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Space Technology

SpaceX's New Combustion Technologies 132

An anonymous reader shares this story that takes a look at some of the advances SpaceX is working on. "Getting a small group of human beings to Mars and back is no easy task, we learned at the recent GPU Technology Conference in San Jose hosted graphics chip and accelerator maker Nvidia. One of the problems with such a mission is that you need a very large and efficient rocket engine to get the amount of material into orbit for the mission, explained Adam Lichtl, who is director of research at SpaceX and who with a team of a few dozen programmers is try to crack the particularly difficult task of better simulating the combustion inside of a rocket engine. You need a large engine to shorten the trip to Mars, too....Not only do you need a lot of stuff to get to Mars and sustain a colony there, but you also need a way to generate fuel on Mars to come back to Earth. All of these factors affect the design of the rocket engine....As if these were not problems enough, there is another really big issue. The computational fluid dynamics, or CFD, software that is used to simulate the movement of fluids and gases and their ignition inside of all kinds of engines is particularly bad at assisting in rocket engine design. 'Methane is a fairly simple hydrocarbon that is perfectly good as a fuel,' Lichtl said. 'The challenge here is to design an engine that works efficiently with such a compound. But rocket engine CFD is hard. Really hard.'"
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SpaceX's New Combustion Technologies

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 29, 2015 @09:37AM (#49364683)

    They think what they're doing is "hard"? What the hell do they know? I once had to scale a Ruby on Rails web app so it'd handle more than 8 requests per second. Let me tell you, that makes fluid dynamics and rocket engines and trips to Mars look easy-peasy!

  • Rocket science is soooooo hard!
  • Wrong Focus (Score:4, Insightful)

    by sycodon ( 149926 ) on Sunday March 29, 2015 @09:39AM (#49364695)

    It's time to stop jetting around the solar system on chemical rockets. Designers and funding should be directed towards lofting and running multi-megawatt reactors. They would be used to power multiple ION engines [space.com] and once at the destination, provide power.

    • Re:Wrong Focus (Score:5, Insightful)

      by itzly ( 3699663 ) on Sunday March 29, 2015 @09:49AM (#49364729)

      You cannot leave earth or mars surface using an ion engine.

      • True 'nuff, but for interplanetary missions there's no off-the-shelf tech to beat it. As Clarke said, "Once you're in LEO you're halfway to anywhere..." (or was that Asimov... or Heinlein?).

        The thing about SpaceX is they're planting a flag on Mars now, and working back from there to define their technology. Their MCT (Mars Colonial Transport) engine class is spec'd to run on methane, since it's fairly simple to create this fuel from available resources on Mars. Nobody would be working on methane-fueled rock

        • by OzPeter ( 195038 )

          Nobody would be working on methane-fueled rocket engines if they didn't have a long-term goal of colonizing Mars.

          Or they might have invested heavily in cattle ranches a la Thunderdome [imdb.com] in order to leverage a source of Methane that is currently going to waste.

        • Surely not Clarke, he perfectly knew we will never be halfway to anywhere. He was a real scientist.
          • Surely not Clarke, he perfectly knew we will never be halfway to anywhere. He was a real scientist.

            Which no doubt explains "Rendezvous with Rama" and 2001:a Space Odyssey"....

            Clarke was enough of a scientist to know that we don't know the limits of the "possible" quite yet....

            • Just in fact you never noticed, in 2001: a Space Odyssey, Clarke presumed dematerialization would exist. For what it means, it is very likely what he was actually telling us is exactly what I said. We will never get halfway to this. It is like he decided to imagine the non-existence. You shouldn't interpret this as if he just believe this would be possible. He just explained the conditions for interstellar travel requires to not be physical. From this point, agreeing on the fact we are no longer talking abo
      • by sycodon ( 149926 )

        *Sigh*...yes. I and everyone else knows that. Thus the "...around the solar system..." comment.

        • by itzly ( 3699663 )

          The article is mainly talking about improving the technology to take off from earth and mars, so how is this the "wrong focus" ?

      • by Rei ( 128717 )

        Not today. But maybe in the future. If you can develop a crazy-power-dense energy source and cooling system, you could probably do it with a MPD thruster. The research I've seen on MPD thrusters operating in pulsed mode yields crazy output relative to the mass of the thruster. But you can't run it continuously because it'd overhead and take way too much power. But who knows about the future? There's the potential for extreme heat conductors like isotopically pure diamond, maybe a some kind of fission fragm

      • just make sure you have a huge chem rocket engine firing at the same time...and you can leave orbit using an ion engine, a steam engine, or a bunch of hamsters.

