
The Smell of Space Screenshot-sm 70

According to NASA scientists, space smells a lot like my uncle's workshop. One can detect hints of fried steak, hot metal, and the welding of a motorbike. They have hired Steven Pearce, a chemist and managing director of fragrance manufacturing company Omega Ingredients, to recreate the smell in a laboratory. NASA will use his research to help train potential astronauts. Steven said, "I did some work for an art exhibition in July, which was based entirely on smell, and one of the things I created was the smell of the inside of the Mir space station. NASA heard about it and contacted me to see if I could help them recreate the smell of space to help their astronauts."

Family Fire Screenshot-sm 1

The family that burns together, stays together.

The Greenest Car Screenshot-sm 1

It gets good gas mileage but it's a pain to mow.

I'm A Paladin Screenshot-sm 3

You can't summon your warhorse in the dorms.

Researchers Claim To Be Able To Determine Political Leaning By How Messy You Are Screenshot-sm 592

According to a study to be published in The Journal of Political Psychology, you can tell someone's political affiliation by looking at the condition of their offices and bedrooms. Conservatives tend to be neat and liberals love a mess. Researchers found that the bedrooms and offices of liberals tend to be colorful and full of books about travel, ethnicity, feminism and music, along with music CDs covering folk, classic and modern rock, as well as art supplies, movie tickets and travel memorabilia. Their conservative contemporaries, on the other hand, tend to surround themselves with calendars, postage stamps, laundry baskets, irons and sewing materials. Their bedrooms and offices are well lit and decorated with sports paraphernalia and flags — especially American ones. Sam Gosling, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, says these room cues are "behavioral residue." The findings are just the latest in a series of recent attempts to unearth politics in personality, the brain and DNA. I, for one, support a woman's right to clean.

Food Shop Closed Down Because Of Corpse Screenshot-sm 2

Police called to the Pappu Sweet Centre discovered a man's body on a sofa near the kitchen. The business, owned by Jaswinder Singh, 45, was shut down immediately. A statement of facts, read out to the Wolverhampton Magistrates'court, said: "Upon his arrival the officer observed a dead male lying on a sofa at the rear of the main kitchen. Sat opposite to him was Mr Singh who was preparing food, making kebabs." There was also an "awful smell", thawing meat which was oozing blood and covered in flies, and a man smoking and spitting on the filthy floor. That's the Pappu Sweet Centre, their kebabs are to die for.

Sluggish Spider-Man Screenshot-sm 8

He barely sticks to walls anymore.

Suburban Crusher Screenshot-sm

The finest vehicle ever made for getting through rush-hour traffic.

Never Trust a Clown Screenshot-sm

Go ahead, he looks legit to me.

Do Nerds Have Better Sperm? Screenshot-sm 178

mcgrew writes "The question of how we loveless nerds managed to not be bred out of the species genome may have been answered. According to New Scientist, we have better sperm. According to the article, men who scored high on a battery of intelligence tests boasted high counts of healthy sperm, while low scorers tended to have fewer and more sickly little guys. ... Though the connections between brains and sperm were 'not awesome, they're there and highly significant.' All things held equal, good sperm and good brains go together." Don't start gloating yet. Another recent study found that the gene that makes you good at Halo also makes you a premature ejaculator. A study of 200 Dutch men found that those with a premature ejaculation problem all had a version of a gene that controls the release of serotonin. These men seem to "have very quick reflexes. They may be excellent at playing tennis or computer games." Remember, if you smoke after sex you're doing it too fast.

Woman Changes Name To Web Address Screenshot-sm 21

19-year-old Jennifer Thornburg has changed her name to CutoutDissection.com, to protest animal dissections in schools. Jennifer says she began opposing dissections in middle school after a class assignment to cut up a chicken wing made her uncomfortable. She is of course interning for PETA, since no teenager could think up an idea this stupid on their own without a team of people helping. Thornburg said, "I normally do have to repeat my name several times when I am introducing myself to someone new. Once they find out what my name is, they want to know more about what the Web site is about."

Bear Attack Screenshot-sm 1

The Acme glass company, protecting your children for over 20 years.

WOW Shirt Screenshot-sm 2

It's bind on equip.

Hamster Mods Screenshot-sm 3

For some the wheel and the clear plastic ball are not enough. They yearn for a more dangerous pastime.

Man Paddles Down River In Pumpkin Boat Screenshot-sm 3

Charity adventurer JR Hildebrandt plans on paddling 150 miles down the Wisconsin river in a 760-pound pumpkin. There is enough room in the giant pumpkin boat for a chair, small propane heater and JR. A board was added to the bottom of the gourd boat to provide some stability. The eight-day trip will raise money for a charity that provides dream trips for special needs kids. "We've sent children to Disney Land, or Disney World. We've sent them to NASCAR races, we've even sent one little girl to Jamaica on a cruise and I wanted to take it a step further," Mr. Hildebrandt said. I know a young lady with a glass slipper fetish who would love to meet this guy.

The New Weapon Against Terror Screenshot-sm 11

I feel safer already.

Navy Letter Screenshot-sm 6

This kid is obviously a leatherneck.

Bottomless Pit Screenshot-sm 3

I do not think it means what you think it means.

Digital Conversion PSA Screenshot-sm 9

This is just like every conversation I've ever had with my grandma about her computer.

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