Pumpkin Pie increases Male Sex Drive 173
Dr. Alan Hirsch, Director of Chicago's Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Center, says the key to a man's heart, and other parts, is pumpkin pie. Out of the 40 odors tested in Hirsch's study, a mixture of lavender and pumpkin pie got the biggest rise out of men ages 18 to 64. That particular fragrance was found to increase penile blood flow by an average of 40%. "Maybe the odors acted to reduce anxiety. By reducing anxiety, it acted to remove inhibitions," said Hirsch.
Hey honey... (Score:2)
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On the other hand, I send the link to my wife saying "baby, I bet I can convince you to make more pies"
Re:Hey honey... (Score:4, Insightful)
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I thought the turkey day tryptophan thing was a myth/urban legend and it was really just the amount of food eaten + blood going to the stomach or something to digest it...
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Re:Hey honey... (Score:4, Informative)
Eating turkey or other high tryptophan foods within a moderate sized meal will not, however lead to drowsiness. The other amino acids contained in the food ensure that the relative ratio of tryptophan doesn't increase enough to cause drowsiness. Eating turkey by itself can cause enough of a spike to lead to drowsiness.
Of course the whole thing is probably even more complicated than that, and I'm sure you'll find that there is a perfect storm of factors involved that lead to thanksgiving post-prandial somnolence. Working hard all day to get things just right, travel, kids running around, rapidly declining sunlight levels, stress of upcoming shopping madness, eating by candlelight, a warm fire and heat turned up a little bit for guests would all add on to any dietary induced slumber. And then there's watching the Lions get beat yet again.
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Well, your comment makes sense, I know I have to eat the pie before I get the turkey.
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How do you know you married the right woman? When she complains about having a headache AFTER sex, rather than before ;-)
Re:Hey honey... (Score:4, Funny)
When she complains about having a headache AFTER sex, rather than before
I hear that all the time, it's a side effect of the chloroform.
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So what were people using before this pie thing came along? Beer bread?
Perhaps those with complaining partners would have better luck with marijuana brownies?
When in doubt, there's always chocolate.
Note to self: No pie before going to airport
Re:Hey honey... (Score:5, Interesting)
FTA: "Every odor we tested aroused the participants," said Hirsch. ... "Nothing turns a man off."
Now, what pie will arouse women? THAT'S the pie I need.
Re:Hey honey... (Score:5, Funny)
I believe baby powder was the odor most arousing to women, although you could probably use fresh babies if you don't have any powdered.
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Haha! Because women are gold-diggers rather than people with diverse and complex attractions and that's why you they sleep with other, richer men and not you! Classic! ...Wait, they also find penniless badasses attractive? Brb, reevaluating.
Whether they admit it or not, women seek men who will contribute something to offspring. For some, what they seek is financial security. Why else would we have terms like "Good provider." when they discuss potential mates? Other women prefer physicality, a strong man will make strong children who will have a good chance at survival.
When you learn to read the signs that they put out, you know when to pass on a woman that would be a waste of your time or how to manipulate her perception of you to get closer t
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Comment removed (Score:5, Funny)
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"Dog. Dog with head split in half"
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"Now, what pie will arouse women? THAT'S the pie I need."
I tried to bake some using known-effective fragrances, but burnt money doesn't taste very good.
Oh well, back to the bus station with the leftover Halloween candy. :(
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I don't think you can make a pie out of currency.
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I am not sure about the pie thing, I do know most of them can smell a 100 dollar bill a mile away.
I saw somewhere that pumpkin applies to women (Score:2)
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Whatever you do...do NOT give them wedding cake.
I hear that is the one food that kills the sex drive in women. At the very least, it somehow cuts way down on the blowjobs you will receive from her. At least...my married friends tell me that.
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At the very least, it somehow cuts way down on the blowjobs you will receive from her. At least...my married friends tell me that.
My experience is the opposite. Married almost ten years now. I suppose I should show my appreciation for deviating from the norm and get her one of those chocolate diamond rings she asked for.
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Is a "chocolate diamond ring" anything like a "chocolate starfish"?
Because your wife already has a chocolate starfish.
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'The norm' being a pearl necklace?
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Pumpkin Pie increases Male Sex Drive
Fuck that. Mr. Scientist, please find me something to increase female sex drive! That doesn't cost a fortune, I mean.
They didn't test the smell of fresh clean pussy? (Score:2)
I know the plural of anecdote is not data.
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I still can't believe no one in the "adult" industry has managed to bottle that scent. Seriously.
Re:They didn't test the smell of fresh clean pussy (Score:4, Informative)
Yes they have.
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The Main Problem (Score:2)
uh huh... (Score:4, Insightful)
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I'll try to remember, but the lingerie she wears tends to make me forget thought in general.
