
Supermarket Bans Jedi Knight Screenshot-sm 169

The employees at Tesco seem to be immune to mind tricks, and have kicked out the founder of the International Church of Jediism. Daniel Jones, 23, who founded the religion based on the Star Wars movies, was asked to leave because his robes were against store rules which forbid the wearing of 'hoodies' in their premises. "I told them it was a requirement of my religion but they just sniggered and ordered me to leave," he told The Daily Telegraph newspaper. "I walked past a Muslim lady in a veil. Surely the same rules should apply to everyone." It's exactly this kind of stuff that turns young Jedis to the dark side.

Barry White Music Gets Sharks in a Frenzy Screenshot-sm 15

Last month we ran a story about the Sea Life London Aquarium using Barry White music to convince their zebra shark Zorro to get romantic with their female shark. As crazy as it seems the plan worked, maybe too well. The aquarium is now warning guests about the shark's frisky frenzies as they are public, frequent and a little on the rough side. "We are absolutely delighted that Zorro is finally getting it together with his intended but the courtship rituals of the zebra shark can appear quite violent and some guests have been a little alarmed," says deputy curator Jamie Oliver.

Research Determines Women Can Keep a Secret For 47 Hours Screenshot-sm 72

A study of 3,000 women aged 18-65 has found that the average woman cannot keep a secret for longer than 47 hours. The study also found that four out of ten admitted that they were unable to keep a secret, no matter how personal or private. Michael Cox, UK Director of Wines of Chile, which commissioned the research, said, "It's official - women can't keep secrets. We were really keen to find out with this survey how many secrets people are told. What we didn't bank on was how quickly these are passed on by those we confide in. No matter how precious the piece of information, it's often out in the public domain within 48 hours."

Garlic Farmer Wards Off High-Speed Internet Screenshot-sm 475

DocVM writes "A Nova Scotia farmer is opposing the construction of a microwave tower for fear it will eventually mutate his organic garlic crop. Lenny Levine, who has been planting and harvesting garlic by hand on his Annapolis Valley land since the 1970s, is afraid his organic crop could be irradiated if EastLink builds a microwave tower for wireless high-speed internet access a few hundred meters from his farm."

City Evicts "Abusive" 98-Year-Old Woman Screenshot-sm 9

The Southampton City Council has given 98-year-old Mary Plaisted 28 days to leave her £65-a-week flat, making her one of the oldest people in the UK to be evicted from their home. It seems in 98 years Mary hasn't learned how to play nice with others. Mrs Plaisted is accused of assaulting caretakers and council staff at her apartment complex and harassing neighbors by banging on their windows. She was also accused of hitting her panic alarm 563 times in a month and calling the police 264 times over the past two years. Nick Cross, head of housing management for Southampton City Council, said, "It is regrettable when any action is taken by the council to repossess a property, particularly when the individual is very elderly. However, the council is left with no alternative when anti-social behaviour by one tenant leads to other residents' lives being made a misery."

Fungivarius Beats $2 Million Stradivarius Violin Screenshot-sm 210

Fluffeh writes "Violins made by the Italian master Antonio Giacomo Stradivarius are regarded as being of unparalleled quality even today, with enthusiasts being prepared to pay millions for a single example. Stradivarius himself knew nothing of fungi which attack wood, but he received inadvertent help from the Little Ice Age which occurred from 1645 to 1715. During this period Central Europe suffered long winters and cool summers which caused trees to grow slowly and uniformly ideal conditions in fact for producing wood with excellent acoustic qualities. Now scientists are turning to fungi to recreate some of these amazing sounding instruments."

Data Center Flood Captured By Security Cam Screenshot-sm 66

miller60 writes "Torrential rains last week in Istanbul led to a flood that overwhelmed a data center for Vodafone. The event was captured on the data center security cameras, which shows waters rising and then raging through the security area before flooding the raised-floor equipment area."

Study Finds Tomatoes Thrive On Urine Screenshot-sm 21

An anonymous reader writes "Using human urine as a fertilizer produces bumper crops of tomatoes that are safe to eat, scientists have found. Their research was published last month in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry and may help cheaply boost crops in the developing world. From the article, 'Yields for plants fertilized with urine quadrupled and matched those of mineral-fertilized plants. The urine-fertilized tomatoes also contained more protein and were safe for human consumption.'"

The Anti-Mugger Umbrella Screenshot-sm 5

A Vermont company, Real Self-Defense, has created an umbrella specially designed to help you fight off an attack. The company says the umbrella is made of hi-tech steel, can hold the weight of a man without breaking, and can be used like a bat in an emergency. In a promotional video put out by Real Self-Defense, a man uses the umbrella to split watermelons and smash a punching bag. A company spokesman says, "Our Unbreakable Umbrella has no unusual parts, no more metal than an average umbrella, it does not arouse suspicion, can be carried legally everywhere where any weapons are prohibited. Anyone who can use a stick for defense can use this umbrella. Do you know how to swing a baseball bat? Do you know how to strike with a sturdy stick? If you do, you know all you need to know." I'm glad to see that someone is finally making self-defense products based on Batman Villain Technology.

