
MkLinux DR3 is done

XosE wrote in to send us a link to the MkLinux Status File in which they announce that DR3 of MkLinux is up. CDs shall ship RSN. Existing users only need to download "new stuff" (25 megs worth). Sounds like a lot unless you realize the whole thing doesn't even fit on a single CD.

Petition Apple to release G3 specs

Tsk writes "A BeOS advocates has set up a page to send apple a petition for them to publicly release the specs of their Powerful G3 computers and of HFS+ their new file system. " With Steve at the helm over at apple, all I can say is Not Likely. But it would be cool.

The Apple-MS relationship

Phyx send us this link which confirms some of the MS-Apple problems. While they aren't quite to suing each other again, it seems that the relationship has its share of problems particularly with multimedia issues.

Rhapsody Returns

work-deprived writes "Apparently, Steve Jobs has announced that Rhapsody will be available in the fall as a server under the name of Mac OS X Server. It will only be shipped for G3 processors, but promises better memory management, more reliable protected mode, and better performance [sic]. It will also include 100% native PowerPC code. I wonder if that will be a factor in its war with Wintel. Full story ". It makes me wonder if it will cost more, and if Apple is playing the "NT angle", letting servers get the "best", while consumers are stuck with what's left...

Apple Posts Profit

Apple, the company that couldn't, or more to the point, didn't, has posted a profit for the 3rd straight quarter. This is a good thing. With the Macworld Expo coming up, a slew of info on the profits and what's going on over there is available.

Apple backs off from Rhapsody strategy

Clayton Wheeler writes "According to This MacWeek article, Apple is declaring Rhapsody 1.0 a dead end. Because of the Mac community's lack of interest in porting everything to Yellow Box, Apple is instead emphasizing MacOS X and the Carbon APIs. Yellow Box is relegated to being a long-term idea and "part of [Apple's] larger Java strategy." Development of Yellow Box for Windows will continue, but no Intel ports of MacOS or Carbon are planned. "

Production ends on Mac clones

Jim Hall writes " InfoWorld Magazine reports in their 06/01/1998 edition that UMAX computer has ceased production of its Macintosh clones. UMAX was the last remaining licensee of the MacOS after Apple stopped allowing clones. This is too bad. I think clones were the way for Macs to become accessible to others. Competition among Mac vendors might have made the Mac cheaper to upgrade and to own. Oh well. "

End of the SuperMac

A bit old, but the Taiwanese computer maker Umax has officially declared that it will be quitting the Macintosh clone market, after losing somewhere in the range of 1.1$TW billion (~40$US million). This announcement of the losses came 22/5, and the depature from the market has already come. It's too bad that in some ways Apple waited so long to do clones that it didn't make any real difference.


Greg Bodnar writes "Looks like a new Open Source project for Mac Hardware is floating around at InfiniteOS" It's pretty darn skeletal right now but I suspect that it'll grow quite a bit over the next few months.

Make an Aquarium out of that old Mac

Topher writes "You may have seen this before, it's certainly not new, but there's a site that tells how to make an aquarium out of an old Mac, including exactly where to drill and bolt and glue, and everything." check it out here. I wish I had an extra 20-30 hours a week so I could try to do this sort of stuff more often.

POSIX on top of MacOS

Chris Howard writes "This site says they have a POSIX layer on top of the MacOS. I'll download it tonight and give it a try. Sounds interesting. "

Amelio on the New Apple

Graeme McLaughlin sent us a link to an interesting where Gil Amelio Speaks about Apple, and how Jobs is taking all the credit for Amelio's work. Sounds reasonable, but I'm still skeptical.

Rhapsody DR2 screenshots

Paul Vallée writes "this linkhas a series of five full-screen shots authorized by Apple of Rhapsody DR2. They are fantastic, and blew me away. The screen-shots are also discussed. Cheers, Paul " Interesting meshing of the MacOS and NeXT stuff. They look pretty sharp...


Apple announced today at its Worldwide Developer Conference that MacOS and Rhapsody will merge. In 1999, Apple will release MacOS X, or MacOS 10. MacOS X will be able to preemptivley multitask and supports protected memory. In the interim, MacOS 8.5 (aka "Allegro") will ship.

Mac GUI + Linux Rumor?

Brian Kimball writes " link The rumor is that the mac look-and-feel is being ported to Linux. Supposedly this will be announced at the upcoming Apple developers conference. Steve Job says it's bogus; I'll wait and see. " Without the Macintosh's standard everything the Mac GUI would blow on Linux. But the article does claim that Apple does have some sort of Linux related announcement coming...

The iMac Debate (editorial)

Ok folks after the recent hub bub on Slashdot over the iMac release (check out that story... 300+ comments) Benjamin Shive sent me a bunch of points in response to most of the criticisms that occured in the comments. I would consider one personally (it would end up being an X-Server in my living room :), but it would be nice if it was a couple hundred bucks cheaper. But these things are designed with a different audience than most of us hardcore techies. Anyway, Ben has covered the issues pretty well, so if you were partaking in the flamefest yesterday, it's probably worth reading this.

Apples Big Surprise

Well it's a new desktop line. Integrated Monitor/PC in a transparent case, 233Mhz G3, 4gig HD 32 megs of RAM, for $1300. No complaints from over here. You may want to swing over to Apple and take a look for yourself. Sure wouldn't be a bad little Linux box...

www.apple.com (Whoa)

beleriand wrote in to tell us that something a bit crazy seems to be coming up in a few hours on Apple.com... Updated Well the big hype was a trippy, extremely cheap ($1300) mac. 233Mhz G3, 32 Megs RAM, 4gig HD- looks like a decent Linux box to me.

Macintouch Seeks VirtualPC/Linux Users

This is a sorta different thing for me to post, but bear with me. Curtis Wilcox sent us a note saying that "">Macintouch would like to hear from anyone successfully running Linux within Connectix's VirtualPC 2.0. Email them at notes@macintouch.com " If anyone has pulled it off, they definately should let them know. And if anyone has a lazy evening, maybe they should try to pull it off... Update Thanks to the 50 of you who warned me about the (now fixed) typo that was once above, all naked and exposed to the whole world *grin*.

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