
Strange Bedfellows Online Screenshot-sm 1

digitalfever writes 'One of the most celebrated functions of the Internet is an unprecedented ability for people to connect. This has led to social networks, online dating, and, it turns out, a lot of people connecting over really strange things. Here are some of the more interesting clubs that the internet has helped give life to.'

'Shoe-Thrower' Footwear Top Seller In Bangladesh Screenshot-sm 2

What's made of black and brown leather and a top seller in northeastern Bangladesh? The "Zaidi shoe." The footwear named after the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoe at George W. Bush has become very popular in some circles. "It's the latest fad in Sylhet. Every one wants to be wearing the Zaidi. It looks like your average men's dress shoe but it's been sold for up to 2,200 taka (30 dollars) which is at the very top end of the market in Bangladesh, " shop owner Abdul Awal says.

Civilian Accidentally Ejects From Air Force Plane Screenshot-sm 8

An unamed man learned how important it is to keep your hands to yourself inside an South African Air Force training plane when he mistakenly pulled his ejection lever. He crashed through the plane's perspex canopy and was propelled 320' by the rockets under his seat. A helicopter was sent to pick up the accidental ejector and he had no reported injuries. Let's hope he got to enjoy the beautiful scenery on the way down.

Student Gets Psychic Scholarship Screenshot-sm 4

Callum Cooper won a $3,000 grant from the Parapsychology Foundation to finish his studies in telepathy and clairvoyance at The University of Northampton. Cooper says, ''My interest in the paranormal began growing up in Nottinghamshire where there is a vast amount of history of hauntings. I am constantly involved in the investigation of purportedly haunted locations with my own research team... and more recently I have been researching 'Phone Calls and Text Messages from the Dead'." Callum hopes to begin a PhD Research Degree on apparitions and hallucinations in 2010.

Woman Calls 911 To Report Herself As Drunk Driver Screenshot-sm 9

49-year-old Mary Strey feels strongly about keeping drunk drivers off the road, so strongly in fact that she recently called 911 to report herself as one. The dispatcher told Mary to pull over, turn on her flashers and wait for the police. When officers arrived they gave her a field sobriety test which she failed. Mrs. Strey was arrested and was found to have a blood alcohol level of 0.17.

Fruit Bats Have Oral Sex Too Screenshot-sm 17

sciencehabit writes "Researchers at Guangdong Entomological Institute in Guangzhou, China, have observed oral sex for the first time in a non-primate. During intercourse, female short-nosed fruit bats lick the genitals of their partner, a possible ploy to increase copulation time. The discovery suggests there may be a biological advantage to fellatio."

Coffins On Sale At Wal-Mart Screenshot-sm 11

nightcats writes "Describing it as a 'limited beta test,' Wal-Mart announced its plans to offer coffins to its shoppers. In the Wal-Mart world, of course, beta comes with a price: $900 for a Mom or Dad coffin, all the way up to $2900 for a bronze sarcophagus. "

Secretarial Mistake Costs Pepsi $1.26 Billion Screenshot-sm 11

9gezegen writes "Pepsi learned that if it wants to continue to 'Refresh Everything,' it needs an extra $1.26 billion. It looks like one of the secretaries forget to inform company lawyers about a trade secrets case in a Wisconsin state court. When nobody arrived to court, the judge gave $1.26 billion default judgement. According to Pepsi lawyers, they were not properly served because the secretary was 'so busy preparing for a board meeting.' One might imagine she was working on the refreshments. Perhaps Pepsi should learn more about the Spamhaus case."

"Dead" Facebook User Gets Better Screenshot-sm 14

Two9A writes "With the recent introduction of memorial accounts on Facebook, the potential arises for hilarity and abuse. Simon Thulbourn's Facebook page has been marked as 'in memorial' on the word of a report submitted by one of his friends; unfortunately, the closest the report gets to Simon is that the funeral service in question was officiated by 'Revd. Simon Thorburn,' which seems to be enough for Facebook to mark an unrelated user's profile as dead. Questions have previously been raised about the standard of proof required by Facebook for this service; it seems that those questions were pertinent, if the lax attention paid to these reports by Facebook staff continues."

Bad Driving May Have Genetic Basis 449

Serenissima writes "Bad drivers may in part have their genes to blame, suggests a new study by UC Irvine neuroscientists. People with a particular gene variant performed more than 20 percent worse on a driving test than people without it — and a follow-up test a few days later yielded similar results. About 30 percent of Americans have the variant. 'These people make more errors from the get-go, and they forget more of what they learned after time away,' said Dr. Steven Cramer, neurology associate professor and senior author of the study published recently in the journal Cerebral Cortex."
It's funny.  Laugh.

