
Company Makes Paper Out Of Wombat Poo Screenshot-sm 71

Creative Paper attracted worldwide interest for its paper made of kangaroo droppings in 2005. Well it's been four years and the best and brightest at Creative Paper haven't been sitting on their laurels. What's their great new idea? They have now launched a kind of paper made from wombat poo. Scat-obsessed Darren Simpson from Creative Paper says the paper is green or gold depending on the time of year the droppings are harvested. The wombat paper will be unveiled at an international paper conference in Burnie, Australia later this month.

Wal-Mart Shopper Finds Human Teeth In Wallet Screenshot-sm 5

A shopper at a Wal-Mart made a gruesome find when he discovered the wallet he had just purchased contained 10 human teeth. The teeth were determined to be from an adult; one of them had a filling, police said. DNA tests can not be done on the teeth because there was no blood or gum tissue attached. When asked what he planned on doing with the wallet, he answered, "I plan on being more polite to the customer service people when I return it than the last guy."

University Offers First Beatles Degree Screenshot-sm 2

Liverpool's Hope University has launched a Master of Arts degree in The Beatles. "The Beatles, Popular Music and Society" consists of four 12-week taught modules and a dissertation. "There have been over 8,000 books about The Beatles but there has never been serious academic study and that is what we are going to address," said Mike Brocken, senior lecturer in popular music at Hope.

Woman Discovers Nokia Phone In Her Bag Of Chips Screenshot-sm 4

Emma Schweiger discovered a blue and silver Nokia phone inside a bag of Clancy's Ripple Potato Chips. Schweiger said that the phone had a T-Mobile logo and a discolored circle on the back which looks like it was attached to someone's belt. "I will never, ever eat chips out of a bag again," she said. "They will be dumped in the bowl." The people at Clancy's have just laid down the gauntlet to the folks at Cracker Jack. It will be interesting to see who comes out on top of the new snack food prize war.

Balloon Castle Screenshot-sm 2

While it is more elusive, the balloon castle is also 80% more susceptible to siege engine damage.

Star Trek Fragrances 169

An anonymous reader writes "I am a trek fan and excited about the new movie, but this is too much. From the Trek Movie Article: 'Genki Wear, known for its licensed science fiction jewelry and perfumes, has produced what might be the most unusual Star Trek product ever: Star Trek colognes and perfume based on the original 1960s television show. ... There are three fragrances planned for 2009 with the monikers 'Tiberius," "Red Shirt" and "Ponn Farr."'" Are they telling us we stink?

Bong Cat Screenshot-sm 14

Proving that there is no limit to how stupid the stoner mind can be, a 20-year-old man is facing animal cruelty and possession of marijuana charges for stuffing his cat into a homemade bong. Authorities, responding to a domestic disturbance call at the residence, caught him smoking marijuana from a contraption that had his cat stuffed inside its 12-inch by 6-inch base. The man told Lancaster County, Nebraska sheriff's deputies the 6-month-old female named Shadow had been hyper and that he was trying to calm her down. Officials say they will test the cat for lung damage and are amazed at the number of cheeseburgers she can eat.

Leave God a Message Screenshot-sm 5

If you've ever wanted to pick up the phone, and leave a message for god, dutch artist Johan van der Dong has just the number for you. Johan has set up a local telephone number in the Netherlands, where he urges people to leave messages for God on his answering machine. "Like praying, leaving a voicemail message is a way to organize your thoughts," he said. "It's a perfect combination for some contemplation." If you dial 06-4424-4901 (or +316-4424-4901 if calling from outside the Netherlands) starting March 7 you will hear, "Hi, you are speaking to God. I'm not in right now so leave a message after the beep." It's strange that the almighty doesn't have a vanity number or at least one that is easier to remember.

Toilet Belt Screenshot-sm 4

If you need this, you are doing it wrong.

Science Unlocks The Mystery Of Belly Button Lint Screenshot-sm 161

After three years of research, including examining 503 pieces of fluff from his own belly button, Georg Steinhauser has discovered a type of body hair that traps stray pieces of lint and draws them into the navel. Dr Steinhauser's observations showed that "small pieces of fluff first form in the hair and then end up in the navel at the end of the day." Chemical analysis revealed the pieces of fluff were not just made up of cotton from clothing. Wrapped up in the lint were also flecks of dead skin, fat, sweat and dust. Unfortunately, further study has failed to yield a hair or fiber that would give Dr. Steinhauser the last three years of his life back.

