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Biotech Input Devices Intel

Intel Says Brain Implants Could Control Computers By 2020 314

Lucas123 writes "Scientists at Intel are working on developing sensors that would be implanted in a person's head in order to harness brain waves that could then be used to control computers, televisions, cell phones and other electronic equipment. Intel has already used Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) machines to determine that blood flow changes in specific areas of the brain based on what word or image someone is thinking of. People tend to show the same brain patterns for similar thoughts. 'Eventually people may be willing to be more committed ... to brain implants. Imagine being able to surf the Web with the power of your thoughts.' said Intel research scientist Dean Pomerleau."
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Intel Says Brain Implants Could Control Computers By 2020

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  • by gestalt_n_pepper ( 991155 ) on Thursday November 19, 2009 @06:15PM (#30165600)

    I can get direct neural input from the Playboy channel.

    • by dreamchaser ( 49529 ) on Thursday November 19, 2009 @06:29PM (#30165796) Homepage Journal

      You are out of luck. I would suggest leaving Mom's basement and getting a little sun and perhaps actually talking to some girls. You'll get results faster that way. Trust me; it works. It does require the Social Interaction plugin for your Operating System, but that is freely available and has been for millennia.

      • by Cryacin ( 657549 ) on Thursday November 19, 2009 @06:42PM (#30165966)
        I'd do that, but I heard that girlfriend 2.0 is incompatible with wife 1.0. It has to be uninstalled first, and eventually girlfriend 2.0 will auto-upgrade to wife 2.0 anyway.
      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        I found that the cocky douchebag plugin also helps a lot for this type of function. In fact, if you combine the DirectErect Browser with the NoPersonality add on and the FeelingBlock privacy protection add on you can navigate almost all of the social intrawebs without guilt/remorse/ or a second thought attacks. Of course, for real protection it is a good idea to download a third party security application like RubberCover or TrojanPlus. If you couple these with the applications like UIDRing or ThePill you a
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        Ah, but see his method probably comes with continuous instant gratification without all the downsides associated with actual girls. And as long as he stays plugged in, he will likely get the same positive sensations as the real thing. It does however mean the end of his line, but without the social Interaction plugin, his line was likely non-propagating anyway.
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by grcumb ( 781340 )

      I can get direct neural input from the Playboy channel.

      I can't imagine this being a good thing:

      YOU: browsing slashdot over coffee.

      [Stunning, sultry woman walks up.]

      SHE: Excuse me, can you tell me the time?

      YOUR BROWSER: [displays top 10 porntube results for stunning, sultry women.]

      SHE: You sick fuck!


      JUDGE: I sentence you to 6 months at Pumpinhole State Penitentiary.

      YOUR BROWSER: [displays]

      The phrase 'Try to think of baseball' has never been more important.

      • I've heard some random statistic that every 30 seconds, men think about sex. It's probably bullshit, but I wouldn't be surprised if porn sites got increased traffic every 30 seconds! :)
        • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

          by GameMaster ( 148118 )

          Of course some old stand-byes (Margarette Thatcher on a cold day) won't work as expected in those situations...

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Playboy Says Breast Implants Could Control Brain Implants by 2025.

  • by spun ( 1352 ) <loverevolutionary AT yahoo DOT com> on Thursday November 19, 2009 @06:16PM (#30165606) Journal

    Computer implants will control brains by 2019.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Don't fool yourself. Most brains are already fairly well controlled by TV, government, religion, group-think, etc. Take your pick.

      If someone does develop a computer implant that can control a brain, it would only be an upgrade to the tools, not to the results.

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by thhamm ( 764787 )

      Implants Could Control Computers By 2020
      Computer implants will control brains by 2019.

      Now i'm confused. What will control what in Soviet Russia then, and when exactly?

    • by rastilin ( 752802 ) on Thursday November 19, 2009 @06:52PM (#30166100)

      Computer implants will control brains by 2019.

