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Medicine Science

Too Much Exercise May Not Be Better Than a Sedentary Lifestyle 200

jones_supa writes: The importance of exercise has been arriving in spades for geek culture. However, when approaching extremes, a point is reached where vigorous jogging erodes some of the benefits light jogging has over a sedentary lifestyle. "Long-term excessive exercise may be associated with coronary artery calcification, diastolic dysfunction and large artery wall stiffening," wrote lead author Peter Schnohr of Copenhagen's Frederiksberg Hospital in a Danish study (abstract). Although previous research has found that physically active people have at least a 30% lower risk of death compared with inactive people, the ideal amount of exercise remains somewhat uncertain. In this study, strenuous joggers — people who ran faster than 11 km/h for more than 4 hours a week; or who ran faster than 11 km/h for more than 2.5 hours a week with a frequency of more than three times a week — had a mortality rate that is not statistically different from that of the sedentary group. Medical journalist Larry Husten notes that this study, while interesting, should not be taken as the final word on the subject.
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Too Much Exercise May Not Be Better Than a Sedentary Lifestyle

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  • by netsavior ( 627338 ) on Wednesday February 04, 2015 @11:50AM (#48980443)
    Everything ever about diet and exercise.

    I guess we need to rehash this?
    • I imagine that people who run that much don't do it because science says exercise is good (as if we needed science to know that), they probably enjoy it. My guess is that people who only mildly enjoy running or not much at all but do it because they believe it's good for you are unlikely to run that much.

      And btw Science is such a wide umbrella of institutions, organizations and body of knowledge that it makes little sense to talk about it in general. People running particle accelerators and social scientist

    • by blue9steel ( 2758287 ) on Wednesday February 04, 2015 @12:14PM (#48980733)
      Being obese is really bad for you, previously they showed that exercising was better than being fat. The new study just shows that lots of jogging in particular isn't necessarily better than being sedentary but normal sized. When you dig into the latest research this is obvious because steady state cardio with durations over 30 minutes and greater than 50% VO2 Max produces an unfavorable free testosterone to cortisol ratio. Exercise is still better than no exercise, just now we have yet another confirmation that some types are better than others. In this case, either do HIIT, keep your jogging under 30 minutes per session or substitute long walks instead. (assuming you want to stick with the same basic modality)
      • Being obese is really bad for you

        This is true, but misleading.

        For men, it is true that the optimum weight/BMI* is "normal" and any increase is bad.

        For women, health outcome steadily improves with weight until an extra pound tips you into "obese". That extra pound is associated with a severely adverse health expectancy. Ie it is not the weight that causes the illness, it is being labelled "obese" that is the cause of problems.

        *BMI is rubbish anyway: BMI fails to take into account that muscle is denser

        • For men, it is true that the optimum weight/BMI* is "normal" and any increase is bad.

          Actually no, overweight is the optimum. []

          People who are overweight are 0.94 times as likely to die as people who have normal weight. People who are slightly obese are 0.95 times as likely to die as people who have normal weight. People who are very obese are 1.29 and 1.41 times as likely to die as normal weight. Basically - being really heavy is very bad. Being a little on the chubby side is not.

        • I never said a word about BMI, that was your idea. I wasn't talking about carrying an extra pound or two, but people who are significantly overweight. Very Fat = Bad Health Outcomes
  • Jogging sucks (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 04, 2015 @11:50AM (#48980445)

    Lift weights

    • Yes, something that I do. Found it funny that the title is "Too much exercise...", then goes on to cite a study about pretty specific types of JOGGING. Sensationalism?

    • Re:Jogging sucks (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Jeremi ( 14640 ) on Wednesday February 04, 2015 @01:17PM (#48981517) Homepage

      Lift weights

      Lifting weights is incredibly boring. Ride your bike :)

      • by Dogtanian ( 588974 ) on Wednesday February 04, 2015 @02:36PM (#48982449) Homepage

        Lifting weights is incredibly boring. Ride your bike :)

        Jaws was never your scene, and you don't like Star Wars then?

        • by guises ( 2423402 )
          Come on, he obviously meant a speeder bike. Think: if you're looking to ride a bike and you want something that isn't boring, what bike are you riding?
      • by Jahoda ( 2715225 )
        You really needs to be coupling basic weight training with your cardio. I'm not saying you have to go nuts with it, but you really want to be doing light workout with weights before your rides. I used to think that because I only cycled I was fine. But once I incorporated some basic lifting, I was amazed at how much better I felt, how much more *functional* my body felt doing basic lift/reach/grab tasks, in addition to how much more productive my rides seemed to become. Also, it's going to stimulate
  • by killfixx ( 148785 ) * on Wednesday February 04, 2015 @11:51AM (#48980461) Journal

    I feel like I just stumbled into a screening of The Sleeper. []

  • Ummm .... duh? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by gstoddart ( 321705 ) on Wednesday February 04, 2015 @11:52AM (#48980471) Homepage

    Who hasn't seen some of these joggers who do it obsessively?

