
Family Circus Cthulhu Edition Screenshot-sm 4

Next week, follow Billy's dotted-line path into madness.

France Bans TV Shows For Babies Screenshot-sm 8

France's broadcast authority has banned the marketing of TV shows to children under 3, to protect them from the potential of developmental problems. The ruling also mandates that French cable operators airing foreign channels with programs for babies have to broadcast warning messages to parents. The messages will read: "Watching television can slow the development of children under 3, even when it involves channels aimed specifically at them." I guess there won't be any French contestants in this year's Baby Fear Factor.

Little Hitler Screenshot-sm 5

I know he's one of the worst dictators in history but just look how cute those cheeks are.

Lawmakers Say Electric Cars Are Too Quiet Screenshot-sm 28

California lawmakers are pushing a bill that would ensure electric vehicles make enough noise to be heard by blind and visually impaired people. The state senate has already passed the bill but the governator hasn't yet taken a position. If passed, the bill would establish a committee which would study ways electric vehicles could make more noise. The committee's recommendations would be due by 2010. May I suggest a siren or some baseball cards in the wheels.

Slashdot's Disagree Mail Screenshot-sm 264

In this week's Disagree Mail, I try to show the range of messages I get. It's not all angry or insane, sometimes it's sent to us for no apparent reason. We start off a little mad, slip into a whole bunch of crazy and finish with someone who has a complaint about racism at his favorite restaurant. Read below to get started.

Nerd Baby Screenshot-sm 8

They should just let other babies take away his milk money now.

The Worst Bike Screenshot-sm 2

Could someone please send this kid some friggin' wheels?

Toast Obsession Screenshot-sm

The quest for perfect toast starts early in some.

Dallas Schools Extend Homework Due Dates Indefinitely Screenshot-sm 8

New classroom grading rules in Dallas are drawing fire from teachers and parents as being too lenient on lazy students. The new rules would require teachers to accept late work, give retests to students who fail and force teachers to drop homework grades that would drag down a student's class average. Nancy Bingham, a former teacher, said that she didn't think the rules would help really lazy students adding, "If the kid is hell-bent on failing, they're going to fail anyway." Dallas school superintendent Michael Hinojosa disagrees, saying, "Our mission is not to fail kids. Our mission is to make sure they get it, and we believe that effort creates ability." It's a lot easier to reach for the stars if you lower the sky.

Teens Arrested For Motorized Office Chair Screenshot-sm 338

German police have confiscated the world's fastest office chair and arrested its 17-year-old inventors. The duo added a lawnmower engine, brakes and a metal frame to the office chair and were reported to be driving it all over the streets of Gross-Zimmern. Police did not comment on the chair's handling or acceleration but I look forward to it being profiled on Top Gear.

Bear and Baby Screenshot-sm

They got along fine until someone switched their bottles.

Pigeon Attack Screenshot-sm

The gentleness and beauty of nature is undeniable.

Strong Dog Screenshot-sm 1

I have the newer two-dog power version at home.

Beijing 2008 In Lego 177

jedie noted an impressive rendering of the Beijing Olympics in Lego. Featuring 300,000 bricks, and 4,500 Lego people, it was built by the Hong Kong Lego User Group. Yes that exists. Amazing. I'm pretty sure that the lighting inside the water cube was not made using stock legos. At least, none in my giant cardboard box.

Australian Town Needs Women, Even Ugly Ones Screenshot-sm 4

Mount Isa needs women. They need them badly and are willing to settle for anything genetically classified as female. The mayor, John Molony, came under fire recently for suggesting that "beauty-disadvantaged women" looking for love move to his remote mining town where men outnumber women 5:1. "I'm a bloke who respects women. I believe we should look after women. I'm told men outnumber women here by five to one. If that's the case, then perhaps it's an opportunity for some lonely women," Molony said. Not everyone agrees with the mayor. Shirley Slann, a domestic violence worker in Mt. Isa, says, "It paints the women here as second rate and suggests the men will settle for anything. I think it's quite disgusting." It sounds like a certain domestic violence worker is worried about being low woman on the ugly-pole.

Bottom of the Barrel Book Reviews — The Lost Blogs Screenshot-sm 235

We get a lot of books for review here at Slashdot. Most are sent out to users on our reviewer list within a few weeks. Others become part of an impressive wall of books on my desk before they find a home. There are a choice few however that are doomed to never see the inside of a Fedex box. This is mostly due to the complete and utter stupidity or absurdness of their subject matter. I've decided to give these failed intellectual endeavors a chance and explore just how big a waste of time a book can be. We start scraping the bottom of the barrel with a little number written by Paul Davidson called, The Lost Blogs. Read below to find out just how bad it got.

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