
Don't Fight the Bears Screenshot-sm 1

In Japan you have to specifically tell people not to fight bears.

Hitler Likes HD-DVD Screenshot-sm

samzenpus writes "Not even the Germans can keep Blu Ray at bay. The subtitle flow is perfect in this one."

Too Many Cats Screenshot-sm

samzenpus writes "I have had nightmares that look a lot like this. I'd need goggles, a respirator and a pound of Celebrex to get within 50 feet of this place."

How to Build a Robopult

This is a cool hack if you happen to have $1000, an old RV, a pile of bowling balls and an industrial robot. If they just worked a bit on it's accuracy this thing would be a dodgeball nightmare.

The Robot Zoo

This has to be one of the coolest learning exhibits I've ever seen. The Robot Zoo features 8 robot animals you can interact with including a chameleon that can change color and has an extendable tongue and a grasshopper with spring loaded legs. It sure beats a field trip to the saltine factory.

Know When to Laugh

samzenpus writes "Sometimes you just can't help yourself and you get the giggles. It isn't a big deal unless you happen to be reporting on a fatal accident."

El Cumbanchero Kids Screenshot-sm

samzenpus writes "They're not bad I guess but the question is how are they at Guitar Hero?"

Become a Real SuperHero

The furries finally have competition for the most pathetic group award. It seems between 150 and 200 real-life superheroes, or "Reals" as some call themselves, operate in the United States. 50 more around the world swell their ranks and dirty tights. They say most large cities have a "Real" but it is rare to find more than one or two operating in the same area. Proving once again, the law of geek diffusion.

Who Wants a Pony? Screenshot-sm

samzenpus writes "Part of growing up is learning that sometimes your dad gets drunk and hits your pet with his car."

Parents Urged to Frisk Children

How violent are public schools in South Africa? Violent enough that the Minister of Education has asked parents to make schools safer by searching their children for drugs and weapons before they leave home. Detention will be phased out soon and replaced with waterboarding.

Serious Sausage Lover Screenshot-sm 3

samzenpus writes "Some men love cars. Some like music or film. Still others find pleasure in art. This man loves sausage."

South Koreans Pretending to Die 1

In the U.S. we have life coaches to help you focus and change your ways. In South Korea you have a mock funeral. The funerals which cost $325 are part of a fad called, "well-dying". It has become so popular that many companies send employees to improve job performance. At least there aren't any trust games or team building exercises when your dead.

Film School Masterpiece Screenshot-sm

samzenpus writes "Film school movies are often bleak, brooding and angry. This one isn't bleak."

Star Wars School Board Screenshot-sm

samzenpus writes "Star Wars kid look out! Christopher Knight is here and he wants to get beat up by the other people on the school board."

Cobra Vs. Baby Screenshot-sm

samzenpus writes "You have to be tough to live in India. I'm guessing the child welfare laws are different there too."

Extreme Turducken

What's filled with 48 birds and takes 8 hours to cook? If you answered the little pet shop by my house, you're right but now there is something else. A creation of Devon farmer Anne Petch, dubbed "The True Love Roast", weighs four stone, feeds 125, costs £665, and takes 4 hours to bone and put together.

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