Expert: Mars Astronauts Would Lose Teeth 323
Ant wrote to us with a story on Discovery about the long term consequences of manned and "womanned" missions to Mars - lots of research about bone-weakening effects of zero G environments, with tooth loss high on the list.
That's not an insurmountable obstacle (Score:1)
Dancin Santa
Re:That's not an insurmountable obstacle (Score:4, Funny)
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was a Russian mission at first. Teaches me to not read the article...
All I want for christmas is my two front teeth (Score:5, Funny)
Re:All I want for christmas is my two front teeth (Score:3, Funny)
Real Url (Score:2, Informative)
Do people read the bit which says "Check URLS" anymore?
Re:Real Url - Still broken, Try this - no space (Score:4, Informative)
It's not a BUG ... it's a FEATURE (Score:2)
That's right, it's a feature. The space is inserted in the displayed text, but not in the href= attribute of the HTML <a> tag. The space is inserted to prevent long "words" that can't be wrapped by all browsers from messing up the site format.
Re:Real Url (Score:2)
And yours is also wrong. Didn't you check it, either? That's what [Preview] is for. It works a lot better if you make it into a hyperlink [discovery.com].
Space Food (Score:2)
One would thing the issues with blood polling and muscular atrophy may be more succint on long missions like this, there is a dange that muscles can atrophy very badly with long term exposure to low or zero gravity, this coupled with bone fatigue might mean that an astronaut arriving back on earth after his long trip might just collapse when he is exposed to the earths gravity.
Astronaut pancake anyone ?
Re:Space Food (Score:1)
Not true. At least not any more. I saw it on the Discovery Wings channel. They actually have crunchy cereal and all that good stuff.
- Hyperbolix
Gum anyone? (Score:2, Insightful)
It would give them plenty of exercise to the teeth and jaw muscles, and might well be popular (most astronauts are American now and so presumably like chewing the cud).
OTOH the gum might also come in handy for fixing things in the ship and or holding things down in zero g
think of the sponsorship deals... the Wrigley's [wrigley.com] Orbiter etc
astronauts don't need teeth anyway... (Score:1)
Re:astronauts don't need teeth anyway... (Score:2, Funny)
You mean they're supposed to come back?
I think the link is broken (Score:4, Redundant)
no loss... (Score:1)
Not like there's any good restaurants on mars anyway.
Working URL (Score:1)
I'm now hit with that 'compression filter' problem.... how to get the info out there seems to be the question.... Ah. good. this ramble fixed it.
Get people from the Backwoods of Arkansas... (Score:2, Funny)
(just joking, its a fine state, I lived through High School there)
Mars is not a zero G environment (Score:2, Insightful)
Once on mars, the effects should be mitigated by the gravitational field - right? How much less is mars' gravity compared to earth?
Re:Mars is not a zero G environment (Score:1)
And the story also mentions those same people you cite.
Mars' gravity is 38% that of Earth's (Score:1)
Mars' gravity, compared to Earth's, is 0.38 to that experienced on earth. Now, I have no idea what this means for bone structure as IANADoctor.
Gravity == Acceleration? (Score:2)
You'd need more fuel for this, of course. But it could reduce the problems of microgravity.
Of course, I could be wrong.
Re:Gravity == Acceleration? (Score:2)
Re:Gravity == Acceleration? (Score:2)
Actually, there's a pretty cool idea floating around for sending two craft (one USian and one Russian, IIRC) and tethering them together so that they would rotate around a common center.
Cheaper alternative (Score:1)
The Mars Cork-Screw...roller coaster or NASA mission: You be the judge.
God I wish slashdot had spellcheck
Can't do it that way with chemical propellants (Score:2)
However, as others have pointed out, simply spinning the ship is by far the easiest and simplest way to get around this issue.
