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Why You May Not Like Ted Cruz's Face, According To Science ( 203

An anonymous reader writes: Ted Cruz pitches himself as an overcomer, an underdog, an outsider who beats the odds. While the Republic candidate has won four states in this nomination race so far, a neurologist says he still faces a big obstacle with voters: his own face. In an interview with Quartz, George Washington University's Richard E. Cytowic said the unusual movements of Cruz's face may make him seem less sincere to the human brain than other candidates. "The normal way a face moves is what's called the Duchenne smile, named after the 19th century French neurologist. So the mouth goes up, the eyes narrow and the eyes crinkle at the outside, forming crows feet," said Cytowic, a professor of neurology. "Cruz doesn't give a Duchenne smile. His mouth goes in a tight line across or else it curves down in an anti-Duchenne smile. So he doesn't come across as sincere at all." Visceral reactions probably drive a lot more of politics than anyone likes to admit; seeming trustworthy isn't the same as being trustworthy, but it sure helps win people over.
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Why You May Not Like Ted Cruz's Face, According To Science

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  • "Appears" Insincere? (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 05, 2016 @03:10PM (#51644481)

    He appears insincere because, guess fuckin' what, he *is.*

    Cruz is a Dominionist. None of this means anything to him except insofar as he can grab the reins of power and usher in some dystopic nightmare fusion of 1984 and The Handmaiden's Tale. Dominionists have been a scary powerful group since the Nixon years and they went absolutely metastaticwhen Bush II was elected.

    If he is not stopped, we're going to end up ruled by the Christian Taliban.

    • by Type44Q ( 1233630 ) on Saturday March 05, 2016 @04:11PM (#51644839)
      I very much suspect that Cruz's "insincere face" is a case of causation rather than correlation.
    • Here are some primers:

      Courtesy of Wikipedia []:

      Dominion Theology is a theocratic ideology that seeks to implement a nation governed by conservative Christians ruling over the rest of society based on their understanding of biblical law

      Courtesy or DailyKos []:

      Dominionism, also called Christian Reconstructionism is, simply put, the belief that Christians must take over the planet, and only then can/will Christ return. It is the duty of the Church to take power, and use that power to establish “biblical law

  • Sincerity (Score:5, Funny)

    by Indigo ( 2453 ) on Saturday March 05, 2016 @03:10PM (#51644485)

    The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you've got it made.
    -- Jean Giraudoux

  • by penguinoid ( 724646 ) on Saturday March 05, 2016 @03:13PM (#51644513) Homepage Journal

    may make him seem less sincere than other candidates.

    I'm not sure that's possible.

  • Who couldn't like his face []?

  • by hduff ( 570443 ) <<moc.liamg> <ta> <ffudtyoh>> on Saturday March 05, 2016 @03:18PM (#51644545) Homepage Journal

    Grandpa Munster

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 05, 2016 @03:22PM (#51644559)
    Affordable health care has been an issue for most of my adult, working life. Republicans and Democrats alike have proposed solutions, but until six years ago no one delivered.

    We had a vote. The majority, the fricken majority chose the winner, and the winner delivered on a campaign promise to deliver affordable health care to everyone.

    The fricken majority.

    And he and his ilk have spent six years since then trying to over turn what the fricken majority voted for.

    Is it any wonder nobody likes him?
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      You mean the majority that after that abomination was passed has been trying for the past six years to get rid of it? The majority that's currently supporting candidates who will get rid of it?

      People wanted health care reform, sure. They didn't want to be forced to be overly expensive health plans.

      All we needed was tort reform and a little loosening of the ridiculous FDA restrictions, but no, Obama dumped even more regulations into the system.

      There's a reason Trump is winning and winning big.

      • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 05, 2016 @03:35PM (#51644619)

        Just reversing the rule prohibiting buying prescription drugs from Canada would dramatically lower the costs for millions of Americans who, despite being forced to buy "affordable health care", are stuck with ridiculously high deductible policies that don't even provide co-pays for drugs until they meet their deductible, which they can't do because their premiums are ridiculously high.

