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Researchers Developing Cancer-Fighting Beer 283

CWmike writes "Ever picked up a cold, frosty beer on a hot summer's day and thought that it simply couldn't get any better? Well, think again. A team of researchers at Rice University in Houston is working on helping Joe Six Pack fight aging and cancer with every swill of beer." Thank you science! Now we just need cigarettes that cure baldness.
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Researchers Developing Cancer-Fighting Beer

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  • Wine (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Haoie ( 1277294 ) on Wednesday October 22, 2008 @08:32PM (#25476865)

    It's already been shown that certain wines, in moderation, can help prevent certain cancers.

    As usual, moderation in everything.

  • Re:Baldness (Score:4, Interesting)

    by hkmarks ( 1080097 ) on Wednesday October 22, 2008 @08:44PM (#25476961)
  • by Larry Lightbulb ( 781175 ) on Wednesday October 22, 2008 @08:52PM (#25477035)
    You can get drinks containing resveratrol from many places, such as Costco.
  • by bluefoxlucid ( 723572 ) on Wednesday October 22, 2008 @08:58PM (#25477079) Homepage Journal
    You'll need their yeast strain is what. This won't be so hard to procure.
  • Sounds like......... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Anachragnome ( 1008495 ) on Wednesday October 22, 2008 @09:02PM (#25477111)

    Cindy Lou Hensley McCain is branching out her empire into the realm of pharamaceuticals.

  • Re:Rice? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Alien Being ( 18488 ) on Wednesday October 22, 2008 @09:03PM (#25477121)

    OK, Bud isn't the best tasting beer, but it's always decent. I've had too many skunked bottles of "premium" beers to continue being snobbish about it.

    FWIW, my favorite beer of all time is Pete's Wicked Ale. I'll put Guinness, Grolsch and a few others close behind.

  • Re:Rice? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by himurabattousai ( 985656 ) <> on Wednesday October 22, 2008 @10:55PM (#25477871)

    Damn, you beat me to it. Your joke is somewhat accurate, though, as sake is brewed in a manner very similar to (good) beer.

  • Re:pish posh (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Timberwolf0122 ( 872207 ) on Wednesday October 22, 2008 @11:09PM (#25477953) Journal
    Also they have the best healthcare system in the world []

    and it's social medicine... just saying...
  • by MosesJones ( 55544 ) on Thursday October 23, 2008 @07:33AM (#25480173) Homepage

    1) Betting you've never lived in France
    2) 13% of MacDonalds' revenue comes from France, its the biggest market outside of the US
    3) The french traditional foods are high fat (lots of cream) not potatoes and stews, that is Germany and its ilk
    4) They drink wine like people in the US drink Coke, its just what you do and its perfectly normal
    5) They smoke

    Seriously if you are going to have a go at the French Paradox then get some sort of perspective on what they eat. Its loads of "McDo" and then rich meals with Duck, cream and the like. "Stew" and potatoes I've hardly ever had. Beans in a rich tomato sauce with meat, yup had that, but its hard to call it "stew". The French don't exercise much, although they do walk around more and do things more on the weekend than is "normal" in the US, this doesn't make them exercise freaks though.

    The French Paradox of smoke, eat rich food and drink wine might not be down to the wine, but its certainly not down to them eating a German/Hungarian mix of potato and stew.

    The real French paradox is how come the women all dress like the most stylish people on the planet and yet the blokes all wear jumpers that look like an aunt knitted them for Christmas.

  • by Creepy ( 93888 ) on Thursday October 23, 2008 @01:06PM (#25483985) Journal

    Um, if you have a sip of Budweiser, it's the same nasty half-rice, half-wheat beer-like substance that it was in 1978. The majority of Americans still drink that swill and like it.

    On the other hand, there's decent US brewers like Fat Tire, Rogue and Goose Island, and great brews from other brewers like Surly Darkness (I'm not a big bitter fan, so I'll pass on most of their other beers, but that one is good - and VERY expensive - cost me $20 to buy one off a friend, and I think they sold for something like 6/$100), and Stone (Imperial Russian Stout is yummy - got that one at a beer festival and never saw it again).

    I still have yet to find a decent 'black' from the US. Some like Sprecher are ok, but don't come close to a German black (e.g. Kostritzer). I also haven't found a decent US 'sweet' wheat (hard to describe - sorta like drinking King's Hawaiian Bread, but lighter and less heavy than you would think) like some German and Belgian brews - the US tends to make wheat beers as bitter as possible. I'm not a fan of Pils or IPA, mainly because I'm highly sensitive to bitter, so I can't comment on those.

"The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy." -- Louisiana governor Edwin Edwards