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So everyone remember that as your mother serves you pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving in two days.
Paging Dr. Freud, you have a patient to see you now. O_o
Maybe the odors acted to reduce anxiety (Score:2)
Maybe the pie was "accidentally" baked with a very special ingredient?
one flaw... (Score:1, Interesting)
this is about AMERICAN men.
Not men in general, American men.
As I see it there is a possible (or even probable) confounding here in that a possible alternate cause could be conditioning. Do American men often get laid on thaksgiving? What feelings does the smell of pumpkin pie evoke? For me, none whatsoever. I've never smelled or tasted pumpkin pie.
If so, then the smell of thanksgiving may be triggering their conditioned response.
Science reporters, learn science so you can report what is needed (like what co
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"Oh, you're a scientist? What do you research?"
"Well, today I measured penile blood flow of a bunch of guys who were smelling pumpkin pie to compare it to penile blood flow of those who weren't."
Science fail.
Error in research... (Score:1)
That’s just my heart pumping harder in anticipation of all the artery-clogging food I’m about to eat. Increased blood flow everywhere... now hands off my junk!
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That’s just my heart pumping harder in anticipation of all the artery-clogging food I’m about to eat. Increased blood flow everywhere... now hands off my junk!
You flying this holiday season? Then I'm afraid it will be hands all over your junk.
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Well, if there is any truth to the movie, I would say that warm apple pie would cause even more of such reactions.
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American women usually spend all morning cooking the meal, and then American men spend all afternoon/evening sleeping. Doubt there's much sex going on after stuffing themselves silly with all that delicious food. Possible, but definitely not the norm.
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Actually, after visiting the US, I'd say the food there is abysmal. For something edible, you need to look into something italian/chinese/etc.
The rampant obesity there comes from quantity not quality.
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No, I never been to a McDonalds there -- or rather, I entered one, saw a monstrously dirty place that stank and quickly ran away. Heck, in a backwards place like Poland McDonalds are safe food, among the better fast food places, priced so the poor can't afford to eat there (or at least couldn't ~10 years ago, things change fast) -- yet in the US they seem to be the lowest of the low.
My sample comes mostly from going out several times with people from that university I've been to for the summer, and trying
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So you spent a month in one city with university students (hardly culinary experts) and you judge an entire country based on that? Genius!
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Funny, the authentic German foods I've tried I found disgusting. I detest authentic Italian, French food is pretty but tastless, and I fail at understanding how the English haven't all starved to death. Same with the authentic Indian restaurants. I do like the authentic Chinese restaurants, and I find the Mexican places to be fair to middlin'.
You don't think that it might have something to do with being socialized to the type of food you grew up with? Nawh! Much better for your karma to bash American f
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So McDonald's should be priced so the poor can't eat there (or so you seem to suggest), and then you complain about the average American food?
Duh. You can just buy the stuff that the poor can't afford, and everyone wins. Alternatively you can do a bit of research (this new "internet" helps a lot) and you can find, at reasonable price, both excellent things in great variety (in a bigger city), or at least some great local specialties (almost anywhere).
In my experience as a student in a big city, it does seem
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What's elitist about mentioning that a large majority of food there is abysmal? If X samples show that most of the food is bad, it's a valid observation that suggests the average is bad as well.
Of course you can find good food, no doubts about that, but if a significant part of the population cared about food quality, I wouldn't have trouble finding something palatable.
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State the city you were in please, interested to know.
Also I've been to Poland and ate cabbage soup and meat rolls for a week, so I think I've got a pretty good idea of what passes for "good" for you. (Had a "burrito" in Krakow, pretty much the oddest thing I've eaten. Cabbage needs to stay out of a burrito).
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He didn't try a handful of "random" restaurants. He tried a few restaurants within walking distance of a university. I don't think any of the best restaurants in my city are anywhere near any university. The available clientel doesn't seem to be able to afford or care for real food.
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Just the thought makes me homesick for The Continental on University (and makes me want to punch all the dicks on Yelp who can't even spell fucking 'tzatziki' but think they know shit about Greek food and sully The Continental's ratings). That and Taste of India on Roosevelt... my wife and I used to go there practically just for the chai
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The problem is that good fish is so expensive here; it's easy to get priced out of restaurants that know how to do it well.
I live in central-northern NJ, quite a bit inland... and there are at least 5 restaurants near me with good fish... if you're willing to pay $40 a plate. Down the shore, there are good fish spots that are cheaper, but I'm not going to drive an hour just for dinner.
So do what the rest of
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You ever get out to Neah Bay and have some salmon fresh and still warm out of a Makah smoker? That stuff is as good as the salad in When Harry Met Sally. You will not find salmon prepared better anywhere in the world, an
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If you can't appreciate a simple roasted turkey with stuffing and a side of potatos, I feel sorry for you.