John Hodgman On the Coming Geek Culture 401

An anonymous reader writes "Famous writer and minor television personality John Hodgman posits the end of the culture of Jockdom in favor of a cultural reverence for engineers, scientists and Slashdot readers: 'Jockdom is very noble. It's not deliberative. It's certainly the best way to win wars. It's the best way to motivate teams of people to fulfill a goal — not just war, but getting things done. The most important way to motivate a factory floor. But as you know, we're not as much of a manufacturing society as we were before. China and other big industrial nations are rewarding their nerds and technicians rather than creating a culture that makes fun of them — it would be wise for us to embrace the book-smart as much as our culture has traditionally embraced the street-smart, the jock-smart. I'm not saying nerds must have their revenge; I'm just saying the time for wedgies is at an end.'"

Family Guy Proves Too Un-PC For Microsoft 1

Barence writes "Two weeks after announcing its sponsorship of a special episode of Fox's edgy animated sitcom Family Guy, the computer giant has pulled out, saying the program is 'not a fit with the Windows brand.' Quite why Microsoft thought Family Guy would complement their brand is anyone's guess — the Family Guy special that was to be sponsored by Microsoft was recorded on October 16 and reportedly features jokes about deaf people, the Holocaust, feminine hygiene and incest. Fox plans to air the show on November 8, as scheduled, partnered with a new, as-yet undisclosed, 'integrated' sponsor."

Schwarzenegger Flips Off Lawmakers 5

An anonymous reader writes "Here is something for idle to chew on. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is ticked off. He’s tired of signing bills that don’t address the pet causes he deems important. So when another unworthy bill crossed his desk recently for signing — addressing funding issues for the Port of San Francisco — the guv vetoed it and sent lawmakers a little note saying why. Only the note said a little more than lawmakers were expecting. A shortcut to the letter supposedly sent by the Govenator can be found here. If you are still stumped, this should clear it up. I have to admit, I never expected him to be this clever."

The Monrovian Analog Blogger 117

An anonymous reader writes "Motherboard.TV reports, 'In Monrovia, Liberia, there’s a guy taking the matter of a lopsided, state-run media and reshaping it into a free-of-charge, independent news-aggregator—all accomplished with dry-erase board and couple markers. (Sorry, internet!) Each morning, at 10:45 AM, Alfred Sirleaf wakes up and heads down to his bulletin board to post the day’s news, culling together a slate of stories his countrymen might otherwise never see. Grateful readers line up in droves, on foot and in cars, to read these updates, in what has been described as the country's — and probably the world's — only analog blog.'"

Woman Scares Burglar By Pretending To Be a Dog 1

A woman in Georgia was able to scare a would-be burglar off by pretending to be a dog. According to police, the woman dropped to the floor, scratched at the door, and acted like a large dog when a man tried to open her door. The noise scared off the mystery man and police were unable to find anyone matching his description. The woman and her property are reportedly fine and she hopes to be house trained in a few weeks.

Neanderthals "Had Sex" With Modern Man 536

According to Professor Svante Paabo, director of genetics at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Neanderthals and modern humans had sex across the species barrier. The professor has been using DNA retrieved from fossils to piece together the entire Neanderthal genome, and plans on publishing his findings soon. He recently told a conference that he was sure the two species had had sex, but still had questions as to how "productive" the relations had been. "What I'm really interested in is, did we have children back then and did those children contribute to our variation today?" he said. "I'm sure that they had sex, but did it give offspring that contributed to us? We will be able to answer quite rigorously with the new [Neanderthal genome] sequence." What remains a mystery is what Paleolithic brewery provided the catalyst for these stone age hook-ups.

Colonel Sanders Meets With President of the UN General Assembly

Proving that UN security is as tight as a typical car show, and that there is nothing that a KFC Famous Bowl can't fix, a man impersonating the Kentucky Fried Chicken founder talked his way into the UN headquarters in New York and met with a senior official. Michele Montas, a spokeswoman for Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary-general said, "It should not have happened – that I will stress, and very strongly. There was some lapse in security and the individual in question was, on the initiative of one security guard, taken into the UN."

Minnesota Supreme Court Rules Bong Water Is a Drug 3

The Minnesota Supreme Court has ruled that bong water is a drug saying it is, "a preparation, compound, mixture, or substance containing a controlled substance, regardless of purity." The 4-3 decision means that possession of 25 or more grams of bong water can lead to first-degree drug charges instead of a fine of no more than $300 for paraphernalia. At least someone is trying to stop the epidemic of glassy eyed children selling little thermoses filled with smelly water at school.
Social Networks

Facebook To Preserve Accounts of the Dead 292

Barence writes "Social-networking site Facebook is planning to preserve the accounts of dead members. The new 'memorialized' accounts will continue to display photos and wall posts, but remove 'sensitive information' such as status updates and contact information. Friends or family who want to report the death of a Facebook member are encouraged to fill out the site's Deceased form. The form asks for proof of death, such as an obituary or news article, although it's not clear how Facebook can validate the death of a member if neither of those pieces of information is published on the internet. How long before someone snuffs it on Facebook before their time?"

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