Re:Can't do it that way with chemical propellants (Score:1)
I recently read about the vasimr engine, a plasma drive running on helium and elctricity. I was thinking what if we tried to combine a fusion plant (it uses plasma and produces helium exhaust) with the vasimr and we should have a efficient impulse drive (just to throw in som st techno babble)
I know fusion plants are not yet mature technology
Re:Gravity == Acceleration? (Score:2, Informative)
There are two good alternatives, though, which have been tossed around, and have the same effect, though with very little fuel use. One is to send a cylindrical ship, and spin it about it's axis, so that there is a force pushing the astronauts to the outside walls. Like in 2001.
That works, but it creates some weird design problems, as far as headroom and living on the walls.
The other option is to let out a tether with a countermass on the end of it, and then spin around a central point on the tether. With a big enough countermass, or a long enough tether, this works really well, and it's comfortable for the astronauts, as they can stay oriented to the 'floor' of their ship.
There was originally a plan to put something necessary at the other end of the tether, like fuel for the return trip or something, but it turns out to be much more efficient if you can just put something disposable on it (like one of those big boosters you used to leave Earth). That way you can just pop a bolt when you get to Mars, and don't have to worry about the tether snagging when you try to reel it back in.
A book that talks a lot about this is Robert Zubrin's "The Case for Mars". He's the president of the Mars Society, and is pretty knowledgeable about this stuff. I highly recommend the book to anyone interested in some of the design challenges, and why we can beat them.
Return trip? (Score:1)
Um, what about the return trip? Do we not want gravity for that too? Or have we not planned for the return trip?
Re:Return trip? (Score:1)
I should point out that in Zubrin's Mars Direct architecture the habitat that you do the trip there on, and the vehicle you use for Earth return, are two different vehicles, but even if they were one and the same it doesn't pose a major problem.
Re:Gravity == Acceleration? (Score:1)
But to answer your question, Gravity that we experience on Earth does equal acceleration but it has to be pointed downward or towards the centre of an object to have the same effect that it does on Earth.
Acceleration or Spinning, both are hard. (Score:5, Informative)
Simulated gravity could be made this way but no engine design has fuel sufficiently light to make this even remotely possible with current technology.
As far as spinning. Acceleration = Radius * (angular frequency)^2. To get a good one G in a ship with a 5 meter radius, you'd have to spin it at 1.4 revolutions per second. Okay so make the ship bigger and aim for less gravity? 20 meters for 0.5 G still carries a rate of 0.49 rev. per sec. Spinning isn't generally a simple answer unless you are planning something that is monumentally huge. A station 2 km across can get to 0.5 G with one revolution about every 14 seconds. (If you feel like making the stretch to call that simple.)
Someone might point out that without air resistance or other interactions, getting and keeping a spin isn't the problem it would normally be. This is true, but if the object is small you get all kinds of wierd effects caused by the gradients in force. For instance a 1m tall person standing in that 5 m ship at 1G would have only 80% of the gravity at his feet acting on his head.
I will concede that getting such a ship spinning takes not unreasonable amounts of energy (considerably less than would presumably be spent getting it to Mars at a reasonable speed, and not a problem if you start the spin while in Earth orbit and fuel is plentiful), but then you pretty much have to go in a straight line along the axis, because you've just made the largest gyroscope man's ever seen, and turning the thing would be a bitch.
Some of the other problems would include getting in and out of such a ship (think floating through a hatch on the axis and then somehow matching rotation). Also anything on the outer wall would want horribly much to fly off. Large stresses would be involved in getting it spinning and holding it there. And last but not least on my short list, is that any propulsion system would carry both mass and angular momentum away from the ship affecting the rate of rotation.
Okay, so I've sat down and done the calculations. Sustained acceleration isn't likely to work any time soon. Rotation is technically possible, but certainly not easy given the kind of speed needed and presents serious technical issues to deal with the stresses, manuevering, getting in and out of the ship, etc.