Gingrich Applauds Porn For Stimulating Economy Screenshot-sm 7

An anonymous reader writes "Newt Gingrich as part of his 'American Solutions for Winning the Future' program selected pinkvisual.com's Allison Vivas as entrepreneur of the year for 2009. An aide for Mr. Gingrich faxed out the invitation to the awards ceremony with a letter expressing his anticipation of meeting her 'face-to-face' and getting her ideas and opinions. Newt apparently received criticism for nominating the head of a web based porn power-house for this award from the media and political circles and he has rescinded the invitation."

Speed Dating On a Rollercoaster Screenshot-sm 6

A company has come up with a new dating service which allows couples to experience the ups and downs of a relationship before they are even together. Singles can go to a Staffordshire theme park and have speed dates on a rollercoaster. Morwenna Angove, sales and marketing director of the park, said, "We pride ourselves on offering our visitors the ultimate day out or short break and have an amazing combination of adrenalin-inducing rides and attractions. We're confident that combining such thrilling experiences with the added exhilaration of meeting a potential new partner will ensure the most memorable date ever."

Boy Fakes Kidnapping to Avoid Bringing Home Report Card Screenshot-sm 5

Over the years kids have come up with some creative ways to avoid having their parents find out about their bad grades, but a 11-year-old Alabama boy has been crowned excuse champion. The boy faked his own kidnapping to avoid bringing home a bad report card. He claimed that a man in a red, beat-up car grabbed him after school and forced him into the vehicle. The boy said that he was able to escape but had to leave his book bag, which contained his report card, behind. After some police questioning about the incident he confessed to making up the whole story.

Taking Showers Can Be Harmful To Your Health 431

TheClockworkSoul writes "According to both the BBC and NewScientist, showering may be bad for your health. Apparently, dirty shower heads can be an ideal breeding ground for Mycobacterium avium, a bug responsible for a type of pulmonary disease more prevalent than tuberculosis in developed countries, cases of which have risen in parallel with the rise in showering. Tests revealed nearly a third of devices harbor significant levels of the critter."

Maori Legend of Man-Eating Birds is True Screenshot-sm 338

jerryatrix writes "Legends of the New Zealand Maori tell of giant man-eating birds. New scientific evidence proves that these birds did exist and were around the same time as humans in New Zealand. From the article, 'Scientists now think the stories handed down by word of mouth and depicted in rock drawings refer to Haast's eagle, a raptor that became extinct just 500 years ago.'"

Insurance Companies Considering Domestic Violence a Pre-Existing Condition Screenshot-sm 25

An insurance company using a pre-existing conditions clause to deny a claim is nothing new; but classifying a victim of domestic violence as having a pre-existing condition is. Half of the largest insurance companies have used domestic violence as a factor when deciding whether to extend coverage. I look forward to a time when I can spend my days perfectly still, inside a box of packing peanuts to avoid higher insurance premiums.

Girls Wired To Fear Dangerous Animals Screenshot-sm 224

Foot-in-Mouth writes "New Scientist reports that girls are more "primed" to fear spiders and snakes, compared to boys. Infant boys and girls were shown pairs of images, a fearful and a happy object (such as a spider and a flower), measuring the boys' and girls' dwell times on the images. And in another similar test, normally happy objects (such as a flower) were given a fearful face and fearful objects were given a happy face. The results of these two tests suggested to the researcher that girls are not wired to fear spiders, for example, but rather girls are wired to more quickly learn to fear dangerous animals. The researcher, David Rakison at CMU, 'attributes the difference to behavioural differences between men and women among our hunter-gatherer ancestors. An aversion to spiders may help women avoid dangerous animals, but in men evolution seems to have favoured more risk-taking behaviour for successful hunting.' This reminds one of men's obsession with video games. Will game designers use this information to tweak video games for gender, either to make the games more or less frightening?"

Woman Quits Smoking After 95 Years Screenshot-sm 3

Proving it's never too late to quit, 102-year-old Winnie Langley has decided to quit smoking cigarettes. Winnie had her first smoke in 1914 and has gone through about five cigarettes a day since. Mrs Langley says, "Everyone used to smoke in those days, you did it to cope. We didn't know about the health problems. I just don't fancy it any more. My eyesight is failing so in a few years' time I might not be able to see the pack."

Bar Uses Breathalyzer to Encourage Drinking Screenshot-sm 7

Some might call the new marketing scheme at The Attic bar in Newcastle brilliant, while others might say it is bordering on criminal negligence. At the end of the night the patron with the highest blood-alcohol level wins free entry to the next week's event. The promotion does have a responsible side. Anyone who is found to be under the legal limit after blowing into the bar's breathalyzer at last call gets their tab wiped clean.

UK Authorities Ban 'Lonely' People From Working With Children Screenshot-sm 34

A UK government organization, The Independent Safeguarding Authority, has started a new anti-paedophile database that takes into account lifestyles, relationships and beliefs when assessing the backgrounds of applicants, instead of just the usual criminal record check. The new guidelines allow the agency to consider unproven allegations made in newspaper reports, allegations from members of the public, as well as monitoring internet chatrooms and websites such as Facebook for evidence to use against applicants. Anyone judged to be a danger because of things like having no friends, or having a complicated private life, is banned from working with children, the homeless, or the elderly.

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