      Yeah, that's why I'd never trust anything that could potentially write directly to my brain. Some sort of helmet thing might be uncomfortable, but at least you can rip it off if they (trojans / hackers / foreign agents) start getting frisky with your mind. Presuming that you have enough motor control left to do the ripping. Perhaps a panic button; hooked up to bladder control or something. (only partly joking)

      Controlling machines with thought is brilliant though, and I'm all for it. Presuming that the thing doing the controlling does feedback through skin responses or a HUD on an external display.

      • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 19, 2009 @08:19PM (#30167008)

        Yeah, that's why I'd never trust anything that could potentially write directly to my brain.

        Your fear prevents you from evolving.

        Direct neural communication between groups of humans (and augmented by computers) would produce a thinking, conscious being who's cognitive capacities are a step above that of a human (in the same sense that human cognition is a step above that of monkeys).

        This pattern is not new. Single-celled organisms formed cell colonies, which were an evolutionary step up, only after they opened their membranes to each other to allow direct chemical communication. Cell colonies accepted similar levels of integration in the formation of tissues, organs, and gargantuanly huge interconnected ecologies (specifically, humans).

        Allowing direct neural reads and writes is the natural continuation of this pattern. Your fear will prevent you from taking this evolutionary step up. You will eventually sit in a zoo throwing dung at tourists, while the true visionaries reach beyond the stars.


  • by stagg ( 1606187 ) on Thursday November 19, 2009 @06:17PM (#30165622)
    In the spirit of XKCD, should I get the chip installed in my brain and wait until Linux patches in support? Or wait for an Open Source alternative?
  • ...wire the nuclear plant directly into Homer's brain.

  • Last Thing I Want (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Nautical Insanity ( 1190003 ) on Thursday November 19, 2009 @06:18PM (#30165644)

    is someone trying to figure out a way to get advertising into my mind. We all know someone is going to try.

    Fortunately, feeding input directly into the brain is more difficult that reading output from it.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Got to look out for those feedback loops [].

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by MozeeToby ( 1163751 )

      I know what you mean, ever since I woke up in the future I've been having these recuring dreams about Lightspeed Briefs (tm).

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by EdZ ( 755139 )

      Fortunately, feeding input directly into the brain is more difficult that reading output from it.

      Not really. It's easily (ish) to stimulate a neuron externally using optical stimulation, but to read that state of that cell currently requires either implanting an electrode into the cell (generally shortens the lifespanof the cell to a few hours/minutes), or stimulating the cell to grow an axon onto a suitable biocompatable electrode (some research in this direction, no reliable results as of yet).

    • Please God no!

      I already have nightmares about Snuggies and ShamWows [] carrying me off into the night. The last thing I want is more product presence on my mind!

      Though, on second thought, the dreams with Erin Esurance aren't all that bad ....
  • by Monkeedude1212 ( 1560403 ) on Thursday November 19, 2009 @06:18PM (#30165646) Journal

    First Lasers, and soon brain implants! Today is full of win! Its the effin Future!

  • by SgtAaron ( 181674 ) <> on Thursday November 19, 2009 @06:21PM (#30165690)

    I'm sure he's not the only Sci-Fi author to have put these ideas into fiction. I had a great time reading his Neutronium Alchemist novels and others and seeing his description of how mind/computer interfaces could function.

    I think it's a lot more realistic than Star Trek (gasp :) to imagine that future spacers will be sitting on an acceleration couch with their eyes closed--and seeing space around them as if they were outside, than to be sitting at a console with hundreds of controls, relying on the speed of electrons traveling through meat. And I loved their ability to superimpose heads-up displays onto their vision. I suppose I'm getting beyond the scope of this story...


    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by MozeeToby ( 1163751 )

      Actually, I think Alastair Reynolds's vision is even more accurate: Such mind/computer interfaces exist, but the vast majority of people don't use them because they fear catching a nanotech virus and those that use them to the fullest are so distanced from the rest of humanity that wars are fought over the sanctity of the mind. The idea of a computer connecting directly up to my brain... well, I hope security technology improves by a couple orders of magnitude before that comes about.

