
Bamboo Taxis In Philippines Screenshot-sm 1

19061969 writes "Bucking the trend for heavy-weight SUVs, a mayor in the Philippines has commissioned a range of bamboo vehicles. According to the blurb, the taxis also run on coconut biodiesel, even have a stereo sound system and help the local economy by being largely locally produced. Is this the future of mass transportation?"

Family Sues Genie Screenshot-sm 1

The only wish that a Saudi Arabian family has is that their troublesome genie behaved better. They have filed suit against their unwanted spirit in the hopes that a court can give them some peace. The family accuses the genie of stealing cell phones, throwing stones, whispering threats and "making sounds most unpleasant." Sheikh Amr Al Salmi, head of the local Sharia court, has promised to look into the claim, saying, "We have to look into this case and verify its truthfulness despite the difficulty of its consideration. What is interesting is that the complaint has come from every member of the family, and not just one."

Wells Fargo Bank Sues Itself Screenshot-sm 445

Extreme economic problems require extreme solutions, and Wells Fargo Bank has come up with a good one. They have decided to sue themselves. Wells Fargo holds the first and second mortgages on a condominium that is going into foreclosure. As holder of the first, they are suing all other lien holders, including the holder of the second, which is Wells Fargo. It gets better. The company has hired a lawyer to defend itself against its own lawsuit. The defense lawyer even filed this answer to the complaint, "Defendant admits that it is the owner and holder of a mortgage encumbering the subject real property. All other allegations of the complaint are denied." On the website The Consumer Warning Network, Angie Moreschi wrote: "We've apparently reached the perfect storm for complete and utter idiocy by some banks trying to foreclose on homes."

The Redneck Games 2009 Screenshot-sm 3

More than 10,000 competitors took part in this years Redneck Games hosted by the town of East Dublin, Georgia. Those sporting a vermilion cervical area tested their watermelon seed spitting ability, bobbing for pigs' feet prowess, and who could throw themselves into a pit of mud with the most grace, artistic beauty, and the loudest splash. The first Redneck Games was held in 1996 as a spoof on the Olympics which were held in Atlanta that year.

Love Is Worth £163,424 Screenshot-sm 5

Steve Henry and David Alberts have written a book, You Are Really Rich, You Just Don't Know It Yet, that tries to figure out the real world value of life's priceless moments. According to the authors, being told, "I love you" is worth £163,424, being in a stable relationship £154,849, and hanging out with your friends comes in at a measly £63,256. The values were determined by asking 1,000 people what made them happy and then comparing that event to the happiness they would feel after winning the lottery. "It was interesting when doing the research that very few people mentioned money and people focused on family occasion, hanging out with friends, having a quiet time on their own, seeing grandchildren and visiting places they had never seen before as things that made a real difference in their lives," said Alberts.

Berlin Opens Sex Academy Screenshot-sm 7

Inspired by the surplus of raunchy low-budget comedies of the '80s and the music videos of the time, The "Amora Sex Academy" has opened in Berlin. The academy allows the socially awkward to practice their clumsy fumblings on the erogenous zones of naked mannequins. More than 50 interactive displays can be studied at the academy, offering helpful tips on subjects ranging from striptease to oral sex and how to achieve a perfect orgasm. There are also film clips you can watch demonstrating various sexual positions, including something called the "Italian chandelier," which can burn up to 920 calories per hour.

Humane Child Traps Screenshot-sm 2

The easiest and cheapest way to get rid of unwanted neighbor kids.

Sperm Travels Faster Toward Attractive Females Screenshot-sm 347

A new study has shown that even sperm can be superficial. Researchers found that males of many animal species, including humans, can adjust the speed and effectiveness of their sperm by regulating the amount of seminal fluid they produce during copulation. The determining factor on that amount of fluid seems to be whether the male finds the female attractive.

