous shoe designer Kenneth Cole stuck his fabulously shod foot into his mouth by tweeting, "Millions are in uproar in #Cairo. Rumor is they heard our new spring collection is now available online..." After an uproar from people who don't think revolution jokes are funny, he issued the following tweet: "we weren't intending to make light of a serious situation. We understand the sensitivity of this historic moment."

Ronald McDonald Kidnapped In Finland Screenshot-sm 7

An anonymous reader writes "An activist group calling themselves the Food Liberation Army has kidnapped Ronald McDonald from one of McDonalds' restaurants in Helsinki. The group managed to kidnap the statue after presenting false documents for servicing Ronald. Food Liberation army will execute Ronald McDonald on the 11th of February 2011 at 6:30PM if their demands are not met."

Israeli Company Trains Security Mice Screenshot-sm 96

Israeli scientists have created an explosive detector using specially trained mice. Researchers claim the mice are more accurate than dogs or x-ray machines and best of all, they work for peanuts. From the article: "The device was tested last year on 1,000 shoppers in a Tel Aviv shopping mall when the mice successfully picked out 22 people carrying mock explosives."

19-Year-Old Makes Homemade Solar Death Ray Screenshot-sm 317

An anonymous reader writes "Concentrated solar power has the potential to generate immense amounts of energy — but it can also be amazingly destructive. American student Eric Jacqmain has assembled over 5,800 mirrors into his own parabolic 'solar Death Ray'."

Competition Aims To Make Cybergeeks Cool Screenshot-sm 134

itwbennett writes "The organizers of the Cyber Foundations program have some lofty goals. In addition to identifying a new generation of security experts, they want to make cybergeeks as cool as sports stars, said Alan Paller, director of research at the SANS Institute, a sponsor of the competition. The competition includes tests in computer networking, operating systems and systems administration. Registration is open until Feb. 18. and prizes include four full-ride college scholarships sponsored by the U.S. Navy, gift certificates, and letters of recognition from governors and members of the U.S. Congress."

Immigration Officer Puts Wife on No-Fly List Screenshot-sm 13

A British immigration officer has been fired after admitting to adding his wife's name to a no-fly list to be rid of her. The officer's wife was unable to return from Pakistan for three years as a result. From the article: "The tampering went undetected until the immigration officer was selected for promotion and his wife's name was found on the suspects' list during a vetting inquiry."

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