Operating Systems

Quick Reviews Of The Latest From Crux, Knoppix 19

A semi-anonymous reader writes "lakerdonald has written a review of Knoppix 3.6, the latest release version of the popular Linux Live CD. Knoppix currently ranks #3 in the distrowatch chart, and is certainly a distro to keep your eyes on!" (Apparently, German readers can also get Knoppix 3.7 on the cover of a Germany computer magazine.) Another anonymous reader writes "The Crux Linux ppc port is growing really fast and well! These guys reviewed the release candidate #3 for the 2.0 version of this light-weight distribution."
Media (Apple)

Rob Glaser Responds, Talks Up Real Networks 464

The 10 questions we sent Real Networks CEO Rob Glaser were selected from 37 that were moderated +5 about 24 hours after we posted the "call for questions" last week. As promised, Glaser answered them himself rather than through PR people, but since part of a CEO's job is to be his company's number one booster it's not surprising that his answers have a high PR component to them; yours would too if you were in his position.

Next iChat version to include Jabber support 328

SeaFox writes "A couple of stories about new features in the next version of Mac OS X have revealed that the new iChat 3.0 will include support for Jabber. With businesses able to host their own messaging servers behind the firewall and use it with Apple's included IM client, will this effect Jabber's overall share of the IM market?"
The Almighty Buck

Beatles vs Apple 496

loid_void writes "Beatles fan Steve Jobs could lose a large bite of his Apple to his idols, says a report in Forbes. The Beatles' company, Apple Corps., is involved in a legal battle with Jobs' Apple Computer, claiming the hardware manufacturer is in breach of a 1991 agreement that that forbids it from using the trademark for any application "whose principle content is music." The two companies have been involved in a number of court battles over the years involving the use of the Apple trademark." Good summary of all the wacky misadventure the two mega corporations have had.
Wireless (Apple)

Matching AirPort Express to Third Party Routers 40

An anonymous reader submits "After purchasing AirPort Express yesterday, I found out that my existing Netgear router didn't work with it in WDS mode. After a lot of searching, I found scattered bits of information about what routers worked and which ones didn't. I decided to start a site that hopefully will become a definitive list of routers that work with AirPort Express. It's not big yet, which is why I am submitting this here. If you have attempted successfully or unsuccessfully to set up AirPort Express in WDS mode with a non-Apple router, please let me know so that future users can find the information more readily."

Verizon PCMCIA Card Just Works 99

Apple God writes "I was a friend's house and he showed me his Verizion PCMCIA card for internet access. On a whim, I put it in my PowerBook, and it recognized the card and prompted me for authorization to configure the system for use with the card. I entered my password, and was surprised to see an icon in the menu bar for it. I clicked on this icon and selected connect, it worked! I had internet access. Here is a picture of the card that I used. When we checked Verizon's page, they only listed Windows compatibility. To make matters sweeter, my friend was shocked that it 'just worked' because he had to install drivers in XP before it would work."

Security Update 2004-09-07 77

sizemoresr writes "Security Update 2004-09-07 delivers a number of security enhancements and is recommended for all users of Mac OS X 10.2.8 and later. This update includes the following components: CoreFoundation, IPSec, Kerberos, libpcap, lukemftpd, NetworkConfig, OpenLDAP, OpenSSH, PPPDialer, rsync, Safari and tcpdump."

Linear Video Editing Software for Mac? 76

Vilorman asks: "Everyone knows that there is tons of linear video editing hardware out for Windows and Mac. There is even quite a bit of stand alone linear editing software for Windows. There are all of these Firewire DV input/output boxes on the market but where is the software for them? We've got Final Cut Pro HD and DVD Studio for the Mac but that's all non-linear. Where's the linear stuff? I want to be able to take live video into my Mac and superimpose text over video or images over video and then send it right back out using the standard Firewire video I/O box that I already have; but I want to do it live on the fly, not in post-production where I have to ingest an hours worth of video and then print it back to tape. I know it can be done but where is the software for making it happen?"
Media (Apple)

