Students Calculate What Hyperspace Travel Would Actually Look Like 234
cylonlover writes "The two Star franchises (Wars and Trek) and countless science fiction movies have given generations of armchair space travelers an idea of what to expect when looking out the window of a spaceship that's traveling faster than the speed of light. But it appears these views are – if you'll excuse the pun – a bit warped. Four students from the University of Leicester have used Einstein's theory of Special Relativity to calculate what faster than light travel would actually look like to Han and Chewie at the controls of the Millennium Falcon. The fourth year physics students – Riley Connors, Katie Dexter, Joshua Argyle, and Cameron Scoular – say that the crew wouldn't see star lines (PDF) stretching out past the ship during the jump to hyperspace, but would actually see a central disc of bright light."
Warp vs Hyperspace (Score:5, Interesting)
There are two methods of FTL being talked about here, but they are conflating the two.
Traveling via "warp" means warping space and time itself so you're moving through space at less than C, but space is shrinking in front of you and expanding behind, so the net effect is that you've moved from point A to point B in less time than it would take light travelling without warping space. (Your actual velocity may actually be zero with this method.) This is how Star Trek does it (sort of).
Traveling via "hyperspace" means punching some type of hole in space and traveling "somewhere else". Sometimes it is just a wormhole between points A and B, but it is commonly (like in Star Wars and Babylon 5) some other space within or without normal space. It's a short cut.
Nerds should know this, and yet this is the second time within a week I've seen these two ideas talked about as if they are the same thing.
(I'll leave it to someone else to explain how traveling by Guild vessel works...)
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That's right... when you're traveling at warp speed, you're still going C relative to space around you. It's just the space itself which is warped.
Watch Star Trek, say the Khaaan movie. They're doing Warp 5 toward Space Station Regula 1 when Saavik says "Admiral, sensors indicate a vessel approaching. It's the Reliant." Now look out the window, the stars around the Reliant look normal.
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Slashdot stripped out the "less than" symbol. It would've made more sense otherwise.
And the OP I was replying to also used "C" to represent lightspeed. Thanks for playing, though.
Lights (Score:2)
If it's warp speed, it's a compress space thingy. Lights should be able to pass through compress space, so, theoretically, people on spaceship that travels through warp space should be able to see light from outside.
But if that spaceship travels faster than light - that is, if that's possible at all - then no outside light should be visible.
About hyperspace - since it's a puncturing a hole in the space/time thing, ... light travels _within_ the space/time constraint, so, there should be no light in the hype
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The light would have to travel through the warped space to reach someone on the ship.
I would imagine there is some sort of optical interference that would arise from light traveling through warped space. As stated in the document the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation might be shifted into a layer of visible light around the ship, but I guess that depends on how you warp space in the first place.
Personally, I think it would be awesome if it looked like a giant psychedelic tie-dyed wash of light with all
Re:Lights (Score:4, Insightful)
You would see light from the outside, but consider
(1) warped space bends light - this will distort it
(2) The faster you go, the more light will hit the front (including what you catch up to), less will hit the back (when your bubble of space time is moving faster than the speed of light, you'll be outrunning it), and the less time something coming in from the side will have to actually cross the threshold...
Meaning, more light in front, less from the sides/back.
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Ok if you don't know what C is you are way out of your depth. Thats Physics 101.
Re:Warp vs Hyperspace (Score:5, Funny)
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Re:Warp vs Hyperspace (Score:5, Funny)
Carbon. He's going carbon.
OR: we switched to a case-insensitive universe while you weren't looking. Something something no one ever got fired for buying Microsoft.
Re:Warp vs Hyperspace (Score:5, Funny)
i Was quitE disappOInted thAT yOU didN't taKe advantage of the CASE INSENSTIVITY Of the uNIVerse wheN yoU posted THAT message.
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Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, dumbfuck.
Provided you are cruising (i.e. not accelerating), you are not moving to the space around you. There are no fixed reference frames, that's one of the key points about physics.
The earth? It's moving/accelerating around the sun. The sun? it's moving/accelerating around the galactic center. The galactic center (or galaxy for that matter, for this calc. they are the same) is moving relative to all of the other galaxies, nearby or anywhere, and it's
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(I'll leave it to someone else to explain how traveling by Guild vessel works...)
Drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. You snort the line so fast you go right past c.
Yeah I know it sounds weird, but are *you* going to argue with Frank Herbert? I know I'm not!
