NASA Looking At Nuclear Thermal Rockets To Explore the Solar System 282
MarkWhittington writes: Officially, NASA has been charged with sending astronauts to Mars sometime in the 2030s. Toward that end, according to a story in Universe Today, space agency engineers at the Marshall Space Flight Center are looking at an old concept for interplanetary travel, nuclear thermal engines. "...according to the report (cached), an NTP rocket could generate 200 kWt of power using a single kilogram of uranium for a period of 13 years – which works out of to a fuel efficiency rating of about 45 grams per 1000 MW-hr. In addition, a nuclear-powered engine could also provide superior thrust relative to the amount of propellant used." However, some doubts have been expressed whether NASA will be granted the budget to develop such engines.
Finally (Score:2)
"Getting into orbit" requires a big rocket. (Score:5, Interesting)
That big rocket is mostly just to put the payload into orbit. Once in a low earth orbit, it doesn't take that much more to take it from there to a different orbit.
This xkcd is probably the best way to grasp the difficulties of 'getting into space".
https://what-if.xkcd.com/58/ [xkcd.com]
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+1 informative, explains it really well for pretty much everybody, and +1 funny for the reference to the Proclaimers song. I really didn't know that about the "coincidence"...
Re:"Getting into orbit" requires a big rocket. (Score:5, Interesting)
Once in a low earth orbit, it doesn't take that much more to take it from there to a different orbit.
This isn't really true. Getting from Earth surface to low Earth orbit takes a delta-v of 9.4 km/s, and getting from there to geostationary orbit takes another 3.9 km/s (see this map [imgur.com]). So, in terms of delta-v, you need to go another 3.9/9.4 ~ 40% as far as you already have.
Okay, that's not that much further. But that doesn't mean that the size of the rocket you need just goes up by 40%. The required rocket size is *exponential* as a function of delta-v. To launch 1 tonne into low Earth orbit, you need a rocket that weighs ~30 tonnes - so, to launch 1 tonne into geostationary orbit, you need a rocket that weighs 30^1.4 ~ 120 tonnes. That's four times as much rocket, just to go that little bit further from one Earth orbit to another.
Most of that rocket is still for putting that payload into orbit, as you said. But instead of a 30-tonne rocket putting a 1-tonne payload in orbit, it's a 120-tonne rocket putting a 4-tonne rocket in orbit, and that 4-tonne rocket putting a 1-tonne payload in a higher orbit.
This is why more fuel-efficient engines, like nuclear or ion rockets, would be a great help even if they didn't have enough thrust to launch directly from the ground. If you can get 1 tonne from low Earth orbit to geostationary orbit with a 2-tonne nuclear rocket instead of a 4-tonne chemical rocket, the chemical rocket that launches you from the ground only needs to be 60 tonnes instead of 120 tonnes. That's a big advantage.
If you're just tooling about in low/medium Earth orbit, sure, chemical rockets are all you need. But if you want to go to geostationary orbit or the moon, nuclear/ion rockets can make it more efficient; and if you want to to Mars/Venus and back, they're almost essential.
Re: "Getting into orbit" requires a big rocket. (Score:2)
This is ignoring that the *thrust* requirements to go from LEO to Geo are orders of magnitude different though. You can get an a couple km/s delta-v from a cubesat with thrusters amounting to a taser and some metal - but you'll never get to LEO using them.
Re: Finally (Score:4, Informative)
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OMG (Score:2, Funny)
OMG nu-cle-er radiashun in space! Think of the environmental damage!
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OMG nu-cle-er radiashun in space!
At some point you have to get the uranium up there. If the rocket it's on explodes for some reason you've got a bit of a mess here on Earth. I think it's a valid concern.
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Re:OMG (Score:5, Informative)
If only someone had been launching small quantities of radioisotopes into space for many decades and perfected the containment vessels... Oh wait, they have. They're called RTGs and they're absolutely designed to survive the rocket exploding on launch pad or free-fall from space after a failed launch. There has never been an incident where an RTG has leaked radioactive material into the environment. Not that it would matter - the amount we're talking about here is equal to the amount of uranium released into the environment by a coal-fired power plant every two hours in normal operation.
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RTGs have nowhere near the engine power required.
Unless, of course, you don't require anywhere near the engine power required. ;-) There's plenty of small stuff that would fly just fine on a few kilowatts, which is something that an RTG can provide without a lot of fuss.