Family Spray Urine On Lampposts to Lure Back Lost Dog Screenshot-sm 9

The Baltesz family is using a radical method to get their runaway dog to come back home. The family is marking trees, lampposts and the local streets with their own urine in the hopes it will lure their Labrador, Simon, back. Having presumably tried all methods that didn't involve pouring pee out of a soda bottle, the family decided this approach was the best. Mrs Baltesz told the Bristol Evening Post, "I know it sounds bizarre and I'm embarrassed to mention it but it makes sense if you think about it. Simon may pick up our scent because dogs have an incredibly powerful sense of smell. Despite having two other dogs, the house is so quiet without him."

Mother Claims Hotel Pool Got Her Daughter Pregnant Screenshot-sm 35

A Polish woman is not doing her countrymen any favors by suing an Egyptian hotel, claiming that the hotel pool is responsible for getting her 13-year-old daughter pregnant. The mother claims "stray sperm" in the pool are to blame for the baby souvenir her daughter came back from vacation with. "The mother is adamant that her daughter didn't meet any boys while she was there and is determined to go ahead with the case," said one travel industry source. The level of this mother's ignorance is astounding. Everyone knows that you can't get pregnant in a swimming pool, in a hot tub, or if you press really hard on the girls belly button after sex.

Girl Turns Out To Be Hide-and-seek Phenom Screenshot-sm 4

2-year-old Natalie Jasmer put her phenomenal hide-and-seek game on display for her family, neighbors, police and firemen Tuesday evening. The little girl remained undetectable for over an hour after authorities started searching the neighborhood. Eventually, the family dog found Natalie asleep in a drawer underneath the washing machine.

2012 — It's a Disaster!!! Screenshot-sm 17

The most spectacular disaster porn ever!!!

World Sleeping Champion Screenshot-sm 6

The face of the new Ambien marketing campaign.

USB Chainsaw Screenshot-sm 4

cruff writes "Don't know if the USB Chainsaw is real or not, but the 500 ma provided by a USB port probably won't cut the stuff they show in the video, unless you spend a long time charging a battery. :-) However, imagine the uses to which a properly trained IT person could put this new tool!"

123456789 Happens Today Screenshot-sm 18

mcgrew writes "The Chicago Tribune is pointing out that shortly after noon today, the time and date will be 12:34:56 7/8/9. The Trib points out that this happens only once or twice per century, although it actually happens twice on the day it happens in. Serious Cubs fans know the first night game at Wrigley Field was played on 8/8/88 — which just happens to be four sideways infinity symbols. I imagine you can make any day 'special' like this if you try hard enough."

Town Wants To Hire Witch Screenshot-sm 7

Somerset needs to hire a witch, and not just any witch will do. The town needs one who is willing to live in the Wookey Hole Caves, a local tourist attraction. The job pays £50,000 a year. Applicants "must be able to cackle," and "must not be allergic to cats." The job is open to men, women, and even trans-gender witches, to comply with sexual discrimination laws. "Wookey Hole wants the appointee to go about her everyday business as a hag, so that people passing through the caves can get a sense of what the place was like in the Dark Ages. This was when an old woman lived in the caves with some goats and a dog causing a variety of social ills including crop failures and disease. So the job is straightforward: live in the cave, be a witch, and do the things witches do," said Daniel Medley, from Wookey Hole Caves.

Man Tries To Trim Tree With a Shotgun Screenshot-sm 19

When faced with a problem, the only thing in Antonio Chiaia's toolbox appears to be his double-barrel 12-gauge. The 74-year-old was arrested for using his shotgun to try to get rid of a tree limb in his backyard. He told police that he couldn't reach it with his saw so he thought he might be able to shoot it off. Police charged Chiaia with unlawful discharge of a firearm and second-degree reckless endangerment.

Man Banned From Getting Drunk For Seven Years Screenshot-sm 9

An English court has ruled that David Peers is not allowed to be drunk anywhere in England or Wales until 2016. Peers has been charged 11 times for his drunken anti-social behavior, and has been arrested for fighting, verbally abusing town residents, and occasionally urinating on shop windows. Doug Stott, of Surrey Police, said, "David Peers has a history of drinking and disorderly behaviour. Despite extensive intervention by Surrey Police and our partner agencies, Peers has not shown a positive change in his behaviour and has continued to verbally abuse and be aggressive towards local businesses and residents."

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