Re:Warp vs Hyperspace (Score:5, Interesting)
The Void Captain's Tale by Norman Spinrad [eyrie.org] has FTL powered by female orgasm. Anybody know of other unorthodox propulsion methods from SF?
Aside from whatever the hell was involved in moving the ships in Cordwainer Smith's stories. Cats fending off meta-dimensional dragons in Space3?
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I'm a big fan of Bistromathics [wikipedia.org] as a method of travel.
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The Void Captain's Tale by Norman Spinrad [eyrie.org] has FTL powered by female orgasm. Anybody know of other unorthodox propulsion methods from SF?
Aside from whatever the hell was involved in moving the ships in Cordwainer Smith's stories. Cats fending off meta-dimensional dragons in Space3?
There is the "Infinite Improbability Drive"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technology_in_The_Hitchhiker's_Guide_to_the_Galaxy#Infinite_Improbability_Drive [wikipedia.org]
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Who can forget Lint Warp [youtube.com]?
Remember: don't count your weasels before they pop, dink.
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Yes but Star Wars is also a movie in which time was measured in units of distance (your mother in how many parsecs?
Re:Warp vs Hyperspace (Score:5, Interesting)
Fun fact: In a strange case of Hollywood writers actually getting basic science right, the error was intentional and explained in the original script: [imsdb.com]
HAN: Han Solo. I'm captain of the Millennium Falcon. Chewie here tells
me you're looking for passage to the Alderaan system.
BEN: Yes, indeed. If it's a fast ship.
HAN: Fast ship? You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon?
BEN: Should I have?
HAN: It's the ship that made the Kessel run in less than twelve
Ben reacts to Solo's stupid attempt to impress them with
obvious misinformation.
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So, less than ~37 years...?
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In which case, they would not see any light when traveling faster than light, because if said light touched the traveler the collision would cause a domino of effects that would certainly destroy the traveler.
The field would need to have some field around it to avoid such collisions.
And there lies the true novelty of the i
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Yet both are completely fictional and are not physically possible in even the remotest sense... and you're still arguing about the difference between 2 fantasy modes of travel. Next will you give us an in depth dissertation on the differences between Unicorn and Pegasus travel?
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I liked the detailed information about the FTL jumps in Battlestar Galactica found in the show bible by RDM:
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Oops, OCR fail. The link is: http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/ap15fj/ [nasa.gov] if you're interested.
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There are two methods of FTL being talked about here, but they are conflating the two.
Much easier not to travel FTL.
Professor Hubert Farnsworth: These are the dark matter engines I invented. They allow my starship to travel between galaxies in mere hours.
Cubert J. Farnsworth: That's impossible. You can't go faster than the speed of light.
Professor Hubert Farnsworth: Of course not. That's why scientists increased the speed of light in 2208.
It woud look like (Score:2)
traveling at the speed of light, only the view would be a smaller dot.
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Not if you are in a warp bubble.
Light would impact the bubble across the front 'face'. Depending on how distorted, you could see everything that hit and would be directed towards your position on anywhere from all or none of that front 'face'.
Now, if you didn't have a warp bubble around you, and traveled at the speed of light, it would probably appear solid field, since light would be heading straight in to every point of your eye, with the field being cut off more by how you turn your head or eye.
A Slower Speed of Light (Score:3, Interesting)
The A Slower Speed of Light [mit.edu] game from MIT does the same thing, just by slowing the light down to your speed rather than speeding you up to light speed. It's the same, since its all relative.
inaccurate slashdot summary; not a new result (Score:5, Insightful)
The slashdot summary is totally inaccurate. It makes it sound as though the paper calculates what would be seen by an observer going faster than c relative to the stars, but actually the paper calculates what would be seen by an observer going at v=0.9999995c.
There is also basically nothing new in this paper. The effects they describe (relativistic aberration and Doppler shifts) have been well understood for a long time. ANU has made a nice educational video [youtube.com] showing these effects.
The question of how things would look if you could go faster than c relative to the stars is a whole different issue. Special relativity doesn't forbid relative motion faster than c, but it puts a bunch of constraints on it: (1) it can't be achieved by a continuous process of acceleration from velocities less than c; (2) if it exists, it violates causality; and (3) although special relativity is consistent with the existence of faster-than-light particles (tachyons), it is not consistent with the existence of faster-than-light observers in a universe with 3 spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension, a.k.a. 3+1 dimensions. Result #3 (no tachyonic observers in 3+1 dimensions) has been known [harvard.edu] for a long time, but it seems to keep getting rediscovered.