Good luck NASA, I hope you figure something out in my lifetime.
ummm.... (Score:1, Funny)
- god
Re:ummm.... (Score:1)
Yes... but if you read the story you might notice that it mentions a mission with one year of zero-g. That's pretty much 6 months out and then 6 months back.
shoot for the moon (Score:1)
Even looking at it from a safety standpoint.. If something were to happen where an evacuation needed to take place, they are that much closer to home. I guess we are just trying to see how far humans can reach into space.
Re:shoot for the moon (Score:5, Interesting)
Because the Moon, in some ways, is actually not closer to us at all, and there are a lot more things worth having on Mars when we get there.
Firstly, Mars has a day almost identical in length to Earth's. Why is this so important? Because it means you might be able to grow plants there by the natural light. Growing plants under artificial light is very inefficient - the only ones that we can afford to do so for are kind of illegal in many places :) You can't grow plants by natural light on the moon because the two-week night would kill most plants (let alone the problems of your greenhouse heating up to boiling point during the two-week day).
Secondly, Mars has almost certainly got a lot more water available than the Moon does. The moon has virtually no water available. You can't have a colony without a water supply :)
Thirdly, just because Mars is further away doesn't mean it's more difficult to get stuff to and from it. The travel time is an important issue for humans, but for cargo it often doesn't matter, and for cargo it takes *less* fuel to land stuff on Mars because you can use the Martian atmosphere to slow down when you get there, unlike the moon where you have to use more fuel slowing down. Going the other way, it's easier to get stuff off the Moon than Mars (because the moon has less gravity), but you can make rocket fuel for your rocket a lot more easily on Mars than you can on the Moon (because if you have water, you can use electrolysis to get hydrogen and oxygen - instant rocket fuel).
Finally, if you're going to run a self-sustaining colony which pays its own way, to pay for imports from Earth you need something you can export back. From what we know about the composition of the moon, we're fairly sure that there's not much there of value (except for Helium-3, which is a fuel that might be used in fusion power plants in the future but is very difficult to extract), but on Mars there's a distinct possibility of finding high-grade deposits of gold, platinum, and other commercially valuable metals. In addition, if we ever mine the asteroids (many of which are virtually pure precious metal and are thus incredibly valuable), it's much easier to supply the miners with food and supplies from Mars than from the Earth or Moon.
In any case, we're not really trying to colonize either yet. As to the interest in exploring Mars, we've been to the Moon and have a fairly good idea of what it's like. Mars is the next step along the line.
Re:shoot for the moon (Score:5, Interesting)
This is the major hazard of space colonization. You have to get money from it, if you want to pay it with corporate money. And you suggest raw materials!!! I firmly believe transport costs of pure platinum from Mars would be high enough to make extraction from sea water look dirt cheap. Recycling is another thing that will not let the prices go that high. Extraction of gold from used electronics will be cheaper than importing the stuff from Mars.
Information would be cheap to transport, so prodicung it on other planets would be better. For geological/planetological research, every planet will have it's own colony, if robots are not considered better.
However, I think Moon would be the prime place for some sciences: Astronomers would love the continuous two-week data set. Radio interference from Earth would be no problem on the backside of Moon. No atmosphere means all wavelengths (IR to gamma-rays) can be studied from the Moon. Lower gravity means that the telescopes can be made larger. Some deep craters near the Lunar poles are in permanent shadow, so they would be excellent places for far infrared astronomy, where detectors must be at milliKelvin temperatures. To have a 10-K heat sink nearby will make things very easy.
Hazardous biotech research could also be done and safely tested on the Moon. It would be much harder to kill billions of people by stupid accidents.
Another possibility of the Moon is to use coilgun-like launchers that would use solar power to accelerate the cargo. This would eliminate the need for chemical propellant and rockets. Estimated launch price: less than one dollar per kilogram! As launching from Earth will never be able to compete with this, manufacturing satellites etc. could be an interesting option.
