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Businesses Medicine

23andMe Plans New Genetic Test on Risk of Getting Diabetes (fortune.com) 61

In an update to its genetic test, 23andMe is trying to make it easier for people to combat type 2 diabetes. From a report: When customers now purchase the company's $199 Health & Ancestry Service test, they'll get their saliva screened for type 2 diabetes, among a variety of other health conditions, the company said in a statement on Sunday. The test won't say for sure whether a person has diabetes or will definitely get it, but the results will provide insight into whether someone is at risk of becoming diabetic. According to 23andMe, its test to determine diabetes risk comes from an analysis of data the company collected from more than 2.5 million customers who opted in to its research. Scientists evaluated the user data and created a system of scoring a person's likelihood of getting type 2 diabetes based on more than 1,000 genetic factors.
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23andMe Plans New Genetic Test on Risk of Getting Diabetes

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  • This is a fascinating use of big data, but I'd really like to see this work peer-reviewed for publication
  • by Anonymous Coward

    I used to think that it was a disease that came in 2 forms:

    * Those born with a known genetic anomaly. (Type I)
    * Dumbfucks who can't stop stuffing their mouths with food. (Type II)

    It turns out, though, that I was wrong; while it's true that there are a lot of dumbfucks out there, people don't really know what causes Type I diabetes—it just appears to have some kind of heritable quality to it. Yikes!

    • * Dumbfucks who can't stop stuffing their mouths with food. (Type II)

      Sorry, no, while type 2 is brought on by poor eating habits, it is not from inability to stop stuffing one's mouth. Yes, fat people have it but they would probably even if they just less of the crappy food they prefer. It is high carb and/or high sugar ratio food with lack of exercise. Alcohol in particular has a lot of the kind of sugar bad for people at risk. It's not the being fat that does it, it's the kind of food that people who end up fat tend to eat.

    • I used to think that it was a disease that came in 2 forms:

      * Those born with a known genetic anomaly. (Type I)
      * Dumbfucks who can't stop stuffing their mouths with food. (Type II)

      It turns out, though, that I was wrong; while it's true that there are a lot of dumbfucks out there, people don't really know what causes Type I diabetes—it just appears to have some kind of heritable quality to it. Yikes!

      Regarding type II though- it's not just what food they eat.
      You can have two obese men of the same height and weight that eat a similar diet.

      Man 1 has diabetes. Man 2 does not.

      Both of them could probably lose the diabetes by losing weight so it's not Type I, but it isn't just from being obese either. Some people are more genetically predisposed to getting diabetes even if they are not necessarily of Type I.

    • by _merlin ( 160982 )

      There's also gestational diabetes, which is a temporary thing that happens to pregnant women. My wife got this the first time, and it really scared her. Before that she used to give me shit and tell me I'd get diabetes from my eating habits. She got really strict with her eating and exercise the whole time she was pregnant. The second time she responded better to the glucose metabolism test, but they'd changed the threshold, so they still told her she had borderline gestational diabetes, and she had to

    • by havana9 ( 101033 )
      The fact is that all types of diabetes have a genetic root. Some studies found that in families with people with Type 1 (or LADA) there were also people with Type 2. By the way eating too much of carbohydrates doesn't cause diabetes because there are a lot of fat people without diabetes. The problem with Type 2 is that is a slowly evolving condition and could pass undetected for years, add to this that having an healthy food habit will reduce the effects of diabetes, T2 could pass undetected. T1 on the othe
  • I realize this is voluntary but this kind of genetic record keeping and analysis will not be kept private. There's already several stories out there of crimes being solved because of genetic matching in Ancestry.com. It wasn't even the person that did the crime but their close relative!
    • Bingo. The data will either be sold or "leaked" to the health insurance community. If you want to manage your health, do so under the guidance of a physician or nurse practitioner. Ancestry companies have no business keeping health data.

  • A thousand genetic markers doesn't mean f*ckall when excess BMI and physical inactivity are the known causes.
    • Exactly ...

      Basically all cases of diabetes I'm aware off are caused by wrong diet.

    • You probably want to use the waist-to-height [sciencedaily.com] ratio instead.

    • by havana9 ( 101033 )
      This is simply not true. It's a genetic predisposition, that is easily triggered by an high carbohydrate diet. The fact there are morbidly obese people without diabetes is sign that isn't the cause. On the contrary people with pre-diabetes and reactive hypoglycaemia couls suffer for increased hunger and overeat.
      • Interesting argument. By that logic, we can also conclude that smoking does not cause lung cancer, because there are people who have chain smoked for decades but do not have lung cancer. I will agree, however, that diabetes is triggered by a genetic disposition: evolving in a world of scarcity gave us a survival instinct to stuff ourselves full of anything edible, especially meats, fat, carbs, salt, and sugar. Of course, everyone on the planet shares this genetic disposition. There, I just saved you $199.
  • For most, its not really genetic, it's dietary. It's like being a heavy smoker and not being able to run up the stairs anymore. it's dietary.. now people will be told they are low risk while their doctor's will tell them their sugar is now high..
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • I already have diabetes!
  • Genetics does not tell all, for many diseases, environment is even more important. Eat too much carbs, exercise too little, and you will get type 2 diabetes, no genetic test needed for that forecast.
    • by havana9 ( 101033 )
      Wrong... a genetic predisposition has a role on diabetes development. There are fat people without diabetes and slim people that got type 2 diabetes. Eating too much refined carbohydrates could cause reactive hypoglycaemia that in turn cause more hunger.
  • If you sustain a healthy diet right from the start, you will never have diabetes. It's not an inhabited disease and limiting yourself on sweets and junk food is already half of the success. If you still looking into diet, try for lch tp gym cho nam [giamcandep.vn] and see how this will improve your health in nearest future.

My idea of roughing it turning the air conditioner too low.