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(2) if it exists, it violates causality;
That would seem to be a problem, but maybe it contains its own solution.
They can't exist, interact, or aren't 3+1? (Score:2)
(3) although special relativity is consistent with the existence of faster-than-light particles (tachyons), it is not consistent with the existence of faster-than-light observers in a universe with 3 spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension, a.k.a. 3+1 dimensions. Result #3 (no tachyonic observers in 3+1 dimensions) has been known for a long time, but it seems to keep getting rediscovered.
I'm curious (but can't deal with 30 pages of relativistic physics right now). Can you answer one summarizing question,
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I'm not sure it is possible to violate causality. Causality is just a sequential description of what we already know happened or suspect will happen.
So, let's say stuff happens. If you "violated causality" stuff would still happen, but our regular description would not apply (our physical constitution might not even allow it being perceived).
Not even close (Score:5, Funny)
Not even physics (Score:3)
You wouldn't see anything at FTL speeds as even radio waves would come on as gamma radiation.
How do you know? There is no known physics which can predict what FTL travel will look like because all the known laws of physics forbid FTL. This makes as much sense as using newtonian mechanics to explain quantum tunnelling: the existence of the phenomena you are trying to explain is forbidden by the very physics you are trying to describe it with! However that is NOT what the students did - they assumed a velocity very close to the speed of light but not greater than it then threw in the word "Millenium
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From what I know of physics, FTL travel isn't forbidden. It's just passing the speed of light that's impossible. You can't go from a standstill to c (much less more-than-c), but if you could somehow "jump over" c, you'd be able to travel FTL. Whether any way of "jumping over c" exists or not is another story.
wrong analysis tool (Score:2)
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no, the equations of GR do allow for FTL travel via spacetime warping
I giving all she got captain and I don't get the l (Score:5, Funny)
I giving all she got captain and I don't get the lines.
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So, how do those Heisenberg compensators work, Scotty?
Emergency stop - never use! (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Emergency stop - never use! (Score:4, Funny)
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Please don't mix in ridiculous Space Balls bullshit, and pipe down while the adults are talking, you blasphemer! This is a SERIOUS conversation about Star Wars and Star Trek tech!
Now you've done it. Time to say goodbye to your two best friends (and I don't mean the ones in the Winnebego).
what about the other star franchises (Score:3, Funny)
Re:what about the other star franchises (Score:5, Interesting)
The actual geometry of a wormhole is too peculiar for most viewers, so "zipping really fast across the galaxy! Wheeeee!" Is more familiar. It's a TV show. Lighten up fancis.
Really, an actual wormhole would resemble a sphere in 3d space, through the center of which, you see straight through out the other side of the companion spherical appearing disruption at your desintation. The "edge" of the sphere would look mirrory, and highly distorted. Traveling into the wormhole on any sufficiently oblique trajectory would be "a bad thing(tm)". It is this oblique interaction that is hypothesized to make any artificially stabilized wormhole rapidly become unstable, as particles get caught in tight "circular" loops and literally feedback the wormhole shut.
None of this "disc shaped portal" nonsense.
Because that would be mindfucking to most viewers, special effects people make wormholes flat, for fragile human minds.
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Doc Smith waxed prolifically about such things as far back as the Lensman series. Although he didn't use the term "wormhole" he described it -- and noted that the cross section of a terminus from hyperspace approximated a sphere. Also described visibility in hyperspace to an interesting degree, and worked it into a plot device. Imaginative, and fun!
And I'm still quite convinced he drew his inspiration for Sir Austin Cardygne from my old physics 101 professor, J.S.Miller.
Re:what about the other star franchises (Score:5, Interesting)
No, it means that at most, you might be able to send a message through a wormhole as a beam of light precisely send exactly at the exact computed centerpoint of the sphere, and very little else.
Sending a human through the wormhole would have a sizeable number of the human's atoms entering on trajectories that don't precisely intersect the sphere's centerpoint, meaning the shearing effects of the wormhole would rip the human apart. They would come out the other side as a spray of microparticulates. (And if entering highly oblique, would turn into a fireball of radiation whirling around the edges of the wormhole.)