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much more already airborne, in bombs (Score:2)
There was, and probably still is, far more nuclear material airborne 24/7 in standby aircraft. That's in actual bombs, too, with all the many other components assembled to cause it to explode, whereas the thruster would be contained to provide protection as used in currently launched devices.
we know that we did until at least 1992 (Score:3)
Well, we know that the US had nuclear-armed B-52s and nuclear xommamd and control EC-135s airborne 24/7 until at least 1992. That led to a couple of scary accidents. Google "Chrome Dome" for more information. That was one leg of the nuclear triad - subs, missiles, and bombers on alert 24/7. The bombers periodically received a "do not attack" signal.
What the strategic command has been up to since 1992 we don't know. They keep such things secret when possible, for obvious reasons.
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Yep, totally top secret [wikipedia.org]. They've hidden those old B-52s in brush covered canyons in Utah. Right next to Area 51.
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I would think that the 20 or so kilograms of uranium from a rocket may be overshadowed by the 4.5 billion tons [stanford.edu] of uranium already in the ocean.
Not that it shouldn't be protected, but if we want long term propulsion in space, we'll need energy densities that can't be generated from chemical propulsion.
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If the rocket it's on explodes for some reason you've got a bit of a mess here on Earth. I think it's a valid concern.
No it isn't. A common mistake, but uranium is barely radioactive at all. Perhaps you are thinking of the plutonium RTGs in deep space probes or Mars rovers?
Or reactor waste products? But no, the clean uranium fuel loaded into the reactor is quite harmless.
If the reactor is run for a few years, then crashes into earth, you get a big mess. [wikipedia.org]
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I doubt your body knows the difference between the radiation from uranium versus plutonium.
You post is utter nonsense.
Marie Curie died due to much radiation (not only from uranium, mainly likely from radium) her notebook is so highly contaminated that it is kept in a save and you can not read it with ordinary means.
Re: OMG (Score:2)
Actually plutonium is mostly just a biological toxin. Its a heavy metal that gets drawn into your cells and hits you about the same as say, a dose of cadmium breathed into the lungs would.
Radiation is a funny thing: alpha emitters are harmless outside the body, but incredibly toxic if absorbed. Gamma emitters are no trouble at all - they're no more dangerous (barring chemical toxicity) outside then inside since the radiation passes through all practical wearable shielding.
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Same foro Uranium, the poisoning in Iraq etc. is manly based on its chemical properties, not on its radioactivity. Nevertheless the later is not to underestimate.
Your idea about gamma radiation is wrong. A percentage is always absorbed.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G... [wikipedia.org]
Scroll down Shielding and Matter interaction.
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I doubt your body knows the difference between the radiation from uranium versus plutonium.
It knows magnitude. Would you rather be hit with the lead from a BB gun, or the lead from a 20mm gattling gun. Its all lead, eh? That analogy understates the difference. BTW, we are talking about plutonium RTGs which use a different isotope to bombs or breeder reactors. I'd quote half-lives, but is amazing how many people think a longer half-life is worse.
Marie Curie died due to much radiation (not only from uranium, mainly likely from radium)
Given that radium is about a million times more radioactive than uranium, and as an experiment she kept a sample of radium on her skin until it caused an
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The point is if you sleep a few nights besides an unshielded 1kg bunch of Uranium, you likely die from it.
So your claim Uranium is harmless: is wrong.
Why should Radium be million times more radioactive than Uranium? The only difference I see is that Radium has a short half life and decays in a combination of Alpha and Gamma decay. Unfortunately I find no table in either becquerel or sievert.
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yeah, really can't believe they're even considering it, adding to the nuclear pollution the Sun's putting out.
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nu-cle-er radiashun
That's nu-cu-lar radiashun.
quote:This concept for a “bimodal” roc (Score:2)
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About time (Score:5, Interesting)
At the Europa day on the Hill last summer, I ran into a 90 yr old Harry Finger (the former head of NERVA [wikipedia.org]) who remains absolutely convinced that this technology (which was ready for flight tests back in the Apollo period) is essential for human travel to the planets, and needs to be revived.
Looking at the delta-V requirements for a human Mars mission, I can't say I disagree with him.
Re:About time (Score:4, Informative)
Re:About time (Score:4)
KSP might be a game but NASA are taking it seriously enough to active in development.
nuclear pulse engine (Score:2)
The VASIMR is the likely candidate for this (Score:2)
The VASIMR is the likely candidate for inter planetary travel.
