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Medicine Biotech

MIT Researchers Discover "Metabolic Master Switch" To Control Obesity 381

New submitter ahbond writes: The meme of the chubby nerd alone in the basement may be a thing of the past. Well, at least the chubby part, if recent work at MIT pans out and we're able to use a biological "master switch" to "dial-in" a persons metabolic rate. “Obesity has traditionally been seen as the result of an imbalance between the amount of food we eat and how much we exercise, but this view ignores the contribution of genetics to each individual’s metabolism,” said senior author Manolis Kellis, a professor of computer science and a member of MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and of the Broad Institute.
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MIT Researchers Discover "Metabolic Master Switch" To Control Obesity

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 20, 2015 @10:07PM (#50358911)

    Where do I sign up to try?

    • by msimm ( 580077 )
      Your local gym. These stories are bi-yearly. /. rinse-repeat.
  • by RyanFenton ( 230700 ) on Thursday August 20, 2015 @10:12PM (#50358927)

    Due to a new technique called "CRISPR-Cas9" [], there's been a whole lot of rapid development on the gene-identification front, and likely to be an explosion of new ones in coming months/years.

    It's definitely being used here: Linky. []

    Likely lots of half/false leads will also come out of all this too, but thanks to all this, we're getting a lot further into exploring the whole nature/nurture beyond simple debating points, and I think it's all amazing and interesting.

    Ryan Fenton

  • Not ignored (Score:4, Informative)

    by BradleyUffner ( 103496 ) on Thursday August 20, 2015 @10:15PM (#50358943) Homepage

    “Obesity has traditionally been seen as the result of an imbalance between the amount of food we eat and how much we exercise, but this view ignores the contribution of genetics to each individual’s metabolism,”

    It isn't being ignored; it's part of the equation, and always has been. Metabolic rate acts as a multiplier on the "calories out" part of the equation.

    • Re:Not ignored (Score:5, Insightful)

      by nine-times ( 778537 ) <> on Friday August 21, 2015 @08:00AM (#50360723) Homepage

      Yeah, but just look at the responses here. Suggesting that people have different metabolic rates is a weird 3rd rail on the Internet. If you say, "Two people of the same age, weight, height, and sex can have different metabolic rates," you're pretty much inviting a flame war where people accuse you of being fat, and just trying to defend your lazy, overeating habits.

      I'm not always sure why people get so angry about it, but my guess is that some of those people must be clinging on really tightly to their superiority over fat people, and saying that their other factors threatens their self-esteem. Like they're thinking, "I'm a total piece of shit, but at least I'm not fat! I'm better than everyone who weighs more than me!" so if you suggest that their low weight might be at least partially due to genetics, it really freaks them out. That's my only guess.

      Because otherwise, why get so angry about what's basically settled science? The statement "Some people have a harder time controlling their weight than others," shouldn't be so upsetting.

  • by rtb61 ( 674572 ) on Thursday August 20, 2015 @10:22PM (#50358973) Homepage

    Running an engine faster shortens it useful life,hmm, maybe this might not be a good idea. Will turning up the biological clock shorten up the life based around the clock. What is really solved by tweaking your system so that you can eat more junk food, damn, I just imagined the junk food companies incorporating this chemical into the pseudo foods they produce, they would go nuts with it.

    • Yeah, they're going to include retro viruses in their products that are going to alter DNA, sure.

      • Regulatory Capture's a hell of a thing.
      • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

        Yeah and lot's alcohol consumption doesn't shorten your life nor does smoking tobacco nor does crystal meth nor well how much crap shortens you life without altering you DNA, seriously what were you thinking?

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by epine ( 68316 )

        The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

        You're safe then. If your candle was burning twice as bright, you might have factored colour temperature into the equation, or you might have said that the candle that burns twice as bright burns green, or something interesting like that (though it appears that the candles that burn half as bright also burn green.)

    • by cfalcon ( 779563 )

      Lets assume you aren't fat.
      Lets assume that they figure out how to turn on (fat mode) and turn off (skinny mode) some set of genes.

      Will you be lining up to swap to fat mode?

      Somehow I bet this is more "there's no WAY science will solve the problem because the answer is DIET AND EXERCISE and anything (aka, just like, all the things) that show otherwise MUST be wrong, there MUST be a cost".

      Or maybe there's no cost.

  • That controls the switch they found this year. And so on and so on. The complexity of nature is bested only by the ego of man and his "discoveries".
    • "Next year they'll find another switch ... That controls the switch they found this year. And so on and so on."

      Yes. That is how progress works. Of course we will really evolved significantly when the human race has been rid of morons that use the subject line as the first line of their actual post.

