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Math Encryption Science

Mathematical Trick Helps Smash Record For the Largest Quantum Factorization 62

KentuckyFC writes: One of the big applications for quantum computers is finding the prime factors of large numbers, a technique that can help break most modern cryptographic codes. Back in 2012, a team of Chinese physicists used a nuclear magnetic resonance quantum computer with 4 qubits to factor the number 143 (11 x 13), the largest quantum factorization ever performed. Now a pair of mathematicians say the technique used by the Chinese team is more powerful than originally thought. Their approach is to show that the same quantum algorithm factors an entire class of numbers with factors that differ by 2 bits (like 11 and 13). They've already discovered various examples of these numbers, the largest so far being 56153. So instead of just factoring 143, the Chinese team actually quantum factored the number 56153 (233 x 241, which differ by two bits when written in binary). That's the largest quantum factorization by some margin. The mathematicians point out that their discovery will not help code breakers since they'd need to know in advance that the factors differ by 2 bits, which seems unlikely. What's more, the technique relies on only 4 qubits and so can be easily reproduced on a classical computer.
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Mathematical Trick Helps Smash Record For the Largest Quantum Factorization

Comments Filter:
  • by Bob the Super Hamste ( 1152367 ) on Wednesday December 03, 2014 @12:10PM (#48514907) Homepage
    But was it discovered by a suburban housewife and the authorities don't want you to know it?
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Hey try out this weird new trick that no one wants you to know about to lose weight! Cocaine!

      • Hey try out this weird new trick that no one wants you to know about to lose weight! Cocaine!

        Rob Ford (former mayor of Toronto) already proved it doesn't work. He kept getting the munchies and being videoed drunk in Burger King eating and swearing at everyone.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Mathematicians will hate you for it!

    • China is not well known for high tech (or high knowledge) innovations --- at least not since the invention of paper, compass and explosive, thousands of years ago --- and the fact that a bunch of Chinese researchers could come up with the idea of using a nuclear magnetic resonance quantum compute in aiding the discovery of large factorized prime numbers shows that China's huge investment in STEM is starting to pay off

      And I presume (I certainly have no idea what else will come up next) that with their conti

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 03, 2014 @12:12PM (#48514923)

    You won't BELIEVE what factors next!

  • Enough (Score:3, Insightful)

    by rebelwarlock ( 1319465 ) on Wednesday December 03, 2014 @12:20PM (#48514981)
    The clickbait joke reply wasn't funny the first time it was posted. It didn't suddenly become funny after the third time, or any time thereafter.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      The clickbait joke reply wasn't funny the first time it was posted. It didn't suddenly become funny after the third time, or any time thereafter.

      Look at the timestamps on the posts. They were all posted close enough in time that Slashdot's new "slow to show a comment" feature hid them from the posters.

      And what's worse? Making an obvious joke, or bitching about that obvious joke?

      PS - take the corncob out of your ass.

  • by wonkey_monkey ( 2592601 ) on Wednesday December 03, 2014 @12:33PM (#48515093) Homepage

    The work that Dattani and Bryans have done is to show that exactly the same calculation works for much bigger numbers as well.

    I don't quite get how "the same algorithm works for some larger numbers of this kind" leads to "therefore the Chinese also did this calculation without realising it."

    Think of that trick where you add the digits of a number, then keep adding the answer's digits until you're left with one digit. If that digit is a 9, then the original number was a 9. Neat trick, and you can use it to work out that 12393 is a multiple of 9. But that doesn't mean that you've also just calculated that 9578394 is also a multiple of 9.

    And in any case, because this trick works using only 4 qubits, it can easily be reproduced on any classical computer. So it’s not so useful after all.

    That's not why it's not useful - I thought any quantum algorithm could be emulated on a classical computer, just not very efficiently.

    • They found a pair of primes that differ by two bits. If you find two billion-digit primes that differ by two bits, you'll get the same system of equations. And once you find those, you can claim that a quantum computer has factored their product. Ooooh, maaaaagic. Quaaaaaantum maaaaaagic. It sounds even more magical if you say that you're solving infinitely many biprime factorizations, but I suspect that proving such a claim is at least as hard as the prime gap conjecture.