Ask RealNetworks CEO Rob Glaser 379

RealNetworks has always been more Linux-friendly than other streaming media purveyors, and is now moving closer to the open source camp with its Helix Community effort. More recently, Real has made a big media splash by selling downloadable tunes in an iPod-compatible format. Does any of this matter, considering that world + dog seems to be jumping on the downloadable multimedia bandwagon? Can Real once again become "the" streaming media leader? Will Real's 49 cent "limited time only" song download price force other music download vendors to cut their prices? We have no idea, but hopefully Rob Glaser does. He's promised to answer your questions personally (rather than have PR people speak for him). So ask whatever you like. We'll forward 10 of the highest-moderated questions to him by email and post his answers soon after he gets them back to us.

Apple VP discusses iMac G5 Hardware Design 467

MrMiyagi writes "Apple VP of of Hardware Product Marketing, Greg Joswiak, discusses the new iMac G5's hardware design. Apparently it's light enough to carry around the house, and has special fans that run at low speeds making the cooling very quiet."
Media (Apple)

Apple Launches iTunes Affiliate Program 206

An anonymous user writes, "Apple has launched an affiliate program for their iTunes music store that earns participants 5% commission. Affiliates can link directly to songs, albums, and artists, as well as apply to the Apple Store affiliate program to sell hardware. It costs nothing to join and people that sign up prior to September 15 can win one of five free iPod minis. Apple has also assembled a handy FAQ."

Windows to Mac Migration Guide/Advice? 394

Harpa wonders: "Having spent more years than I care to count living and working with various Windows machines, I'm about to get my first Apple (an iBook). While eagerly waiting for the machine to be shipped, I'm starting to realize that changes I'm going to have to deal with may involve more than getting used to one less mouse button!I'm wondering if any Slashdot folk can help. What does an old-time Windows user have to learn/unlearn? To what extent can my Apple live happily with my existing PC's, my printer, my network? Everything I've found so far seems to be either geared for people who've never used a computer before or for existing Mac users. Is there any info available that supports us 'converts'?"

Apple Cites Open Source Core Security 69

ChilyMack writes "In a CNet article, Apple senior vice president Bertrand Serlet says, 'A lot of security problems derive from the core ... [With open source code,] thousands of people look at the critical portions of source code and ... check those portions are right. It's a major advantage to have open-source code.'"

Apple Introduces New G5 iMac 1595

peatbakke writes "Well, here it is. Looks like the rumors of computer+monitor combined into a sleek little case were true." It's mostly what you'd expect both design-wise and specwise. And I want it.
Data Storage

Multicast Imaging for Mac OS X? 69

ATomkins asks: "The school where I work has 128 new G5s which will be set up in a couple of labs. We want to completely re-image all G5s at least every semester. Ideally, we would want to use something like Ghost to push the image out to all the Macs at once; with Dell boxen, under similar circumstances, this takes about 20-30 minutes. Is there a viable alternative for OS X?"
Media (Apple)

Apple iPod with Video and WiFi Capabilities? 225

An anonymous reader writes "Apple is currently seeking an engineer for its iPod hardware division. However, they are not looking for just any engineer. They are seeking an engineer with WiFi and Video integration experience. 'The iPod group is looking for a Hardware Engineer. Experience in the following areas is important: system integration, digital logic, SDRAM, Flash, ASIC's, processor selection, ATAPI, various communication protocols (ie: GSM, Bluetooth, IEEE 802.11, Firewire, and USB), display types and video and analog integration.'"

HP To Start Selling Its iPod 313

Dozix007 writes "Uberhacker.Com is reporting that HP said Friday it will start selling its version of the iPod in September. HP's white iPod will be sold in a 20-gigabyte and 40-gigabyte version for $299 and $399 respectively. Apple's prices are the same. It is essentially a clone of the current design, with no real modification."

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