Think of adding a microwave to an Ion engine super heating the plasma first. . It's claimed to increase an Ion engine by 100x (Claimed).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V... [wikipedia.org]
There is also a problem with launching a reactor into space, it not only breaks a few treaties, it's the possibility of it failing falling back to Earth; the reason sending very high level nuclear waste to the Sun isn't being considered.
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The USSR was launching nuclear-powered RORSAT satellites as late as 1988 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/US-A). I don't *think* there's any treaty that prohibits doing so again, and the only difference between a satellite and a spaceship is the ability to maneuver within and/or leave orbit. Orion (nuclear pulse rocket) is prohibited by treaty, because it involves intentionally detonating nuclear bombs in the atmosphere, but there's no reason you couldn't launch a contained reactor.
As for VASIMR, it's a very c
And this is why burning Uranium is stupid... (Score:2)
The nuclear fuel we have on this planet is our entry-ticket for exploring and colonizing the solar system. The most stupid thing that can be done with it is using it to generate electricity, because that can be done in a number of other ways. At the same time, until fusion takes off (if ever...), fissionable material is irreplaceable and cannot be made artificially.
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This makes about as much sense as worrying about deorbiting Jupiter with all the gravitational slingshots we do around it. The amount of uranium we consume is extremely extremely tiny. For example, we could power 100% of the entire world's energy for 10,000 years using only the depleted uranium sitting around unused in barrels at enrichment plants. We might be making very inefficient use of it now, but there's nothing to stop us from eventually digging up spent fuel and reprocessing it, for instance.
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Peak uranium in 41328, we're running out of time people!
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Actually we can not do _anything_ with the _depleted_ uranium as it is not useable in a fission reactor.
Or what you think why it is "sitting around" at the first place?
For a reactor you need the opposite: _enriched_ uranium!
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Actually we can not do _anything_ with the _depleted_ uranium as it is not useable in a fission reactor.
That is like saying we'll never get beyond the nuclear bronze age (thermal spectrum). We already have, fast breeders [wikipedia.org] can output enriched product even from low-yield inputs like depleted uranium [wikipedia.org], though the reactor is expensive and dangerous and fun to operate, like a fine sports car.
But the GP poster was obviously referring not to depleted uranium, but spent irradiated fuel stockpiled from conventional reactors which contains significant amounts of unburned fissile. You probably knew that but forgot to po
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Pfft ... if you or the parent want to talk about fast breeders mention that before hand.
Now we only need to build a few more fast breeders, or?
Actually there are not many running on the planet.
So: the depleted uranium we have right now is useless.
But thanx for pointing out the obvious ;D
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Wrong, look it up, depleted uranium (definition, U-235 content 0.3%) can indeed be used SOLEY as a nuclear fuel in the proper type of reactor. So can natural uranium.
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Seriously? You do not even know what depleted Uranium is (hint: Uranium unsuitable for fission) and presume to make grand statements? Pathetic.
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You are wrong, even depleted uranium can be used in the proper type of reactor as nuclear fuel, and to breed fissionables out of things like thorium. In short, the earth will not run out of fissionable fuel.
The article has an obvous bias (Score:2)
It is still a freeking rocket! (Score:2)
Our physics if fucking wrong, and space drives are possible!
Instead of fucking with rockets, NASA needs to figure out what is wrong with our physics, and build the fucking space drive!
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those tabloids you see in the checkout lines don't actually report reality, neither do the tin-foil-hat websites you frequent. There are no UFOs piloted by aliens visiting our planet, never have been.
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I am an engineer; real spacecraft using real applied physics are made by people like me. What is made by people like you? Sci-fi comics for kids?
Ion Thruster (Score:5, Informative)
An Ion thruster (of any variety) is not *remotely* a replacement for a nuclear thermal engine. The ISP is great but the thrust levels are (and always will be, at rational sizes) feeble. And it's very likely that massively clustering them to get the thrust up will required a nuclear reactor to power them. 6/10ths of an *ounce* of thrust for 4 kW power input.
Ion thrusters have their uses, like in gently nudging things over long periods. They are not going to replace chemical rocket or NTP engines for any sort of high-thrust application.
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An Ion thruster (of any variety) is not *remotely* a replacement for a nuclear thermal engine.
