
Brazilian Government Intranet Packed Full of Warez Screenshot-sm 11

Luiz writes "TorrentFreak has an hilarious report: 'Since 2005, a Brazilian senator has been pushing for tough new "cybercrime" legislation which would include measures against file-sharing. However, before thinking of unleashing new laws on the public, the government should look closer to home, since the senate's intranet is loaded with an impressive amount of warez.'"

Chair Made Entirely From Computer Keyboards Screenshot-sm 7

Mike writes "Just in case your life needs more keyboards in it — Designers Dante Bonnucelli and Lamm have created an alpha-geek chaise constructed entirely from discarded computer keyboards. Wittily dubbed the 'Text-ile' chair, the design incorporates old computer keyboards from Voice Systems, a company which offers IT support to computer users with disabilities. It's not the most subtle design, but to keep it clean you need only break out that can of compressed air."

Here Come the Superheroes Screenshot-sm 5

With Mr. Ravenblade, Mr. Xtreme, and Dark Guardian on patrol the streets are...probably just as dangerous as before but they are definitely a bit more awkward. Ever increasing numbers of average, everyday people are donning capes, masks, and boots to perform community service, help the homeless and even fight crime. "The movement is growing. A lot of them have gone through a sort of existential crisis and have had to discover who they are," said Ben Goldman, a real-life superhero historian.

Man Catches Fish With Gold Watch Inside Screenshot-sm 9

Curt Carish made fish story history when he caught a fish with his bare hands with a ticking gold watch inside it. He was enjoying a picnic on Port Allen beach when he saw the nenue fish swimming strangely and close to shore. Curt caught the fish, put it in a cooler and later found the working watch next to the fish's mouth.

First Zero-Gravity Wedding Planned 133

Trenchcoatjedi writes "A couple from Brooklyn, NY are planning the first wedding in zero gravity. The wedding will take place June 20th aboard a parabolic flight operated by Zero G Corp and will be officiated by Richard Garriott of Ultima fame. The dress is designed by a Japanese haute couture designer and is specifically intended to be worn in zero gravity. Even the wedding rings will be made from meteorite."

Mock Class Hanging Not Teacher's Best Idea Screenshot-sm 10

Australian teachers drew a fair bit of criticism from authorities when a mock class hanging left a student gasping for a new class project. The student fell from a table while his classmates were photographing a staged hanging as part of an English class project. The students and teachers ran to the boy and cut the rope when he fell, but not before he turned blue. "It beggars belief that such an incident could take place. I'm a parent. The last thing I've ever wanted any of my children to do is put a rope around their neck," Queensland state Education Minister Geoff Wilson said. Needless to say the Faux Gas Chamber that the children have been working on for the past semester has been put on indefinite hold.

Judge Rules That Reasonable Consumer Should Know "Crunchberries" Are Not Fruit Screenshot-sm 14

Janine Sugawara was so shocked and dismayed when she learned that "Crunchberries" were not actual fruit that she sued, on behalf of herself and all other painfully ignorant people who thought Captain Crunch ran some sort of brightly colored berry farm. I can't imagine what she thought a Butterfinger was composed of. Common sense won in this instance when a judge of the US District Court for the Eastern District of California dismissed the lawsuit, saying "In this case ... while the challenged packaging contains the word 'berries' it does so only in conjunction with the descriptive term 'crunch.' This Court is not aware of, nor has Plaintiff alleged the existence of, any actual fruit referred to as a 'crunchberry.' Furthermore, the 'Crunchberries' depicted on the [box] are round, crunchy, brightly-colored cereal balls, and the [box] clearly states both that the Product contains 'sweetened corn & oat cereal' and that the cereal is 'enlarged to show texture.' Thus, a reasonable consumer would not be deceived into believing that the Product in the instant case contained a fruit that does not exist. ... So far as this Court has been made aware, there is no such fruit growing in the wild or occurring naturally in any part of the world."

Awkward Family Christmas Screenshot-sm 5

One of these things is not like the other.

