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Statistician Creates Mathematical Model To Predict the Future of Game of Thrones 127

KentuckyFC writes One way of predicting the future is to study data about events in the past and build a statistical model that generates the same pattern of data. Statisticians can then use the model to generate data about the future. Now one statistician has taken this art to new heights by predicting the content of the soon-to-be published novels in the Song of Ice and Fire series by George R R Martin. The existing five novels are the basis of the hit TV series Game of Thrones. Each chapter in the existing books is told from the point of view of one of the characters. So far, 24 characters have starred in this way. The statistical approach uses the distribution of characters in chapters in the first five books to predict the distribution in the forthcoming novels. The results suggest that several characters will not appear at all and also throw light on whether one important character is dead or not, following an ambiguous story line in the existing novels. However, the model also serves to highlight the shortcomings of purely statistical approaches. For example, it does not "know" that characters who have already been killed off are unlikely to appear in future chapters. Neither does it allow for new characters that might appear. Nevertheless, this statistical approach to literature could introduce the process of mathematical modelling to more people than any textbook.
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Statistician Creates Mathematical Model To Predict the Future of Game of Thrones

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  • Hodor (Score:5, Funny)

    by tage ( 14671 ) <> on Monday September 29, 2014 @02:01PM (#48020991) Homepage

    Hodor hodor hodor. Hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor. Hodor.

    • by xevioso ( 598654 )

      I will make a prediction: Martin will kill off an important character because he has no idea how to write a character arc out of a wet paper bag. Someone important will die, because there's no way for him to have a character come to a resolution. This is known as "not knowing how to write a story" and instead is just writing a series of events.

      • After the first few deliberate shockers, I came to the conclusion that GRRM is saving time on role-playing the story, and just rolling dice every so often. The reason it's taking so long for the next book is that he's been accepting deliveries from Chessex by the container-load, and he can't roll them all any more.
      • Stephen King did the same thing in The Stand. He ended up with too many characters and no actual story arc, so he had to abruptly kill a few off. Even then, the book still had a lame dues ex machina ending, and other major characters (Stu) ended up totally irrelevant at the end.

        • by TheCarp ( 96830 )

          I really have to say, deus ex machina endings are one of my personal pet peeves across literature, its the hallmark of lazy uninteresting story telling. In fact, about the only place I was amused to see one was at the end of the one Deus Ex game I played to the end.... and not because I thought it was even particularly good, it wasn't, its just.... its the name of the game, so its at least amusing in that one context.

          • None of the three endings to that game (I assume that you mean the original Deus Ex?) were particularly satisfying, and I think it's the greatest game ever produced. Endings are hard, as evidenced by The Sopranos, LOST, countless other video games, etc...
        • Is it really a deus ex machina if a central theme of the story is Deus?
        • by rjforster ( 2130 )

          I read your typo as 'douche ex machina', which would be kinda fitting here. Thanks.

      • Re:Hodor (Score:4, Informative)

        by JerryLove ( 1158461 ) on Monday September 29, 2014 @04:08PM (#48022165)

        As much as I don't want to validate trolling by responding to it: many of Martin's kills are done specifically to play with expectations. We killed the presumptive protagonist (Ned Stark). Then the audience realizes this story is about the sone and his revenge. So we kill him. But at least we know who the villan is. So Joffrey dies.

        Martin's work speaks for itself. I'll not feed the "can't write" comments. I'm sure your novels are better. Which movie network is producing them?

        • As much as I don't want to validate trolling by responding to it: many of Martin's kills are done specifically to play with expectations. We killed the presumptive protagonist (Ned Stark). Then the audience realizes this story is about the sone and his revenge. So we kill him. But at least we know who the villan is. So Joffrey dies.

          I haven't watched or read the series beyond some individual scenes so I can't say if that's an accurate assesment of it, but if it is, then it's evidence for the granparent's po

          • I haven't watched or read the series beyond some individual scenes so I can't say if that's an accurate assesment of it, but if it is, then it's evidence for the granparent's position. "Playing with expectations" is a gimmick. It can work once or perhaps even twice, but if the entire work revolves around it, that strongly suggests the author relies on constant shocks because they have nothing else up their sleeve.

            You can rest relieved to know that the plot does not revolve around it. I'm not sure "avoiding cliche and limiting tropes" is realistically a "gimmick".

            I'm sure your novels are better.