Re:shoot for the moon (Score:2)
Okay, but do you have any particular reason to believe this, or is it just a tenet of your faith? If you consider that fuel can be made relatively cheaply from local ingredients (just react some H_2 with the atmosphere, really) and that transport time isn't important for cargo, it might not be too expensive at all. Strap a booster onto your block-o-platinum and loft into Martian orbit (low gravity, so lots easier than for Earth). Fire up an ion/magsail/Vasimir/whatever engine and two years later you're aerobreaking into Earth orbit.
By far the largest cost to mining on Mars is going to be transporting and supporting the human miners -- which, sadly, makes robots a promising alternative. It'll be interesting to see which gets there first, robots sophisticated enough for autonomous mining operations, or launch costs low enough to realistically support human extraterrestrial colonization.
Re:shoot for the moon (Score:2)
You still have to loft the cargo out of the Martian gravity well, and cancel the (very large) gravitational potential energy difference between Mars's orbit and Earth's. This will be about as expensive as launching something into space from Earth - not cheap. Your fuel isn't free. It costs time and effort (read: money) to manufacture, even on Mars.
There's also no reason to believe that mining on Mars will be cheaper than mining on earth even if you *don't* transport the cargo anywhere. Why would we magically find rich veins of platinum on Mars? It has roughly earth-like composition.
If you're going to mine anything, then near-earth asteroids are your best bet, and even then, I'm skeptical of asteroid mining being worth the cost. Asteroid composition varies widely enough that you can find ones that are very rich in metal ore.
IMO, mining the moon for raw mass is probably the most practical operation that will go on in space. To build a space colony, you need a lot of mass just for radiation shielding. Moon dirt works well for that, and is a lot cheaper to loft than material from Earth. If you're building a spinning structure that has mostly tensile forces, then you can get structural material from the moon too (fiberglass cables).
Mars, on the other hand, has little that would be worth transporting back to Earth. In pretty much all cases, you'd be better off mining or manufacturing it on earth and avoiding transport costs.
OTOH, Mars is a great site for colonizing and possibly terraforming, once there are enough settlers willing to pay out of pocket for the trip.
Re:shoot for the moon (Score:2)
They might not be built at all. I'm postulating that they will be, which leads to my conclusion about profitable space industries. If you assume no large space structures will be built, then I doubt that any space industries will be profitable.
The most immediate use for space stations and space colonies is as way-stations to lunar colonies and for interplanetary craft. This assumes that lunar colonies will be constructed. If we have no need for substantial interplanetary travel or colonization, then there is no need for space stations.
The safest method of building and supplying a moon base or moon colony would be to have two fairly large space stations, orbiting the moon and the earth, with solar-powered ion drive shuttles carrying cargo between them. Build the first station in Earth orbit, and use it as a testbed to work out all of the problems with building space stations and more-or-less self-sufficient environments. Build a second station in Earth orbit, and use ion drives to move it to lunar orbit. Then set up the supply line. Travel time for the ion shuttles is a few months, but they're in a constant stream and unmanned, so this isn't a problem. You now have a conveyer belt carrying food and supplies to the lunar-orbit station, and carrying waste back.
Send construction materials along this pipe, and you can build a lunar colony. Send food and supplies, making sure to keep a month or two of surplus dirt-side on the moon and/or in the lunar station, and your lunar colony can handle just about any disaster without a big, fast, expensive rescue ship being needed.
The earth-orbit station is an ideal launch station for ion-drive probes to other parts of the solar system. The lunar-orbit station is an excellent site to manage construction of other space stations or large craft from (lunar material would be sent to a nearby construction site). This is where you'd likely build a Mars-colonizing ship. The ship would have to be big, carrying all of the equipment needed for a self-sufficient Mars colony base, and would become Mars's orbiting station.
All of this presupposes a desire to build lunar or Martian colonies. Given that desire, this is probably the easiest, cheapest, and safest way of doing it. Without that desire, there's no real reason to go into space at all.