      • All we needed was tort reform and a little loosening of the ridiculous FDA restrictions,

        And this brilliant plan helps families that have someone with a preexisting condition obtain insurance, HOW?

    • When you go with majority rule the minority still get fucked over. When the "majority" is 51% it's not even a majority, it's a statistical fluke.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Affordable health care has been an issue for most of my adult, working life. Republicans and Democrats alike have proposed solutions, but until six years ago no one delivered.

      We had a vote. The majority, the fricken majority chose the winner, and the winner delivered on a campaign promise to deliver affordable health care to everyone.

      The fricken majority.

      And he and his ilk have spent six years since then trying to over turn what the fricken majority voted for.

      Is it any wonder nobody likes him?

      If Obamacare does get repealed, it will have been repealed by the fricken majority.

      The will have been a vote. And Obamacare will have been overturned by the majority, the fricken majority.

      And if the winner this November is Trump, he will have delivered on a campaign promise to overturn Obamacare.

      I just hope the Republicans ram the overturning through using every shady legislative trick possible just to teach the Democrats a lesson.

      And then the Republicans keep going and use every damn legislative dirty tri

    • Comment removed (Score:4, Informative)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Saturday March 05, 2016 @04:53PM (#51645003)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • You do not have the right to force me to pay your medical bills. That also applies to your relation with the other 300 million people in the US.
      • The government has been forcing you to pay other peoples' medical bills ever since the VA, Medicare, and Medicaid were passed into law.

        If you don't like that, I suggest you move to Somalia, where you don't have to pay for any socialized services.

        • Not only that but I think there's a program that helps hospitals when their emergency rooms have to treat too many people who are uninsured and can't to pay. That's your tax dollars paying for medical care as well.

    • We had a vote. The majority, the fricken majority chose the winner, and the winner delivered on a campaign promise to deliver affordable health care to everyone.

      I don't like Ted Cruz either, but there's no such thing as "final" in a democracy.

  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Saturday March 05, 2016 @03:28PM (#51644589)

    It's what comes out of it when he opens his mouth.

    • Indeed.
      The fact that he's won elections, and quite a number of votes in the current election shows that people are willing to overcome their smile prejudices and vote for him anyway.

      Incidentally, this post can be seen as a propaganda attempt to get people to feel sorry for Ted Cruz and vote for him.
    • by dywolf ( 2673597 ) []

      no, that face is pretty scary.
      like....stephen king's clown scary

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Ted Cruz, by all accounts is a prick. So which came first? Is he just a prick who's neurology makes him smile that way, or did he smile that way, and everyone treated him like a prick so he became a prick?

  • by Maxo-Texas ( 864189 ) on Saturday March 05, 2016 @03:43PM (#51644665)

    I wrote this for another forum which was focused on trump. But basically only 21% of Ted Cruz's statements are true or mostly true. He lies twice as often as Clinton and Sanders and almost twice as often as Rubio. He's facile at lying. Lying is a tool in his tool box. It has little to do with his face.

    From politifact, the Pulitzer prize winning political fact checking site. []
    51% of Clinton's statements are all true or mostly true. Another 21% are half true. []
    48% of Sander's statements are all true or mostly true. Another 21% are half true. []
    35% of Rubio's statements are all true or mostly true. Another 22% are half true. []
    21% of Ted Cruz's statements are all true or mostly true. Another 13% are half true. []
    8% of Trump's statements are all true or mostly true. Another 14% are half true.

    yes.. 8% is yoooge.

    Trump is saying mostly false statements to outright lies 78% of the time. When caught in a lie, he just lies again.

    I was suprised to see Cruz had such a high lie rating given that he's christian and christians are against the lord of lies but his particular sect does approve of lying in the service of the lord so that may be playing a factor here.

    Trump is almost a full order of magnitude more dishonest however.

    • Oh yea... []
      48% of Bush's statements are all true or mostly true. Another 22% are half true.

      1% better than Sanders. []
      39% of Christie's statements are all true or mostly true. Another 26% are half true.

      The site gives perfectly good ratings to honest republican candidates.

      I think most of expect politicians to shade the truth a quarter of the time and lie a quarter of the time while being honest the rest of the time. that's the stardard for politici

      • I'm not sure how Politifact decides which statements to rate, but I'm pretty sure Trump has told the truth more than that one time [].

