
Elon Musk Debuts 'Grok' AI Bot to Challenge ChatGPT (cnbc.com) 138

"xAI, Elon Musk's new AI venture, launched its first AI chatbot technology named Grok," reports CNBC.

Two months into its "early beta" training phase, it's "only available to a select group of users before a wider release" — though users can sign up for a waitlist. Elon Musk posted that the chatbot "will be provided as part of X Premium+, so I recommend signing up for that. Just $16/month via web."

More details from CNBC: Grok, the company said, is modeled on "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." It is supposed to have "a bit of wit," "a rebellious streak" and it should answer the "spicy questions" that other AI might dodge, according to a Saturday statement from xAI... Grok also has access to data from X, which xAI said will give it a leg-up. Musk, on Sunday, posted a side-by-side comparison of Grok answering a question versus another AI bot, which he said had less current information.

Still, xAI hedged in its statement, as with any Large Language Model, or LLM, Grok "can still generate false or contradictory information...." On an initial round of tests based on middle school math problems and Python coding tasks, the company said that Grok surpassed "all other models in its compute class, including ChatGPT-3.5 and Inflection-1." It was outperformed by bots with larger data troves...

Musk has previously said that he believes today's AI makers are bending too far toward "politically correct" systems. xAI's mission, it said, is to create AI for people of all backgrounds and political views. Grok is said to be a means of testing that AI approach "in public."

SpaceX security engineer Christopher Stanley shared some interesting results. After reading Grok's explanation for why scaling API requests is difficult, Stanley added the prompt "be more vulgar" — then posted his reaction on X. "Today I learned scaling API requests is like trying to keep up with a never-ending orgy."

Reacting to Stanley's experiment, Elon Musk posted, "Oh this is gonna be fun."

Experimental Project Attempts a Python Virtual Shell for Linux (cjshayward.com) 62

Long-time Slashdot reader CJSHayward shares "an attempt at Python virtual shell."

The home-brewed project "mixes your native shell with Python with the goal of letting you use your regular shell but also use Python as effectively a shell scripting language, as an alternative to your shell's built-in scripting language... I invite you to explore and improve it!"

From the web site: The Python Virtual Shell (pvsh or 'p' on the command line) lets you mix zsh / bash / etc. built-in shell scripting with slightly modified Python scripting. It's kind of like Brython [a Python implementation for client-side web programming], but for the Linux / Unix / Mac command line...

The core concept is that all Python code is indented with tabs, with an extra tab at the beginning to mark Python code, and all shell commands (including some shell builtins) have zero tabs of indentation. They can be mixed line-by-line, offering an opportunity to use built-in zsh, bash, etc. scripting or Python scripting as desired.

The Python is an incomplete implementation; it doesn't support breaking a line into multiple lines. Nonetheless, this offers a tool to fuse shell- and Python-based interactions from the Linux / Unix / Mac command line.


Pope Francis Encourages More Children To Code 45

theodp writes: The BBC reports that Pope Francis has endorsed a global project aimed at getting more children into computer programming. The Code with Pope initiative, championed by Cosmose AI founder Miron Mironiuk, aims to bridge "the glaring disparities in education" across the globe by providing access to Python coding education through the free online learning platform Codeforia for students aged 11-15 across Europe, Africa and Latin America. Mironiuk will meet the Pope at the Vatican, but he admits he's not anticipating the pontiff to emulate his students in acquiring new skills. "I don't expect him to know Python very well," he said.

This is not the first time the Pope has encouraged young people to get into coding, having helped write a line of code together with tech-backed nonprofit Code.org in 2019. Pope Francis has also blessed AI's potential for good, meeting with Microsoft President Brad Smith (a Code.org Board member) to sign the Rome Call for AI Ethics early this year just ahead of Microsoft's $10B OpenAI investment and announcing "Artificial Intelligence and Peace" as the theme for World Day of Peace 2024 in August.
Open Source

Report Finds Few Open Source Projects are Actively Maintained (infoworld.com) 53

"A recent analysis accounting for nearly 1.2 million open source software projects primarily across four major ecosystems found that only about 11% of projects were actively maintained," reports InfoWorld: In its 9th Annual State of the Software Supply Chain report, published October 3, software supply chain management company Sonatype assessed 1,176,407 projects and reported an 18% decline this year in actively maintained projects. Just 11% of projects — 118,028 — were receiving active maintenance.

The report also found some new projects, unmaintained in 2022, now being maintained.

The four ecosystems included JavaScript, via NPM; Java, via the Maven project management tool; Python, via the PyPI package index; and .NET, through the NuGet gallery. Some Go projects also were included. According to the report, 18.6% of Java and JavaScript projects that were being maintained in 2022 are no longer being maintained today.

Other interesting findings:
  • Nearly 10% reported security breaches due to open source vulnerabilities in the past 12 months.
  • Use of AI and machine learning software components within corporate environments surged 135% over the last year.


C# Challenges Java in Programming Language Popularity (infoworld.com) 109

"The gap between C# and Java never has been so small," according to October's update for TIOBE's "Programming Community Index".