    I've seen a bunch of people who look skinny and emaciated from being jogging freaks. At a certain point you look like you're ill -- and quite disturbingly so.

    Hell, back when I used to go to the gym there used to be one lady on the treadmill ... she stayed on it for hours, and essentially looked terrible to the point it looked like she could probably use some therapy ... she looked anorexic.

    That's not healthy, that's obsessive.

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Why didn't you do your civic duty as a bro and teach that one lady how to deadlift?

    • That's called addiction...

      Exercising increases the release of endorphin on the brain, and some people got addicted to it.

      The expression adrenaline junkie is to be taken literally sometimes.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      If they look skinny and emaciated then they're doing it wrong. Regardless of how much jogging or other exercise you do, if you're eating correctly, you won't be skinny and emaciated.

    • by Andrio ( 2580551 )

      I've seen pictures of marathoners, and I've seen pictures of sprinters.

      I'd sure as hell would rather look like a sprinter.

  • Holy shit (Score:5, Funny)

    by OrangeTide ( 124937 ) on Wednesday February 04, 2015 @11:56AM (#48980519) Homepage Journal

    You mean there is nothing I can do to live forever?!

    • by Lumpy ( 12016 ) on Wednesday February 04, 2015 @12:25PM (#48980863) Homepage

      Yes, drink massive amounts of coffee.

      Coffee makes you live forever.

    • Sorry to break the news to you,

  • By offering this simple advice for a long and healthy life: Do everything in moderation. Too little or too much of anything will kill you.
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      well some things shouldn't be done in moderation...

      smoking, eating feces, etc

    • by boristdog ( 133725 ) on Wednesday February 04, 2015 @12:14PM (#48980741)

      Exactly. My father was a big jogger in the 1970's and 1980's. He ran 5 to 10 miles almost every day.

      Around age 68 he had to get a knee replaced. At 73 he had the other knee replaced. The doctors told him that pretty much anyone who jogged that much has to get new knees. Now he still has trouble walking long distances, which sucks for him since he lives in the mountains and loves to hike.

      My father has advised me against jogging more than a couple miles twice a week.

      • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 04, 2015 @12:35PM (#48980977)

        The doctors told him that pretty much anyone who jogged that much has to get new knees.

        Running is a complex biomechanical activity. Most people I see running are not running with biomechanically-correct form. This probably stems from lack of knowledge of how to run correctly, lack of core strength to run correctly, shoes that do not fit their physiology and personal running form, etc., etc.

        Since most people run with poor form, it's not a surprise that most people that jog require knee replacements.

        Running, when done correctly, produces minimal stress on knee joints, even at 10+ mph.

        • I hear there are some guys in Scotland with really good form.
        • by dfenstrate ( 202098 ) <dfenstrate AT gmail DOT com> on Wednesday February 04, 2015 @03:39PM (#48983117)

          The doctors told him that pretty much anyone who jogged that much has to get new knees.

          Running is a complex biomechanical activity. Most people I see running are not running with biomechanically-correct form. This probably stems from lack of knowledge of how to run correctly, lack of core strength to run correctly, shoes that do not fit their physiology and personal running form, etc., etc.

          Since most people run with poor form, it's not a surprise that most people that jog require knee replacements.

          Running, when done correctly, produces minimal stress on knee joints, even at 10+ mph.

          Modern padded running shoes promote bad form, causing knee and other injuries, and prevent your feet from strengthening, causing planar fascitis and a few other maladies. Your foot is actually well constructed to run, but it can't do it's job wrapped in a ton of leather and foam.

          I've had some success with minimalist running shoes (abrasion protection only, no padding, sole is about 1/8" thick)- it's important to enable your feet to strengthen. After a few weeks of walking around in thin shoes, I started running again and it felt like I had new feet- it was awesome.
          Wearing thin shoes forces you to land on your forefoot, allowing your very complicated foot to absorb shock like it's supposed to. Wearing thick-soled shoes allows you to land on your heel, and that force is transmitted straight up to your knee. The padding prevents immediate pain but the shock goes through nonetheless.

          There's a great book on running, called "Born to Run", that discusses this and many other aspects of running. I highly recommend the book.