The 15 Strangest College Courses In America Screenshot-sm 4

There is a lot of argument about whether colleges have become glorified diploma factories. Learning for learning's sake seems to have disappeared, and college is about getting a job or learning a trade. There are still some colleges, however, that offer unique classes on non-standard educational topics. Here are 15 of the strangest classes that will help earn you a degree. My favorites are, "The Art of Walking" and "Far Side Entomology."

Airline Considers Charging For Toilets Screenshot-sm 5

Ryanair airline's chief executive, Michael O'Leary, has said that the airline might start charging passengers for using the toilet while flying. "One thing we have looked at in the past and are looking at again is the possibility of maybe putting a coin slot on the toilet door so that people might actually have to spend a pound ($1.43) to spend a penny in future," O'Leary told BBC television. It won't be long before airlines will start charging for air. Why should they eat the entire cost of pressurizing the cabin?

MacGyver Hair Dresser Screenshot-sm 3

In addition to giving you a magnificent mullet, your stylist will cut your hair with things commonly found in a junk drawer.

Parrots Teach Man To Speak Again Screenshot-sm 5

After a tragic accident 14 years ago, doctors said Brian Wilson would spend the rest of his life in bed, and would never talk again. The two birds he had kept as pets since a child had other ideas. Brian has been taught to speak again by the parrots. "Two birds taught me to talk again," he said. "I had such a bad head injury I was never supposed to talk any more than a two-year-old. Then all of a sudden, a word popped out, then two, then more." Mr. Wilson's recovery has amazed doctors, and his only difficulties now appear to be his excessive need to be reassured that he is a "pretty bird," and his cracker diet.

$81 Billion Gas Tab Screenshot-sm 10

denobug writes "Ever wonder how expensive a tank of gas could get? How about $81 billion! Juan Zamora had his PayPal debit card maxed out after a routine gas fill up, the transaction cost him $81,400,836,908. Makes me wonder whether the glitch is the debit card transaction system or in PayPal's system."

Lost Phone Found Inside Cod Screenshot-sm 6

Andrew Cheatle thought his phone would be lost to the sea forever, but a week later a fisherman found it inside a 25lb cod. He was shopping for a new one with his girlfriend when her phone went off. It was the fisherman explaining what he found. "I thought he was winding me up but he assured me he had caught a cod that morning and was gutting it for his fish stall and that my Nokia was inside it -- a bit worse for wear. I didn't believe him but went to meet him and found it was my phone -- a bit smelly and battered -- but incredibly it still worked after I let it dry out," Andrew said. I think we know what the new Nokia advertising campaign should be.

The Senior Fencing Tour Screenshot-sm 2

"Naturally, you must suspect me to attack with Capa Ferro?"

Bank Error Gives Woman $1.13 billion Screenshot-sm 23

Cornelia Johansson got a pleasant surprise when she went online to pay some bills. She found an extra $1.13 billion in her bank account. "The balance was more than 10 billion kronor. It said the amount had been deposited as a correction for a credit card purchase," Ms Johansson's boyfriend Daniel Hoeglund said. A press spokeswoman for the bank, explained the mystery money as "a technical mistake made by a company."

New Medical Disorder Linked To Gaming Screenshot-sm 224

oldspewey writes "A new skin disorder caused by use of games consoles has been identified by skin specialists. The condition, dubbed "PlayStation palmar hidradenitis", is described in the British Journal of Dermatology. Researchers outline the case of a 12-year-old girl who attended a Swiss hospital with intensely painful sores on the palms of her hands. The girl, who had been using a games console regularly, recovered fully after 10 days of abstinence. The doctors suspect that the problem was caused by tight and continuous grasping of the console's hand-grips, and repeated pushing of the buttons, alongside sweating caused by the tension of the game. Nina Goad, of the British Association of Dermatologists said: 'This is an interesting discovery and one that the researchers are keen to share ... If you're worried about soreness on your hands when playing a games console, it might be sensible to give your hands a break from time to time, and don't play excessively if your hands are prone to sweating.'" We called it Tekken thumb.

A Mob Of One Screenshot-sm 1

G8 protester turnout is way down this year.

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