
Where Automakers Stash Unsold Cars Screenshot-sm 17

The steep decline in worldwide car sales has caused automakers to stash over-produced cars in some interesting places. From right outside the factory, to holding lots at ports and even test tracks, the over-production problem is starting to catch up with manufacturers.

Gym Offers Customers Human Dumbbells Screenshot-sm 7

A gym in central London is offering its customers a chance to use a set of human dumbbells to exercise with. The five dumbbells wear Lycra catsuits which label their weight and sit on specially adapted machines while shouting words of encouragement. Gymbox owner Richard Hilton said, "A lot of our members felt that lifting metal weights was boring and not especially motivating." If you had to chase your weight, and wrestle it into submission before lifting it, you could get your cardio done too.

Nerd Babies Screenshot-sm 17

I hope those aren't their names.

Private Sign Screenshot-sm 6

That's a paddling.

Sniping Could Be the Next Killer iPod App Screenshot-sm 461

An anonymous Coward writes "Knights Armament Corp. who supply sniper rifles to the US military have developed a iPod Touch mounting system and software for the US Army M110 sniper rifle system. The use of off the shelf hardware no doubt cut costs and allowed rapid development of this system." If it automatically played a theme song after every head shot, this would be the coolest rifle accessory ever.

Man Amasses 27 College Degrees Screenshot-sm 13

Michael Nicholson really likes school. I mean he likes it in the same way Steve Jobs Likes turtlenecks and my unemployed uncle likes Larry The Cable Guy. The 67-year-old Kalamazoo man has amassed 27 college degrees since 1963, and he says he's not done yet. It started with a bachelor's degree in religious education at William Tyndale College in Detroit, which led to a master's degree in theology at Dallas Theological Seminary. Since then, he has earned two associate's degrees, 19 master's degrees, three specialist's degrees and one doctoral degree. Michael is currently working on two more master's degrees and is a shoe-in to lead this year's beer-pong team to the national finals.

Spirit Airlines Attempts to Collect Cancellation Fees From Flight 1549 Passenger Screenshot-sm 1

In the granddaddy of all stupid public relations decisions, Spirit Airlines decided to charge two passengers a $90 cancellation fee because the couple never used their return flight from Myrtle Beach on Flight 1549. While Spirit Airlines employees may not be very adaptable to tough situations, their HR department can take solace in the fact that they know how to spew forth company policy. It only took a day for the company to give the Kolodjay family a full refund. Behold the power of bad press!

Man Speaks Nonstop For 124 Hours To Set Speech Record Screenshot-sm 1

A 62-year-old Frenchman, Lluis Colet, broke the world record for the longest speech after talking nonstop for 124 hours about Spanish painter Salvador Dali, Catalan culture and other topics. The previous record was held by an Indian man who delivered a 120-hour speech. Three notaries were on hand to recognize the feat, which allows Colet to enter it in the Guinness Book of Records. I'm not sure which is the more impressive feat: Mr. Colet talking for five straight days, or three people listening to him that long.

Big Sombrero, Little Sombrero Screenshot-sm 2

You have to do what you can to protect yourself from harmful UV rays.

Stuck In The Middle Screenshot-sm 2

Forget about the possibility of crashing, how is that kid able to breath?

Grandmother Holds Repairmen Hostage Screenshot-sm 7

Tracey Fox, 42, became so sick of her constantly broken washing machine that she decided to barricade herself against the door and refused to let the repairman out of her home. The grandmother of two said, "I'm not proud of my actions, but I felt there was no other option. It sounds stupid thinking about it now, but it was the final straw." After police were called, the situation was resolved and the company that sold the washer have since offered Tracey and her husband Terry, 44, a new washing machine. It's like I always say, If you have a problem just hold somebody hostage.

Swedish Court Sends Woman To Treatment For Cola Addiction Screenshot-sm 1

A Swedish court has ruled that a woman be allowed to seek treatment for her addiction to Coca Cola. Deaf since childhood, the woman claims that her addiction is a side-effect of her handicap and has been been fighting with authorities in Sweden to get special treatment for her condition. I can't wait for the day I can get treated for my addiction of going to work.

Parrot Mimics Owner's Voice To Boss Around Her Other Pets Screenshot-sm 21

Barney, an African Grey Parrot, has learned to use his owner's voice to boss around her other pets. The bird, 10, squawks out orders like "come here" and even offers praise to his favorites such as "good dog." Margaret Sullivan, 65, says the bird's favorite game is calling out to a cat named Shadow. He then praises him when he does as he is told and sits on top of Barney's cage. Her husband says, "It's uncanny. He mimics her perfectly and when the dogs come over to the cage as if they are following his orders. The animals all think he's Margaret when he speaks. He loves ordering them around and commanding them — it's very surprising. He's not frightened or scared of them at all." Sounds like the beginning of a bad horror movie to me. Mimic Master; The last scream you hear will be your own.

TSA Security Checkpoint Toy Screenshot-sm 4

Roskolnikov writes "I thought I ran across a joke; Playmobil, the maker of childrens' scenario playsets, has made a airport security checkpoint that could easily be at home on any travelers desk; what makes this even more entertaining (in a sick, yet somehow funny way) are the reviews posted for this defective toy; imagine what a little barbed wire and SS uniforms would do for this."

Zombie Food Pyramid Screenshot-sm 6

In the end everything ends up zombie food.

Multimedia Car Screenshot-sm 4

All the devices have to be worth more than the car.

Goat Starts House Fire, Cat Saves Family Screenshot-sm 8

Firefighters say a cat is the hero and a goat is to blame for a house fire that destroyed an Iowa home. The fire was believed to have been started by a goat that knocked over a space heater in an attached shed and it might have been fatal if the cat hadn't awakened the sleeping family. "My cat woke me up and I saw smoke coming out of my fan," John Hadley told KCCI-TV, Des Moines. "I made sure I got her (Hadley's mother) out and then I know she loves her animals, so I rounded all her animals up, and by that point, flames and smoke were everywhere." I'd think twice about not giving the goat what it wants in the future if I were the Hadley family.

You Can't Be Fired For Being Drunk At Work In Peru Screenshot-sm 8

Peru's top court has ruled that workers cannot be fired for being drunk on the job. The ruling was criticized by the government for setting a dangerous precedent. Celso Becerra, the administrative chief of Chorrillos, a suburb of Lima, denounced the ruling. "We've fired four workers for showing up drunk, and two of them were drivers," he said. "How can we allow a drunk to work who might run somebody over?" Go with the liquor, Peru.

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