      • by mjwx ( 966435 )

        Exactly. My father was a big jogger in the 1970's and 1980's. He ran 5 to 10 miles almost every day.

        Around age 68 he had to get a knee replaced. At 73 he had the other knee replaced. The doctors told him that pretty much anyone who jogged that much has to get new knees. Now he still has trouble walking long distances, which sucks for him since he lives in the mountains and loves to hike.

        My father has advised me against jogging more than a couple miles twice a week.

        Its the same with any form of high impact sports. Former (Australian Rules) football players getting hip replacements in their 40's. A lot have their hamstrings pack it in whilst still in their 20's (effectively ending their career).

        Also with lifting weights, its far more important to lift correctly than to lift heavy. Sure you can squat twice as much if you only drop by 2 inches instead of putting your arse below your knees like you're meant to, but the former will leave you with a serious back problem

    • EVERYTHING!? that's way too much moderation! you die.
  • 30% ? (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward

    "Although previous research has found that physically active people have at least a 30% lower risk of death compared with inactive people"

    Wait... don't we all have 100% risk of death?

    • Nope. Clearly inactive people have 130% risk of death.
    • Exactly what I was thinking. You could maybe have a 30% longer lifespan - which seems unlikely or it would have been noticed, or maybe a 30% lower chance of death within a particular timeframe. Or maybe if was poorly phrased, and should have been "moderate joggers have a 30% greater chance of not dieing". But then why draw the line at 30%? 30,000% would be equally accurate.

    • Generally that statistic refers to "at any given age, averaged out." You're 30% more likely to die at age 60 if you don't exercise, compared to if you do. Conversely, you're 30% more likely to die at age 60 if you exercise too intensely, compared to those who exercise in moderation. Most of those weighted averages also stop around age 90 or so, depending on their methodology, since few people live that long and those that do are quite unlikely to be jogging multiple miles every day.
  • Too much (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 04, 2015 @12:01PM (#48980585)

    Too Much Exercise May Not Be Better Than a Sedentary Lifestyle

    Too Much

    Well, that seems true by definition.

  • Obviously (Score:5, Funny)

    by Kohlrabi82 ( 1672654 ) on Wednesday February 04, 2015 @12:05PM (#48980619)

    To quote Stephen Fry []:

    "Of course 'too much' bad for you. 'Too much' of anything is bad for you, you blithering twat. That's what 'too much' means. 'Too much' water would be bad for you. Obviously 'too much' is precisely that quantity which is excessive. That's what it means. Jesus!"

  • As with anything in life, moderation is key.

    Take a look at any centenarian, they all do everything in moderation.

    • by Tyler Durden ( 136036 ) on Wednesday February 04, 2015 @12:09PM (#48980699)

      "Is it true that you smoke eight to ten cigars a day?"
      "That's true."
      "Is it true that you drink five martinis a day?"
      "That's true."
      "Is it true that you still surround yourself with beautiful young women?"
      "That's true."
      "What does your doctor say about all of this?"
      "My doctor is dead."

      - An interview with George Burns

  • by xanthines-R-yummy ( 635710 ) on Wednesday February 04, 2015 @12:08PM (#48980685) Homepage Journal

    The error range for the strenuous jogging group is absolutely huge and only represents 2 deaths out 36 (or 40, depending on which plot you're looking at). Yeah, the differences between strenuous jogging and sitting on your ass might be technically statistically significant, but are the numbers in these groups sufficient to tell if there's a difference, ie is the study sufficiently powered?

    • The error range for the strenuous jogging group is absolutely huge and only represents 2 deaths out 36 (or 40, depending on which plot you're looking at). Yeah, the differences between strenuous jogging and sitting on your ass might be technically statistically significant, but are the numbers in these groups sufficient to tell if there's a difference, ie is the study sufficiently powered?

      Not to mention that this depends entirely on the person. If my math is correct, this article is suggesting than running faster than a an 8:45 mile can be dangerous to you. I'm a pretty big guy. I can run an 8:30 mile for 5 miles without becoming short of breath. If I were a foot shorter, perhaps that would be a very strenuous pace for me. I don't see how running that fast could be dangerous for me if I am running at the same number of strides per minute as someone who runs slower than me.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Awaiting the inevitable comparison between this science and AGW.

  • I don't care now long I live. I do care about how well I live. I'd rather be muscular, look good and have the freedom to go snowboarding as much as I want, and die in my 70's, than be out of shape and have difficulty getting around until I'm 100.
    • I don't care now long I live. I do care about how well I live. I'd rather be muscular, look good and have the freedom to go snowboarding as much as I want, and die in my 70's, than be out of shape and have difficulty getting around until I'm 100.