    • by Anonymous Coward
      ION engines do not scale well and are really not a good choice for manned missions for multiple reasons. In order for them to be effective, the weight of anything that isn't related to power generation or propellant mass makes things get ugly fast, they really work best for really light payloads. With a manned mission, you're looking at the mass of the humans, their food / water (compounded by the fact that much more of this would be needed due to the increased travel time this type of propulsion provides
      • Nonsense. They scale at least linearly, which is "good enough for gub'mint work" as the saying goes. I follow the "space" space fairly closely, and I've never heard anything about ion propulsion suffering from "scaling" problems. If you have sources for this, please cite them. As an avid enthusiast, this is the kind of information I crave above all.

      • Why did you write "ion" in all caps? It's not an acronym.

      • The Gravitational Constant on Mars is about 1/3 of Earth's.
        Why won't a really good ion ASSIST engine work?

        • by Anonymous Coward

          Because an ion engine is not just 1/3 as powerful as a liquid fuel engine, it's in the order of 1-10 million times less powerful than a rocket engine. If you compare a ASSIST (which isn't the most powerful nor most efficient ion thruster system) with a F9, it turns out a F9 engine (5,885kN) is 65 million times more powerful than an ASSIST system. The thrust-to-weight ratio for ion thursters is waaaaaay below 1.

        • Re: Wrong Focus (Score:5, Informative)

          by cjameshuff ( 624879 ) on Sunday March 29, 2015 @12:28PM (#49365449) Homepage

          The gravitational constant is G, and is the same everywhere...it's a physical constant. The surface gravitational acceleration of Mars is different because of its lesser mass. And apart from the problem of the atmosphere, having surface gravity of about 1/3 of Earth's is nowhere near enough to make ion propulsion useful for launch, an ion propulsion system with a nuclear reactor and propellant would easily weigh around ten thousand times what it could actually lift on Mars. The only bodies where launch could be usefully performed or assisted by ion thrust are asteroids and comets.

          Ion engines use very high amounts of power and very low flow rates of propellant. They provide a benefit when you need low amounts of thrust for a long period, and have either plentiful solar power or a nuclear power source. They could be used for shipping bulk supplies ahead of a manned expedition, but a manned expedition itself or any other mission with tighter than usual time constraints will use chemical propulsion, or at most nuclear thermal propulsion. These relatively low-Isp systems require more propellant for a given delta-v, but can achieve accelerations millions of times higher than ion engines, and do so without heavy power systems and gigantic radiators.

          • Yeah, I was catfished by some websites and got suckered into that godawful mistake.
            Has anybody a better term for Gravitational Acceleration Constant of planetary bodies, other than G-Force?

            • The gravitational acceleration of an object isn't a constant at all, it is a function of distance. The relevant "constant" is the "standard gravitational parameter" (should be Greek mu, broken in the preview) = GM, the product of the gravitational constant and the mass of the body. This can be directly measured more precisely than G or M (G being very difficult to measure precisely, and measurements of M generally being derived from measurements of ) and is far more commonly needed in calculations than G o

      • by sycodon ( 149926 )

        I am under no illusion that I just miraculously thought of something no one else has.

        It's more of a "quit mucking around with chemicals and focus on what has long term potential."

        • Chemicals aren't going away. They have too many advantages in thrust to weight, cost, controllability, etc.

          SpaceX is in the business of launching stuff to orbit, and bringing boosters and spacecraft back down to planetary surfaces. Ion engines aren't going to do that...exactly how would you suggest they deliver those reactors and ion propulsion systems into orbit? Their focus is right where it needs to be.

    • by nojayuk ( 567177 )

      Don't forget the multi-megawatt radiators needed to provide a cold sink for those reactors. Chemical rocket engines dump heat into the exhaust gases but in a vacuum radiators have to be huge and heavy to get rid of significant amounts of heat from something like a nuclear reactor. They also have to be shaded from sunlight to stop them absorbing heat...

      • by OzPeter ( 195038 )

        Don't forget the multi-megawatt radiators needed to provide a cold sink for those reactors. Chemical rocket engines dump heat into the exhaust gases but in a vacuum radiators have to be huge and heavy to get rid of significant amounts of heat from something like a nuclear reactor. They also have to be shaded from sunlight to stop them absorbing heat...

        There is always Nuclear Thermal Rockets [wikipedia.org] which pour the reactors heat into the propellant.

        • Re:Wrong Focus (Score:4, Insightful)

          by nojayuk ( 567177 ) on Sunday March 29, 2015 @10:55AM (#49365047)

          A NTR requires the reactor core to be hotter than the exhaust gas stream/propellant in order to transfer heat to it. Anything over 4000 deg K, structures in the core are going to melt and that would be bad, and that limits how hot and how fast the exhaust will be.

