
Disco For Children Opens in Sydney Screenshot-sm 4

A Sydney nightclub owner knows there is nothing cuter than watching kids beg for Xanax after doing too much blow in the restroom, so he has opened up a disco for children. You have to be under 7 to get in to the Baby Loves Disco events. The young ones can get feather boas, organic apple juice and temporary tattoos under the watchful eye of babysitters, while their parents enjoy something a little more adult at the bar upstairs. Event co-host Tash Henry, a mother of two, said, "We really wanted to create the ultimate dance party for our kids."

Man Glued to Public Toilet Screenshot-sm 7

A 58-year-old, North Queensland man didn't find the humor in the prank that left him stuck to a shopping center toilet seat. The man had to be taken to the hospital with the seat still attached after he found himself caught by a fast-acting adhesive that had been smeared on the toilet. Hospital staff were able to remove the seat with the help of some industrial strength solvents. Cairns City Council community safety committee chair Di Forsyth said, "I'm disgusted that a gentlemen has had to go through that because someone thinks it's funny — it's a sick joke. I think the community would be outraged and quite rightly so ... it's quite a dangerous prank." Police have a few leads in the case, but nothing that will stick.

Equestrian Wedding Screenshot-sm 2

I think it's obvious who wears the riding pants in this relationship.

TV Station Tries to Hypnotise Viewers Screenshot-sm 3

An Australian TV station is in hot water after an on-air stunt caused a wave of complaints. The station ran a live hypnotherapy segment designed to help viewers lose weight. After clucking like a chicken for a full minute, authorities at The Australian Communications and Media Authority found the station guilty of a number of breaches of the commercial television code.

Ten Ways To Destroy a Hard Disk 289

Barence writes "Following his blog last week about the homemade hard disk destroyer, Bustadrive, Mike Jennings was deluged with comments from readers, both on the blog and here on Slashdot. Most seemed to like the product, but also offered up far more innovative and madcap methods of hard disk destruction, with a wide range of implements used — household and otherwise. In this follow-up post, he rounds up the best of an imaginative bunch of hard disk destruction methods."

"Putpockets" Giving Back a Little Extra Cash Screenshot-sm 14

Knowing that a bad economy is immune to sneak attacks, a group of ex-rogues are creeping around London tourist sites and slipping money into peoples pockets. The "Putpockets" were hired by a broadband company and will be stalking tourist spots until the end of the month. Unsuspecting tourist can find anything from 5 pound to 20 pound notes slipped into pockets or unguarded handbags. "It feels good to give something back for a change -- and Britons certainly need it in the current economic climate. Every time I put money back in someone's pocket, I feel less guilty about the fact I spent many years taking it out," said Chris Fitch, a former pickpocket.

Man Steal Motorcycle One Piece At a Time Screenshot-sm 26

A Chinese man was arrested for stealing a motorcycle over the course of 5 years from the factory where he worked. The man, identified only as Zhang, was an assembly line worker in the motorcycle factory and took Johnny Cash's advice by stealing the bike one piece at a time so he wouldn't get caught. "I don't have that much money, so I came up with the idea of taking the parts home and assembling them on my own," said Zhang. Soon after finishing his bike, Zhang was pulled over by the police, who soon discovered he had no paperwork. He admitted to theft, was fined, put on probation for a year, and ordered to return the motorcycle to the factory.

Robots Are the Chefs In This Japanese Restaurant Screenshot-sm 3

Singularity Hub writes "A Ramen restaurant has just opened in Nagoya, Japan that uses robots instead of humans as its chefs. It may not seem that amazing at first, but once you see the video it is hard not to be blown away. The robotic chefs work their gastronomic magic in a kitchen placed front and center in the middle of the restaurant, giving customers a front row seat on the action."
Star Wars Prequels

Poor Design Choices In the Star Wars Universe 832

Ant writes "John Scalzi's AMC blog shows a short guide to the most epic FAILs in Star Wars design — 'I'll come right out and say it: Star Wars has a badly-designed universe; so poorly-designed, in fact, that one can say that a significant goal of all those Star Wars novels is to rationalize and mitigate the bad design choices of the movies. Need examples? Here's ten ...'"

Wired Writer Disappears, Find Him and Make $5k Screenshot-sm 135

carp3_noct3m writes "A freelance Wired magazine journalist has decided to see what it is like to disappear from normal life, all while staying on the grid. The catch, is that he is challenging anyone and everyone to find him, take a picture, and speak a special codeword to him. If you can do that, you can make 5000 dollars, which happens to come out of his paycheck for the article he'll be writing. Oh, and to top it all off, whoever finds him gets pictures and interviews in Wired. He has been posting to his Twitter, using TOR for internet, and the Wired website will be posting his credit card transactions."

N00b Boyfriend Screenshot-sm 39

He'll probably ask where to find Mankrik's wife at dinner.

Join the Cardboard Tube Fighting League Screenshot-sm 6

Need to vent some aggression? Do you have an overwhelming urge to smash someone with a cardboard tube? If you answered yes, the Cardboard Tube Fighting League is for you. "The CTFL was created out of a desperate need to better train and arm citizens with cardboard tubes," says the official website. While Fight Club has 8 rules, the CTFL needs 9, presumably because of the added danger a cardboard tube brings to the table. Unfortunately for east coasters, the only officially sponsored events take place in San Francisco.

Woman's House Mistakenly Auctioned by Bank Screenshot-sm 7

Anna Ramirez came home to find all her stuff on the lawn, the police chaining her door shut, and a stranger telling her that he had just bought her home for $87,000. Anna and her family have lived in the home for 3 years and had recently refinanced. Somehow there was a paperwork mishap at the Miami-Dade Clerk's Office and her house was put up for sale. The sale was reversed by a Miami-Dade judge two days later. "I have never seen anything like it. They literally threw all her stuff on the front lawn. I didn't sleep that night and it wasn't even my house," said neighbor Martha Taylor. I hope Anna got a really good rate on her refinance.

Average Gamer Is 35, Fat and Bummed Screenshot-sm 439

kamapuaa writes "According to a study published in the upcoming October issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, the average US video game player is 35 years old, overweight, and tends toward depression. Specifically, female video game players tended towards depression, while males tended towards large BMIs. While the study itself points to several conclusions, one researcher noted: '... habitual use of video games as a coping response may provide a genesis for obsessive-compulsive video-game playing, if not video-game addiction.'" On the flip side, the Washington Post is running a story about the mental health benefits of playing video games.

Barry White Songs Used To Encourage Sharks To Mate Screenshot-sm 2

Officials at the Sea Life London Aquarium are hoping that "The Walrus of Love" can work his magic on Zorro, their six-year-old zebra shark. For some reason Zorro hasn't been able to seal the deal with his potential mate, Mazawabee. The aquarium hopes that playing White's, "Baby We Better Try To Get It Together" and "My First, My Last, My Everything" will heat things up between the two sharks. If Barry doesn't do the trick they plan on giving Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross and Lionel Richie a shot. "Zorro has something of a reputation as a 'ladies' shark'' and as Mazawabee has been 'single' for a number of years now we really thought they would get together very quickly. But it's been months since their first introduction and although there are certainly signs that Zorro has been making advances, we would really have expected some serious mating by now. Research suggests that fish can not only hear music but can appreciate different tunes and melodies so we have decided to see if some good old fashioned love songs will get them in the mood," said Paul Hale, the aquarium curator.

Cat People Screenshot-sm 9

The cats aren't smiling.

Leader of the Pack Screenshot-sm 2

Individuality runs downhill.

Verizon Sued After Tech Punches Customer In Face Screenshot-sm 493

suraj.sun writes "A Verizon customer filed a lawsuit after the tech the company sent out got a little punchy. Instead of fixing the customer's problem, the tech allegedly hit him in the face. The New York Post says the tech attacked the customer after he asked to see some ID before allowing access to the apartment. From the article, '"You want to know my name? Here's my name," Benjamin snarled, slapping his ID card into Isakson's face, according to Isakson's account of the December 2008 confrontation. "The guy essentially snapped. He cold-cocked me, hit me two or three solid shots to the head while my hands were down," said Isakson, a limo driver. He said the pounding bloodied his face and broke his glasses. But things got uglier, Isakson said, when Benjamin squeezed him around the neck and pressed him up against the wall. "He's prepared to kill me," Isakson said. "That's all I could think of." The customer broke free and ran away. The Verizon tech then chased the customer until he was subdued by a neighbor who was an off-duty cop.'"

Cell Phone Accidentally Turns On Stove Screenshot-sm 3

RevWaldo writes "A Brooklyn man can't sleep at night knowing that the bizarre inter-gadget relationship between his Sony Erickson PDA and his Maytag Magic Chef stove might leave him burned. Last Monday Andrei Melnikov discovered that his cellphone was turning on his stove when he got a call in the kitchen. The phone had been on the kitchen counter when it rang, and as he answered it and walked away, he recalls hearing a faint beep. Minutes later, he smelled smoke, and discovered that some plastic cookware left in the oven was on fire. The incoming call had somehow turned the broiler on high, a phenomenon which Melnikov demonstrated for his landlord and reporters. They believe this is the first time this has happened in the three years since Melnikov has owned the stove and the phone, but since neither device is talking, nobody really knows how long this hot affair's been going on. Melnikov and his girlfriend have put a stop to it by unplugging the oven, and they're afraid to plug it back in because of their pet chinchillas. Maytag is sending someone to "fix" the problem, but will the lonely old Maytag man really have the heart to stand in the way of such fiery passion?"

Lorax Construction Screenshot-sm 13

You can actually hear the earth cry when this thing starts up.

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