
Italian Police Crash Their Lamborghini 2

Italian police have crashed their 165,000-euro Lamborghini patrol car. Reports say the car swerved to avoid another vehicle that had crossed its path, and smashed into two parked cars. One of the officers suffered a broken rib, the other only had minor injuries. The Lamborghini was damaged beyond repair.

Camels Gone Wild Screenshot-sm 29

The small central Australian community of Docker River is experiencing a Camelpocalypse. Over 6,000 feral camels are destroying the town. They've overrun the airport (making emergency medical service impossible), ruined the water infrastructure, tainted drinking water, and left many residents afraid to leave home for fear of being trampled. NT Local Government Minister Rob Knight said, "They're actually coming up to the houses taking water off the overflow from the rooftop air-conditioning. This is a very critical situation out there, it's very unusual and it needs urgent action.'' At least the camels aren't encouraging kids to smoke like they do here in the US.

Man Chisels Hole in Mountain to Park His Truck Screenshot-sm 8

Ramchandra Das spent the last 14 years creating a hole through a mountain with a hammer and chisel so he could park his truck in front of his house. Das lives in a remote mountainous region and had to leave his truck miles away from his house. A fear of thieves prompted him to ask local authorities for help with a tunnel; when they refused he started the job himself. "We rarely come across a man who can work so hard to achieve his goal," said Prabhat Kumar Jha, a local government official.
The Matrix

Recreating the Matrix In Legos Screenshot-sm 21

LoneHighway writes "Salon.com has a write up of what is being called an epic feat of Nerdity, the "Trinity, Help!" scene from The Matrix has been recreated using only Legos. It took 440 hours for Trevor Boyd and Steve Ilett to create Lego Matrix Trinity Help, which is a perfect shot-by-shot remake of a short but memorable scene from the Wachowski Brothers’ masterpiece, executed via stop-motion animation and a nearly infinite amount of Legos. They even provide a split screen comparison to the original. Very cool!"

Tactical Nuclear Penguin, the World's Strongest Beer Screenshot-sm 21

cheros writes "No, it's not a new game, and it's not a new Linux distro either (although it would be quite a name), it's beer. What's more, it's not your average new taste either, it's incredibly strong stuff with 32% alcohol. Please do not drink too much of this, or you'll become too risky to cremate."

University Is Looking For a Lap Dance Researcher Screenshot-sm 4

Overlooking the hundreds of qualified researchers already on campus, Leeds University has advertised for a lap dance research officer. The advertisement states that the job will fall under the School of Sociology and Social Policy, and is for, "Research Officer - The rise and regulation of lap dancing and the place of sexual labor and consumption in the night time economy. Prior experience of conducting research in the female sex industry is essential." The researcher will have to interview 300 erotic dancers and should be aware of body shot etiquette.

Man Pulls Out and Steals Woman's Teeth Screenshot-sm 4

A 32-year-old Berkeley woman sat on the bus next to what she thought was an admirer. "He kept saying how my teeth were beautiful, like the moon and the stars," she says. Her mood quickly changed however, when he continued to stare at her teeth and said, "I want them." The woman decided to get off at the next stop, and that's where her memory gets hazy. The next thing she remembers is being on her knees and bleeding profusely from where her front teeth used to be. At least she's not an albino in east Africa.

Africa's Albino Exodus Screenshot-sm 4

The Red Cross has released a report estimating that 10,000 albinos are hiding in east Africa over fears that their body parts will be sold to witch doctors. Many are trying to flee the country but fear traveling in the open. In that part of Africa it is believed by many that albino body parts will bring wealth and good luck. Tanzanian police have even set up emergency shelters to protect them from attacks. "Thousands more albinos across a huge swathe of countryside ... are unable to move freely to trade, study or cultivate fields for fear of albino hunters," the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies said. It seems surreal to me that there are places left in the world were one literally has to keep an eye out for Spine Thieves.

Woman Doesn't Want Her Thanksgiving Grenade Screenshot-sm

A Massachusetts woman received something other than another green bean casserole for Thanksgiving this year. She got a World War II hand grenade. Instead of finding a wine that would pair nicely with the grenade, the woman brought it to the local police station where the bomb squad determined it was missing a blasting cap and could not explode.