      The authors then go on to s
  • So where is the two bit difference?

    • 11 in binary is "1011"
      13 in binary is "1101"

      Two bits were flipped.

      Likewise with 233 and 241:
      233 in binary is "11101001"
      241 in binary is "11110001"

      Again, two bits were flipped.

      That said, I am not a mathematician and haven't read the article so I don't understand how these two pairs are related.
      • Again, two bits were flipped.

        So, cosmic rays bit-flipping are prior art of how natural processes can do the same thing. The universe really is one big computer and we're stuck in it!!!

        • A computer of such infinite and subtle complexity that organic life itself will form part of its operational matrix. And it shall be called... the Universe.

      • by pjt33 ( 739471 ) on Wednesday December 03, 2014 @01:07PM (#48515445)

        I rather hope that it requires that the bits which flip are next to each other, because otherwise they've overlooked 16843009 = 257 * 65537, the product of the two largest known Fermat primes.

        • by Anonymous Coward

          It's easy to come up with bigger examples, even with the flipping bits next to each other. For example

          1000000021 = 0b111011100110101100101000010101
          1001048597 = 0b111011101010101100101000010101

    • 233 = 11101001
      241 = 11110001

  • If I understand correctly, the classical version of this factoring scales with 2^n where n is the number of bits different in the two binary factors. Wouldn't there be some kind of trick to handle situations where more than half the bits are different though? IIRC this still wouldn't be the best known classical algorithm, but this seems worth some thought.

    Also nice to see the whys and wherefores of quantum algorithms being better understood, but can't really say I know enough so see if this gives any more
    • In a regular factorization all bits except the 1st and the last are basically unpreditable (in the sense that they have no generic and well defined properties that could help predict their value) so the probability of the number of identical (or different) N pairs follows the same rules than flipping N coins. In practice the number will be around N/2 with a very strong probability.

      For N=1000, see for instance the graph for 'output 1000d2-1000' in http://anydice.com/program/4d4... [anydice.com]

      The probability that you ge

  • by Oligonicella ( 659917 ) on Wednesday December 03, 2014 @12:53PM (#48515293)
    This is just a two bit story.

    I apologize - kinda.
  • If we assume c can be factored as a (a+2^k) then the resulting quadratic gives a = -2^{k-1} + sqrt(2^{2k-2}+c). Thus for such numbers that allow factoring in this form, one can search for the factors in time linear in the number of bits in c. (One just needs to check for 2^{2k-2} + c being a perfect square, for the various values of k.)

  • This statement always shows up when discussing quantum computers. The only important 'modern cryptographic codes' dependant on factoring large primes are RSA and Diffie-Hellman.RSA has replacements waiting in the wings (notably Elliptic Curves); Diffie-Hellman might be a bit trickier to live without.But I'm not aware of any claims that the symmectric cyphers (AES, Blowfish, 3DES, etc) or the advanced hashes (SHA3? or whatever) would be vulnerable.

    • Agreed - except that Diffie-Hellman relies on the difficulty of solving the discrete log problem, not integer factorization - so that only RSA is vulnerable here, and only if bit-wise close primes were chosen for the key.
      • by pjt33 ( 739471 )

        I think GPP was talking about the generic comments made on quantum computing rather than the particular analysis which is the main topic. Shor's algorithm does discrete log as well as factorisation.

  • Here are links to my paper in Nature and to the arXiv version which explains why all such results are very silly.

    http://www.nature.com/nature/j... [nature.com]
    http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.7007 [arxiv.org]

    • by hweimer ( 709734 )

      Hilarious. Reminds me of a usenet discussion [google.com] we had back in 2003, but I never thought about playing this game to claim factorization of absurdly large numbers.

      • Very interesting to see this idea has some history to it. I'm not surprised that other people thought of it too!

        Like you, I had noticed that the number of qubits used (7) was smaller than the number needed to implement Shor's algorithm. I actually asked Shor about this and he said, "15 is special, because it is 4 to an integer power minus 1." I asked him what that meant and it said "it means it's divisible by 3."! This told me that there are special classes of numbers that are easy to "factor" (by which

Old programmers never die, they just hit account block limit.
