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Signs of Ancient Cells and Proteins Found In Dinosaur Fossils 51

sciencehabit writes: The cupboards of the Natural History Museum in London hold spectacular dinosaur fossils, from 15-centimeter, serrated Tyrannosaurus rex teeth to a 4-meter-long hadrosaur tail. Now, researchers are reporting another spectacular find, buried in eight nondescript fossils from the same collection: what appear to be ancient red blood cells and fibers of ancient protein. Using new methods to peer deep inside fossils, the study in this week's issue of Nature Communications backs up previous, controversial reports of such structures in dinosaur bones. It also suggests that soft tissue preservation may be more common than anyone had guessed.
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Signs of Ancient Cells and Proteins Found In Dinosaur Fossils

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  • by penguinoid ( 724646 ) on Tuesday June 09, 2015 @10:42PM (#49880699) Homepage Journal

    I, for one, welcome our giant drumstick-bearing, chicken-flavored overlords.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      I for one welcome this thinly veiled viral marketing scheme for Jurassic World, which is about to hit theaters this weekend.
      (Though I don't plan to watch the movie until it's available in a red envelope.)

      • by suso ( 153703 ) *

        Exactly. If there wasn't a mega-summer blockbuster in the queue for release, this wouldn't be news.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    New Jurassic Park film coming to a cinema near you!

  • by BCGlorfindel ( 256775 ) <klassenk@nOspAM.brandonu.ca> on Wednesday June 10, 2015 @08:30AM (#49882057) Journal

    They want their headline back. Mary Schweitzer [wikipedia.org] already made the same discovery in 1993, and she's been fighting for more than 2 decades to get her findings past the "consensus" that such long preservation was impossible. It seemed like she had gotten her findings verified again by 2000 but I guess it's still only now becoming generally accepted. Really unfortunate it can still take that long for a major discovery to become accepted.

    • I'm glad someone mentioned Dr. Shweitzer's work, since, as you point out, this is only confirmation of old news. The reason "it can still take that long for a major discovery to become accepted" is that human nature has not changed in the last several thousand years: we have our treasured beliefs, and we don't like to see them challenged, ESPECIALLY when changing them could render our past work pointless or even wrong.

      The controversy is usually framed as Creation vs Evolution, but really it's Biochemistr

      • by jfengel ( 409917 )

        And in fact the Science article mentions that Schweitzer is skeptical of the new results. She's the expert in all the ways in which the conclusions could be wrong, since she's got one of those extraordinary claims requiring extraordinary proofs. She's sincere and not stupid, but the things that she's trying to detect are extremely tiny and subject to a lot of contamination, and she's well aware that it could be wrong.

        This is a preliminary result and will require a lot of different approaches to give the kin

    • by suso ( 153703 ) *

      They want their headline back. Mary Schweitzer [wikipedia.org] already made the same discovery in 1993, and she's been fighting for more than 2 decades to get her findings past the "consensus" that such long preservation was impossible. It seemed like she had gotten her findings verified again by 2000 but I guess it's still only now becoming generally accepted. Really unfortunate it can still take that long for a major discovery to become accepted.

      The only reason this is news now is because of the Jurassic World release. Note that 1993 was when Jurassic Park was released.

"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson
