
How Not To Pay a Parking Ticket Screenshot-sm 54

cohensh writes "A Purdue engineering student was arrested for terroristic mischief. After receiving a parking ticket and having a boot put on his car he put the ticket, boot and payment in a box and left it at parking services. Someone thought the box was suspicious and the building was evacuated. Eventually it was traced back to the student who was arrested for 'leaving something that a reasonable person may think is a weapon of mass destruction.'"

School Officials Frown On "Kick a Jew Day" Screenshot-sm 8

10 North Naples middle school students were suspended for participating in "kick a Jew day." South area council for the Florida Anti-Defamation League, David Barkey said, “You are talking about an incident that has anti-Jewish bias if not anti-Semitism. You have Jewish students being singled out, harassed and assaulted. If the allegations are true, it is possible these students violated Florida’s new anti-bullying law. And, if students were physically assaulted, it could rise to the level of criminal conduct.” How the students knew it was kick a Jew day remains unclear but the school district has now set aside the first 20 minutes of each day to focus on character traits. I can't think of anything that can't be fixed in 20 minutes a day, problem solved.

Paralyzed Man In "Coma" For 23 Years Was Actually Conscious Screenshot-sm 25

overcaffein8d writes "A man who was paralyzed and thought to be comatose for 23 years had his nightmare ended. A hi-tech scan showed his brain was still functioning almost completely normally. From the article: 'I screamed, but there was nothing to hear,' said Mr. Houben, now 46, who doctors thought was in a persistent vegetative state. "I dreamed myself away," he added, tapping his tale out with the aid of a computer. Mr. Houben said: "I shall never forget the day when they discovered what was truly wrong with me — it was my second birth. I want to read, talk with my friends via the computer and enjoy my life now that people know I am not dead."'"

Sex Advice From Dungeons and Dragons Players Screenshot-sm 8

Movement rules, combat order, and spells are not the limit to a Dungeon Master's knowledge. How different is keeping track of a hobgoblin village than keeping track of a heart? Here's a collection of questions and answers about love and relationships specifically for role players. "Warn your parents that Charisma is your girlfriend’s dump stat" is a personal favorite.

Adopted Man Discovers Charles Manson Is His Dad Screenshot-sm 4

Right after "be careful what you wish for" in the idiom dictionary is a picture of 41-year-old Matthew Roberts. 12 years ago, Roberts began to search for the identity of his biological parents. He eventually found his birth mother and was shocked to learn that his father was none other than Charles Manson. Roberts said, "I didn't want to believe it. I was frightened and angry. It's like finding out that Adolf Hitler is your father. I'm a peaceful person — trapped in the face of a monster."

William Gibson's Neuromancer Staged With Porn Star 204

destinyland writes "Sunday night saw a reading of the William Gibson's classic cyberpunk novel featuring porn star Sasha Grey at a New York art museum, along with sculpture-props simulating virtual reality. Artist Brody Condon promised to combine 'Gibson's 1980s dystopian techno-fetishism with early twentieth-century abstraction,' but the editor of H+ magazine challenges that description. 'In a 1993 interview, Gibson himself told me: "I think my world looks dystopian if you're a middle class white guy doing reasonably well in 1993... There are so many places in the world today that are so much crappier than anything I'm writing about."' And earlier this month William Gibson shared his response to a blog post about the event. 'Gol' dang! It's news to me!'"

How Heavy Is the Internet? Screenshot-sm 174

An anonymous reader writes "Ever wondered how much the internet physically weighs? 498,438,559,990kg, according to CNET. To reach this figure, they added together public data on the weight of every computer, server and connecting cable. To this they added 6,075,000kg of iPhones, and over 6,800,000kg of Blackberries. Finally, they added the weight of 287,524 viruses and 85 billion+ webpages."

The Laptop Steering Wheel Desk Screenshot-sm 4

An anonymous reader writes "Take a look at this awesome new product on Amazon. The laptop steering wheel desk is just the thing for the person who can't be sufficiently distracted by newspapers, eating, or cell phones while they drive. The user comments and reviews are great."

Tech Workers Go Nude For Charity Calendar Screenshot-sm 7

nk497 writes "London tech workers have stripped off to create their very own naked calendar for charity. Created by TechCrunch Europe contributing editor Milo Yiannopoulous, London Nude Tech 2010 isn't half as frightening as you'd think. It features photos (a few included at the link) of female and male tech entrepreneurs — one with strategically placed Mac — for every month of the year. It's raising funds for Take Heart India, so pick up your copy — it's for charity, right?"Click here to check out a few pics from the calender.

Naughty Elf Ends Santa Mail Program Screenshot-sm 6

Since 1954, the US Postal Service, with the help volunteers from the small Alaskan town of North Pole, have responded to thousands of letters addressed to Santa each year. All that has come to an end. It was discovered last Christmas that one of the volunteers opening children's letters was a registered sex offender. The scare was enough for the Postal Service to drop the program. North Pole Mayor Doug Isaacson said, "It's Grinchlike that the Postal Service never informed all the little elves before the fact." I can see how it would be confusing for a child to get a letter back with all the things Santa wants for Christmas.