Unless of course, you don't need an engine with high thrust to weight which is the case in most space activities. And nuclear thermal won't be used for boosting stuff from Earth's surface, the most important high thrust application. I just don't see your argument.
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And it's very likely that massively clustering them to get the thrust up will required a nuclear reactor to power them. 6/10ths of an *ounce* of thrust for 4 kW power input.
No, you primarily need more power. They aren't tubes limited, they're power limited.
Re:Ion Thruster (Score:4, Interesting)
Actually, I do get that, and /. is full of them. And they are hopeless - everybody actually doing work is stupid, and the real experts are the guys in various mom's basements who saw 'Empire' 27 times.
Sometimes, it gets the better of me.
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I'd love to agree with you but NASA hasn't been anything to brag about for maybe 30 years now. The upcoming Space Launch System is looking to be a horrible boondoggle.
At what point would you say criticism is warranted ?
Or at what point would you say it's fair, to ask just what is the point of a Mars mission ? That we should drain resources from just about everything else we do in space to pursue it ?
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I think reusable orbital entry vehicles, Mars landers, and the half a dozen other probes scattered on missions throughout the solar system might be something to brag about. Granted it's no warp drive or space elevator but show me any other space agency, private or public, domestic or global, that has did anything but but use the past 50 years worth of NASA R&D to accomplish anything worth bragging about.
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I think reusable orbital entry vehicles
The shuttle was very impressive in that they made it work, but in accomplishing the goal of low cost access to space ? Not so much.
Mars landers, and the half a dozen other probes scattered on missions throughout the solar system might be something to brag about
Viking was 1976, nice thing for the Bi-Centenial if your young and Bi Curious you might want to google that. But it's nearly 40 years gone.
What they haven't done is make space more accessible, arguably Arianespace. Orbital Sciences and Space-X have done considerably more in moving humanity towards being a spacefaring species.
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You ignore anything that doesn't involve a man in a tin can? NASA's accomplishments in the past 30 years are huge, leading space exploration.
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Dude, our tech tree is no where NEAR Ion Thrusters.
Honestly we're still in the Keep stage in Warcraft 2, we have yet to graduate to Starcraft.
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We have ion thrusters since decades. Nearly every modern satellite uses them for station keeping.
Plenty of deep space probes used ion thrusters to reach their target.
Try to keep up with news or your next claim might be we had no plasma engines.
Re: Metric units (Score:2)
No more imperial shit.
Oh, just wait until the NeoCons hear about this rocket.
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Re:Explore the Solar System? (Score:4, Funny)
What an emotionally charged word :"explore". The Solar System's mostly empty. Big deal. What's to explore?
No kidding. They should have said browse the solar system. Everyone knows that explore has an inherent Microsoft bias.
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Fancy lithium battery powered nut drivers work, but Crescent wrenches do just fine without anything but your hand.
Use what works.
Re:Some potential, but hardly for a genuine leap (Score:5, Interesting)
No other mode of transportation has to carry its own reaction mass and throw it away. Not bicycles, cars, trains, ships, submarines, or airplanes.
Quite right. Because no other form of transportation takes place in a vacuum. Unless you know of some radical new physics, standard reaction-mass engines will be necessary for spaceflight for... well, forever, so, I'm not sure exactly what your point is. And yes, they've worked on the idea before with NERVA. We have, believe it or not, made a few technological and engineering breakthroughs since then (mind you: NERVA worked. It worked very well. It was canceled for political reasons, not practical ones).
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Leaving aside how ridiculous your argument is, I'll poke some holes in your math instead. To paraphrase XKCD, space is not high, space is fast. LEO is 7.8 km/s. Accelerating 118 tonnes to 7.8 km/s takes 3590 GJ, significantly more than the 232 GJ you mention.
Mod parent down (and GP up) (Score:2)
How the fuck are you still able to post at a default score of two when you are both blatantly talking about things you don't begin to understand (looking at only the change in gravitational potential energy but not the change in kinetic energy, saying shit like "So the efficiency of the Saturn V was 0.184%, not because it was a "bad" rocket, but because it was a rocket.", etc.) and also accusing *other* people of being stupid? Nathanbp, among others, posted a very clear rebuttal to your bullshit, and you no
Re:Some potential, but hardly for a genuine leap (Score:5, Insightful)
ancient discredited NERVA/ROVER program which began in 1956 and dragged on to a miserable failed end in 1973
You mean the discredited program that produced working engines and test-fired them on vacuum stands, proving they are practical and work? You might also note another program that was terminated in 1972: Apollo. Oh my, what an abominable failure that one was...
the fact that any rocket has to carry and throw away a vast load of reaction mass
And how else would you propose to move in space? Mr Newton [wikipedia.org] might have something to say here.