          Nuclear thermal is more efficient than chemical rockets but not that much more efficient. It can use readily available mass like cometary or asteroidal ice or gases like methane mined from Titan but if you have access to such sources then simple cryogenic fuel/oxidiser combos like LOX/LH2 produced from ice by solar-powered electrolytic plants are going to be easier to manage and less massive than a reactor-based rocket motor. In such a case the vacuum of space works to your advantage to keep the LOX and LH2 from boiling off too fast.

          • by Twinbee ( 767046 )
            With an infinitely powerful battery, could we make an ion engine (or other sort of engine that is much more efficient than chemical-based) that could escape Earth's gravity?
            • by itzly ( 3699663 )

              No, even if the battery didn't weight anything, the thrust of ion engines in measure in milli-Newtons, so they wouldn't even be able to lift themselves.

              • by Rei ( 128717 )

                Not true. Look up MPD thrusters. The thrust to weight ratios are incredible, the only limiting factors are cooling rate and power supply. If we're proposing an "infinitely powerful battery", then that takes care of the bigger challenge. A MPD thruster with such a battery and, say, an isotopically pure diamond radiator, could conceivably lift off from the surface of a planet.

          • by Anonymous Coward

            Anything over 4000 deg K, structures in the core are going to melt

            At 4000 K, hydrogen molecules have a root-mean-square velocity of 7 km/s. (The relation is v_rms = sqrt(3*k*T/m), where k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature, and m is the mass of one gas particle.) The NERVA nuclear-thermal test rocket reached an exhaust velocity of 8.3 km/s, so I guess they were running a bit hotter than 4000 K.

            Nuclear thermal is more efficient than chemical rockets but not that much more efficient.

            The space shuttle main engines - an advanced hydrogen-oxygen chemical rocket - reached an exhaust velocity of 4.5 km/s. So NERVA was almost twice as efficient, as me

      • Chemical rocket engines dump heat into the exhaust gases but in a vacuum radiators have to be huge and heavy to get rid of significant amounts of heat from something like a nuclear reactor.

        You could use a nuclear lightbulb style gas core reactor and either ablation or pure photon drive.

      • Yes and no... on the surface of a "planetary" body, you can "sink" the waste heat from your reactor, but in free space, you need acres of surface area to dissipate it. I'm not sure if anyone has ever studied the trade-space between photo-voltaics and space-nukes, but I suspect it would lean toward high-performance PV cells, at least for cis-lunar operations.

    • It's time to stop jetting around the solar system on chemical rockets. Designers and funding should be directed towards lofting and running multi-megawatt reactors. They would be used to power multiple ION engines

      Yes... let's develop heavy power sources in order to power weak propulsion systems - what a great idea! Multiple ones aren't much better, you still need to power them, and you have to multiply a small number (thrust per engine) by dozens (or more) to get a usefully large number (thrust) for any s

      • by sycodon ( 149926 )

        So, when the Wright Brothers were building their plane you were standing their telling them it couldn't be done eh?

        Just because there isn't off the shelf technology at the moment doesn't mean we shouldn't strive for longer term solutions to interplanetary travel. Regardless of the propulsion system, having electrical power, lots of it, is the difference between coasting from A to B in a tin can vs something that could actually be called a Ship.

        • So, when the Wright Brothers were building their plane you were standing their telling them it couldn't be done eh?

          Nope. Unpowered flight already existed by the time the Wright brothers headed to Kitty Hawk, and powered flight was right on the edge of possibility. The drives you propose, aren't. The problem is, you don't grasp that fundamental difference and thus assume that people who aren't as egregiously ignorant as you are the ones in the wrong.

          Just because there isn't off the shelf technolo

    • by Bo'Bob'O ( 95398 )

      Why lift a heavy reactor when you have 24/7 sunlight?

      SpaceX has already said it's going to build electric engines anyway. But as someone said below, thats only good for some parts of the journey, you simply need more thrust to take off and land even if they did work in an atmosphere.

      • Even a really low-power fission reactor puts out a few megawatts. A few MW of photovoltaics, even in Earth's orbit (and it only gets worse as you head out to Mars) is huge and fragile. Ion engines (or any other form of electric drive) are extremely energy-hungry; the energy demand goes up as the square of the exhaust velocity (E = 1/2 m v^2) and the whole point of electric drives is that they derive their extreme efficiency in terms of reaction mass by using absurdly high exhaust velocity.