            Just like everyone who complains about Obama/Bush/whatever better have a succesful term or two of US presidency behind them?

            I'm not sure the analogy holds. Perhaps a more accurate comparison would be to respond to the presidential critic with "I'm sure your policies are better thought out: where can I find them?".

      • by hey! ( 33014 )

        Martin will kill off an important character because he has no idea how to write a character arc out of a wet paper bag.

        I actually don't think that's true. I think what you're reacting to comes with the epic scale of the novel (SoI&F really is just one, long, continuous work) -- both in word count and the enormous cast of characters. It's a kind of literary clutter. If you boiled Game of Thrones down to the story of Ned Stark's rise and downfall, that would be quite a satisfying (although grim) story arc. The fact that the story goes on and on after that dissipates the emotional impact of that one story line.

        At over 1

      • My predictions (Bear in mind that I have only read the first two books and watched the series up to the episode right before Viserys gets "crowned"):

        1: Several more major characters will get killed of.
        2: Many more ladies in the series will get thoroughly banged from behind.
        3: Jon Snow will head up the Black watch and ally with Daenrys. In the end, they will hook up and rule the land together, and the two will bang happily ever after.

        What would Hodor say?

    • you forgot "mushroom mushroom" and "snake snake" FTFY. []

    • Re:Hodor (Score:5, Funny)

      by i kan reed ( 749298 ) on Monday September 29, 2014 @02:19PM (#48021183) Homepage Journal

      bool WillCharacterBeKilled(Character c)
              return true;
              return true;

      • bool WillCharacterBeKilled(Character c)
                  return IsCharacterPopular(c) ? true : true;

        • why not just:

          bool WillCharacterBeKilled(Character c) { return IsCharacterPopular(c); }

          and if this were C++, I would do:

          bool WillCharacterBeKilled(const Character &c) { return IsCharacterPopular(c); }

          as passing by reference (using the ampersand) prevents having to create an unnecessary copy of the object.

          • oops... I just now realized that you are returning true in both cases... In which case the above would only work if the IsCharacterPopular(...) function always returns true.
            • by PPH ( 736903 )

              Your algorithm has them killing off all the popular characters. You appear to have discovered the secret behind ABC's programming process.

      • I actually upset a co-worker, who must not have been very far into the TV series when she was discussing the series with some others. I quiped that "They all die." She took it as a literal spoiler or something somehow. The Author has as much as said that anytime a character becomes a critically important character to keep alive for the story to progress, that he starts figuring out how to kill them and keep the story going.

        Personally I'd like Jon, Arya, Bran and Tyrion to survive at least until the climax o

  • by __aaclcg7560 ( 824291 ) on Monday September 29, 2014 @02:01PM (#48020993)

    Nevertheless, this statistical approach to literature could introduce the process of mathematical modelling to more people than any textbook.

    Reading Shakespeare in the original Klingon language would probably easier.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Nevertheless, this statistical approach to literature could introduce the process of mathematical modelling to more people than any textbook.

      Reading Shakespeare in the original Klingon language would probably easier.

      I don't have to read Shakespeare in Klingon, reading him in the original english is enough to put me to sleep.

      • WOOSH!! Right over your head. :P

      • by hey! ( 33014 )

        I don't have to read Shakespeare in Klingon, reading him in the original english is enough to put me to sleep.

        Some would say this doesn't deserved to be dignified with a response, but I disagree.

        The best introduction to Shakespeares plays is to see them on stage, performed by actors who know how to perform Shakespeare. Because of the shift in language, there's special skill needed for presenting Shakespeare to modern audiences. You'll be amazed at how much you understand. Until you know the play's text you'll be missing a lot too, but in the performance you won't notice that.

        I'd go so far as to say it's better to

  • Nevertheless, this statistical approach to literature could introduce the process of mathematical modelling to more people than any textbook.

    Until the writer reads that analysis and intentionally deviates from it.

    In which case you've just shown them that mathematical modelling is unreliable.

    When the real lesson should be not to use a tool for a job for which it was never intended.

    • by alen ( 225700 )

      all the good books already follow formulas for story structure people figured out thousands of years ago. deviating from the formula is almost always a way to make a crappy book

      • by khasim ( 1285 )

        deviating from the formula is almost always a way to make a crappy book

        Go grab the last 20 titles in any genre. You'll see that most of them adhere to the tropes of that genre and are still crap.

        A good author can write a good story even with the most formulaic plot.