It is possible that with a sufficiently "large" wormhole, the shearing forces would be sufficiently diffused over a large enough entry window to permit a human sized object, but the wormhole would have to be fucking enormous. I mean. Fucking. Enormous. The human would still experience radical compression and shearing forces, but they would be below the energies needed to tear the human apart. That doesn't mean the experience would be in any way "enjoyable."
Atmospheric gasses interacting with the wormhole's event horizon? Hoooboy... can you say nuclear fireball? No. Travel through a wormhole would require as close to absolute vacuum as possible, a fucking enormous wormhole, and a pair of depends diapers, because you are gonna need em.
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Just how fucking enormous are we talking about here?
what would you see going at warp? (Score:5, Insightful)
Nothing. You would see absolutely nothing. Blackness. Empty space. Here is why:
The warp field used to push the ship would be a 100% metamaterial, which redirects all particles, including light, around the ship perfectly, and or, capturing the particles on the event shock, and preventing them from reaching you.
That's the problem with cheating by removing the ship from the causally connected universe, via a albucuierre warpdrive; being no longer causally connected means you can't see anything, because you stop interacting with the universe outside the warp field.
Ok, pedantically, you would see an insanely redshifted image of the universe you left behind, instead of empty space. But to human eyes, that heat map would appear literally black.
When you rupture the field, and spill back into being causally connected with the universe at the remote reference frame, a shitton of energy and radiation will blast out.
Piloting a ship with that kind of propulsion would require very precise calculations about the passing of local time inside the warp field, and the time frames of both site of departure, and site of destination. It would be impossible to measure spacial distance, so the unpredictable unit of variable time is all you would have to work with. Long distance navigation would be an almost absurd proposition due to this fact. This could be the fly in the ointment against this form of travel in fact.
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Piloting a ship with that kind of propulsion would require very precise calculations about the passing of local time inside the warp field, and the time frames of both site of departure, and site of destination. It would be impossible to measure spacial distance, so the unpredictable unit of variable time is all you would have to work with. Long distance navigation would be an almost absurd proposition due to this fact. This could be the fly in the ointment against this form of travel in fact.
In other words, it ain't like dusting crops.
As usual, Arthur C. Clarke was there first (Score:2)
He describes this in The City and the Stars, and possibly in an earlier work.
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Fuzzy Coincidence? (Score:2)
Why is it that hyperspace looks exactly like what one sees after 8 beers?
What if there is no way to exceed c? (Score:4, Insightful)
What if in fact there is no way at all to exceed c? It could mean that the only way to really explore the galaxy would be with generation ships or with machines. It would be a quite depressing discovery, for it would place limits on our imagination. "Science fiction" would pass into the category of "fantasy".
The only other possibility that would work is travel that is faster-than-light from your own perspective, but not from others' - time dilation. You could make a trip to another galaxy in a single lifetime, but it would be millions of years to everyone else.
I think that some of the biggest scientific discoveries to come will not be of possibilities, but of limitations. Not what we can do in the future, but what we can't. Humankind is going to have to live with this.
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It's likely that you cannot exceed c. However, current theories do not preclude the existence of wormholes, or heck, the creation of them. A wormhole would technically allow travel between two points in space in a time much shorter than what would be required going at near c outside the wormhole, all while never going faster than c, by "folding" space so that the two points are effectively closer together.
That's just one way we know. It's also possible that other methods would work.
Re:What if there is no way to exceed c? (Score:4, Insightful)
Not really. It just means "one way trip, everyone you know on earth will be dead when you arrive at your destination".
This is because of time dialation caused by being bound by special relativity. The faster you go in relation to c, the less "time" you experience compared to the outside observer. When you hit c (which is impossible for massed objects anyway) you experience exactly 0 seconds of time.
So, while the people on earth wait the 25+ light years for you to reach gleise, you might only experience a few seconds of time aboard the starship, thanks to special relativity.
Due to realistic constraints on energy requirements for space vehicles, the best you are looking at for reaching a distant star system is a couple of years of local starship time, at some significant fraction of c, but considerably less than 99%. (Probably closer to 20 to 40% c, at best, assuming a crazy powerful engine.)
At relativistic velocities, every tiny hydrogen atom in front of the ship floating listlessly in space suddenly becomes a high energy alpha particle, and every electron becomes a high energy beta particle. This means the ship needs absurd amounts of radiation shielding to make the trip feasible.
Re:What if there is no way to exceed c? (Score:4, Informative)
20-40% of c doesn't introduce significant relativistic effects.
