
Teen Wakes Up Covered In Stars Screenshot-sm 18

According to Kimberley Vlaminck, she wanted to get three star tattoos, giving her an unhirability score of 1. Instead, she got a score of 10 with 56 stars on her face and a good lesson in why you should never fall asleep at the tattoo parlor. The artist, Rouslan Toumaniantz, says Kimberly "got what she wanted" and is only complaining now because her dad got angry and her boyfriend wanted a girl with stars in her eyes, not all over her face. "It is horrible," said Kimberley. "He has turned me into a freak. I can't go out on the street now without people looking at me." She is suing for £10,000.

Murder Rug Screenshot-sm

The blood always gets caught in the vacuum.

Broke Counties Turn Failing Roads To Gravel Screenshot-sm 717

To save money, more than 20 Michigan counties have decided to turn deteriorating paved roads back to gravel. Montcalm County estimates that repaving a road costs more than $100,000 a mile. Grinding the same mile of road up and turning it into gravel costs $10,000. At least 50 miles of road have been reverted to gravel in Michigan the past three years. I can't wait until we revert back to whale oil lighting and can finally be rid of this electricity fad.

Tactical Corsets Screenshot-sm 5

Dr_Ken writes "The Tactical Corset — It's leather, for that post-apocalyptic fashion style that all pop-culture hipsters love, it lifts and separates, has garters, and includes a pistol holster and an attached equipment pouch for 'interrogation gear' too. Practical, tactical, stylish and kinky. What more could a geek like you ask for?"

Toronto Photoshops a Black Man Onto City Fun Guide Screenshot-sm 3

eldavojohn writes "To be more inclusive, the city of Toronto photoshopped an African Canadian onto the cover of their city guide. The director responsible for it said 'The goal was to depict the diversity of Toronto and its residents.' Another director for the city stated, 'You won't find a more inclusive organization than us. We want everyone to feel involved and welcome to participate in everything. That's the only goal. Nothing wrong with that.' Who's more inclusive than Toronto? NOBODY, that's who!"

Teen Writes App To Block Teachers Out Of Their Grading Program Screenshot-sm 7

Matthew C. Beighey should get a lot of ironic extra credit points in his computer class, but will probably spend time in a juvenile detention facility instead, for writing an application to shut teachers out of their grading system. This was not the first time Matthew had been in trouble for computer-related mischief. Last Fall, he accessed school files containing Social Security numbers, driver's license numbers, home addresses, and other data on past and present transportation employees. Matthew's program logged into the grading system as a teacher and entered a false password three times, making it impossible for teachers to get into the system. "If I log on with an incorrect password three times, it locks me out," said District spokeswoman Kelly DeFeciani.

Seattle's Gum Wall, 2nd Germiest Attraction In the World Screenshot-sm 3

The famous Seattle "gum wall" outside the Market Theater at Pike Place Market has the honor being number two, on the "Most Unsanitary Attraction" list released by TripAdvisor. Starting in the 9'0s, people would put their gum on the wall while they waited for tickets. The city cleaned the wall a couple of times, but soon gave up, and now it's a tourist attraction. The disease-ridden mouths of those seeking the gift of eloquence pushed the Blarney Stone into the number-one spot. Strangely absent from the top 10 list was the Dexter office's barrel of half-empty soda and coffee cans. We'll do better next year.

Umpire Ejects Entire Crowd of Unruly Baseball Fans Screenshot-sm 3

Umpire Don Briggs ejected the entire crowd at a high school baseball game for being too rowdy. The police were called and it took over 40 minutes to clear the more than 100 angry fans. West Burlington Superintendent James Sleister said the fans weren't acting any different than usual and he thinks the umpire overreacted. A rowdy fan commented that he hoped Briggs's guide dog bit him when he got home.

Coke Club Screenshot-sm

The first rule of Coke Club is: you never go back to Coke Club.

Frog Species Discovered Living In Elephant Dung Screenshot-sm 56

rhettb writes "Three different species of frogs have been discovered living in the dung of the Asian elephant in southeastern Sri Lanka. The discovery — the first time anyone has recorded frogs living in elephant droppings — has widespread conservation implications both for frogs and Asian elephants, which are in decline. Apparently the frogs feed on the many invertebrates present in elephant dung."

Burglar Bites Through Steel Bars Screenshot-sm 12

Police were shocked when they discovered a number of robberies were being committed by someone who was biting through steel window bars. "Through our investigations, we found the grids had been cut but with deep tooth prints," a local police spokesman said. They were tipped off by a man who was sharing a hotel room with another man who could crack walnuts with his teeth. After questioning, 23-year-old Xiong, who grew up in a mountain town with abundant walnuts, confessed to the burglaries. Xiong claimed he could chew through any steel bar up to 1 cm in thickness by chewing on welding spots. "I only failed once in the past two years. Once I bit on a 2cm thick steel grid, and the first bite nearly dislocated my jaw. I never take other tools with me when breaking in. That's why I never got stopped by patrolling officers at night," he said. I'm sure he has a lucrative toothpaste spokesman career ahead of him when he gets out of jail.