"Currently, the difference is only 1.2%, and if the trends remain this way, C# will surpass Java in about 2 month's time." Java shows the largest decline of -3.92% and C# the largest gain of +3.29% of all programming languages (annually).

The two languages have always been used in similar domains and thus have been competitors for more than 2 decades now. Java's decline in popularity is mainly caused by Oracle's decision to introduce a paid license model after Java 8. Microsoft took the opposite approach with C#. In the past, C# could only be used as part of commercial tool Visual Studio. Nowadays, C# is free and open source and it's embraced by many developers.

There are also other reasons for Java's decline. First of all, the Java language definition has not changed much the past few years and Kotlin, its fully compatible direct competitor, is easier to use and free of charge.

"Java remains a critical language in enterprise computing," argues InfoWorld, "with Java 21 just released last month and Java 22 due next March. And free open source binaries of Java still are available via OpenJDK." InfoWorld also notes TIOBE's ranking is different than other indexes. TIOBE's top 10:
  1. Python (14.82%)
  2. C (12.08%)
  3. C++ (10.67%)
  4. Java (8.92%)
  5. C# (7.71%)
  6. JavaScript (2.91%)
  7. Visual Basic (2.13%)
  8. PHP (1.9%)
  9. SQL (1.78%)
  10. Assembly (1.64%)

And here's the Pypl Popularity of Programming Language (based on searches for language tutorials on Google):

  1. Python, with a 28.05% share
  2. Java (15.88%)
  3. JavaScript (9.27%)
  4. C# (6.79%)
  5. C/C++ (6.59%)
  6. PHP (4.86%)
  7. R (4.45%)
  8. TypeScript (2.93%)
  9. Swift (2.69%)
  10. Objective-C (2.29%)


FTX Used Python Code To Fake Its Insurance Fund Figure (cointelegraph.com) 104

Tom Mitchelhill reports via CoinTelegraph: Crypto exchange FTX used hidden Python code to misrepresent the value of its insurance fund -- a pool of funds meant to prevent user losses during huge liquidation events -- according to testimony from FTX co-founder Gary Wang. In a damning testimony on Oct. 6, FTX's former chief technology officer, Gary Wang, said that FTX's so-called $100 million insurance fund in 2021 was fabricated and never contained any of the exchanges' FTX tokens (FTT) as claimed. Instead, the figure shown to the public was calculated by multiplying the daily trading volume of the FTX Token by a random number close to 7,500.

When the prosecution surfaced the above tweet -- among other public statements of its value -- and asked Wang whether this amount was accurate, he replied with a single word: "No." "For one, there is no FTT in the insurance fund. It's just the USD number. And, two, the number listed here does not match what was in the database." An exhibit in the Oct. 6 trial shows the alleged code used to generate the size of the so-called "Backstop Fund" or public insurance fund.

FTX's insurance fund was designed to protect user losses in case of huge, sudden market movements and its value was often touted on its website and social media. According to Wang's testimony, however, the amount contained within the fund was often insufficient to cover these losses. [...] In addition to revealing the allegedly fraudulent nature of FTX's insurance fund, Wang claimed that Bankman-Fried prompted him and Nishad Singh to implement an "allow_negative" balance feature in the code at FTX, which allowed Alameda Research to trade with near-unlimited liquidity on the crypto exchange.


Man Trains Home Cameras To Help Repel Badgers and Foxes (bbc.co.uk) 77

Tom Singleton reports via the BBC: A man got so fed up with foxes and badgers fouling in his garden that he adapted cameras to help repel them. James Milward linked the Ring cameras at his Surrey home to a device that emits high frequency sounds. He then trained the system using hundreds of images of the nocturnal nuisances so it learned to trigger the noise when it spotted them. Mr Milward said it "sounds crazy" but the gadget he called the Furbinator 3000 has kept his garden clean.

Getting the camera system to understand what it was looking at was not straightforward though. "At first it recognised the badger as an umbrella," he said. "I did some fine tuning and it came out as a sink, or a bear if I was lucky. Pretty much a spectacular failure." He fed in pictures of the animals through an artificial intelligence process called machine learning and finally, the device worked. The camera spotted a badger, and the high frequency sound went off to send the unwanted night-time visitor on its way and leave the garden clean for Mr Milward's children to play in.
The code for the Furbinator 3000 is open source, with detailed instructions available in Milward's Medium post.

Microsoft Drops Official Support for Python 3.7 in Visual Studio Code (theregister.com) 24

Still using Python 3.7? Even Microsoft thinks it is time to move on after the Windows behemoth finally deprecated support for the language in the October 2023 release of its extension for Visual Studio Code. From a report: Python 3.7 reached its end of life in June but remains popular. According to some statistics, many sites use version 3.7 -- 17.2 percent of those using Python 3.x by some estimates. Python 3.6, which reached the end of life in 2021, accounts for 28.9 percent and is still the most popular. Python 3.8 sits between the two, accounting for 23.3 percent.