        A good author can write a good story even while subverting the established tropes of the genre.

        But that's not important in this specific case. Martin can still change the specific tropes for individual characters in order to "twist" the ending fr

      • What makes a work good or bad is usefully HOW they follow and deviate from tropes, not just whether or not something does or does not defy convention.
      • The formulas say nothing about who dies halfway through the book. They're pretty much independent of the plot or plots.

    • Nevertheless, this statistical approach to literature could introduce the process of mathematical modelling to more people than any textbook.

      Until the writer reads that analysis and intentionally deviates from it.

      Congratulations, you've just spoiled the plot of Minority Report (the original, not the movie).

  • GRRM uses a 3 act structure with the beats to break up the acts for each of the character arcs across all the books. all you have to do is figure out where the character is in their story arc

  • By only looking at the data for what you have eaten the past few weeks, I can predict what you will eat tomorrow, with some random accuracy. (Assumptions: no friends, no changing tastes, constant values for availability and prices of all foods, no problems with traffic or weather, no sickness, etc).

    This seems like pointless mental masturbation.
    • Yeah, he kind of covers that in section 5. No reason for picking his model (other than simplicity), it can't predict new characters, and there's very little data to go off of.

      Sure, it's mental masturbation. But developing little toy models like this is still interesting and helps you understand limitations and keep up your skills without working on big, complicated, boring real statistical models. This kind of thing is worth doing for the same reason masturbating is worth doing--it's fun. As long as you don

  • His analysis doesn't seem to take into account Martin originally wrote books 4 and 5 as one book, Seems to me those numbers should be averaged. Then again, IANAS.

    • by Kjella ( 173770 )

      His analysis doesn't seem to take into account Martin originally wrote books 4 and 5 as one book, Seems to me those numbers should be averaged. Then again, IANAS.

      Actually it's a bit more complicated than that, it started as one book that outgrew itself and was divided geographically but the timelines eventually merge again in Dance of Dragons with characters from the south appearing after the events of the fourth book. So it will be highly biased towards characters based in the north/east since they're in the entire book, followed by characters travelling north while those staying in the south aren't in the fifth book at all, but who will certainly return to finish

    • Actually he did average them. The paper is at [] and he discusses this issue in section 3.2.

    • He specifically notes this -- see sections 3.1 through 3.3 of the paper.

      I think another approach that might be interesting to try would be to model the distance between adjacent POV chapters by a given character given the distribution of their previous POV chapters. For instance, if Arya's POV chapters are 10 chapters apart on average and book 6 will be 70 chapters, you'd probably expect 6 or 7 Arya POV chapters if they're uniformly distributed. On the other hand, Ned's last POV chapter was quite a while ag

  • Since the makers of the series have access to this model (their PR department probably scans slashdot) and maybe they don't want to seem particularly predictable, a model of this type has extremely low odds of being accurate and popular simultaneously.

  • everyone you've read about so far dies. New characters are introduced. They die too. Children of new characters emerge, and die. Lots more dying, followed by a bit more dying.
  • My mathematical model tells me that they will keep the show going for as long as possible as long as ratings are good. Then it will suddenly end. Maybe on a cliffhanger.
    • And the kids wil be played by people 10 years older than their characters if it goes on long enough.
  • by jpellino ( 202698 ) on Monday September 29, 2014 @02:21PM (#48021199)
    John Snow and Daenerys Targaryen FTW. Otherwise it wouldn't be Fire and Ice. Plus they're the only two non-incestuous family leads standing who would not produce a tragedy. And we know one important character is not dead, since another actress already leaked it. Hope he didn't pay too much for his statistificator.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      > Daenerys Targaryen

      Obviously... or we'd lose the whole story in the East and the threat of invasion that it brings. This would be less obvious if Daenerys had someone who could take her place, but I don't see that whole plot line just being cut with a quick death of the Mother of Dragons.

      • by Kjella ( 173770 )

        Obviously... or we'd lose the whole story in the East and the threat of invasion that it brings. This would be less obvious if Daenerys had someone who could take her place, but I don't see that whole plot line just being cut with a quick death of the Mother of Dragons.

        Actually there's at least two potential plot lines in the books already to make that... ambiguous. Heck, half the plot is taking seemingly irreplaceable characters and kill them, the world keeps on twisting and turning. But yes, I don't see it happening until after they've sailed for Westeros.