        There may be a poi

      • by Rei ( 128717 )

        I assume because sunlight is only 1kW/m at Earth, less at Mars, and of that you only capture a few hundred watts (using very good, ridiculously-expensive spectrolab cells, otherwise only 150-200W or so, assuming full coverage), and space-borne solar panel booms aren't as light as one would desire? If you envision thermal radiators in place of solar panel booms, which can radiate a *lot* more heat per square meter than the couple hundred watts of a solar panel boom, then you can see how a nuclear reactor ha

    • The ion technologies we have are nowhere near powerful enough, though. We can't get enough delta-V out of them per unit time to make them useful for human spaceflight. The biggest benefit of an ion engine is that you can use a tiny amount of fuel to get yourself to a high velocity, as long as you have lots of time, and lots of electricity. This doesn't match the needs or abilities of humans in space - humans don't have lots of time, and we don't really need to get them to incredible velocities very efficien

    • And yet, true rocket scientists will tell you that is not going to happen. Nuclear thermal is the next level.
  • by mykepredko ( 40154 ) on Sunday March 29, 2015 @09:49AM (#49364727) Homepage

    This is the first article I've seen that explains well how GPUs can/are being used for practical applications along with what can be achieved and some of the issues. Well worth the read even if you're not into this stuff.

    I'm sure that there is a significant cost in developing this new approach to CFD (as well as pushing the envelope on GPU operation) but the result is going to be usable for different applications. TFA says there's irony in what SpaceX is doing here as it has applications with automotive Internal combustion engines but I see that as SpaceX/Musk having a secondary revenue stream for this work that doesn't mean he's helping out his direct competitors.

    Along with that, they are driving the development of high speed inter GPU communications which I'm sure has value as well.

    All this means is that Musk returns to his home planet, not only is the trip going to be fully funded, but he's going to have some money to throw around when he gets there.


    • Helping makers of internal combustion engines create more efficiencies certainly does help direct competitors of Musk's.

    • This is the first article I've seen that explains well how GPUs can/are being used for practical applications along with what can be achieved and some of the issues.

      GPU's have been used for all sorts of "practical" computations for half a decade now, but the really interesting part here is that CFD has been particularly GPU-resistant using existing algorithms. See the Xeon Phi processor, etc. for non-GPU approaches to throwing dedicated hardware at the problem. It's easy to underestimate the enormity of t

  • Sheesh (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 )
    This reads like an old Saturday Night Live "Whiners" script.

    It's kind of the nature of research that you have to do research. Plus, if you think its hard to design rockets and "rolling your own" CFD models, just imagine how it was when you didn't have the computing power to go beyond the rudiments.

    Those troglodytes designing say, the F1 might have had a bit harder of a time designing with limited knowledge and experience than now when can try rolling out likely designs based on good CFD models. Channele

  • by Irate Engineer ( 2814313 ) on Sunday March 29, 2015 @10:03AM (#49364795)

    Umm, rocket science is...rocket science?

    Combustion CFD is a very difficult area. The problem is that there are so many interlinked phenomena all requiring special modeling methods that one really isn't quite certain of the accuracy of the result unless they can compare it to a physical model test, which is what is frequently done. Simply getting the correct boundary conditions can be very challenging. Failing to apply appropriate modeling and boundary situations leads to a garbage in/garbage out situation, but the numerical solution may look plausibly correct.

    CFD is not use exclusively in design work except for very basic cases where the modeling accuracy is well understood. However, CFD for more complicated situations is still useful as it may illustrate behaviors and trends in performance in situations where physical observations are difficult (like in a rocket nozzle). The CFD results can be used to guide and interpret the results of physical testing.

    Understanding CFD really requires PhDs who understand fluid dynamics as well as the limitations of the numerical models used. This is true in many industries, not just rocket surgery.

    • And you have to use physical models to back check you CFD simulations - My first job was at a word leading RnD organisation that did CFD as well as physical modelling of fluid flows
  • by Gim Tom ( 716904 ) on Sunday March 29, 2015 @10:29AM (#49364917)
    Problems with injector design and combustion instability go back to to the Germans and the V2. They may have even been a problem for Goddard. The V2 engine is really a bunch of small combustion chambers at the top feeding into the main engine bell. I believe this was done, at least in part, to reduce the problems with combustion instability.

    A much better and more efficient way to accurately simulate this process can really offer a lot in many areas, not just rocket engines.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 29, 2015 @12:34PM (#49365471)

      All real fluids have a finite Reynolds number, which tells you offhand how much grid refinement it takes to resolve the smallest scale directly. Since for supersonic flow in a rocket engine R is usually stupid high, the small scale turbulence is too small for direct resolution so you resort to turbulence models (e.g. RANS - Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes) which is in itself an entire industry.