Re:shoot for the moon (Score:3, Funny)
Re:No water on the moon? (Score:2)
But there is oxygen on the Moon, and hydrogen from the solar wind if nothing else. Add in electricity (solar panels - at the poles, where they could always be in sun - anyone?), and...
Correct url... (Score:1)
ps. get rid of the horrid 20sec "delay", it's annoying as hell.
Re:Correct url... (Score:1)
ps. nice bug
So much for 0g slowing the aging process... (Score:2)
I'd have to say that NASA will need a more effective marketing campeign.
NASA: So, you want to be an astronaut?
John DOe: I realize I don't have to worry about the space shuttle blowing up, but I don't want to die young, with no teeth either...
Re:So much for 0g slowing the aging process... (Score:1)
Re:So much for 0g slowing the aging process... (Score:2)
Send John Glenn (Score:5, Funny)
Sign of the times.... (Score:1)
Those who did make it back had suffered - rotting food, no medical care...Peglegs, eye patches, anyone?
Here we are hundreds of years later and our explorers are worrying if they can smile for the cameras when they get back. If they can come up with a way to prevent it, great - but don't set a mission back five years to design around teeth!
I mean...I don't think it's wise to waste men and equipment on a fruitless undertaking, but no new worlds have ever been conquered without a fair amount of casualties. Missing teeth stopping the first landing on another planet (and potentially settling the question of life off our own planet) would be an insult to every great explorer that man has produced.
We need to grow a backbone if we expect to explore, but we won't...Politics and the media make it impossible. Kind of sucks, doesn't it?
Re:Sign of the times.... (Score:2)
Besides, in the olden days of exploration, most people didn't even start with teeth and all their fingers...
Are you volunteering? (Score:1)
Re:Sign of the times.... (Score:1)
That's true, we have become lazy assed bastards that sit on our butt all day, but you also have to remember that the explorers of old didn't have to worry about finding air to breath and if they where hungry, they just cast out a fishing line.
But still, we have to take chances, even if, after a failed mission, NASA gets attacked everywhere, even here. And we here should know that working on anything advanced, whether it's an operating system or a spaceship automatically leads you to failures. It's what comes out in the end that counts.
So would you please stop attaching NASA the next time they lose a probe. Every larg projects come up with difficulty sometime or other, but problems are solved, even if it has to be iwth a second probe.
Re:Sign of the times.... (Score:1)
Course, in those days, not only were the risks of travel balanced by the rewards of escaping the local law's short arm or coming back with (possibly someone else's) valuable cargo, but your alternative was to stay home, eat boot leather in bad years, and probably die of typhus or cholera.
Our best and brightest aren't going to take up the torch of discovery if it's too much harder than the advanced life of relative ease and comfort they can have right here on Earth.
my teef (Score:1)
This is interesting.. (Score:2)
Artificial Gravity? (Score:4, Interesting)
I'm sure that more-informed minds then mine have already considered this simple idea, I'm just wondering why it's not feasible.
If the manned Mars spacecraft wasn't big enough to create sufficient gravity that way, maybe they could just hire really fat astronauts, in order to make the most of the limited gravity. just kidding...
Re:Artificial Gravity? (Score:4, Interesting)
In Robert Zubrin's book The Case For Mars he proposes just such a system. I haven't checked the physics myself, but it's introductory college physics to do (in fact, I should probably grab my old physics book and do the math just to see if I still can :) )
Re:Artificial Gravity? (Score:1)
It's possible indeed (Score:1)
Calculations suggest that this is indeed possible. I think the idea is explained in more detail in
"The Case for Mars" [amazon.com], a highly recommended, factional book.
Re:Artificial Gravity? (Score:2)
That's exactly what HAL's ship from 2001: A Space Odyssey did on the way to Jupiter. I remember going to the playground as a kid and sitting on a merry-go-round while others pushed. Once it's going fast enough, you'll feel plenty of force. And without friction, it will just keep spinning. Actually, I wonder how much influnce people moving around in there would have. It ought to be easy to compensate for.
