
Shopping Center Creates Parking Spaces For Women Screenshot-sm 3

A Croatian shopping center is getting a lot of complaints over the wider, better lit parking spaces they made for women. The spaces, decorated with pink flowers, were meant to make parking easier for female customers, officials said. The spaces have not gone over well, as female motorists resent the implication that they need the extra wide spaces to park. One male customer said, "Why should women get special spaces? You can understand disabled spaces and parking bays for people with children but women should just learn how to drive properly." This statement ensures that no woman will do anything "properly" for him again.

Swiss Law Outlines Goldfish Rights Screenshot-sm 3

A new Swiss law spells out in exhaustive detail how all animals domestic and wild are to be treated, whether they be pets, farm animals, zoo animals or destined for scientific experiments. According to the new law, flushing a goldfish down the toilet alive is no longer permitted. Now a fish must be first knocked out and then killed before its body can be disposed of. Catch-and-release fishing is now illegal; if you catch it, you kill it. Hamsters, llamas, alpacas and yaks can no longer be kept by themselves. Goats and sheep must have "a visual contact with their fellows." The list goes on and on. This is obviously a well intentioned law, but it illustrates the difficulty in legislating morality and it has all but killed goldfish-eating contests.

Bottom of the Barrel Book Reviews — Special Operations Team Raptor Screenshot-sm 85

If you like stories about maverick billionaires, cliche mercenaries, government sponsored super hero teams, leading edge technology and the ultimate evil of an alien human resources dept. then Special Operations Team Raptor The African Incident, by Daniel A. Dawson, just might be for you. Weighing in at a mere 103 pages, SOTR will only waste a few hours of your life. While it may be as fresh and creative as a crafts class at summer camp, it's not a complete waste of your time. Keep reading below to see if your mom would like it as much as your macaroni art.

Man Sells His Back Tattoo to Art Collector Screenshot-sm 3

A Swiss man has sold his elaborate back tattoo of the Virgin Mary, to a German collector with the understanding that it is to be exhibited in a gallery three times a year. Oh, and the new owner gets to remove it from the bearer's skin upon death. The public will get to see the tattoo for the first time next week in Singapore and Shanghai. No word on the amount of lotion the bearer must put on his skin, or if he'll get the hose if he doesn't do it whenever he's told.

Car Swing Screenshot-sm

Some schools have to come up with some clever ways to save money on playground equipment.

Tattoos Are Forever Screenshot-sm

A tattoo should mean something to the person getting it, let's hope it doesn't in this case.

Chaos Man Screenshot-sm

This is not how I thought the Horsemen of the Apocalypse would look.

Swedish Woman Tries To Check Herself in With Luggage Screenshot-sm 10

An unnamed 78-year-old, Swedish woman thought she was just following instructions on how to check in for her flight, when she climbed onto an unmanned luggage belt with her suitcase. She lay down on the belt and rode it into the baggage handling bay where she was rescued by workers. "Unfortunately, she did not understand when she was given check-in instructions. She took the belt together with her bag. Luckily it wasn't a long ride - only a couple of metres," said Ari Kallonen of baggage handling firm Nordic Aero. She suffered injury only to her pride and made her flight to Germany. I wonder if she tagged herself.

Lego Taj Mahal Screenshot-sm 5

In September Lego will start selling a 5,922-piece Taj Mahal model set. Priced at around $400, the 3ft wide by 2ft tall model will be the biggest in Lego's 74-year history. The Lego Taj Mahal, complete with domes, minarets, arches and stairs, can be completed in a little under 40 hours. I'm holding out for the Lego Colossus of Rhodes.

The Great Office War Screenshot-sm 11

You may be thankful that twenty years from now when you are sitting by the fireplace with your grandson on your knee and he asks you what you did in the great Office War, you won't have to cough, shift him to the other knee and say, "Well, your Granddaddy sent a fax in the copy room."

Lobster Fight Screenshot-sm 5

Leave it to a lobster to bring a knife to a gun fight.

School Barbarians Screenshot-sm 1

Fitting in is hard enough without a sword and leggings.

Rotterdam's Littlest Fan Screenshot-sm 8

The winner of the annual hooligan jr. contest.

Bloomberg Accidentally Publishes Jobs' Obituary On News Wire Screenshot-sm 6

Thousands of corporate clients received a story, marked "Hold for release - Do not use," from Bloomberg business news wire Wednesday afternoon. The story was the Steve Jobs obituary. The obituary was published "momentarily" after an update from a reporter and was "immediately deleted," Bloomberg said. Details of friends and colleagues of the Apple founder to be contacted by Bloomberg in the event of his death were also published. That story again, Steve Jobs *not* dead at 53.

Couple Win Most Bizarre Will Contest Screenshot-sm 6

A Brooklyn couple who were killed in their home last month have proved you can still be bitter after you're dead. They left a bizarre will to unloved family members and people they detested in life. Some choice lines include, "To my brother who I know hopes to be in my will, well, here you are. The sum of zero ($0.00) Dollars, I believe this sum is fitting, as you are probably the most greedy person I know," and "With regard to my estranged family who were never there for myself or my children, but always there for their distorted version of Catholicism, I give and bequeath the sum of $1 each to my" mother, father, two brothers and sister "and request that they donate same to their precious church to whom they had a greater allegiance, than to their first child and sister." The husband also requested that his body be fitted with SCUBA gear "and cast over the side of a vessel into the ocean where my body may rest undisturbed by any person[s] in the deep." Now that is what I call going out in style.

Future Star Screenshot-sm 1

Music was different in the '80s.

Baby Target Screenshot-sm 3

I'm not sure how to score this.

Doll Room Screenshot-sm 1

I wonder how long the average new visitor will stay in this guy's house?

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