But the actual raw energy needed to lift 118 tonnes to 200 km is...
If you think the difficulty in achieving orbit is just lifting something sufficiently high up, you're more dense than I thought... Here's an idea, first learn [wikipedia.org] about something, then start lecturing about it.
No other mode of transportation has to carry its own reaction mass and throw it away. Not bicycles, cars, trains, ships, submarines, or airplanes.
Please note that all of the above modes of transportation have one thing in common: they only work on the Earth. Or when was the last time you last saw a car drive through outer space?
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Space Balls had a lovely Winnebago that traveled through space quite fine thank you very much
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Bloody moron.
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And how else would you propose to move in space?
Maybe if we built a really tall ladder...
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Yet space does not have that much friction to fight against. So I would say it's a win.
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The Saturn V employed a total mass of 2970 tonnes to lift a mere 118 tonnes to LEO. But the actual raw energy needed to lift 118 tonnes to 200 km is E=mgh = 118,000 times 9.81 times 200,000 = 232 GJ, which is the quantity of energy contained in just 5.47 tonnes of gasoline. So the efficiency of the Saturn V was 0.184%, not because it was a "bad" rocket, but because it was a rocket.
If you just lift the payload to 200 km, it will immediately start falling back to the surface. The payload must also be accelerated to orbital speed [xkcd.com], 8000 m/s, at which the 118 tonnes has a kinetic energy of 3776 GJ, so your "efficiency" is off by quite a bit.
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That's exactly what it is. I think most people here realize that.
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No other mode of transportation has to carry its own reaction mass and throw it away. Not bicycles, cars, trains, ships, submarines, or airplanes.
Actually, jet airplanes do. A significant portion of their thrust comes from the mass of jet fuel, oxidized and ejected out the rear of the jet engine.
Second, every single mode of transportation has reaction mass. For modes that travel on ground, the Earth itself is the reaction mass. For airplanes, it's mostly pushing air. For boats, it's pushing water.
Finally, it makes no sense to talk about transportation modes that don't go where you want them to go. Rockets are horribly inefficient in comparison
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This shares the fundamental flaw of all rocket technology: the fact that any rocket has to carry and throw away a vast load of reaction mass... Not bicycles, cars, trains, ships, submarines, or airplanes.
Not sure if you are ignorant of physics, or indirectly clamoring for space elevator/railgun-esque space access. Either way - you have to use reaction mass at some point, because even if you have enough delta-v from another means you need to be able to maneuver in space, circularize your orbit, etc. Also, rockets are the only way anybody has ever gotten to space, ever, and for the foreseeable future they will continue to be our primary means of access.
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Elon Musk is going to be responsible for exploring the galaxy as a ruling immortal being. There is no doubt he will become ruler of the cosmos. You can either support him now or be left behind on Earth as a mortal. The choice is yours.
Just who is Elon Musk? [wikia.com]
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No, I said Ted Cruz and I meant it.
http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad... [slate.com]
We are stupid and will die on this rock before we figure out how to get off it.
"without mechanical contact" (Score:3)
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You compare velocity and temperature? Have you failed physics 101 completely?
that's for a ballistic projectile (Score:4, Insightful)
> maximum final Delta V from source of circa 58,000 ft/sec
Einstein would like to have a word with you. That word is "relative". Suppose there is a planet traveling away from the earth at at 50,000 ft/sec. An alien on that planet can fire a rocket, which can travel away from that planet at 50,000 ft/s, meaning 100,000 ft/s relative to earth. As it catches up to another planet, it might photograph some other aliens launching their own rocket at 50,000 ft/s, which is 150,000 ft/s relative to earth.
In fact, the SAME rocket could from earth to the first planet, then be launched from that planet, then stop at the next planet and be launched at 50,000.
