
Online Dating Helping the Pathetic 1

samzenpus writes "Valentines Day was tough for the undateable before the internet. Now with a click of the mouse even the most disfigured and emotionally vacant person can have their last remaining spec of self worth stomped out in a few seconds rather than waiting for a call that will never come."
It's funny.  Laugh.

Speedcabling - Untangling For Fun and Profit 138

ibnsuleiman writes "A new competitive sport is emerging amongst IT professionals and hobbyists. Speedcabling tests the ability to untangle the rat's nests that grow inside and outside of the beige boxes that pervade todays homes and workplaces. The first public competition was held in an LA gallery for a $50 gift certificate to a local Italian restaurant. The winner, LA web developer Matthew Howell, had to untangle a dozen ethernet cables in record time leaving them in working order to win."

Your Cat Wants Armor 3

What would you get if you crossed The Society for Creative Anachronism with an old cat lady? Cat armor of course. Now the age old question of whether or not a cat thrown into battle lands on its feet can be answered. To keep the playing field level, they've also made mouse armor.

Saudi Arabia Bans Roses 3

Saudi Arabia's religious police are seeing red over red roses. The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice has ordered the removal from stores any items colored scarlet, which is widely seen as symbolizing love. It is not unusual for the Saudi vice squad to become stricter before Valentine's Day, which it sees as encouraging relations between men and women outside of wedlock. Saudi officials said they are studying the effects of other things that fuel lust, like being awake, the vibrations of a heavy truck driving close by and the cute cashier at the gas station.

Nigerian Spammers Up the Ante 7

It seems the Nigerian spammers have learned you can't always kill them with kindness. Now they just threaten to kill you. A woman in St. Louis received a mail that said, in part, "Am very sorry for you my friend, is a pity that this is how your life is going to end as soon as you don't comply. ... I don't have any business with you, my duty as I am mailing you now is just to KILL/ASSASINATE you and I have to do it as I have already been paid for that. Get back to me now if you are ready to pay some fees to spare your life, If you are not ready for my help, then I will carry on with my job straight-up."

Sarah Silverman's Matt Damon Video *NSFW* Screenshot-sm 3

samzenpus writes "I find Sarah to be a hit-or-miss comic, often a miss but this pretty funny. It may not be the easiest way to break the news but at least there is no room for ambiguity. The best part has to be that Damon did it."

Censored Count Screenshot-sm 4

samzenpus writes "The thing that interests me about this video is how by just adding a beep you can change something completely innocent into something that seems vulgar. There is a consumer/advertising perception study in here somewhere. Also, perceived puppet profanity is funny."

Garbage Men Get Garbage Gear 1

Employees of the Muncie Sanitary District will get jackets made from recycled soda bottles thanks to $5,000 grant from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. The district will purchase 100-percent recycled jackets, T-shirts and polo shirts for its 140 employees with the grant money. In addition, they have hired Madam Trash Heap to handle all Fraggle/Gorg relation problems.

Combat Pilots May Get Viagra Screenshot-sm 5

Israel is considering giving its combat pilots Viagra to improve their performance in the air. A study by Israeli doctors of mountain climbers in Africa found a correlation between erectile dysfunction drugs and improved performance in high altitudes. It looks like this already tough job is about to get a lot harder.

Time Doesn't Heal all Things 1

If your spouse bothers you don't expect time to make it better. In fact, if the findings of Kira Birditt, a research fellow at the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research are correct, it's only going to get worse. The study did not show the same trend in annoying friends or ill mannered children. So the next time you roll over, look at your spouse sleeping and think, "I hate you a little more everyday!" rest assured that it's normal and they think the same about you.

Quarter of Brits Think Churchill Was Myth 3

Just so you don't think Americans are the only people who have no clue when it comes to their history, a recent survey found a fair number of British people believe that Churchill, Charles Dickens, and Mahatma Gandhi were fictional characters. Who made the "real people" list? Over half the people asked thought Sherlock Holmes was real. Many people were surprised to find out that The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was not a documentary.

The Regrettable Workout Screenshot-sm 2

samzenpus writes "The good thing about this breathing warm up is that it gets the blood flowing and lets you work through your embarrassment right away."

Yes, You Can Haz Punitive Damages 3

JusticeLink, a multi-jurisdictional court computer system, will be rolled out in New South Wales over the next 12 months. Attorneys will log in to a bulletin board and type their arguments, which would then be sent to a judge by email. Justice should be swift, so judges make rulings in real time. I'm interested to see what sort of jail time swapping scams the Nigerian spammers come up with.

You're Too Fat to Eat Here 7

Mississippi legislators have introduced a bill that would make it illegal for state licensed restaurants to serve obese patrons. The work of Republicans W. T. Mayhall Jr., John Read, and Democrat Bobby Shows, the bill proposes that the state's Department of Health establish weight criteria after consultation with Mississippi's Council on Obesity. Some in the Mississippi legislature worry that the new law would be too draconian in nature, not making allowances for the chunky, thick, husky or big boned.

Top 10 Most Memorable Tech Super Bowl Ads Screenshot-sm 179

theodp writes "From 1977's lovable Xeroxing Monk to 2007's smug-and-rich SalesGenie pitch man, Valleywag has rounded up videos for its Top 10 most memorable tech-oriented Super Bowl commercials. The commercials are: Apple (1984), Monster (1999), CareerBuilder (2005), GoDaddy (2005), Xerox (1977), E*Trade (1999), Pets.com (2000), Computer.com (2000), SalesGenie.com (2007) and OurBeginning (2000). This year's ads are coming soon." I've always been a fan of the Outpost.com gerbil cannon spot.

Nasa Beams Beatles' Song Into Space 4

Monday will be the 40th anniversary of the day the Beatles recorded the song, Across the Universe. To mark this random achievement and because there is evidently nothing much to do at NASA, the song will be beamed into space towards the North Star. Lead engineers, Sgt. Pepper, Mr. Moonlight and Doctor Robert say the plan was met with some skepticism. "When they asked, How do you do it? I answered, If we can come together, we can work it out with a little help from my friends." Sgt. Pepper said. After a hard day's night the engineers plan on joining the magical mystery tour and work back in the U.S.S.R.

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