
The Road Is Hard Screenshot-sm 6

This is actually a new class of seating on Greyhound.

Man Builds Lamborghini in Cellar, Forgets To Build a Way Out Screenshot-sm 10

Ken Imhoff's life changed the day he watched the movie Cannonball Run. It was after that cinematic masterpiece that he fell in love with the Lamborghini. Ken spent the next 17 years building his own version of the car in the basement of his home in Wisconsin. When he was done he realized he had overlooked one simple thing: a way to get the sports car out of the basement. An excavator had to be hired to slope his lawn and dig into his foundation before the car was towed out. Mr. Imhoff said, "I was like an expectant father watching it come through the wall. I was literally shaking and running the supposed plan over and over in my head. 'Have I overlooked anything? Is some of the wall going to fall on my work of seventeen years?... As the last blanket and car cover were removed I knew at that moment I had accomplished what I had dreamed about so many years ago and to see it sitting there in front of me was surreal. The next day we filled the hole in the basement with new blocks. In no time it was good as new."
Role Playing (Games)

Blizzard Sued By South Carolina Inmate 239

Benjamin Duranske writes "Jonathan Lee Riches, an inmate in South Carolina famous for filing long, handwritten, rambling screeds against celebrities, politicians, and even buildings, has filed a third-party motion in Federal Court in Arizona in the MDY v. Blizzard botting case claiming that Blizzard's World of Warcraft 'caused Riches mind to live in a virtual universe, where Riches explored the landscape committing identity theft and fighting cybermonster rival hacker gangs. Riches was addicted to video games and lost touch with reality because of defendants. This caused Riches to commit fraud to buy defendants video games. Riches chose World of Warcraft over working a legit job, Riches mind became a living video game.'"

Voting Machines Elect One of Their Own As President Screenshot-sm 11

I hope voting machine DRE 700 (serial number: 34491) is willing to reach across species lines.

Fun Size Rocket Launcher Screenshot-sm 5

It's the hot new toy for the '08 Christmas season.

Did Someone Order a Bear? Screenshot-sm 2

I'd shut the door faster if I were you.
It's funny.  Laugh.

EA Recommends Hilarious Work-Around For RA3 CD-Key 301

sunderbear noted that EAs Command & Conquer 3 shipped missing the last digit of the CD Key. He writes "EA's brightest minds have put their synapses into overdrive in order to whip up a comical work-around. 'There is currently a work-around that may allow you to bypass this issue. Since you have the first 19 characters of the code already, you can basically try guessing the last character,' said a note on EA's customer support site. Yes, they're serious. 'To do this, simply enter your existing code, and then for the last character, try the letters A-Z, and then the numbers 0-9. You should eventually get the right combination, and be able to play the game.'" It appears that the helpful hint has been purged.

Tea Task Force To Spy On Water Use at Work Screenshot-sm 6

Envirowise, a British government sponsored environmental consultant company, is urging businesses to appoint tea monitors to make sure people do not waste water. They say the conservation of water used to make tea will reduce greenhouse gases and save companies money. In a statement it tells businesses, "Appoint a tea task force or tea monitor to make sure all your office hot drink-making facilities are as efficient as they could be. Only boil the water you use - this will avoid water and energy being wasted." I'd like to offer my services as office soap steward and Lord of the toilet paper.

Synchronized Presidential Debating Screenshot-sm 4

If you say something enough times it becomes true.

If the Other Party Wins Screenshot-sm 5

It doesn't look good either way.

7.62mm Bride Screenshot-sm 13

She gets to do what she wants on her special day.

Strong Swimmer Screenshot-sm 1

Having your wife pull you around the lake a few times is very relaxing.

Charity Refuses Donation Because of D&D Connection Screenshot-sm 216

An anonymous reader writes "This year's GenCon Charity Auction raised over $17,000 which they intended to donate to Gary Gygax's favorite charity, Christian Children's Fund. However, the charity refused the donation when they learned of its connection to Dungeons & Dragons." It seems to me all they would need to do is cast remove curse or dispel evil and the money would be fine to use.

Lingerie Fitted With GPS Tracking System Screenshot-sm 10

Lingerie maker Lucia Lorio has caused outrage with her latest creation, a new line of lingerie that comes equipped with a GPS tracking system. Feminists have objected strongly to the new line. "It is outrageous to think that men can buy this, programme it and give it to their partners and then monitor them," said Claudia Burghart, leader of a Berlin feminist group. Lorio counters, "This collection ... is a wink to women and a challenge to men because, even if she gives him the password to her GPS, she can always turn it off." I'm glad I'll finally be able to ask, "Is that a tracking unit under your dress or are you just happy to see me?"

Teenager Breaks Record With Long Name Screenshot-sm 14

A teenager from Glastonbury has changed his name to, Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine Hulk And The Flash Combined. It is thought to be the world's longest name by people who think about such things and is most assuredly among the stupidest. Captain Fantastic said, "I wanted to be unique. I decided upon a theme of superheroes." He added that he thinks his new name is "crazy" and that his grandmother is no longer talking to him.

Out of Office Reply Printed On Traffic Sign Screenshot-sm 2

Atari400 writes "The BBC is reporting on an unfortunate sign-post translation problem. Officials asked for the Welsh translation of a road sign and got a welsh away message as a response. Guess what got printed on the sign?" Has anyone ever found an away message to be useful?

Pimp Vader Screenshot-sm 2

Ladies like the bad boys.

Taking It Easy Batman Screenshot-sm 1

Quick Robin, to the Bat Buffet!

A Simple Name For a Simple Product Screenshot-sm 1

Finally, some truth in labeling.

How To Protect Children From Zombie Attack Screenshot-sm 6

cheezitmike writes "In today's world of roaming undead and random zombie attacks, you cannot be too prepared for the possibility that you will need to flee on foot with your children. That's why all of you should read this guide to protecting children from zombie attacks. From the article: 'The market abounds with hundreds of child transport variations — from sleek, European buggys to integrated backpacks and off-road joggers. Selection of a transport type often becomes more about public perception and personal status than actual functionality. When it comes to holding up in a world filled with the living dead, many of these devices fall sadly short.' Remember, even if you're not a parent now, you should be prepared to aid children belonging to your neighbors, family members, or fellow survivors barricaded in your local safehouse in the event of a zombie crisis."

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