
Oklahoma Ambulances Debut Sirens That You Can Feel Screenshot-sm 128

djupedal writes "Booming like a 1980s video game, the Howler can even make liquids ripple — Oklahoma's largest ambulance company will become the first ambulance service in the nation to outfit its entire fleet with new Howler sirens, designed to emit low-frequency tones that penetrate objects within 200 feet — such as cars — to alert drivers." This is all well and fine, but I wonder what they plan to do when their sirens call up one of the big worms from deep below?

Adult Big Wheel Screenshot-sm 3

This is cool but I bet the brake-sliding isn't as much fun.

Road Error Screenshot-sm 1

You don't want to be driving when a 500 comes up.

Researchers and My Uncle Claim Foreplay is Overrated Screenshot-sm 6

According to a survey based on 2,300 women, foreplay has little or no significance when it comes to the likelihood of having an orgasm. What seems to matter is the duration of intercourse, 16.2 minutes on average. It should be noted that this study was done with Czech women. When a similar study was done with US women the average length of intercourse was a limp 7 minutes. Way to go team USA! "In contrast to the assumptions of many sex therapists and educators, more attention should be given to improve the quality and duration of intercourse rather than foreplay," say Professor Stuart Brody of the University of the West of Scotland, and Professor Peter Weiss, from Charles University, Prague.

Russian Village Church Disappears Screenshot-sm 6

The Church of Christ's Resurrection, in the village of Komarovo, was built in 1809. But sometime in October it was taken away brick by brick, says Father Vitaly, a spokesman for the local Russian Orthodox Church. The church was in a very isolated area that was not visited very often, so the theft took place without anyone noticing. A survey of the large, two-story church a few months ago found that it was structurally sound, but now all that remains are the foundations and sections of walls. "This is not an isolated case," said Father Vitaly. "In many villages in central Russia sites of historical interest are being dismantled and people suffer by being deprived of their cultural heritage." I wonder how many years bad luck a person gets for stealing a church?

Stairs to Nowhere Screenshot-sm 6

It's part of the town's new "random stairs" project.

Economical Case Mod Screenshot-sm 6

Hopefully it doesn't get too hot.

Identifying People By Odor As Effective As Fingerprinting Screenshot-sm 157

A study has found that everybody has a unique body odor, like their fingerprints, that could be used as an unique identifier. The study showed that a persons unique odor stayed the same even if they varied their diet with strong smelling foods such as garlic and spices. "These findings indicate that biologically-based odorprints, like fingerprints, could be a reliable way to identify individuals," said Monell chemist Jae Kwak. I would have thought that hundreds of years of dogs tracking people would have proved this, but it's nice to know that science has figured it out officially now.

Dogs To Sniff Out Smokers Screenshot-sm 136

The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation has turned to "tobacco detection canine" teams to sniff out workers sneaking away for a smoke. Careless smoking by workers inside the former Deutsche Bank building is blamed for the Aug. 18, 2007, fire that killed two firefighters. "This is just one part of the project team's multifaceted approach to ensuring that all site regulations are strictly followed and enforced," said LMDC spokesman Mike Murphy.

Age-Appropriate Party Screenshot-sm 6

There is no age limit on fun, but this is close.

Hands Off Screenshot-sm 8

Nothing working taste buds and some anger management can't fix.

Obama's Election Means a Return of Vampire Flicks Screenshot-sm 97

gyrogeerloose writes "In a column in Saturday's San Diego Union Tribune, Peter Rowe makes a connection between the popularity of horror movie genres and the political party in the White House. A Republican administration presides over a period of zombie movies while a Democrat in the Oval Office brings on a cycle of vampire movies. Why? Possibly because the two genres 'are really competing parables about class warfare.' Hmmmm, maybe. On the other hand, it might just be a coincidence." Socialists are best represented by lycanthropes, and the Libertarians are most closely tied to any sort of horror from space.

Magician Threatening SW Developer With Litigation Screenshot-sm 6

An anonymous reader writes "A NYC magician named Marco Tempest is threatening ligitation against a Mountain View software developer who wrote a magic trick for the iPhone. Marco Tempest performs many magic tricks that involve old world magic + technology, and it appears this developer's trick is only similar in that it involves a phone and a coin going into the phone and out again. The developer came up with the concept and technology without ever seeing Mr Tempest's trick, and Mr Tempest does not appear to have any copyright or patents or legal claim on his trick. Any lawyers out there who want to weigh in on the legalities here?"

Video Game Driving School Screenshot-sm 5

Driving like you're playing "Burnout" is no way to go through life, son.

Time To Clean Your Room Screenshot-sm 5

A few garbage bags, a couple hours, and a flame thrower is all this room needs.

How To Cut In Line and Not Get Caught Screenshot-sm 256

ewenc writes "A psychology study of hundreds of people waiting for front-row access to U2 concerts points to the best ways to cut in line and not get caught. 'Super-fans' are most irked by queue-jumpers. People were equally peeved whether someone cut in front or behind, and cutters who jumped beside a friend were less likely to attract scorn."

How To Sleep Screenshot-sm 3

Step 1: Take off whatever that thing is on your face.

Gravestones Removed By Safety Officers Screenshot-sm 7

Almost a million gravestones have been removed or "secured" by health and safety officers in the UK. Officials are shoring up memorials with plastic binding, or stakes, or removing them entirely, to prevent them from falling over and causing injuries and compensation claims. The Health and Safety Executive has recorded 21 incidents of injuries caused by falling headstones over the past seven years and the government says gravestone accidents have caused eight deaths in the past 20 years. It's official: the UK has run out of problems to solve.

DIY Virtual Reality Screenshot-sm

Having mastered all natural colors, Bob and Jim decided to conquer virtual pigments.

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