You need to be doing just under 87% of c in order to get a time dilation factor of 2. 99% of c gets you a dilation factor of 7.
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Without swinging around a black hole, I don't see a reasonable method of accellerating something the size of an interstellar starship to 99% of c. It takes ungodly amounts of power to accelerate single protons to that speed in the LHC. A starship!? Wow....
I stll hold to the estimate of 20 to 40% c with "reasonable expectations" (ahem. Cough, sputter.) Of what you can wring out of physics in regard to such a large vehicle. That means that the 25 lightyear trip will still take about 50 to 100 years for the s
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Why wouldn't we have enormously extended lifespans by then? Like thousands of years, there's no physical reason why not...
They're all wrong (Score:2)
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Use the force, Luke! ^w^w^w^w (Score:2)
Don't go into the light, Luke!
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Don't go into the light, Luke!
So what you're saying is that when we die we go into hyperspace?
Explained by Real Science Fiction (Score:2)
But wait... (Score:2)
Except: If you were traveling at the speed of light, time would stop. So you wouldn't see a damned thing because the universe would end instantaneously for you. Also you'd implode into a singularity and devour all the energy in the universe to achieve light speed, but lets not let physics get in the way.
Not if universe is a sim (Score:2)
Even so, if the universe is a simulation one would expect to see alert messages such as "Please wait... Loading level 2" or "Undefined pointer at 0xa0123ebf6a78ca2a@20010db8:00000000:0000ff00:00428329"
If they could emulate an entire universe (Score:2)
I assume The Programmers could handle a try-catch.
Not the hyperspace travel you are looking for (Score:3)
The paper talks about traveling at 0.9999995c, i.e. definitely relativistic speeds but not any kind of hyperspace travel.
They made some fairly straightforward blue-shift and pressure calculations. The bright spot in front of the travelers is actually the Cosmic Background Radiation, normally microwave radiation, but blue shifted towards the visible end of the spectrum. Starlight would be shifted toward X-rays in front of them and microwave behind them.
The authors don't talk about any acceleration phase, they assume the travelers simply travel at that speed and what they would see.
Essentially nothing new in this paper, but just some fun calculations.
Do not tell it to G. Lucas! (Score:2)
"Han and Chewie at the controls of the Millennium Falcon [...] wouldn't see star lines stretching out past the ship during the jump to hyperspace, but would actually see a central disc of bright light."
George Lucas will need to re-edit again his movies with up-to-date CGI.
I'm just waiting for Star Wars VII (Score:2)
It's going to be great. ET will shoot at TIE fighters with a walkie talkie while the genie from Aladdin flies around on a magic carpet. Harrison Ford will probably play a cameo both as Indianna Jones and as an octagenarian Han Solo.
Mirror? (Score:2)
Without the SSL error on it?
Bigfoot (Score:5, Funny)
Big and hairy. Actually, a lot like your mom - but with better outdoor survival skills.
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That we KNOW of..... So far.
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that is not true, cosmologists know that our observable universe is a small part of the whole, most of which is moving faster than light away from us (and so will never be seen). In fact, we can only ever see or travel to something on the order of 1E-23 of the whole; the rest is accelerating away from us and has already passed lightspeed relative to earth.
Re:It would look like nothing (Score:5, Informative)
Incorrect. Things appear to be moving at a speed that is faster than light, but they are in fact moving at a speed below that of light, and it is space itself which is at the same time expanding, causing the effective distance between those objects and us to grow at a rate which exceeds the speed of light.
They do not however travel at FTL speeds.
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OK, but I hope I get some understanding if someone does answer these few question to me:
How do we know whether it is the space expanding, rather than stuff actually moving faster than light? To me, the principle of relativity makes this idea basically interchangeable. Moving space == space moving around us. I understand the current theory is, that empty space tend to expand, that is it's inherent physical property. But how can you make a distinction, let's say, below the speed of light? Let's say you spot a
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Even if it were possible, to be consistent with current observations of relativistic effects, it would imply the kind of mind-bending time-travel paradoxes that sci-fi writers simply never, ever want to touch. You can't have a world like Star Trek without implying deeply broken causality.
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That's why I feel deeply disturbed by "geeks" who are fan of Star Trek and alike. It has so many disagreements with reality that suspension of belief for a person with a simple grasp of science and physics is impossible.