      Bet you won't be saying that once you hit your 70's. :-)

  • by DogDude ( 805747 ) on Wednesday February 04, 2015 @12:43PM (#48981101)
    I've always thought that running and jogging was too jarring to joints and such. I stay in great shape by *walking* ~5-6 miles a day, but I wouldn't run. Walking (fast) provides the same benefit as running, but without the joint wear and tear, and of course, it takes about twice as long.
  • I would say my long term health been progressing about same as more sedentary siblings and parents at the same age. Most recent ailments idiopathic (no obvious cause) high blood pressure and some arthritis. I'd say short-term I was able to do more than my relatives in terms of hiking up mountains and long biking due to high general fitness.

    There are a number of "half century" cardio people around encouraged by Dr.Cooper's book Aerobics published in the mid 1960s.(He coined that exercise term.) Cooper was
  • That is a pretty narrow study group to try and say plaything about general exercise. Not only is running not the same as any other exercise, who knows what sort of things people who "ran faster than 11 km/h for more than 4 hours a week" took, injected, ate.

    Even if we ignore the taking steroids angle, sometimes these exercise freaks eat salads after running 60 miles, when they should be downing 5 pound steaks.
    • by moeinvt ( 851793 )

      Not to say that there aren't PEDs for distance runners, but steroids improve the performance of sprinters, weightlifters and other athletes who benefit from larger more powerful muscles. Long distance runners wouldn't benefit by artificially increasing their muscle mass.

    • It's mostly about energy in vs energy out. Running 100 km at 6.5 km/h with 91 kg of body weight costs approximately 6,500 Kcal according to this random webpage I found. Including normal daily needs you'd need 8700 Kcal for such a day (for scale: this is almost 12 Mc Donalds double Quarter Pounders)

      Thus it really depends on the salad. A salad made of 2000g of eruca sativa, 2000 gr of a mix of different lettuce types, 500 gr blue cheese, 500 gr of penne rigate, a couple of table spoons of honey and 600 ml of

  • I always feel bad for folks obviously trying to drop weight out in the park jogging... There isn't much about jogging that strikes me as healthy. Better off with walking interspersed with occational all out sprints once or twice a week and lifting weights.
  • "Long-term excessive exercise may be associated with coronary artery calcification, diastolic dysfunction and large artery wall stiffening," wrote lead author Peter Schnohr of Copenhagen's Frederiksberg Hospital in a Danish study.

    You sound fat.

  • I don't care if I'm really extending my life any longer. We're all going to die, that's a given, and nothing other than medicine and hygiene (both personal and societal) have been statistically shown to significantly increase that life span. What I care about is how I feel while I'm alive. I don't exercise to live longer, I exercise to feel better while I'm alive. That's also why I don't exercise in a gym. Go out and play.

  • So... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by sootman ( 158191 ) on Wednesday February 04, 2015 @01:47PM (#48981935) Homepage Journal

    So... "everything in moderation"? Just like... everything else? Got it.

  • 11 kilometers per hour works out to a pace of roughly 8.77 minutes per mile (the more familiar way of measuring pace by American runners). That's by no means particularly fast.
    • I would say it is a decently fast jog, but is not a run. I would put that cutoff at around 7:30 miles, and say that it involves some changes in the way you move (less bouncing up and down, getting up on the balls of your feet, etc.) Personally my knees hurt if I jog, but not if I run.

      I do my morning 5k in just under 18 minutes on most days as a comparison (usually in the 5:40 per mile range, but on a good day I can do it in a little over 15 minutes.)

  • You know how the 'sedentary' (read as: fat, totally un-fit couch potatoes) will get from this?

    See? I shouldn't exercise at all, it'll kill me quicker! Honey, could you get me another beer from the 'fridge? I don't want to get up.

    Seriously, I'd like to just shoot so-called 'researchers' who publish crap like this.

  • "Too much exercise"?
    "high-intensity, high-mileage joggers"?

    I figured the article was going to be discussing triathletes and ultra-marathon runners. Instead, it's talking about:

    "people who... ran faster than 7 mph for more than 2.5 hours a week with a frequency of more than three times a week..."

    That doesn't seem like very much. Running at 7 mph means doing an 8:35/mile pace, and 2.5 hours per week at that pace means 17 miles. I wouldn't call that "high intensity" and "high mileage".

  • I see. Actually, everyone, including active people, has a 100% risk of death. What the study found was a lower mortality rate among joggers over a 12 year period. Before we mock the OP, note that he quoted that directly from the LA Times. The LA Times Science section. Contemporary science journamalism, gotta love it.

"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." -- John Wooden