Group Arrested For Selling Human Fat To Cosmetic Companies 1

Peruvian officials have arrested four people for allegedly killing at least 60 people to sell their fat and other tissues to Italian co-conspirators for cosmetic use in Europe. The indictment says the fat harvesters went after farmers and indigenous people in remote areas, tricking them by offering jobs. The arrests have revived the Andean legend of white foreigners called "Pishtacos." The Pishtacos were said to suck the fat out of people traveling on lonely roads at night, making fine soaps, lubricants, healing salves and beauty creams out of the tissue. We call them cosmetic surgeons.

Dating Help For Nuclear Geeks Screenshot-sm 8

An anonymous reader writes "The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has taken pity on it's loverlorn engineers and is now offering to help find dates for them. From the article: 'Jim McDermott, chief human capital officer of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, thinks he's found a foolproof way to convince young engineers to come to his agency: Find them dates. "There are incentives, and then there are incentives," McDermott told a crowd of human resources officials at the HCMF Conference in Arlington, Va., earlier today. "When we’re hiring, we say, 'Is there a significant other in the picture'; If there’s no significant other, I tell them, 'We can help.''"

Parents Fight Legal Battle For Less Homework Screenshot-sm 42

Sherri and Tom Milley may be the coolest parents in the world, at least in the eyes of their children. The Milley's were tired of having to help their children with hours of homework each night so they negotiated the "Milleys' Differentiated Homework Plan" with the school. The plan, which ensures their youngest two children will never have to do homework again, was signed by the children, parents and teachers. "It was a constant homework battle every night," Sherri told Canada's Globe and Mail newspaper. "It's hard to get a weeping child to take in math problems. They are tired. They shouldn't be working a second shift."

Man Speaks Only Klingon To Child For Three Years Screenshot-sm 31

d'Armond Speers has a doctorate in computational linguistics but that wasn't enough for him. He is now pursuing the coveted "World's Worst Dad" title. To this end he has decided to treat his child like a verengan Ha'DIbaH and speak only Klingon around the child for the first 3 years of his life. "I was interested in the question of whether my son, going through his first language acquisition process, would acquire it like any human language," Speers told the Minnesota Daily. "He was definitely starting to learn it."

Congressman Wants You To Stop Complaining Screenshot-sm 4

Congressman Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), who grew up with the rest of his 149 member family living in a shoe box in the middle of the road, would like everyone to stop complaining next Wednesday. He's co-sponsored House Concurrent Resolution 155, which designates the day before Thanksgiving as "Complaint Free Wednesday." He states, "From time to time, we all experience anxiety, frustration, stress, and regret. And often, we respond to these feelings with a criticism or a complaint. Regrettably, complaining keeps people stuck on current problems, inhibiting them from thinking constructively to find solutions. Research has also shown that complaining can be harmful to one’s emotional and physical health; relationships; and can limit professional career success."

Bomb-Proof Wallpaper Developed Screenshot-sm 388

MikeChino writes "Working in partnership with the US Army Corp of Engineers, Berry Plastics has rolled out a new breed of bomb-proof wallpaper. Dubbed the X-Flex Blast Protection System, the wallpaper is so effective that a single layer can keep a wrecking ball from smashing through a brick wall, and a double layer can stop blunt objects (i.e. a flying 2×4) from knocking down drywall. According to its designers, covering an entire room takes less than an hour."

Capitol Police Say No To PETA Poop-Bucket Proposal Screenshot-sm 8

PETA found a way to make sure nobody would ever eat pork again. The organization asked permission to bring a pretend pig farm with real pigs, and 3,500 buckets filled with pig urine and waste to the US Capitol plaza. The plan would have worked too, if it hadn't been for those darn Capitol Police, and the fact that pigs are so delicious.

Man Claims Deputies Redecorated His House Screenshot-sm 1

Robert James is suing Butler County sheriff’s deputy Daron Rhoads, wildlife officer James Tunnell, and a third, unknown officer, alleging that they redecorated his house while they searched it. Unlike most home redecoration projects, the officers seem to focus on his girlfriend’s sex toys, which they turned on and left in plain sight “for James to see that they had found them." James says they also did the same with some porno tapes, unlocked all of his weapons and ammunition, leaving them strewn in insecure locations around the house. And worst of all, they “placed a hat, Christmas lights and goggles on deer antlers that were affixed to James’ wall.”

Union May File Grievance Over Scout Clean-Up Project 4

17-year-old Kevin Anderson has spent 200 hours cleaning up a park in Allentown, New Jersey in pursuit of his Eagle Scout badge. His blatant disregard for the brotherhood and collective bargaining power of the local Service Employees International Union however has not gone unnoticed. Union president Nick Balzano told the City Council that the union is considering filing a grievance against the city for allowing the scout to clear a 1,000' path at the park. "We'll be looking into the Cub Scout or Boy Scout who did the trails," Balzano said.

Former Microsoft CTO Builds Kitchen Laboratory Screenshot-sm 127

circletimessquare writes "Nathan Myhrvold, former CTO of Microsoft, is self-publishing a cook book with scientific underpinnings. The man who presided over the original iterations of Windows has built a laboratory kitchen, hired 5 chefs, and plays with misplaced lab equipment: using an autoclave as a pressure cooker, using a 100-ton hydraulic press to make beef jerky, and using an ultrasonic welder for... he's not sure yet. The article includes a video on how to cryosear and cryorender duck. 'It's basically like a software project,' Dr. Myhrvold said. 'It's very much like a review we would do at Microsoft.' Is it possible to BSoD food?"

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