      • Daario is secretly making friends with the dragons locked in the dungeon. When Daenerys dies (in an unrelated and surprising way), he's going to unleash the dragons and take over.
    • two non-incestuous family leads

      Are you sure of that? Most of the better theories put Jon Snow's father as Rhaegar and mother as Lyanna, making him her nephew. That's incest outside of west virginia.

    • Obviously you missed the end of the last book where John Snow gets killed.
  • and adjust his narrative appropriately. Statistics and literature have different priorities.

    • by OzPeter ( 195038 )

      and adjust his narrative appropriately. Statistics and literature have different priorities.

      I would have thought his imminent heart attack would figure more in his planning.

    • I think he's been using it to generate the story. After all, even his dead characters have a frequent habit of returning to the storyline, having apparently forgotten they are dead.

      If you've only ever seen the TV series, you wouldn't know that. Which is interesting to me, at least.

  • by grumpyman ( 849537 ) on Monday September 29, 2014 @02:40PM (#48021351)
    .... any outcome is as good of a chance as the aliens invasion and kill all characters.
  • I like TFA, it is interesting and his methods are applicable to alot of different fields, for example: alot of music producers (particularly of pop music) have *very* sharply defined parameters for beats per minute (BPM) and timing of the 'hook' or chorus/refrain part of the song. I could see reversing this algorithm with a bank of keywords to plug in...basically hack writing that is automated

    I do not think this is evidence that "machines can replace human writers"...

    I think this is evidence that GoT is for

  • by Anonymous Coward

    my mathematical model confirms this, here it is in pseodocode format

    if timeOnHands > 0

    you need something better to fill it with

  • No wonder tuition is so high.
  • This reminds me of all the systems with mathematical models to back them up showing how they hold secrets to winning at the dice game craps. Past events don't affect future events for random acts like throwing dice or flipping a coin. All that math is hooey. Baseball is full of these kind of stats with fans playing them off each other like Magic the Gathering cards not understanding a whit of the math underlying them. If students get taught to think critically of these kind of mathematics then using an
    • by geekoid ( 135745 )

      "All that math is hooey."
      misapplied, not 'hooey'.

      "Past events don't affect future events for random acts like throwing dice or flipping a coin"
      but they with people.

  • by dysmal ( 3361085 ) on Monday September 29, 2014 @03:04PM (#48021587)

    Every time someone tries to predict the end, another Stark dies.

  • I take it this statistician has not read Asimov. By announcing the prediction, you void the prediction. He should have put his program in a certified sarcophagus and then revealed after the show that he had correctly predicted it. Otherwise George R. R. Martin will just use his results as a reason to adjust the script!

    • by dywolf ( 2673597 )

      no, the public prediction is merely a nudge to move the path of the story in the right direction, seeding the ground for the real prediction which remains hidden

      • oh, how very Phil Dick. :)

        • by vux984 ( 928602 )

          very Asimov too, as it turns out.

          Not only is knowledge of the second foundation given to the first as a nudge, but later on the first is set up to eliminate a decoy second foundation as another nudge, while protecting the real second foundation.

  • by Mister_Stoopid ( 1222674 ) on Monday September 29, 2014 @03:51PM (#48022003)

    Now one statistician has taken this art to new heights by predicting the content of the soon-to-be published novels in the Song of Ice and Fire series by George R R Martin.

    soon-to-be published novels in the Song of Ice and Fire series by George R R Martin.

    soon-to-be published


    better re-check that model bro.

  • Everyone is sitting at the table at a large feast and the scene switches to black.

  • The next book opens with an interesting but hard to follow prologue concerning random throwaway characters that you never heard of and will never hear about again.

    Almost nothing really significant happens for tens of chapters, even though every chapter bleeds into the next with a cliffhanger making you want to read the next one. Plus there's several gratuitous sex scenes to keep the Slashdotters interested.

    After many chapters of pretty much no development, something horrific happens toward the end mak
    • by geekoid ( 135745 )

      You said math. Lets see it.

      • lol, it was sarcasm. But the real math is in the profits. One could construct an economic formula to represent the profitability of fiction in popular markets relative to the general unexpectedness of its events and the use of cliffhangers and secrecy to keep the reader attached. I say "unexpectedness" and not "unpredictability" because it may really be that such outcomes, because they are determined by the desire to compel and surprise the reader in order to make the book profitable, are actually extremely
  • Why use statistics? Couldn't you just read the books and find out what's going to happen? Idiot

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