City Slicker Birds Shun Their Country Cousins Screenshot-sm 95

According to scientists, city Great Tits prefer other city Great Tits over country Great Tits. (Lets act like adults). The researchers found that the city dwellers responded more strongly to songs of fellow city dwellers and the same held true for the bumpkins. The average minimum pitch of male Great Tit songs in noisy urban areas was higher than in quieter, rural areas just a few miles away. Dr Rupert Marshall, of Aberystwyth University, Wales, and his team recorded bird song in 20 different cities in Britain. He says, "People speak louder and higher in noisy places like pubs and bars but still recognise their friends' voices once they go outside. Great tits seem to learn the high notes from their neighbours but don't respond as strongly to lower rural tones even when it's quiet."

Bank Offers Staff 5 Years Off For 30% Pay Screenshot-sm 11

BBVA, Spain's second-largest bank, has offered most of its 30,000 staff the option of taking the next 5 years off at 30% pay, with their health care costs covered, and the guarantee of their jobs back when they return. The bank says this is an opportunity for employees to spend more time with their families and get involved with other "professional projects." I call it the layoff plan of the gods.

Man Shocked To Find Out Power Line Rappelling Is Dangerous Screenshot-sm 5

Eugene Scott Duncan's decision to rappel down a high voltage power line tower behind his house ended as you might predict it would. When he finally touched one of the wires, that carry as much as 46,000 volts, he fell to the ground and was taken to Raleigh General Hospital. Police say they will investigate the incident and may charge Duncan with trespassing on the line.

Out Of Control Screenshot-sm 1

Not only did she make everyone late for the early bird specials, but she also forgot her coupon for a free cinnamon roll.

Sorry For the Detainment, Here's a Laptop Screenshot-sm 218

A select group of 17 Uighur Muslims held in Guantánamo, and waiting for a nation to grant them asylum are getting laptops and web training from the US military. Their web training will take place in a virtual computer lab the military has set up. The lessons will be limited to DVD language training as well as a basic users skill — set to help in any future employment options. Nury Turkel, an Uighur rights activist, said the training would help the men "be reintroduced into a modern society," adding that it "also would give hope to the men that their freedom is nearing." This special group already gets to order fast food and use a phone booth for weekly calls. I think the government is on to something here. Nothing keeps a man pacified like an occasional phone call, a cheeseburger, and surfing for a little porn.

Man To Stay On Airplane For a Month To Cure Fear of Flying 2

Mark Malkoff is taking some drastic measures to get over his fear of flying. He plans on spending a month flying back and forth across the country. Most days Mark plans on taking 5-6 trips to various locations, but may take as many as 12 flights on some occasions. "The only time I might get off is if I have to switch planes. Maybe I'll go on the tarmac," he said. Malkoff is a comedian, writer and filmmaker who made headlines last year for living in an Ikea for a week.

Teen Eats Fetal Pig Parts On a Dare Screenshot-sm 8

A 15-year-old boy proved that there is virtually nothing that a teenager won't eat, when he consumed fetal pig testicles during his biology class, on a dare. The student made $50 for the stunt and won a trip to the hospital, after school officials became concerned about the possible effects consuming formaldehyde soaked testicles might have on a growing young man. "It was just like swallowing a pill," said the boy, who can't be identified because of his age. "It wasn't that bad."

Cancer Sufferer Wins £5,000 After Bet to Stay Alive Screenshot-sm 4

Jon Matthews won £5,000 by beating the odds, even the 50/1 odds offered by bookmakers William Hill, when he remained alive until June 1, 2008. The same bet for June 1, 2009 paid out another £5,000 today. In April 2006, Matthews was diagnosed with mesothelioma and his doctor only gave him a few months to live. "I think I'm the first person in the world to bet on my own life," he said. The longest doctors at Harefield Hospital have heard of anyone surviving this type of cancer after diagnosis was 25 months. "I reached 26 months a year ago and on June 1 this year I will have reached 38 months," he said. "When I was diagnosed I was told mesothelioma was a death sentence." Jon has again placed a bet for next year and will get a 100/1 payout this time if he lives until June 1, 2010.

China Stops Restaurants From Serving Envenomed Chicken Screenshot-sm 8

It may be tastier than fire ant salad, and safer to eat than staple cake, but the Chinese government has stopped restaurants in the southern province of Guangdong from serving chickens that have been bitten to death by poisonous snakes. The dish, which is supposed to have detoxifying properties, has caused an uproar with local media and bloggers. "Although nobody has been poisoned, this at the very least is an irregular way of slaughtering poultry," the Chongqing Business Daily quoted a local health official as saying.

An Important Notification Screenshot-sm 7

Part of the government's new total acknowledgment protocol.

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