        I rate their "All True statements involving Donald Trump == 1" to be "pants on fire".

    • You should probably dig deeper into politifact's system before relying on it in a heavy way......

      At the very least, politifact doesn't even attempt to get 100% coverage of every statement of the candidates, so using it to determine who lies a higher percentage of the time is questionable
    • by dywolf ( 2673597 )

      hes the best liar in politics today.
      better even than Slick Willy was ever given credit for being.

    • On the grounds of equal time, Trump ain't exactly being honest. []

  • by Anonymous Coward

    I don't like him because he's religious crazy...

    >God wants a massive tax cut for the rich

    Really damm crazy.

  • Because he's a fuckin' scumbag, that's why. As bad as it is, his smile is the least of his worries.

    He's aggressive, aloof, arrogant, belligerent, big-headed, bitchy, boastful, bone-idle, boring, bossy, callous, cantankerous, careless, changeable, clinging, compulsive, conservative, cowardly, cruel, cunning, cynical, deceitful, detached, dishonest, dogmatic, domineering, finicky, flirtatious, foolish, foolhardy, fussy, greedy, grumpy, gullible, harsh , impatient, impolite, impulsive, inconsiderate, inconsist

    • TLDR: ted cruz is bad.
      • TLDR: ted cruz is bad.


        Ebola is "bad".
        Nuclear war is "bad".
        Sliding down a razor-blade banister into a pool of iodine is "bad".
        Being shot out of a cannon into a barbed-wire fence factory is "bad".

        Ted Cruz is far worse than any of those things.

  • I've already seen the video where Cruz eats his booger on stage and I won't risk seeing it again.
  • Cause and Effect (Score:4, Informative)

    by quantaman ( 517394 ) on Saturday March 05, 2016 @04:40PM (#51644957)

    That creates an interesting question assuming you agree with the empirical evidence that Ted Cruz is very dishonest [].

    I basically see three main possibilities:

    1) It's just a coincidence that a very insincere face is coupled with a very insincere man. The researcher suggests this though he's basically just repeating the null hypothesis.

    2) Cruz's face behaves the way it does because he's so dishonest. The brain uses different circuits when lying or manipulating (ie fake smile vs genuine smile). If he's spent years being highly manipulative the circuits that control how his face move might work subtly different.

    3) Finally he might be lying so much because he realizes he looks dishonest and has come to identify as such (or he's learned people won't believe him regardless).

    I suspect it's one of the latter two, our brains don't do perfect heuristics but they're often based on something real.

    This reminds me of the study that found hockey players with rounder faces were more aggressive []. Of course that doesn't tell you if the aggression and round face were both caused by the same underlying factor (ie testosterone) or if the players were acting more aggressive because they looked more aggressive.

  • And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.
  • Some said that Gore's Botox treatment of his aging forehead and crowsfeet wrinkles made his facial expressions look fake on TV, and lost him many thousands of votes in the presidential election.

  • First time I saw a photo of Ted Cruz I thought that he looked like Richard Nixon for some reason, go figure...

  • by kimvette ( 919543 ) on Saturday March 05, 2016 @06:56PM (#51645583) Homepage Journal

    I don't care about politicians' faces. Really.

    I don't dislike Cruz because of his smile; I dislike Cruz because he's an asshole.

  • Just wait (Score:5, Funny)

    by Xabraxas ( 654195 ) on Saturday March 05, 2016 @07:48PM (#51645797)
    While his face is eminently punchable wait till you see his policies. You'll want to kick him in the nuts.
  • by Gojira Shipi-Taro ( 465802 ) on Saturday March 05, 2016 @11:15PM (#51646541) Homepage

    He's a Theocratist Shit-Sack. Anyone that even HINTS that the Bible should win out over the Constitution can go get fucked sideways with a bandsaw. Keep your church out of my life you christian taliban motherfucker.

  • ... while hardly endearing, is decidedly less offensive than what comes out of it.

You must realize that the computer has it in for you. The irrefutable proof of this is that the computer always does what you tell it to do.