      That part is relatively well developed and it's actually approaching the point that (with a team of experts who can recognize the defects on sight) things like CFD wing design are approaching predictive rather than "hey, the CFD actually got it right for a change. Woo!" The challenge for rocket engines is that you're not considering a single fluid, or even a two-phase flow, but a reactive flow which (if you look at all the paths even methane combustion goes through) contains about a hundred components, meaning a hundred flows, with 100 godawfully stiff nonlinear rate equations coupling them - in every single cell! This is the crux that largely stymies effective CFD of combusting flows.

      I'm an astrophysics guy so I mostly get to watch from a distance and cringe in horror. We consider ourselves to be Doing Well if we look at gas/dust or neutrals/ions. Really good is looking at neutrals/ions/electrons. We do have our own 100-coupled-rate-equations horror show in examining the nucleosynthesis going on behind a supernova blast front.

      The matter of computability is this: Watch a river flow, a prototypical turbulent system if ever there was one. Below the mercurial, ever fluctuating turbulence, you notice persistent, standing structures. Many flows of interest have a similar structure. The flow of water in to a nuclear reactor plenum, air over a car, the atmosphere - Turbulence superimposed on a coherent larger structure. Trying to model the exact turbulence is, as you say, chaotic and pointless: Paths depart exponentially. But if you can model the chaotic part you can still learn about the underlying nonchaotic structure.

      In spectrum space, what I'm describing are systems where the turbulence lives in high-wavenumber modes and interacts in some relatively predictable way with the lower wavenumber modes describing the structures of interest. When something breaks down into complete turbulence (e.g. a Rayleigh-Taylor unstable turnover in the atmosphere - Have you ever been in a placid afternoon, then out of nowhere, huge gusts in random directions out of nowhere? R-T overturn), whole new animal...

    • by itzly ( 3699663 )

      You can run many simulations with different initial conditions and verify that they all work correctly with a certain design.

  • Last year the National Research Council and National Academy of Science released a damming report on the prospects of the USA or any other country/society on Earth to mount a human space mission to the Moon or Mars. The verdict, 50 years at least and likely 150 years needed. Why? The humans/economy/society/education-training system/infrastructure/GDP do not currently exist and will not, until very likely 150-years from now.

    As a matter of economic pragmatism, all current efforts, even writing code, will fail

  • Go to Mars. *Stay there*. Don't return the Presbyterian astronauts back home to Ohio. Keep lobbing supplies at the colonists until they can sustain themselves. Why on earth do we keep trying to re-enact the Apollo fiasco? Colonize, or don't go. Plenty of older folk such as myself who would be glad of a few years of low G before we die while we build up the place for later arrivals. Dying there? The horror! Um, of course you'd die if you stay on Earth anyway. Dying on Mars would be more scenic, and your knee

    • Dying on Mars would be more scenic

      I suppose if you hate all plants, animals and bodies of water, and prefer a featureless desert where everything is one color.

      Old people in a place with no advanced hospital facilities will significantly shorten lifespan, if they can even survive acceleration to earth orbit.

      A colony that can't produce wealth can't achieve independence. It would simply be an impoverished dependent colony to support forever.

  • by kwoff ( 516741 )

    "Getting a small group of human beings to Mars and back is no easy task, we learned at the recent GPU Technology Conference in San Jose hosted graphics chip and accelerator maker Nvidia.

    It hardly gets spammier than that, congrats.

  • This guy walks into SpaceX.

    Elon Musk says "You here for the interview?"

    "Naw... just here to put in the Brawndo fountain."


  • Anybody remember this Slashdot thread about the $1 billion per year subsidy to ULA? [slashdot.org]. It was only two days ago.

    Was ULA making any investment in propulsion technology? Well they started using the Russian RD-180 [wikipedia.org] in 2000 and didn't start looking for a replacement until 2014. This was after SpaceX starting to compete with them for heavy launch contracts and everyone realized that Russia could stop deliveries because of political considerations.

    Meanwhile, Space has been continuously investing in new rocket tech

    • What did the taxpayers get for the $1 billion per year above and beyond paying for actual launches?

      Hmmm.... US military subsidizing nasa contractors that are also military suppliers to the tune of a billion bucks a year. Hmmm.... is that going to pay for rocket stuff.... or perhaps is there some "off the books" work going on?

  • Man, I hated that class. One equation taking up half a page, with the audacity of including an error range of +/- 500%
  • Waa.... waaa... waiitttt! Where are the adults hiding in this game? OK, I get it April 1st only two days off.

"The Mets were great in 'sixty eight, The Cards were fine in 'sixty nine, But the Cubs will be heavenly in nineteen and seventy." -- Ernie Banks