Here's another idea for getting gravity on the voyage:
If they could get a large mass to follow them the whole way, then they'd have plenty of gravity. Of course, its size would need to be on the order of the Earth's, but I'll leave the details of implementation to someone else.
Re:Artificial Gravity? (Score:2)
Well, just get some "I have a book on that" MCSE's and some of the blind
Re:Artificial Gravity? (Score:2)
Re:Artificial Gravity? (Score:2)
The "gravity" is much higher towards the outer parts of a rotating ship and non-existant in the core. In Babylon 5, this is actually where some cross-station transportation took place. They even had the lead character experience the weightlessness of being in the center, with the danger of gradually moving to smack into the quickly rotating station. But that's another story.
Re:Artificial Gravity? (Score:2)
Re:Artificial Gravity? (Score:2, Insightful)
The problem is, in order to simulate 1G of gravity (equal to that on Earth), you need a certain mixture of size and speed. For safety reasons, the tether can only be so long. So you would think they could just increase the speed. It works on paper, but when put into practice with such a small vessel, spinning at that speed would most likely just induce vertigo in the astronauts and the small size of the craft would allow small variations in the rotation to create noticeable rocking, much like a ship at sea. Luckily, there is an easy solution to this problem. Just simulate the gravity on Mars. Spinning at a reasonable speed, the craft would be able to simulate the necessary 0.38G safely and easily. And then there's less of a problem on both landings (Mars and Earth), because even if you were able to simulate full Earth gravity, would you really want to? When you land on Mars, some considerable amount of time would have to be devoted to getting acclimated to the gravity, during which time the astronauts would not be fully operational and not exactly able to do the required exploration work. With a gravity of 0.38G on the transporting spacecraft, that acclimation can be done over the 6 month travel period and the astronauts can hop out and get their work done immediately after landing.
Re:Artificial Gravity? Ala 2001 ASO (Score:2)
Not too difficult, and very plausable. The problem is that it doesn't fit with NASA's current spend very very little methodilogy. anything that we sent do mars with people in it had better be the most expensive and over-engineered mechanical marvel the human race has ever created. The problem is that we're trying to get there in a volkswagon bug instead of a Lincoln navigator. and we really need to be bringing the Lincoln.
Re:Artificial Gravity? (Score:3, Informative)
A possible solution would be to have a nuclear reactor and use superheated water or a gass of some sort as fuel. In this way we get very high acceleration with relatively little "reactive mass".
If we had enough delta-v to do this, we could get to Mars in less than a week, and the problem wouldn't exist.
It turns out that nuclear power doesn't help us do this.
If we're using a nuclear core to heat fuel directly (as with the NERVA project), we get efficiency comparable to a chemical rocket, because our core (and thus exhaust) temperature can't be greater than the core materials can handle without degrading.
If we're using a nuclear core to generate electricity to power an ion drive or a plasma drive or another class of electromagnetic drive, we have nice delta-v, but very low acceleration, which doesn't help either the bone problem or our total travel time (if we're just going to mars; it would help for destinations farther away).
Other styles of nuclear drive have similar problems. They're great for long-haul trips, but won't give high acceleration and high delta-v at the same time.
Fusion drives won't exist for a while, so they're not a solution candidate yet.
Re:Artificial Gravity? (Score:2)
The problem is that when the nuclear drive kicks in, you drop to very low acceleration. This brings back the bone degradation problem.
If you're planning to use a mixed scheme for faster travel, the chemical stage doesn't buy you much. You need a certain delta-v for the trip. If the chemical stage gives most of it, it'll be huge (as would an all-chemical solution). If the nuclear stage gives most of it, it'll take a while to build it up (low acceleration). In practice, mixed solutions make sense only where you need short bursts of high acceleration (like takeoff and landing to/from a planet, or fast maneuvering).