    • Hmmm... Neuromancer was written by William Gibson in 1984 and describes brain-computer interfaces (and more).
    • by rossdee ( 243626 )

      Arthur C Clarke, the braincap, 3001

  • Why implants? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by BobMcD ( 601576 ) on Thursday November 19, 2009 @06:22PM (#30165696)

    Why do people insist on looking towards devices that need to be surgically implanted to operate?

    Sure the interface is more difficult when it is outside the skull, but the barriers to adoption would be much lower also, would they not? Not to mention support, upgrades, product life cycle, etc.

    Are they really that shortsighted?

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      Why do people insist on looking towards devices that need to be surgically implanted to operate?

      In theory, the bandwidth is huge. You just can't do as much with the gear you have that's adapted for life on the Serengeti.

      But, a skullcap is certainly the line at which I add "Luddite" to my .sig - bandwidth isn't everything.

      The trick will be that those who do not accept the skullcaps will be at a tremendous competitive disadvantage in most economic measures. There may even need to be physical segregation o

      • In theory it sounds good to have information pipped into your brain like the matrix, but in reality to form knowledge in your brain is an active biochemical process that takes a lot of energy and some time. Try it sometime, you can see this for yourself, if you study hard and pipe a bunch of info into your brain, you're going to be needing some food and rest. So if you are good at studying, you can already max out the bandwidth your brain has for learning new things.
        • Re:Why implants? (Score:5, Insightful)

          by bill_mcgonigle ( 4333 ) * on Thursday November 19, 2009 @07:13PM (#30166366) Homepage Journal

          So if you are good at studying, you can already max out the bandwidth your brain has for learning new things.

          That assumes a few things though: that your occipital lobe is the highest bandwidth input possible, that visualizing symbols (words,numbers,etc.) is an efficient means of acquiring knowledge, that the brain couldn't learn faster if it had more efficient inputs, that direct memory creation isn't possible, and that your brain's wiring is optimal.

          I don't think we really know the answers to any of those yet.

          • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

            by turing_m ( 1030530 )
            Interestingly, grandparent dealt with the input side and I raised similar objections for the output side.

            That assumes a few things though: that your occipital lobe is the highest bandwidth input possible, that visualizing symbols (words,numbers,etc.) is an efficient means of acquiring knowledge, that the brain couldn't learn faster if it had more efficient inputs, that direct memory creation isn't possible, and that your brain's wiring is optimal.

            Personally, I think that we'll have strong AI before we have

            • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

              by compro01 ( 777531 )

              Look at how fast we can visually process already. A good FPS player will notice lags of a few ms.

              Actually, a bunch of that is interpolation trickery. You'll see an object in motion further along its (predicted) path than it is when you're seeing it to compensate for lag. This works very well when the object is moving in a fairly linear manner, but if something unexpected happens, you'll see a sort of deja vu effect where it goes back to where it was a second ago. This phenomenon is responsible for a lot of bad referee calls in sports

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • As for the Serengeti, I'm ready for a change back to my primal human roots.

          Don't worry, the economy is going to see to that anyway. I'm finishing up my greenhouse on Saturday.

        • What makes you think that the life of the hunter-gatherer is lower stress?

      • The trick will be that those who do not accept the skullcaps will be at a tremendous competitive disadvantage in most economic measures. There may even need to be physical segregation of the populations.

        The bandwidth may be huge, but to what advantage? I find that in the vast majority of cases when using a computer, the bottleneck isn't my fingers and hands, or the nerves feeding or controlling them. The bottleneck is the time taken to figure out exactly what it is I want to do. For example, in the time it

        • Is there anybody who can type as fast as they think? I'm not a great typist, but I can hit 90, and I can think, oh, I dunno, 3x that? How fast can "The FedEx Guy" talk or a speed-reader read?

          But by economics, I mean, to be totally anachronistic - say you're a programmer in the world of skullcaps. Your employer wants you to learn Java. The 'capped programmer has the API's downloaded into his brain, as well as tons of example code that he remembers as having written. The regular programmer spends 3 years

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by davburns ( 49244 )

      I was thinking that, too.

      The oldest computer I have around is a 1990 Amiga 500; I mostly use new kit, of course. Anyone who gets an implant is going to be stuck with it pretty much for life, or commit to brain surgery every 3-5 years to install the newer one.

