
Pupils Urged To Attack Dummy Teachers Screenshot-sm 3

A middle school in China has encouraged children to punch effigies of their teachers to work out frustration. Lichang 1st Middle School in Jinan puts pictures of their teachers on sandbags and gives the kids boxing gloves as part of a new "physical release" program. The school also offers private chat and consultation rooms so the students can use their words and not their fists, but Vice principal Meng Fanxiang says that most boys choose the sandbags. "Adolescent students may have a lot of problems and be under great pressure from studies. It's better for them to release it within the school than other places," Meng says. While this is a big step in the battle against school and workplace resentment, it is still frowned upon to tape a sign that reads, "Your Face!" to a pumpkin in your boss's front yard and shoot it with an AR-15. I guess everyone deals with frustration differently.

Live Action My Little Pony Trailer 1

"What if every little girl's dream became mankind's worst nightmare?"

Getting Rid Of Problem Customers Screenshot-sm

I would love to discuss your complaint. If you could just give that bolt a half turn, we can get started.

The Ultimate "Doll House" For WoW Players Screenshot-sm 44

BoyIHateMicrosoft! writes "A friend of mine sent me this link today about a group of MIT students who have created something called a WoWPod. It's like a playhouse for WoW players. It has everything from Refreshing Spring Water, to food (Like Crunchy Spider Surprise of course!) to a toilet and of course the appropriate gaming gear."

Sikh Police Want Bullet-Proof Turbans Screenshot-sm 9

Sikh police officers are pushing the British government to come up with a bullet-proof turban design so they can serve as firearms officers. Their religious requirement of wearing a turban prevents them from wearing the protective headgear a firearms officer must have. "We would like to follow any opportunity where we could manufacture a ballistic product, made out of a synthetic fibre, that would ensure a certain degree of protection, so Sikh police officers could take part in these roles," said Inspector Gian Singh Chahal, vice-chairman of the newly formed British Police Sikh Association.

Giant Spiders Invade Australian Outback Town Screenshot-sm 373

youth68 writes "Australia is known around the world for its large and deadly creepy crawlies, but even locals have been shocked by the size of the giant venomous spiders that have invaded an Outback town in Queensland. Scores of eastern tarantulas, which are known as 'bird-eating spiders' and can grow larger than the palm of a man's hand, have begun crawling out from gardens and venturing into public spaces in Bowen, a coastal town about 700 miles northwest of Brisbane."

Man Reinvents The Wheel Screenshot-sm 9

Guan Baihua has reinvented the wheel, oddly. The 50-year-old retired Chinese military officer has patented a bicycle with odd-sided wheels. The bike took him 18 months to develop and features a front wheel that is a pentagon and a back wheel that is a triangle. "There are too many identical mass-manufactured things. More and more, people like weird and rarely seen stuff. Making this bike gives people an alternative," he said. A single-cube ice tray, a hammer featuring a self-lubricating handle, and a social networking site are rumored to be Gaun's next big projects.

Homemade Neutron Bomb Screenshot-sm

Looks like the bridge club will finally get what's coming to them.

External Airbag Designed to Protect Pedestrians Screenshot-sm 253

Thanks to researchers at Cranfield University, you don't have to feel bad when you plow into a group of pedestrians who are crossing the street too slowly. They have designed an external airbag that mounts to your hood at the base of the windshield. Research shows that this is the area where a pedestrian's head is most likely to hit in an accident. "Test results indicate that the system works extremely well. When fitted to a demonstrator vehicle not originally designed with pedestrian protection in mind, the results were well inside all current legal criteria for pedestrian protection currently in force in Europe," Roger Hardy of the university's Cranfield Impact Centre said.

Afghanistan's Only Pig Quarantined in Flu Fear Screenshot-sm 5

A pig that was a gift to the Kabul zoo from China has been quarantined due to swine flu fears. Pork and all things pig produced are illegal in Afghanistan because they are considered irreligious. The pig at the zoo is the only known pig in the country. "For now the pig is under quarantine, we built it a room because of swine influenza. We've done this because people are worried about getting the flu," Aziz Gul Saqib, director of Kabul Zoo, told Reuters. Just wait until people hear about chickenpox.

Man Accused Of Smuggling Songbirds Screenshot-sm 1

Sony Dong sang like the birds he was smuggling when he was stopped by an inspector at the Los Angeles International Airport. Dong was hiding more than a dozen songbirds attached to what has to be the world's most fabulous pair of socks. "He had fashioned these special cloth devices to hold the birds," said US attorney spokesman Thom Mrozek. "They were secured by cloth wrappings and attached to his calves with buttons."

Physicists Prove That Vampires Could Not Exist Screenshot-sm 11

You can put away your wooden stakes, and stop hanging garlic around the windows, thanks to Physicists Costas Efthimiou and Sohang Gandhi. The pair have published a paper where they demonstrate, by virtue of geometric progression, that vampires could not exist. It turns out that the vampire's method of feeding and reproduction would deplete their food supply very quickly. Their paper, "Cinema Fiction vs. Physics Reality," assumes that the first vampire appeared on January 1, 1600 and shows that everybody on the planet would have had their blood drained by June, 1602.

Swine Flu Comes To The 100-Acre Woods Screenshot-sm

Sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you.

Tactical Camera Screenshot-sm 137

An anonymous reader writes "What do you get when you mount a Nikon D200 with a standard rifle stock? Why a Tactical Camera of course! One that no reporter would be caught with in a war zone or covering any armed action anywhere. What started out as a tongue in cheek project for April Fools wound up being quite the successful demonstration of concept. It features a fully functional trigger; it has controls for operating the shutter and auto focus; and for the patient shots, it has a mounted bipod. Carry sling optional."

Churches Use Twitter To Reach a Wider Audience Screenshot-sm 169

In an attempt to reverse declining attendance figures, many American churches are starting to ask WWJD in 140 or fewer characters. Pastors at Westwinds Community Church in Michigan spent two weeks teaching their 900-member congregation how to use Twitter. 150 of them are now tweeting. Seattle's Mars Hill Church encourages its members to Twitter messages during services. The tweets appear on the church's official Twitter page. Kyle Firstenberg, the church's administrator, said,"It's a good way for them to tell their friends what church is about without their friends even coming in the building."

Chuck Norris Protects Bakery Screenshot-sm 5

What started out as a joke has turned into an effective burglar deterrent for one Croatian bakery. The upscale bakery had been robbed almost every week until the owner put a life-sized photo of Chuck Norris in the window with a sign saying, "This shop is under the protection of Chuck Norris." The bakery has now been crime free for over a month. Sales assistant Mirna Kovac said, "To be honest we just started it as a joke but it really has worked. Thieves haven't been anywhere near us for ages. People seem to respect him. We have had a few customers come in and ask us whether they can get Chuck's autograph. They really believe he is sitting in our storeroom out the back ready to pounce on any burglars." Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.

Al Qaeda Recruits With Rap Video Screenshot-sm 3

Somalia's al Qaeda-backed Al-Shabaab wing is getting creative with its recruitment marketing. They have made a well produced eighteen-minute video complete with a hip-hop jihad feel. A voice raps, "Mortar by mortar, shell by shell, only going to stop when I send them to hell," during part of the recruitment tape. Intelligence experts say the video was recently made and comes on the heels of an audio message in March purportedly from Osama bin Laden. Industry insiders are intrigued by the tape, but point out that it fails to include any special appearances by other fledgling groups, which is a necessity in today's terrorist hip-hop market.

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