Grandmother Googled Murder Penalties Before Partner's Death Screenshot-sm 8

some_guy_88 writes "A grandmother used the internet to search 'pre-meditated + murder + penalties' shortly before her ex-partner was found strangled in a lounge chair west of Brisbane, a court has been told. She has pleaded not guilty. From the article: 'Opening the case to the jury this morning, Crown prosecutor Danny Boyle said Hughes and Mr Stewart had been separated, but remained living together at their property at Sommerholm, near Laidley. He said Hughes killed Mr Stewart because she believed he was having an affair with a 26-year-old woman who sometimes joined him on shooting trips.'"

Don't Design Angry Screenshot-sm 10

If it's true the story is simple. According to David, Simon hires David to design a logo and make some graphs. Simon never pays him but asks for extra work for free. A truly hilarious email exchange ensues. According to Simon, Dave is a raving lunatic and a liar.

Conference Humiliation 1

Thanks to twitter we need a new word for being a jerk to someone behind their back while they are speaking, and that word is tweckle. From the article, "The Twitter 'back channel' can be a powerful tool to quickly knit a gathering of strangers into an online community, a place where attendees at meetings broadcast bits of sessions, share extra information such as links, and arrange social events. But the same technology can also enable a 'virtual lynching.'"

Missing Boy With Asperger's Spent 11 Days Living in Subway Screenshot-sm 14

A missing 13-year-old boy with Asperger's syndrome has been found after living in the subway for 11 days. The boy's mother says police were slow to search for the missing child because she's a Mexican immigrant. Police say they did all they could. The boy was found in a Coney Island subway station. He says he rode a few trains, but mostly slept and lived on snacks and water for the 950,400 seconds he was missing.

CIA Manual Thought Lost In 1973 Available On Amazon Screenshot-sm 190

An anonymous reader writes "At the height of the Cold War, the Central Intelligence Agency paid renowned magician John Mulholland $3,000 to write a manual on misdirection, concealment, and stagecraft. All known copies of the document were believed to be destroyed in 1973. Turns out one survived — and is now available on Amazon."

Jetman Attempts Intercontinental Flight Screenshot-sm 140

Last year we ran the story of Yves Rossy and his DIY jetwings. Yves spent $190,000 and countless hours building a set of jet-powered wings which he used to cross the English Channel. Rossy's next goal is to cross the Strait of Gibraltar, from Tangier in Morocco and Tarifa on the southwestern tip of Spain. From the article: "Using a four-cylinder jet pack and carbon fibre wings spanning over 8ft, he will jump out of a plane at 6,500 ft and cruise at 130 mph until he reaches the Spanish coast, when he will parachute to earth." Update 18:57 GMT: mytrip writes: "Yves Rossy took off from Tangiers but five minutes into an expected 15-minute flight he was obliged to ditch into the wind-swept waters."

Seals Face Assault Charges After Terrorist Capture 23

Three Navy SEALs are facing assault charges after the capture of one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq, Ahmed Hashim Abed. Abed is believed to have organized the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah. The accused terrorist, who had a bloody lip, claims that he was punched in the face and not giving a foot massage, or allowed to listen to his iPod as one might expect when a SEAL team captures you. The SEALs have requested a trial by court-martial.
It's funny.  Laugh.

Moving Decimal Bug Loses Money 420

mario.m7 writes "Poste Italiane, the Italian postal service, suffered yesterday from an abnormal computation in ATM and credit card operations, since the decimal comma was not taken into account. The whole sum was therefore multiplied by 100, resulting in a 115,00 Euro transaction being debited as 11.500 Euro! Thousands of accounts are deep in the red and locked (link pumped through translator), so that no more operations are possible. Poste Italiane is gradually recovering the problem, fixing the error and re-crediting the sum debited in excess. Consumer associations have offered support to clients in case this lasts longer and causes damage."

Scientists Say a Dirty Child Is a Healthy Child Screenshot-sm 331

Researchers from the School of Medicine at the University of California have shown that the more germs a child is exposed to, the better their immune system in later life. Their study found that keeping a child's skin too clean impaired the skin's ability to heal itself. From the article: "'These germs are actually good for us,' said Professor Richard Gallo, who led the research. Common bacterial species, known as staphylococci, which can cause inflammation when under the skin, are 'good bacteria' when on the surface, where they can reduce inflammation."

Police Arrest Man For Refusing To Tweet 550

RichZellich writes "Police arrested a senior vice president from Island Def Jam Records, saying he hindered their crowd-control efforts by not cooperating. The crowd at a mall where Justin Bieber was appearing got out of control, and police wanted the man to send a tweet asking for calm; he refused and they arrested him on a felony assault charge 'for putting people in danger.'"

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