      • That's how the grant progress works - make a discovery, overstate its importance, collect the next grant, and repeat the process when the grant money runs out. As for evolution, throwing random insults at someone is the evolutionary equivalent of monkeys throwing their feces at each other.
    • by Mr.CRC ( 2330444 )
      It may very well be impossibly complex. But imperfect scientific understanding is still infinitely better than ignorance, assumptions, and beliefs.
  • the AMA or McDonalds?
  • Which just means that people will eat even more, not getting as fat but filling their arteries with cholesterol and other harmful substances. Just like Americans smoke more, and drink more if it is available, they will keep eating to excess.

    When people admit the connection between depression and eating fatty foods yielding a drug like high, they may start to fight the American obesity epidemic.

    • by Lodlaiden ( 2767969 ) on Friday August 21, 2015 @12:55AM (#50359543)
      If I wasn't so depressed about being an American, I wouldn't be eating all these cheetos while watching British sitcoms trying to find some form of light in my shallow excessive existence.
    • Nothing says "I have a valid opinion worth listening to!" quite like lumping cholesterol in with "harmful substances".

      Just kidding. Cholesterol is the very foundation that all animal life is built on. It is the chemical that allows us to be complex multicellular organisms that aren't made of plant cells.

      You may also have missed some other recent memos. Arterial plaque appears to be caused by inflammation, and cholesterol accumulation in the damaged areas appears to be part of your body's repair efforts.

  • It is nice to consider the genetic factor, but soon we are going to be told genetic expression is modulated by the environment, and especially by what we eat.

    This may seems to bring us back to the starting place, but it is not exactly the case, since food quality (and not only quantity) will come into account. At least.

  • by tlambert ( 566799 ) on Friday August 21, 2015 @01:00AM (#50359559)

    Original paper, New England Journal of Medicine []

  • by stu72 ( 96650 ) on Friday August 21, 2015 @02:07AM (#50359729)

    Spend half your money on coke, the other half on drugs to avoid gaining weight, what a life!

  • by Morpeth ( 577066 ) on Friday August 21, 2015 @03:49AM (#50359997)

    Funny, so many developers/coders here, and yet they forget ye old addage 'garbage in, garbage out', or another way, if input > output, guess what happens?

    So many people want excuses (it's my genes, it's my metabolism, I'm big boned, blah blah fucking blah). For the VAST majority of people, it's simple, they consume more calories than they burn.... period.

    I dropped 30 lbs after keeping a food log for 6 months -- you know what I found, I was initially eating more than I should be, shocker I know! I reduced my calories from ~ 2200 a day to ~1600 and what do you know, I lost about 1-1.5 lb a week every week. It's THAT simple for 99% of the population, why is it everyone claims they're the 1% who have a thyroid or metabolic issue, when they know they're fat cause they fucking eat too much?

    People want a pill or quick fix for everything... or an excuse

    • Funny, so many developers/coders here, and yet they forget ye old addage 'garbage in, garbage out', or another way, if input > output, guess what happens?

      So, if the only thing that matters to get the desired output is to use the correct input, and the platform itself is irrelevant, then a Commodore 64 is sufficient for all computing needs, right?

      Or, in more modern terms, there's no need for Linux, or any other OS for that matter. After all, the 'genetics' or 'metabolism' of the platform is irrelevant. A

  • by ILongForDarkness ( 1134931 ) on Friday August 21, 2015 @07:06AM (#50360539)

    That quote was from a computer scientist. If energy in > energy out you will get obese. Genetics isn't going to magically create the fat for you, nor does it magically make exercise take no energy to perform, it just contributes to how big or small the right side of the balance is going to be.

    I think part of the problem is even if you say have two people with the same hunger "drive" and they manage to eat the "right balanced diet" for that caloric level there is no guarantee that your desire to eat is going to match your bodies ability to burn that which you eat. So for example, people with this disease might have to live a life where they are always a bit hungry, or walk their asses off every day in order to force themselves to balance out. Anyways, there are many factors that go into obesity, but at some level it is a disease and like someone with asthma or liver failure it means your lifestyle might not be able to be the same as the next guys, or even the way you prefer. I don't like it that I need to workout 4-5 days a week to keep my body weight stable, but that is what I have to do because I have a slow metabolism and prefer exercise over eating very small portions (for me at least normal meal + exercise leaves me less hungry than taking the equivalent calories out of my meals instead, + it has nice side effects like benching 300lbs and a resting heart rate of 52).

    Part of the problem is diet and exercise take time. A lot of other medical conditions don't really take that long each day to deal with, you take your pill, carry your inhaler in case you need it etc, but proper diet and exercise means you are probably spending an hour a day making food (or the equivalent hours working to pay for it prepared for you) and another hour or so being active (maybe more if you go to a gym and then need a second shower on workout days) which you might not be lucky enough to get from your work either. It can easily eat up 15 hours a week.

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