      On the other hand, a 'trode net or hat would seem doable; sign me up for that.

      • I could imagine having a socket installed such that hardware could be upgraded without re-opening the skull. USB has been around for almost 14 years now and is still used for many things today. Every 2-3 years seems like too much but I could definately see some people being willing to go under the knife every 10 years to upgrade the interface, especially if 'under the knife' means a 30 minute outpatient surgery (which, if millions of people are doing it, it would have to be). That would allow easy upgrad

    • by mishehu ( 712452 )
      I suppose somebody has a sick fantasy of being Locutus of Borg. Resistance is futile.
    • Re:Why surgically? (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Rashdot ( 845549 )

      when someday nanobots will build an interface directly inside the brain?

      • > when someday nanobots will build an interface directly inside the brain?

        Without you even knowing about it.

  • by gdog05 ( 975196 )
    And I have computers that control brain implants." "I'm a PC, and I have brain implants that control a computer." Mac: "Good Luck with that."
  • Not for me (Score:4, Insightful)

    by SilverHatHacker ( 1381259 ) on Thursday November 19, 2009 @06:26PM (#30165762)
    Imagine the damage a "keylogger" could do in a system like this.
    My mind is the last sanctuary I have left, and I'm not going to jeopardize it by connecting it into a system which can be easily tapped, read, and quite probably manipulated by an outside force.
  • You're reading some article on CNN and suddently these thoughts start going through your head:

    "Pills from Canada."
    "Everyone can buy a house! Get a no down payment mortgage today!"
    "Nigeria can make me rich."
    "I feel depressed."
    "Seen on Oprah Jr! Buy Dan Brown's Vampires and Wizards today!"

  • Information wants to be free. That includes your memories. Once there are implants, some hacker will start freeing it.

  • Remember the scene where they freeze the guy with brain implants and he is doing something that could blow everything up? Then they realize they have made a mistake and release him. No thanks.
  • Fascinating stuff... (Score:5, Informative)

    by AdamTrace ( 255409 ) on Thursday November 19, 2009 @06:49PM (#30166042)

    I recently heard an NPR article about this kind of thing.

    Using real time MRI, someone could be presented with flashcards of common objects (screwdriver, igloo, flower, etc). When they thought about those objects, certain areas of the brain lit up.

    The scientists said that when you think of a screwdriver, there isn't a single "screwdriver" area that lights up. Instead, you think of how it looks, what it feels like in your hand, what it's used for. You might think of construction workers, or your favorite screwdriver in your workbench at home. So lots of areas in the brain "light up".

    What's amazing to me is that it appeared to be the SAME AREAS for DIFFERENT people.

    As an example of this, the NPR production assistant (who was just visiting and helping with the interview) got hooked up to the MRI and was shown the flashcards. The computer, by looking at her brain, successfully guessed 10 out of 10. Even though the computer "learned" from someone else!

    I suppose someone who'd never seen a screwdriver before wouldn't have the same sort of response, so it's probably limited to people with the same cultural backgrounds.

    Pretty neat stuff.

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by phallstrom ( 69697 )

      This reminds me somewhat of the AI computer to look at sat photos and determine if there were tanks in the photo. They trained it. They tested it. It worked great. And then it failed horrifically. It turns out the training photos that had tanks were taking on sunny days, those that didn't were cloudy. The computer had learned to distinguish between sunny and cloudy days and wasn't looking for tanks at all.

  • In the future...

    "Wait, Dad, you mean you used to have to move your arm to change the channel on the TV?"

    "That's nothing, son. Great-Grandpa had to actually get up off the sofa and move to the TV to turn a dial."

    Son physically reels. "Whoa, stop, you're blowin' my mind. But they did have motor-sofas to move you to the TV, right?"

  • Bullshit.

    Oh, the "silicon" part of the technology may be ready. However any foreign body inside a human body is susceptible to 1) chronic inflammation (which isn't so bad if it's around the metal holding your shattered bones together, after all, you can always take the metal out or at worst amputate the limb) and b) infection.