For a trip longer than about a year, a nuclear-electric drive will shorten the total travel time. For trips much shorter than that, it doesn't help much.
Still a fascinating topic to think about, though.
Re:accel. != delta v ? (Score:2)
Acceleration is the instantaneous change in velocity (derivative of velocity) at any given time. Delta-v is the integral of acceleration over time (actually of the magnitude of acceleration). For a ship accelerating in one direction outside a gravity well, it will be the total change in velocity (v_end - v_start).
Acceleration is how fast you can change your speed, and delta-v is the total amount you can change your speed by.
No Windows (Score:2)
ways to combat body atrophy (Score:2, Insightful)
The Discovery article states "...in both older women and weightless astronauts, the bone-repair mechanisms in the body shut down." Are there any doctors out there that can explain (in detail) what happens to the body in low gravity that causes bones to atrophy?
Centrifugal force (Score:1)
Story may be toothless, what about Devon Island? (Score:1)
BTW: Did anybody else get a hoot out of those videos from Devan (spelling?) Island. I think it's wild that grown up, presumably intelligent, people are trying to simulate extended stays on the Martian surface.
Not only do they learn a lot, but they get to wear those neato space suits.
Tooth Faerie (Score:1)
How much spin? (Score:1)
Uhhh, just how much spin would be needed to generate enough simulated gravity to cancel the onset of osteoporosis, and can you imagine the havoc that would play on the spacecraft's structure over time? Hell of an engineering problem to wrestle with...
On the other hand can you imagine a year of zero G sex?
Mars Fact Sheet (Score:1)
Incidently the year in space, 6 months each way, seems somewhat short to me. I thought they generally planned for closer to a 9 month journey when sending things over there. Of course the really important point is whether we can make more fuel once we get there. Carrying all the fuel for a return trip with you would make for a lot heavier and slower trip.
In any case men won't be going there soon. We haven't even been to the moon in ages, and we might as well test whatever technology we plan on using on some long duration lunar missions.
Re: Fuel can be generated (Score:1)
And no - the book is NOT a fictional work. Robert Zubrin is the guy convinced the NASA to change the plans for manned mars mission to the "long trip model".
No more cavaties (Score:1)
So much for THAT stereotype! (Score:2)
Simulated Gravity En Route, Gravity On Mars (Score:1)
On Earth, it's 1 g, on Earth's moon it's about 1/6 g, on Mars it's about 1/3 g.
Maybe I ought to take a crack an idea I had a few years ago for a cheap launch vehicle- sort of a motorized bolas...
Other problems to be concerned about... (Score:1)
Nice headline (Score:1)
Feed them lots of taffy! 1 meal = no more problem (Score:1)
teef? (Score:1)
A perfect solution: (Score:2)
Permanent tooth loss (Score:1)
Can it be non permanent ??!!
30 Hertz vibrations (Score:5, Informative)
Trials have been started on elderly female patients with osteporosis and seem to be showing positive results.
Of course, 0G could make it difficult to stand *on* a vibrating platform, but these experiments must be able to teach reserachers something about ways to combat the problems. If tiny, high frequency strains can help improve bone growth then there must be other ways to induce those strains within a 0G environment.
Re:30 Hertz vibrations (Score:2)
I used to know a physiotherapy postgrad student who was researching the use of ultrasound to achieve a similar effect. Ultrasound is more like 3500Hz, of course. Still, you can use it in zero gravity.
Re:Ultrasound (Score:2)
Sorry, I left out a "k". I meant to say 3500kHz, not 3500Hz. And I know that figure is right because I read it off the screen when my wife had a scan last night. :-)
These machines have come a long way since when I briefly did some work with them 11 or so years ago. (I never got to operate the machines, of course. I just developed film. This was in the days before ultrasound and CT scan machines had photo printers hooked up to them. I digress.)
