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Biotech Technology

Researchers Report Largest DNA Origami To Date 36

MTorrice (2611475) writes Bioengineers can harness DNA's remarkable ability to self-assemble to build two- and three-dimensional nanostructures through DNA origami. Until now, researchers using this approach have been limited to building structures that are tens of square nanometers in size. Now a team reports the largest individual DNA origami structures to date, which reach sizes of hundreds of square nanometers. What's more, they have developed a less expensive way to synthesize the DNA strands needed, overcoming a tremendous obstacle to scaling up the technology.
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Researchers Report Largest DNA Origami To Date

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  • and the idea of a lambda/M13 hybrid is cute, I bet dollars to donuts that this is not an industrial scale process by any means; long DNA (>10,000) is hard to work with and unstable
    (wild type lambda DNA from, say, N E Biolabs, is about 250 dollars a *milligram*)
    anything priced in milligrams is not, imo, an industrial process

    it is true that much shorter DNA is sold for, afaik, macular degeneration, and whole virus particles are also used; this is not the same as origami things

    anyway, DNA is temperature and

    • I see your points, but I'm also seeing a wet chemistry (if not exactly "bucket" chemistry) process that is producing what looks like pretty flat (nanometre level of flatness)surfaces in quite substantial areas. And the electrical properties of that substrate can be controlled to a significant degree. There's potential there for micro-mechanical systems, or chip substrates. Quite a lot of interesting potential there.

      Hypothesizing that you could use this to produce low-power electronics for, say a wireless e

My idea of roughing it turning the air conditioner too low.
