
The Elephant In The Room Screenshot-sm

This poncho company isn't kidding when they say, "one size fits all."

Man Dies After Eating Homemade Hot Sauce On a Dare Screenshot-sm 7

Andrew Lee, 33, challenged his girlfriend's brother to an eating contest to see who could eat the spiciest homemade chili sauce. After eating his tomato-based chili sauce, Andrew suffered intense discomfort and itching. The next morning he was found dead by his girlfriend. An inquest was told that Andrew was in perfect health and had just passed a medical examination at work. Toxicology tests are being conducted to try to establish if he suffered a reaction to the food.

Twins Who Swapped Roles Charged With Fraud Screenshot-sm 3

An Italian woman who worked as a part-time judge and lawyer had her identical twin pretend to be her in court when she had two simultaneous cases. The non-lawyer twin acted as a defense attorney and charged clients when her sister was called in to act as judge in another case. The twins are now being sued by former clients, and prosecutors have charged them with fraud. Since one of them is a lawyer, it should be easy to figure out which one is the evil twin.

Star Trek As The A-Team Screenshot-sm 19

Forget chocolate and peanut butter, these are the two best things that go great together.

Suburban Death Metal Screenshot-sm 3

Homework has never been so terrifying.

Where The Sidewalk Ends Screenshot-sm 4

Mr. Silverstein could have been saved a lot of time and trouble if he knew about this place.

Convenient Fitness Screenshot-sm 1

The towels are made of pasta sheets and the drinking fountains are full of clarified butter.

Slashdot's Disagree Mail Screenshot-sm 167

I get a lot of mail from obviously unbalanced people. Enough in fact, that I've often wondered if there was a institution that allowed their patients to only read Slashdot. We've even had a few visits from some questionable individuals. A man who tried to bribe me with a car if I let him "reverse engineer" Rob Malda's Life comes to mind. He insisted on Rob being present for the process and couldn't explain to me what it entailed, so I suggested he leave. The personal visits are rare, however, compared to the amount of mail I get. Here are a few of my favorites; let's hope these people have started to take their medication. Read below and don't be worried if you don't understand all of it.

Lord Of The Gummi Bears Screenshot-sm 3

This is what happens when you try to speak without the gummi conch.

Pig Nap Screenshot-sm 2

In addition to being a great nap partner, he's also delicious.

Yell For Help Screenshot-sm 1

Repeat if necessary.

Man Attempts To Cross English Channel With Jet Wing Screenshot-sm 175

Back in May, we told you about Swiss pilot Yves Rossy and his personal jet powered wing. It seems Mr. Rossy will now try to cross the English Channel with his invention. The flight was planned for Sept. 25 but had to be canceled due to poor weather. Yves will leap from a plane more than 2,500 meters off the ground, fire up his jets and try to make the 35-kilometer flight from Calais in France to Dover in England. If all goes well, the flight will take about 12 minutes. I'd like to officially ask Mr. Rossy for a review model for Slashdot.

Airbags For the Elderly Screenshot-sm 3

Prop, a Japanese company, has come up with a novel way of protecting the elderly from sudden slips and falls: airbags. The airbags inflate with 15 litres of compressed air in 0.1 seconds if an electric sensor detects a sudden movement towards the ground. However, the airbags only work if you fall backwards, so pushing grandma down the stairs for the inheritance should still work.

When Not To Place a Personal Ad Screenshot-sm 5

You don't need to place an ad when you're this crazy. People will figure it out on their own.

Diaper Changer Screenshot-sm 5

Go ahead and call. This guy seems legit.

Dreams Come True Screenshot-sm 4

In addition to a great personality, he sweats gold.

Russian Town Puts Giant Smiley On Google Maps Screenshot-sm 280

Toramir writes "Citizens of the Russian town Chelyabinsk calculated when the satellite, QuickBird, which takes images for Google Earth and Google Maps, would cross above their city and used people to make a giant smiley face. A rock concert on the main square attracted many people and everyone got a yellow cape. It looks like someone at Google was quicker than usual to put up the new data. Maybe Google likes the idea of an entire town working hard to get its 15 minutes of fame. The article has a screenshot of Google Maps and images taken directly at the event."

NASA Uses Rubber Ducks In Climate Study Screenshot-sm 33

NASA researchers have dropped 90 rubber ducks into holes of Greenland's fastest moving glacier: the Jakobshavn Glacier in Baffin Bay. Scientists are unsure as to why glaciers speed up in the summer months. One theory is that the summer sun melts ice on the surface of the glacier, which creates pools of water, which then flow into moulins -- narrow tubular shafts in the glacier. These then transport the water from the top to the underside of the glacier. The rubber ducks, labeled with the words "science experiment" and "reward" in three languages, along with an email address, may provide some answers. It is hoped that in addition to bath time, the ducks can make a livable climate lots of fun.

PETA Urges Ben And Jerry's To Use Human Milk Screenshot-sm 28

PETA has sent a letter to ice cream makers Ben & Jerry's, urging them to replace cow's milk in their products with human breast milk. PETA officials say moving to human breast milk would lessen the suffering of cows on factory farms and benefit human health. "The fact that human adults consume huge quantities of dairy products made from milk that was meant for a baby cow just doesn't make sense," says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. Counting the Swiss guy who wanted to use breast milk at his restaurant, this is the second breast-milk-in-our-food story in a week. In case the folks at Ben & Jerry's need help coming up with names, may I suggest Boobalicious or Mammary Row.

The Thirteen Greatest Error Messages of All Time Screenshot-sm 623

Technologizer writes "They add insult to injury — and computing wouldn't be the same without 'em. So I rounded up a baker's dozen of the most important error messages in computing history — from Does Not Compute to Abort, Retry, Fail to the Sad Mac to the big kahuna of them all — the mighty Blue Screen of Death. And just in case my judgment is off, I include a poll to let the rest of the world vote for the greatest error message of all." I can't believe that "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that" didn't make the list.

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