14-Year-Old Boy Smote By Meteorite Screenshot-sm 435

eldavojohn writes "Winning the lottery requires incredible luck and one in a million odds. So does getting hit by a falling space rock. A 14-year-old German boy was granted a three-inch scar by the gods. A pea-sized meteorite smote young Gerrit Blank's hand before leaving a foot-sized crater on the road. The boy's account: 'At first I just saw a large ball of light, and then I suddenly felt a pain in my hand. Then a split second after that there was an enormous bang like a crash of thunder. The noise that came after the flash of light was so loud that my ears were ringing for hours afterwards. When it hit me it knocked me flying and then was still going fast enough to bury itself into the road.' Curiously, the rock was magnetic, and tests were done to verify it is extraterrestrial. The Telegraph notes the only other recorded event of a meteorite striking a person was 'in November 1954 when a grapefruit-sized fragment crashed through the roof of a house, bounced off furniture and landed on a sleeping woman.' Space.com lists a few more anomalies and we discussed the probability of these things downing aircraft recently."

Homeowner Says Crews Demolished Wrong House Screenshot-sm 10

Al Byrd got a phone call Monday that he'll never forget. His house was torn down. A demolition company had been hired to demolish a house but didn't have an address, just GPS coordinates. Those coordinates led the crew to Al's house. "You can't imagine. It's just incredulous that something like this can happen and no one contact the owner," said Byrd. The demolition company said that they had paperwork for the demo. "I said, 'Paperwork for what?' and he said, 'For the house, to demolish the house.' I said, 'I'm the owner of the house, I haven't given anybody any authority to demolish this house.' I said, 'What address did you have?' and he said, 'They sent me some GPS coordinates.' I said, 'Don't you have an address?' (and) he said, 'Yes, my GPS coordinates led me right to this address here and this house was described,'" said Al.

Nuclear Disaster Averted By Laundry Screenshot-sm 5

Socguy writes "More than 40,000 gallons of radioactive water leaked into the open when a 15ft crack appeared in a pipe leading to a cooling pond in the Sizewell A reactor in January 2007. This was only noticed by chance as a worker was sorting laundry in the area when it happened. Supposedly, a leak of this type should have set off alarms, however, the alarm in question appeared to be defective. Should this leak have gone unnoticed, there was a real likelihood of a full-scale meltdown."

Harvard Psychiatrist Explains Zombie Neurobiology Screenshot-sm 1

pdragon04 writes "From the article, 'Through education Dr. Steven C. Schlozman is an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and a lecturer at the Harvard School of Education. He is also an avid sci-fi and horror fan — and, apparently, the world's leading authority on the neurobiology of the living dead ... He conducted extensive research by talking with George Romero and immersing himself in genre literature and memorabilia — which is why the alternate title for his lecture is "A Way Cool Tax Deduction for a Bunch of Cool Books, Action Figures and a Movie."'"

Teen Diagnoses Her Own Disease In Science Class Screenshot-sm 582

18-year-old Jessica Terry suffered from stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting and fever for eight years. She often missed school and her doctors were unable to figure out the cause of her sickness. Then one day in January someone was finally figured out what was wrong with Jessica. That person was her. While looking under a microscope at slides of her own intestinal tissue in her AP science class, Jessica noticed an area of inflamed tissue called a granuloma, which is an indication of Crohn's disease. "It's weird I had to solve my own medical problem," Terry told CNN affiliate KOMO in Seattle, Washington. "There were just no answers anywhere. ... I was always sick."

Solar Machine Spins Sunlight-Shaped Furniture Screenshot-sm 71

Mike writes "Austrian designers mischer'traxler have created a solar powered machine that makes an incredible array of furnishings that vary based on how much sunlight it receives over the course of a day. Titled 'The Idea of a Tree,' the machine spins spools of thread into stools, benches, containers, and lamp shades that wax and wane as the available sunlight shifts. Furniture created during cloudy winter days will be wrapped more slowly, causing it to be darker in color, thicker, and smaller than pieces created during the sun-soaked summer months."

Doctor Who Fan Has Themed Funeral Screenshot-sm 7

The Grim Reefer2 writes "Sebastian Neale, a 26-year-old from South Wales and mega-fan of the Doctor Who series, passed away recently due to head injuries and was given a proper Dr. Who-themed send-off. The funeral music was swapped out in favor of the Dr. Who's theme song and mourners were greeted with the Doctor's words, 'I'm a time lord ... I'm not a human being. I walk in eternity.' Instead of Bible verses, the funeral consisted of quotes from classic Who scripts, including William Hartnell's famous speech from 'The Dalek Invasion Of Earth': 'One day, I will come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.'"

Molson Ends Its Free Beer For Retirees Policy Screenshot-sm 5

The economic downturn has forced lots of companies to make cuts and discontinue some retirement benefits, but Molson may have gone too far. Current retirees will see their monthly allotment of free beer drop from six dozen a month to zero over the next five years. Molson says providing the 2,400 retirees with proof that God loves them costs the company about C$1 million ($900,000) a year. "There was no consultation, we just received a letter that this is a done deal, which is totally unfair," said Bill Bavis, who retired six years ago after 32 years.

Bakery Allegedly Discards Employee's Severed Arm Screenshot-sm 2

A bad day is working in a bakery and having your arm amputated in an accident with a kneading machine. A worse day having someone throwing your severed arm in the dumpster while you're being rushed to the hospital. After Franns Rilles's accident, the bakery cleaned the machines and continued production. The police didn't find the arm until the next day and by then it couldn't be reattached. Locals say the bakery has a good reputation and the prices are very reasonable. The bakery down the street costs an arm and a leg.

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