    Now, hands up who is willing to have a device implanted in their brain that might cause permanent brain damage, bacterial meningitis (and al

    • Since they are talking about brain waves, it doesn't necessarily need to be inside the skull. I'm not clear on why they call it an implant, unless they absolutely positively want it to always stay in the same place, a somewhat dubious requirement.
  • Seriously, this is a great idea. Only teenagers would agree to such a ridiculous implant, and you could rootkit the bastards and zap them when they piss on your car on a Friday night.
  • by Metasquares ( 555685 ) <slashdot@met a s q u a r e> on Thursday November 19, 2009 @07:02PM (#30166222) Homepage

    The convenience of being able to navigate to a URL without having to type it is a really limited example. How about writing music with it? Being able to notate exactly what's playing in your head without needing to manually write a single note down? Weeks worth of work reduced to a few minutes! Or art: Can't draw? Just visualize!

    Anything you can think about but can't actually do would be fair game.

    Even with those sorts of apps, I still wouldn't get an implant unless my skull was being opened up for some other reason already. It's certainly not a fair tradeoff against something as simple as web browsing, as the summary suggests. I'm all for the braincaps. That's where BCI technology's headed anyway. And those have the distinct advantage of being removable as well...

    • by sconeu ( 64226 )

      Bad choice of words. This sort of interface could certainly bring new meaning to the phrase "Killer App"

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by maxume ( 22995 )

      I'm not a great composer, so I don't really know, but I don't think that the difficult part of composition is actually the transcription (sure, it's tedious, but I don't think it is the hard part).

    • > Can't draw? Just visualize!

      Those who can't draw can't visualize (unless they are physically disabled).

  • by tinkertim ( 918832 ) on Thursday November 19, 2009 @07:03PM (#30166242)

    Why, oh why does everyone at Intel think that people just want to 'surf the web' with whatever they happen to invent? You invent freaking brain implants and the first obvious use becomes surfing the web?

    It could not be ... `write code` or `use photoshop` or .. anything even remotely challenging to a human brain?

    Ah well.

  • I wonder if this means that if a scientist implanted this sort of implant into an animal that we would be able to figure out what it is thinking.

  • by dave562 ( 969951 ) on Thursday November 19, 2009 @07:09PM (#30166310) Journal

    It seems like they're at the point where they can recognize thought patterns. They intend to map those patterns to a UI. Just the other day I found myself sitting in front of a PC and browsing the web (imagine that). I've been using a Mac a lot lately. I wanted to scroll the page down and I found myself reaching for the touch pad to do that nifty two finger drag motion.

    Some where between wanting to scroll the page down and the actual muscle action of reaching for the non-existent track pad was a series of neuro-chemical impulses. It seems like the researchers are identifying those. It would be kind of cool to be able to move a pointer around the screen and do basic web browsing actions (forward, backward, click, scroll, etc) without ever having to reach for the mouse. It seems like I first read about people using alpha waves to control mouse pointers over a decade ago at this point. It's about time they're getting to the point of doing something that might be useful.

    Now once they get to the point of bringing up search results based on our thoughts, that is when I will start worrying.

  • Yeah, a brain implant might be the state of the art for some operating systems, but a lobotomy is probably the more appropriate procedure for Windows users.

  • The Reason (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Un pobre guey ( 593801 ) on Thursday November 19, 2009 @07:16PM (#30166396) Homepage
    Imagine being able to surf the Web with the power of your thoughts.

    And there you have it. Why would we want to set up a direct connection between the human mind and a 64-bit multicore computer with many gigabytes of RAM, over a terabyte of storage, and a high-speed connection to the international network of computing machinery? To do large-scale science? To create art as it has never been created before? To help throw off the shackles of oppression and exploitation? Shit, to manage your budget and do your taxes? No. To surf the web.