You can work it out from the knowledge that the average speed of sound in soft tissue is 1540m/s. A 3500kHz frequency gives you a wavelength of 1540/3.5e6 metres or 0.4mm, which is the sort of resolution that you need for diagnostic purposes. Diagnostic imaging devices can use different frequencies, of course. Typical range is 1-15 MHz.
Re:30 Hertz : Not Tiny, Not High Frequency (Score:2)
"The researchers have found that when sheep are made to stand on a platform vibrating at an imperceptible 30 hertz for 20 minutes a day, their legs gained 35 per cent more bone mass within a year", oh, it also mentions that the information comes from Nature vol 412, p 603.
I must admit that the story mostly stood out in my mind because I had a great image of sheep being made to stand on a vibrating platform that made them wobble around and lose their balance - but then I was on the tram to work so my mind was wandering!
Re:30 Hertz : Not Tiny, Not High Frequency (Score:2)
The possibilities are
Re:30 Hertz : Not Tiny, Not High Frequency (Score:2)
A few mm? A few um? A few nm?
"Gotta love those irreproducible results."
evolution (Score:2)
What's more: *of course* humanity will adopt to living in space, they will look different from the people living on earth, that's the whole point in evolution, isn't it?
That this might bear some problems for the first spacefarers has already been a topic in SF literature, e.g. in C.M. Kornbluth's story "The Altar at Midnight".
And so? (Score:2)
First Reaction: (Score:2)
"Tommyknockers, Tommyknockers, knockin' at my door..."
Go Go Kentucky Space Program! (Score:2)
I know some tooth-impaired good ol' boys who would be excellent candidates for the Mars program. Far from pretty boys, they would not mind at all losing their remaining teeth.
NASA should also contact Shane McGowan [formerly of The Pogues] if anyone can find him.
In thpace ... no one can hear you thcream. [ridiculopathy.com]
But do we need gravity everywhere? (Score:2)
What about just a single chamber, perhaps along the lines of living quarters, that spun, much like the old amusement park rides?
A certain amount of exposure to ~1g per day should be enough to ward off the deterioration of bone mass, and it would be cheaper than engineering an entire spaceship to spin fast enough to induce gravity.
Of course, I'm certainly missing the key detail of this spinning chamber most likely staying in place while the rest of the ship spins, but I leave the tough work to the NASA engineers
So what? (Score:2)
Clear the technological hurdles -- if the bone loss problem isn't solved by then, well, screw it. Take volunteers.
Easy enough to fix...don't travel in zero G! (Score:2)
If you're interested in this sort of thing, Robert Zubrin's "The Case for Mars" (http://www.marssociety.org has a copy for you) details things like navigation and maneuvering on a rotating platform.
Re:Easy enough to fix...don't travel in zero G! (Score:2)
And it's NOTHING like a fan with one blade! It'll be asymmetrical, sure, but it will revolve around the system's center of mass, stable, until you fire your rockets to make it stop. Astrogation from a rotating platform might be tricky, but far less tricky than carrying enough fuel to stop and start your spin lots of times. Basically, you'd start the spin once you've done your burn to get into your transfer orbit, and not stop it until you get ready to enter orbit around Mars (or, if you're really brave and strapped for fuel, entering Mars' atmosphere for touchdown directly from your transfer orbit...but that's an awfully risky scenario!)
Will it still be an issue when? (Score:2)
It's certainly good to identify such problems and prepare for the ahead of time, but I'm not that worried about this. Science/Medicine are making good progress on preventing problems once they know about them (while IMO progress isn't as hot in the whole fixing-existing-problems domain). This feels like a readily-understandable problem.
By the time we're ready (socially, financially and technologically) to make trips to Mars with such frequency that this is a serious problem, I feel confident that a supplemental drug and/or exercise regimen and/or artificial environment will be available to prevent this problem.