Gravitation, photon torpedo, navigational problems, SR/GR, biology, culture, social relations.... everything is broken in that universe.
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Fair point.... but history is overflowing with examples of people asserting "X is impossible", for various values of X, and they were ultimately proven wrong.
It's simply much more honest to say that we just don't know of any way to travel faster than light than to casually assert its impossibility as factual.
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I think this is the weak point of many popular explanation of SR/GR. The speed of light is presented as a speed limit but since there's a principle of relativity at work, I don't think it is particularly good way to look at it.
The speed of light looks the same for any observer in any reference frame. When going through the motions of special relativity, this comes with a number of consequential statements, such as that observers performing uniform motion in respect to each other would find that time passes
Re:Not the same thing (Score:5, Informative)
The link is slashdotted, but if this is the story I read earlier today then they didn't do either. Instead, they figured out what it would look like at just below light speed... about 99.995% of c.
In a nutshell, it's all about the Doppler effect. Normally visible objects like stars are blueshifted into the X-ray spectrum and the only visible is the cosmic background radition, which just looks like a big blur as it's blueshifted into the visible spectrum.
Re:Special Relativity... (Score:5, Informative)
...is broke. Usually when you prove a theory wrong through evidence, it gets put away in a box. Not Special Relativity, it gets bandied about as being the most wonderful thing, we'll just modify it a little to make it work...
Einstein did modify it. The resulting theory is called General Relativity. Special Relativity still works as an extremely accurate approximation in the absence of strong gravitational fields. The equations of Special Relativity are used in experimental high energy physics all the time quite successfully.
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Einstein did modify it. The resulting theory is called General Relativity.
And every time we use GPS, we're using a tool that would not work at all without general relativity.
The equations of Special Relativity are used in experimental high energy physics all the time quite successfully.
And even so, theorists were very enthusiastic about trying to modify SR accomodate the superluminal neutrino results from 2011. Unfortunately those results turned out to be due to a loose cable.
Re:Special Relativity... (Score:5, Insightful)
And even so, theorists were very enthusiastic about trying to modify SR accomodate the superluminal neutrino results from 2011. Unfortunately those results turned out to be due to a loose cable.
Yep, and that's a very good thing indeed. It's when science becomes dogmatic that we should worry. Taking results in contradiction with models and attempting to modify the models so that the results fit is how science works. Sometimes you can make the models work, sometimes you need entirely new models, and sometimes it's something in between.
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GPS would work perfectly fine without relativity calculations. [...]
False [ohio-state.edu] and false [wikipedia.org]. Relativity matters when you care about nanosecond timing.
Newtonian Gravity too (Score:5, Informative)
Newton's law of gravity is broken as well. The thing is that although it's inaccurate and broken, it's a really easy approximation to how gravity works that gets you results that work well enough that people still use it for most situations. SR is similar, it doesn't work in non-inertial frames but with inertial frames, it's good enough in most situations and a lot easier to use than GR.
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Perhaps, yes. Thing is, in order to find such exceptions, we need data that documents these. We can't just randomly start to modify existing theories to fit what we'd like to see and then find data that corroborates it. That's biased sampling and it's bad science.
If you have data that shows hyperspace travel is possible and that documents what happens in that case, be sure to show it.
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Technically, the Universe has no sides and no center.
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the universe does have a center, at the observer. most of the universe has already exceeded light speed with regards to us, we'll never see or travel to most of it.
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the universe does have a center, at the observer. most of the universe has already exceeded light speed with regards to us, we'll never see or travel to most of it.
I will, once I perfect my hybrid Super-Warp Hyperdrive(tm). But I can see how it is difficult for an Earthling in early 2013 to understand this, so you are excused.
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Lovely book, on my shelf at home some where. Not always believable, but some good rationalisations ;)
"The Physics of Star Trek"
http://www.amazon.com/Physics-Star-Trek-Lawrence-Krauss/dp/0465002048/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1358307113&sr=1-1&keywords=the+physics+of+star+trek [amazon.com]
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It is not about the windows, but rather, person's optic nerve and field of view - it basically gave extreme tunnel vision, except real. You could only see very little, all else was a blind spot.
Well yes, but you could only (fail to) see that blind spot through the windows. It did not stop you from seeing the walls.
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From UHF, paraphrasing, if you're traveling at the speed of light and you turn on your headlights, does your head explode? Cosmo Kramer in a very similar role, BTW.