Come to think of it, stopping at each planet doesn't change anything. It's ALWAYS standing still relative to something, and can launch away from that something to 50,000 ft/s. The gas leaves nozzle at 58,000 RELATIVE TO THE COMBUSTION CHAMBER. In other words, it can always go 58,000 faster, as long as it can fire it's engine. 58,000 is the limit for a BALLISTIC projectile, one that is fired from a gun and doesn't carry a working engine with which to keep accelerating. The limit is 58,000 RELATIVE TO the chamber in which the gas is burned. By carrying the combustion chamber within the craft, it can accelerate until it approaches C.
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We need a +1 PWND moderation here.
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nuclear cars didn't happen cause bad shit happens omgznukes! Nuclear cars actually didn't happen because its inconvenient for the petrochemical industry. Same as the petrochemical industry and the dealership cartels are still fighting the electric car. You really think Tesla is having a shit time because of real safety concerns? Fuck no, it's because notwithstanding the artificially high price of lithium, and the sudden dive in oil prices (ya really think that's just a coincidence?), the petro industry/cart
Tesla was selling cars in the 1950s? (Score:2)
I didn't know Elon Musk was even selling cars in the 1940s and 1950s, when franchise laws were passed to prevent the two big bad corporations, GM and Ford, from competing unfairly with small dealerships.
Oh, did you think Tesla was the first car company who wanted to sell direct? You're off by about a hundred years.
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Nuclear cars did not happen because I only need to steal X cars (and X is a relatively low number) to craft a nuclear bomb from it.
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A dirty bomb is a nuclear bomb.
So: true!
Also refining the material which likely would be used in a car is for some fanatics a piece of cake.
For that we only need technology from the 1940s ...
You cannot turn nuclear material/waste into military grade fissile material without oparating the reactor in a particular mode, providing it is of the right type in first place. Turning nuclear reactors into bombs is Hollywood blockbuster's bullshit.
You don't need a reactor for that. Sigh ... if you have enough of the "
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no, a dirty bomb is not a nuclear bomb. Spraying radioactive material around is not the definition of a nuclear bomb.
What "raw stuff" are you referring to, spent nuclear fuel? There is way for common person or terrorist to refine that.
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haha, meant no way, can't be done without hundreds of millions of dollars of infrastructure.
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and you are an AC cunt whose opinion is worth less than nothing, so fuck off and die.
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In this case, it's absurdly beside the point as well. The expenditure of nuclear materials is utterly irrelevant to the problem.
The way to rocket works it to use nuclear-generated heat to expand and accelerate a working fluid (usually hydrogen) and shoot it out the nozzle. What matter is the mass of the working fluid expended per impulse (force x time) - the specific impulse (lb-sec/lb or kg-sec/kg, for units of seconds) or ISP. T
housands and thousands of lbs of t
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Nuclear thermal rockets will be heavy, though, and that detracts from their efficiency.
I wonder if gas core nuclear rockets are so pie-in-the-sky nobody worked on them, or they're pie-in-the-sky because nobody worked on them. In theory you could get crazy ISP and thrust numbers from a gas core rocket.
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No reason they have to be heavy, there are reactors that are less than third of ton
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That's compared to a few hundred pounds for an equivalent chemical rocket. The point of post you are replying to is absolutely correct, it only makes sense if the rocket using it is large and carries a large amount of propellant.
There are effectively two factors in rocket design - the engine ISP and the mass ratio. The mass ratio is a measure of how much propellant is carried VS the dead weight (engine, tanks, payload). Those two things can tell you the velocity change of the rocket (s
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... Wait, WHAT?
AC, you DO realize that the obama administration KEPT most of bush's tax cuts, AND INCREASED SPENDING.
You DO know this, right?
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No, you are confused. That badly named "critical mass" you speak of is really a "critical spherical configuration minimal mass". In other words, a sphere of material that will undergo self-sustaining fission by virtual of being large enough that enough emitted neutrons can interact with a nuclear rather than leaving. You can make a reactor or weapon with much less material. For example, in the case of a nuclear weapon, using compression and neutron reflectors and initiator (which makes burst of neutrons)
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just as example, the first TOPAZ (in the west this was called TOPAZ-I) reactor the soviets tested for space program used 12 kg of fuel, the whole reactor weighed 320 kg. It could make 5 kW of power for over three years.
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Actually, many of the small space reactors DO use HEU; they also use neutron reflector (such as berrylium) so only kilograms of fuel needed.
Even in a weapon less amounts than "critical mass" are able to be used by certain techniques: neutron reflectors, compression of fuel, burst of neutrons from initiator particle accelerator after compression