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You obviously have never been to or stayed in New Orleans.
Definitely GOOD food down here...
Heck, where I live, there really hardly is any commercial fast food places near where I live....Only like one Burger King within miles of me, but plenty of good local restaurants of all kinds, ethnic and NOLA style stuff.
I very rarely eat fast food, or even at ANY chain r
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I'm not sure if there is such a thing as "American Food" ? It's all stolen from other Countries and Cultures.
Good food can be found in most non-franchise diners/grills/pub/deli/cafe. Franchised restaraunts are nearly identical to each other.. so if you find a meal you like from a franchise store, you can pretty much find that exact meal in the surrounding towns/states.
My time spent in Germany is similar to yours. Most of the food was good. But there was also little variation and each place had virtually
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I'm not sure if there is such a thing as "American Food"? It's all stolen from other Countries and Cultures.
Amazingly, you can trace the theft of cuisine all the way back to cultures without writing, then the trail goes cold. Originality is nine parts mists of forgetting. But I think you can fairly credit America for Tang and Velveeta.
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Well you are both right. Married Men and women don't get laid on thanksgiving, if ever at all. Maybe twice a year, or three if you spend money on Valentines.
However, all the teenage and young adults will spend thanksgiving with their families and invite their significant other over for dinner.
After meeting the family - there is usually some break up sex.
Like the GP said, conditioning.
Re:one flaw... (Score:5, Insightful)
"Have you ever noticed that you never get laid on Thanksgiving? I think it's because all the coats are on the bed."
Re:one flaw... (Score:5, Funny)
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Is that for the coats? Or the fucking? Or are you fucking on the coats? No wonder they leave early.
Re:one flaw... (Score:5, Funny)
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"Have you ever noticed that you never get laid on Thanksgiving? I think it's because all the coats are on the bed."
What are you saying? Most people on /. never get laid. (where said laying involves another human) ;)
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Then how can you say it doesn't evoke any feelings?
Wonderful! (Score:2)
This is gourd news for men with erectile disfunction!
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Headless Horseman (Score:1)
If I had a pumpkin on top of me, I too would be pissed as hell about not having any head for 30 years.
Nine months after Thanksgiving (Score:1)
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Actually, August is the most common month of the year for birthdays. So...
This is obvious (Score:2)
Cultural? (Score:4, Insightful)
What'd be an interesting follow-up is whether this is because of the odor itself or what it reminds us of. Do the same study where no one eats pumpkin pie and see if the effect is the same.
The author's hypothesis seems to suggest the former, but that's what science is for.
Was this study done in Kentucky? (Score:2)
The only time I have pumpkin pie is when I'm with my family on Thanksgiving. That's a very disturbing Pavlovian response.
Focus misdirected on Pumpkin Pie (Score:5, Interesting)
It's the combination of pumpkin pie and lavender that scores significantly higher than anything else (in this test).
Pumpkin pie & lavender 40% increase in blood flow
Next highest is 20%
Pumpkin pie alone 8.5%
Single highest smell is orange at 19.5%. Even vanilla is 8.5%.
Re:Focus misdirected on Pumpkin Pie (Score:5, Informative)
I'm seventeen. (Score:1, Interesting)
Looking at linoleum makes me wanna have sex.
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I think you may have missed the "Buffy" reference.
Too young, too old, or just not in the viewing area?
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Do we need another study on erections? (Score:1)
How new can this be? (Score:2)
How new can this news be, is there's already a pumpkin pie & lavender perfume on sale on EBay?
Science is confusing (Score:1)
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...there must be some other kind of stimulus that they're missing. Maybe the chick serving them pumpkin pie is cuter than the other girls. Maybe the pumpkin pie reminds them of their mothers? Hey Oedipus - want another slice of pie? Sproing!!!
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How the hell do you measure how boneriffic a boner is?
With a Plethysmograph [wikipedia.org]
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Mmm, just like warm pumpkin pie...
How Old is This Study? (Score:1)
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The linked study is from 1998. It is unclear if the news source was responding to some follow-up research that was published, or (more likely) was searching the archives for some holiday-related news on a slow news day.
Do not eat pumpkin pie with your relatives. (Score:5, Funny)
Given this new information, you should never eat pumpkin with your relatives, it may give you the urge to pump-kin.
Maybe Not The Pumpkin (Score:2)
More news irrelevant to geeks... (Score:2)
The last thing geeks need to do with their sex drive is increase it. You might as well tell some desert nomads that salty chips will increase their thirst.
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I'm already getting spam trying to get me to buy pumpkin pie. That didn't take long.