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Mars NASA Build

Mars Base Design Competition Open To Non-Scientific Professionals 94

An anonymous reader writes "MakerBot, in collaboration with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), is hosting a competition for the design of a future Mars base. The competition is open to any Thingiverse account holder regardless of professional or educational background. Winners will be chosen by a subjective panel of JPL and MakerBot employees based on scientific feasibility, creativity, and printability. Contest ends June 12, and contestants have to be at least 13 years old. The first place winner will receive a MakerBot Replicator 2 Desktop 3D printer and three spools of MakerBot Filament. The second place winner will receive two spools, and the third place winner will receive one spool. All three will have their design featured on Thingiverse." You can also browse the entries so far.
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Mars Base Design Competition Open To Non-Scientific Professionals

Comments Filter:
  • Boycott makerBot (Score:3, Insightful)

    by gigne ( 990887 ) on Sunday June 08, 2014 @07:43AM (#47189807) Homepage Journal

    Bre Pettis is bad human.

    MakerBot went closed source after taking community ideas []

    They patent community ideas []

    Do NOT use them or their services.

    P.S what the best thingiverse replacement?

    • It's a long way from brilliant, but all my designs are now on - which I see is starting to get some really interesting stuff posted (far better than any of the tat I've come up with! ;-).

      It's run by Ultimaker, so in theory vulnerable to the same problems as Thingiverse, but Ultimaker are quite responsive to their user base, so may do as we've suggested and create a foundation to run it instead. They're also a much smaller company, so don't expect quick turnaround as they're resource constraine

  • NASA lends its name for a publicity marketing bullshit event for half-assed gizmo outfit, making zero progress toward landing men on Mars.
  • Always void on Mars (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Based on "Contest ... is void ... where taxed" phrase I'm under the impression this contest would be mainly open to Americans only, if even them. (Some weird legalese and syntax in the terms). Additionally, "All Entries must include a description of how and why the submitted MakerBot Mars Design is suitable for the living conditions of a Martian. For the purposes of this Contest, ÃoeMartianà is defined as a native inhabitant of the planet Mars." Given current science is fairly certain there are, i

  • by tomhath ( 637240 ) on Sunday June 08, 2014 @08:46AM (#47189959)
    The problem with building a human habitat in such a remote location is lack of heavy machinery and lack of energy source. It has to be almost self erecting and require very little (or at least very lightweight) material and only the power a human wearing a bulky suit can provide. Ideally it would be near a source of water and situated where the Sun and wind are favorable. Of course even if you could build it and get people moved in they wouldn't have anything to do that a robot couldn't do better.
  • Why not underground? (Score:5, Informative)

    by ArcadeMan ( 2766669 ) on Sunday June 08, 2014 @09:42AM (#47190129)

    Since Mars has no atmosphere, wouldn't living on Mars require shielding against micrometeorites? What about radiation?

    Why build something above the ground? Make an underground city and you gain "free" extra-thick shielding and you also get real radiation shielding at the same time.

    • by frank249 ( 100528 ) on Sunday June 08, 2014 @11:15AM (#47190421)

      Underground habitats are required not only due to the radiation threat but also due to the cold temperatures. The average temperature is -55C. Surface temperatures may reach a high of about 20 C (293 K; 68 F) at noon, at the equator, and a low of about 153 C (120 K; 243 F) at the poles. Actual temperature measurements at the Viking landers' site range from 17.2 C (256.0 K; 1.0 F) to 107 C (166 K; 161 F). The warmest soil temperature on the Mars surface estimated by the Viking Orbiter was 27 C (300 K; 81 F).

      Images from the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) aboard NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter have revealed seven possible cave entrances on the flanks of the volcano Arsia Mons. The caves, named after loved ones of their discoverers, are collectively known as the "seven sisters." Cave entrances measure from 100 m to 252 m wide and they are believed to be at least 73 m to 96 m deep. Because light does not reach the floor of most of the caves, it is possible that they extend much deeper than these lower estimates and widen below the surface. "Dena" is the only exception; its floor is visible and was measured to be 130 m deep. The interiors of these caverns may be protected from micrometeoroids, UV radiation, solar flares and high energy particles that bombard the planet's surface.

      • Ten thousand years of painful scientific advancement and we go back to living in caves.

        • It's a good place to hide the elite people. Also meteorites in the meteorite belt past Mars can be used as disguised space stations, if you dig a hole in the middle of them. Great camouflage.
      • The real reason for underground caverns on Mars is to secretly hide elite people who will proliferate all over the Universe, and keep all the dumb ones down here, well, dumb. Then even in case of a nuclear catastrophy or global disease outbreak, all the dumb ones down here will disappear, together with a few smart ones as collateral damage, but the smart ones can come back and recolonize Earth again. The Moon is gravitationally locked to us, always showing the same face, else it would have tides in its crus
      • by tragedy ( 27079 )

        Underground habitats are required not only due to the radiation threat but also due to the cold temperatures.

        Temperature on Mars does not translate to temperature on Earth. The very thin atmosphere means that there's much less actual heat involved than the same temperature on Earth and also that a low temperature on Mars doesn't draw heat away as fast as a low temperature on Earth. Building underground is probably neccessary due to radiation concerns, but heat might actually be more of a problem below groun

    • Living on Earth also requires shielding against micrometeorites that didn't completely finish burning up as shooting stars. There are lots of mineralogists collecting meteorites, each of which successfully made it to the planet's surface. Meteorites were also a source of iron for ancients in Bible times before iron smelting was invented. So it's only a matter of time before you get hit on the head by a meteorite down here on Earth too, but chances are so small that most people make it safely to death. Same
    • by tragedy ( 27079 )

      Since Mars has no atmosphere, wouldn't living on Mars require shielding against micrometeorites? What about radiation?

      Mars has an atmosphere. It's very thin, so radiation and meteorites are a concern. Micrometeorites are not, however. They burn up or lose momentum in the atmosphere, thin as it is.

  • Coffins (Score:4, Funny)

    by AchilleTalon ( 540925 ) on Sunday June 08, 2014 @10:03AM (#47190187) Homepage
    Coffins would make the perfect Mars base since first settlers are likely to arrive dead.
  • .. the urban planner that did District 9 []

  • paid for in bitcoins and developed with a Raspberri Pi cluster.

    Fuck, if you wanted to discredit 3D printers then fantasies about Mars bases would be perfect. Sorry, I don't get how technological anarchism shit and a $100 billion+ suicide mission to a cold underpressurized piece of rock relate together.
    I can't wait for ISS to be deorbited in 2020 and then most manned space missions to be canceled. I don't give a fuck. Even pissing-contest yachts should be outllawed and seized by the owners's States without c

  • Much closer, more scientifically useful.

    If you want sustainably habitable, Venus is a better choice. Similar in size to the Earth, and much closer than Mars. Use 'global warming' mitigation techniques developed on Earth to convert Venus CO2 to oxygen, and then add hydrogen to create water. The biggest problem is figuring out how to speed up the rotation of Venus. That's a tough one.

  • Humans have taken shelter in caves on earth before they had the means of building advanced structures. We might revert to caves on Mars too until we have sufficient technology there to build our own structures.

To be is to program.
