
Slashdot's Disagree Mail Screenshot-sm 354

There is an old Japanese proverb that goes, "Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher." This week's mail is all about teaching. Whether it is about the seriousness of psychic ability, a short history of trolls or explaining how much free time and malice your dad's attorney has, these people just want to impart information. If what they sent me is any indication, they had a lot of sick days. Click on the link below to become enlightened.

Cat Talk Screenshot-sm 14

I guess you have to watch next week to find out how Muffins got her name and whether or not she likes wet food.

Colleges Training Professors in Improvised Weapons Screenshot-sm 13

In a response to the school shootings of the past few years, hundreds of colleges have purchased a training program that teaches professors and students to take a more aggressive role when confronted with attackers, including the use of improvised weapons. The program urges you to be ready to respond to a shooter by taking advantage of the inherent strength in numbers and how to use a laptop or a backpack to defend yourself. Domenick Brouillette, who administered the course at Metropolitan Community College, said, "Survivors prepare themselves both mentally and emotionally to do what it takes. It might involve life-threatening risk. You may do something you never thought you were capable of doing." A sword would be nice but a pen will work in a pinch.

Cow Vs. Rabbit Screenshot-sm 3

In addition to providing the world with burgers, cows also keep the rabbit population in check.

Computer Addict Screenshot-sm 1

His warlock was almost lvl 70.

Cobra Commander Pony Screenshot-sm 2

I actually prefer the Destro pony, with the Dreadnaught ponies coming in a close second.

Scientists Discover Cows Point North Screenshot-sm 558

Dr Sabine Begall and colleagues from the University of Duisburg-Essen have discovered that cows tend to point north. The researchers studied deer in the Czech Republic and looked at thousands of images of cattle on Google Earth. The animals tended to face north when eating or resting. "We conclude that the magnetic field is the only common and most likely factor responsible for the observed alignment," the scientists wrote in an article. I guess cows will become the must-have item for long-distance hikers now. Having an edible compass would come in handy if you get lost.

Keeping Score Screenshot-sm 4

Very subtle.

Trees Screenshot-sm 2

Sure enough. There they are.

Sharp Sign Screenshot-sm 2

It also gets very hot when exposed to heat for an extended period.

Typo Vigilantes Get Banned From National Parks Screenshot-sm 13

Jeff Michael Deck and Benjamin Douglas Herson travel the nation removing typos from public signs. As you can imagine, nobody cared, that is until they 'fixed' a historic marker at the Grand Canyon. The pair were charged with vandalism, sentenced to a year's probation, during which they cannot enter any national park, and ordered to pay restitution. Deck, a Dartmouth graduate, told reporters he became passionate about grammar after winning junior-high spelling bees. It's a shame that you can't spell your way into a life.

Miss Sister 2008 Screenshot-sm 3

Rev. Antonio Rungi, an Italian priest, is organizing an online beauty pageant for nuns to give them more visibility within the Catholic Church and to fight the stereotype that they are all old and dour. Nuns will have a profile including information about their life, vocation and a photograph. It will be up to the nuns whether to pose with the traditional veil or with their heads uncovered. "We are not going to parade nuns in bathing suits, but being ugly is not a requirement for becoming a nun. External beauty is gift from God, and we mustn't hide it." Rungi said. This has to lead to longer lines at the confessional.

God's Gift Screenshot-sm 4

I'm sure this is exactly what they wanted.

Couch Camouflage Screenshot-sm 1

The army unveils its new living room camouflage.

The Great Hunter Screenshot-sm 3

It takes a special kind of person to hunt skunks with a hatchet.

Wealthy Mexicans Getting Chipped in Case of Abduction Screenshot-sm 306

Because the number of abductions in Mexico has jumped almost 40% in the past 3 years, the wealthy are getting subcutaneous transmitters so they can be tracked when kidnapped. Xega, the Mexican security firm which makes the chips, has seen a sales jump of 13% this year. The company injects the crystal-encased chip, the size and shape of a grain of rice, into clients' bodies with a syringe. The chip then sends radio signals to a larger device carried by the client with a global positioning system in it. A satellite can then be used to find the location of the missing person. Things must be a lot worse in Mexico than I thought.

Grandmas Expressing Themselves Screenshot-sm 1

The bridge club was never the same after they got that motorcycle.

Who Needs a Hazmat Suit? Screenshot-sm 4

In addition to Iocane powder, Mr. Miller has built up a tolerance to toxic waste.

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