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'Ingenious' Experiment Closes Loopholes In Quantum Theory 214

Annanag writes: A Bell experiment in the Netherlands has plugged loopholes in the theory of quantum mechanics using a technique called entanglement swapping to combine the benefits of using both light and matter. It's Nobel-Prize winning stuff. Quoting: "Experiments that use entangled photons are prone to the ‘detection loophole’: not all photons produced in the experiment are detected, and sometimes as many as 80% are lost. Experimenters therefore have to assume that the properties of the photons they capture are representative of the entire set. ...

[In the new work], researchers started with two unentangled electrons sitting in diamond crystals held in different labs on the Delft campus, 1.3 kilometers apart. Each electron was individually entangled with a photon, and both of those photons were then zipped to a third location. There, the two photons were entangled with each other — and this caused both their partner electrons to become entangled, too.

This did not work every time. In total, the team managed to generate 245 entangled pairs of electrons over the course of nine days. The team's measurements exceeded Bell’s bound, once again supporting the standard quantum view. Moreover, the experiment closed both loopholes at once: because the electrons were easy to monitor, the detection loophole was not an issue, and they were separated far enough apart to close the communication loophole, too."
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'Ingenious' Experiment Closes Loopholes In Quantum Theory

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  • by Barbecue911 ( 4201807 ) on Friday August 28, 2015 @11:17AM (#50409665)
    I'm not an quantum physicist, but the loopholes appear to be in the experiments intended to demonstrate the "spookiness" of quantum theory, not the theory itself:

    The first Bell test was carried out in 1981, by Alain Aspect’s team at the Institute of Optics in Palaiseau, France. Many more have been performed since, always coming down on the side of spookiness — but each of those experiments has had loopholes that meant that physicists have never been able to fully close the door on Einstein’s view.

    • I'm not an quantum physicist, but the loopholes appear to be in the experiments intended to demonstrate the "spookiness" of quantum theory, not the theory itself:

      The first Bell test was carried out in 1981, by Alain Aspect’s team at the Institute of Optics in Palaiseau, France. Many more have been performed since, always coming down on the side of spookiness — but each of those experiments has had loopholes that meant that physicists have never been able to fully close the door on Einstein’s view.

      I'm gonna argue with you on this new info not closing loopholes in the theory. Until there is proof (demonstrable and repeatable) to back a theory there are loopholes or gaps in the theory. Once the gaps and loopholes have been closed through experimentation the theory comes closer to being fact and not theory. The loopholes existed in the quantum entanglement experiments because of less than ideal methodology, testing conditions, apparatus, etc. in trying to apply the theory to reality.

  • Does the fact that the two separated electrons are now entangled mean that flipping one of the electrons will now flip the other? Supposedly, quantum entanglement can't be used for communications but I've never understood why. Even if flipping one electron *might* flip the other, it means you could communicate because error-correcting protocols work pretty well over noisy communications channels.

    • by qbast ( 1265706 ) on Friday August 28, 2015 @12:13PM (#50410141)
      Because you don't get to 'flip' anything without breaking entanglement. You can just measure one electron and be sure that the same measurement will give you the same result in entangled one. It is like having two random number generators with the same seed - they always give the same (random) answer, but it does not allow you to transmit anything.
      • by Kjella ( 173770 )

        Because you don't get to 'flip' anything without breaking entanglement. You can just measure one electron and be sure that the same measurement will give you the same result in entangled one. It is like having two random number generators with the same seed - they always give the same (random) answer, but it does not allow you to transmit anything.

        That's the "local hidden variables" theory, in which both particles are set with some quantum state at entanglement and don't interact later but which we know is false. If we angle the detectors, collapsing the quantum state at one end will cause correlation at the other end that can't be explained by hidden variables. The funny thing is though is that in order to measure the correlation you need both sets of measurements, which you have to transfer from one to the other at classical speeds so you don't get

    • There's no control over which way the electron flips, so no way to send a message that way. And there's no way to measure whether or not an electron has or has not flipped, so no way to send a message that way, either.

  • by johannesg ( 664142 ) on Friday August 28, 2015 @01:08PM (#50410645)

    ...the electrons were moved between labs on a bicycle.

    Ah, the Dutch! Whether it is a dike or a quantum theory, they can plug the holes ;-)

  • I don't get it. I thought the loopholes in classical mechanics is the quantum mechanics. If you close the loopholes and make it deterministic, then you are back to Newton, baby! Its all canon firing balls horizontally but what would happen if due to curvature the earth surface falls more rapidly than the canonball.
  • This is huge (Score:4, Informative)

    by iris-n ( 1276146 ) on Friday August 28, 2015 @02:52PM (#50411571)

    Guys, this is huge. People have been doing versions of this experiment for decades, every time making it more refined, in order to be able to reach the striking conclusion with the fewest possible assumptions: that the world is not deterministic. The quantum randomness is not our ignorance, is a fundamental property of nature.

    What they did was to violate a Bell inequality [], without using the most questionable extra assumptions (called loopholes) people normally use to extract a conclusion from this experiment: that the separated laboratories are not somehow communicating to conspire to produce the desired outcome, or that the photons they detect are indeed a good representative of all the photons that were emitted in the experiment (normally people can detect only a small fraction of the photons).

    I am a quantum physicist, and I know the science behind this experiment very well. If anybody wants to ask me anything, I'd be glad to oblige.

    • Does this open the door up to FTL communication?

      • by iris-n ( 1276146 )

        It is easy to prove that it is not possible to send information by doing measurements on a part of an entangled state, so no, I'm afraid this is completely useless for FTL communication.

    • I am a quantum physicist...If anybody wants to ask me anything, I'd be glad to oblige.

      OK, I'll bite. You said in your post that the world is not deterministic. Does the new experiment disprove superdetermism?

      Just to show where I'm getting this from I did glance just now at the wikipedia article on Bell's theorem and, I quote:

      There is a way to escape the inference of superluminal speeds and spooky action at a distance. But it involves absolute determinism in the universe, the complete absence of free w

      • by iris-n ( 1276146 )

        This is true, superdeterminism is a way out of the conclusion of the experiment.

        That is why I said they only did the experiment without using "the most questionable extra assumptions". The assumption that the world is not superdeterministic is very reasonable, IMHO. Without it, one cannot even do science. For example, in a superdeterministic world, the wavefunction of a photon will depend on which measurements you are making on it, so there isn't such a thing as "the" wavefunction of the photon, and it is n

  • Experimental issues (Score:3, Interesting)

    by daaxix ( 218354 ) on Friday August 28, 2015 @03:00PM (#50411627)

    This experiment has a big problem, as an applied optics (polarization specific) expert, they use polarization entanglement, but then run the light through fiber optics.

    The problem is that fiber optics (even polarization preserving designs) have a terrible issue with preservation of polarization states.

    I haven't read the paper in detail yet, but I don't know how they can mitigate this issue...

  • If they could only get some of the photons to entangle, then how do we know that the ones that would not entangle were not due to the state of the original electrons. If the electrons are in opposing states, then when you entangle a photon with it and try to entangle it with another photon that has been entangled with the other electron, it will refuse to entangle unless the two electrons are in a compatible state. I don't think you can leave out the failed to entangle photons like that. It seems that they tell you something important about the system.

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