    Well, at least they're not kidding themselves over at the ever-practical Intel.
  • by smchris ( 464899 ) on Thursday November 19, 2009 @07:24PM (#30166508)

    Honest to Dog, I swear we've been "just a decade away" from mass distribution of optical implants to aid the blind since the SEVENTIES! I've given up on stories about the distribution of ALL brain interfaces that are "just a decade away (Really, trust me!)" until I see local news stories about my neighborhood hospital installing them and insurance paying for them.

  • And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. I feel an Iron Maiden riff coming on.
  • Holes In Your Head (Score:4, Informative)

    by DynaSoar ( 714234 ) on Thursday November 19, 2009 @07:49PM (#30166736) Journal

    Do you really want someone drilling holes in your head and shoving wires into it just so you don't have to type and use a mouse? Do you have any idea how many of these things you'll need shoved through your skull to be able to fore go just those two activities? (Hundreds) Do you realize that implants hasten neuron death and as they die you'll need to associated electrodes replaced? And just who makes enough money to pay for undergoing dozens (at least!) of invasive implantation surgeries requiring real time CT or MR imaging? You insurance damn sure won't pay for it. And don't give me that "for the disabled" crap -- they don't get the expensive stuff either.

    You don't need implants for brain "waves". Implants are better suited for detecting neural firing patterns on a much smaller scale. But you can get the job done with "waves" (EEG) without having to trephan yourself.

    There are now EEG systems that have the premap on the electrode, making impedance issues irrelevant and signal balancing automatic. There are EEG analysis packages that use continuous wavelet analysis to do time/frequency analysis similar to the "thousands of channels" analysis radio-astronomers enjoy. Between these two, and 'training' a system to recognize a particular person's EEG patterns well enough to control a device like a computer, the other EEG related problems like skin potentials, EMG and EKG artifact become non-issues. And as far as localization, I can reliably localize 40 to 50 signals simultaneously with this technology using a high density (256 or more) electrode EEG.

    This technology exists now. The computing power necessary to operate in as a control system in real time is beyond most people's ability to purchase. So if the nice folks from Intel will kindly put down the cranial drill and get back to what they're good at, maybe by 2020 we can have the sort of computing power sitting on everyone's desk if not sitting in a handheld device in their pocket.

    And get away from that fMRI. I don't care what you think you saw. I saw the fMRI "brain scan" of the dead salmon showing it lighting up as it recognized a human emotion from a photo it had been shown before (but while still dead).

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Deliveranc3 ( 629997 )
      Your brain is a network.

      Implanting a single input at an early enough stage will produce a "line in" effect that may feel either instinctual or actually produce cognizance depending on the other end of the system.

      Your brain will simply assume a complex network on the other end of the "input".

      The brain "grows" the ability to use our current senses no reason this would be any different.

      The other direction will be more difficult (and probably desired by more people) but the "line in" functionality will
  • You know... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by esampson ( 223745 ) on Thursday November 19, 2009 @07:53PM (#30166784) Homepage

    I don't want to have a video card, hard drive, or CPU that I can't easily upgrade and replace. Why would I want something that would require surgery to do that?

    Oh. You're using a Creative Labs Brainblaster XL? Their new Brainblaster OMG has twice the bandwidth and three times the signal resolution.

    Yeah, maybe you do get a better signal through hardwiring but lets see what happens in 5 years when I can buy the latest equipment and you are either stuck with the older tech or have to get your head sawn open


  • Add a lazy boy chair, a huge bag of cheetoes balanced over my left shoulder to let the little nuggets flow with the gentlest nudge, beer, and Depends. This is gonna be great.

  • this might be just the ticket. It's not just about you. Just look at the difficult someone with cerebral palsy or ALS has with motor skills. There's a brain in there, sometimes a brilliant one (Stephen Hawking, for example). Something like this could be a wonderful enabler for them.

  • by s0litaire ( 1205168 ) * on Thursday November 19, 2009 @09:58PM (#30167594)
    Well that's not that hard to imagine, since silicone implants have been controlling men's minds since the early 60's...
  • I wonder... (Score:4, Funny)

    by Interoperable ( 1651953 ) on Thursday November 19, 2009 @10:08PM (#30167632)
    what a segmentation fault feels like...

Computer Science is merely the post-Turing decline in formal systems theory.
