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Medicine Science

Ebola Outbreak Continues To Expand 170

symbolset writes in with the latest about an ebola outbreak spreading across West Africa. The World Health Organization (WHO) continues to monitor the evolution of the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea. The current epidemic trend of EVD outbreak in Sierra Leone and Liberia remains serious, with 67 new cases and 19 deaths reported July 15-17, 2014. These include suspect, probable, and laboratory-confirmed cases. The EVD outbreak in Guinea continues to show a declining trend, with no new cases reported during this period. Critical analyses and review of the current outbreak response is being undertaken to inform the process of developing prioritized national operational plans. Effective implementation of the prioritized plans will be vital in reversing the current trend of EVD outbreak, especially in Liberia and Sierra Leone.
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Ebola Outbreak Continues To Expand

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday July 24, 2014 @05:44AM (#47521237)

    Coming to a plane journey near you, has that chap near you coughing just clearing his throat or is he seriously ill ?
    Is he sweating from the heat or fever ?

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday July 24, 2014 @05:56AM (#47521269)

    and Antibiotics1 and 2

    • by queazocotal ( 915608 ) on Thursday July 24, 2014 @06:43AM (#47521363)

      It's a virus, so has pretty good antibiotic resistance.

      To follow on from the other comment.
      You're faced with people who you've never seen, look quite different than you, and turn up in suits that cover their entire body.
      This happens shortly after, or even before the community notices an issue - as they are surveying populations nearby.
      Then people start dying, and these people who don't speak your language want to take the bodies of your loved ones, and desecrate them.

      Add to this that education in these places is basically non-existant in many cases.
      It's no wonder that people can come to the conclusion that the health workers are causing the disease.

      Especially given the centuries long history of exploitation. Fake vaccination programs by the CIA to fine OBL haven't helped either.

      • by Trepidity ( 597 )

        The way you describe it actually sounds a lot like an X-Files episode.

      • by JigJag ( 2046772 )

        Note to people not having a clue of what the parent poster meant: this is a reference to the excellent game Plague Inc. available on Android and possible Apple. If you haven't tried it, give it a shot.

    • by weszz ( 710261 )

      Pandemic reference anyone?

      In the game you can get antibiotics resistance to your deadly virus, cold or heat resistance etc...

      Pretty sure that is where this one was going...

    • We are in trouble when it buys Airborne and Water transport.

  • by loimprevisto ( 910035 ) on Thursday July 24, 2014 @05:59AM (#47521275)
    At least it's not Anthrax-Leprosy-Mu!

  • It is near (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday July 24, 2014 @06:08AM (#47521295)

    Disease outbreak...check
    Pre-WW3 conflicts...check
    Justin bieber...check

    Ok im ready for Earth obliteration... time to reset society...

  • I am not a virologist or an epidemiologist (nor do I play one on TV) but I always seem to remember the risk of a larger pandemic from Ebola or other similar severe hemorrhagic fevers was reduced due to the nature of these illnesses having a rapid onset and severity which limits the ability of infected people to be ambulatory and infect other people.

    What I wonder and maybe worry about is a long-term low-grade outbreak leading to mutations which increase the amount of time the infected might be able to spread

    • by Trepidity ( 597 )

      Low percentage of asymptomatic cases is also a factor slowing the spread: almost everyone who has an Ebola virus infection develops a serious illness, so there are few (possibly no) asymptomatic carriers who could unwittingly spread it.

      • From what I have read about ebola (EVD-- whatever), it has an incubation period of 21 days and its early symptoms are easily confused with the flu. Just about everywhere other than Antarctic research stations is within 21 days travel time of west Africa.

        Mecca is going to be an epidemiologist's nightmare this year. Lots of Muslims in west Africa, and some infected Boko Haram nuts might think that they were doing Allah's will in bringing the disease to impure muslims and infidels. Sort of like the way the US

        • by Trepidity ( 597 )

          Well incubation period is somewhat different. Also an issue, but not the same one as asymptomatic carriers. Some viruses have completely asymptomatic carriers, who can harbor it for years without themselves being significantly affected, which makes long-distance spread a lot easier. Ebola doesn't seem to have that.

          Although Ebola does have a reservoir in rats, who carry it asymptomatically. No idea what the odds of it spreading via that route are.

    • by sjames ( 1099 )

      That is a typical course when a disease first crosses to human beings.The good news is that they also tend to become less deadly in the process.

  • And I just read that the doctor that's treated 100+ of the Ebola victims has been infected as well.

    3 other nurses have already succumbed to the disease.

    The high mortality rate is probably what scares people the most, despite it actually not being that infective through normal pathways.

  • The story [] I read before this one was about a malaria vaccine that was developed in the early 90's, was known to be effective by '97, and has been awaiting approval since then, while ten million people died from the disease.

    Really, though, it was only ten million families who had to lose their loved ones - that's a small price to pay for the paperwork being in order.

    • by mspohr ( 589790 )

      If you had actually read the article you reference, you would see that the delay in malaria vaccine is to to the fact that the many trials have been failures and even this latest version is not very effective for not very much time. The "paperwork" delay in this case is due to the fact that it doesn't work.

    • by CrimsonAvenger ( 580665 ) on Thursday July 24, 2014 @12:59PM (#47523435)

      was known to be effective by '97

      From your link, it was known to have "great potential" by '97.

      Which is NOT the same as "known to be effective".

Never say you know a man until you have divided an inheritance with him.