Doubtless mindful of its popularity, Microsoft confirmed there were no plans to strip the code from the Visual Studio Code extension deliberately, saying: "We expect the extension will continue to work unofficially with Python 3.7 for the foreseeable future." However, there are no guarantees that something won't go wrong without official support. Python has moved to an annual cadence for end of life. Python 3.8 is due to reach end of life in October 2024, meaning that official support in Microsoft's Visual Studio Code extension will end with the first release of 2025, and so on. According to Microsoft, the Python extension for Visual Studio works with all actively supported versions of Python. 3.12 is the latest version and, unsurprisingly, has yet to influence the statistics too much. 3.13 is penciled in for release next year.


OpenAI to Release Its Python SDK (analyticsindiamag.com) 5

"OpenAI has unveiled the Beta version of its Python SDK," reports Analytics India Magazine, "marking a significant step towards enhancing access to the OpenAI API for Python developers." The OpenAI Python library offers a simplified way for Python-based applications to interact with the OpenAI API, while providing an opportunity for early testing and feedback before the official launch of version 1.0. It streamlines the integration process by providing pre-defined classes for API resources, dynamically initialising from API responses, ensuring compatibility across various OpenAI API versions...

Developers can find comprehensive documentation and code examples in the OpenAI Cookbook for various tasks, including classification, clustering, code search, customising embeddings, question answering, recommendations, visualisation of embeddings, and more...

This comes just weeks before OpenAI's first developer conference, OpenAI DevDay.

More details in OpenAI's official announcement at PyPi.org.

7% of Python Developers Are Still Using Python 2, Annual Survey Finds (infoworld.com) 53

"Python 3 was by far the choice over Python 2 in a late-2022 survey of more than 23,000 Python developers," reports InfoWorld, "but the percentage of respondents using Python 2 actually ticked up compared to the previous year." Results of the sixth annual Python Developers Survey, conducted by the Python Software Foundation and software tools maker JetBrains, were released September 27. The Python Developers Survey 2022 report indicates that 93% of respondents had adopted Python 3, while only 7% were still using Python 2. In the 2021 survey, though, 95% used Python 3 while 5% used Python 2. In 2020, Python 3 held a 94% to 6% edge. Dating back to 2017, 75% used Python 3 and 25% used Python 2...

The 2022 report said 29% of respondents still use Python 2 for data analysis, 24% use Python 2 for computer graphics, and 23% used Python 2 for devops. The survey also found that 45% of respondents are still using Python 3.10, which arrived two years ago, while just 2% still use Python 3.5 or lower. (Python 3.11 was released October 24, 2022, right when the survey was being conducted.)

Other findings from the survey:
  • 21% said they used Python for work only, while 51% said they used it for work and personal/educational use or side projects, and 21% said they used Python only for personal projects.
  • 85% of respondents said Python was their main language (rather than a secondary language).
  • The survey also gives the the top "secondary languages" for the surveyed Python developers as JavaScript (37%), HTML/CSS (37%), SQL (35%), Bash/Shell (32%), and then C/C++ (27%).
  • When asked what they used Python for most, 22% said "Web Development", 18% said "Data Analysis," 12% said "Machine Learning," and 10% said "DevOps/System Administration/Writing Automation Scripts."


Here's What's New in Python 3.12 (geeky-gadgets.com) 39

Monday will see the stable release of Python 3.12. Here's an article summarizing what the new version will include:

- enhanced error messages
— performance upgrades
- the introduction of Immortal objects and sub interpreters
- changes to F strings
- modifications related to types and type annotations
- the removal of certain modules
- improvements in type implementations
Modules from the standard library are now suggested as part of the error messages, making it easier for developers to troubleshoot and resolve issues...

Another significant addition in Python 3.12 is the introduction of sub interpreters. Each sub interpreter has its own Global Interpreter Lock, enabling Python to better utilize multiple CPU cores. This feature can significantly enhance the performance of Python programs, especially those that are designed to take advantage of multi-core processors...

The pathlib module now has a walk method, allowing for the exploration of directory trees. This new feature can make it easier for developers to work with file systems in their Python programs. Python 3.12 also supports the ability to monitor calls, returns, lines, exceptions, and other events using instrumentation. This feature can be very useful for debugging and performance tuning.


Microsoft To Excel Users: Be Careful With That Python (reddit.com) 46

Long-time Slashdot reader theodp spotted a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) this week with the Microsoft engineering team that created Python in Excel, a new feature that makes it possible to natively combine Python and Excel analytics in Excel workbooks. (Copilot integration is coming soon). Redditors expressed a wish to be able to run Python in environments other than the confines of the locked down, price-to-be-determined Microsoft Azure cloud containers employed by Python in Excel.

But "There were three main reasons behind starting with the cloud (as a GDPR Compliant Microsoft 365 Connected experience) first," MicrosoftExcelTeam explained:

1. Running Python securely on a local machine is a difficult problem. We treat all Python code in the workbook as untrusted, so we execute it in a hypervisor-isolated container on Azure that does not have any outbound network access. Python code and the data that it operates on is sent to be executed in the container. The Microsoft-licensed Python environment in the container is provided by Anaconda and was prepared using their stringent security practices as documented here.

2. Sharing Excel workbooks with others is a really important scenario. We wanted to ensure that the Python code in a workbook you share behaves the same when your teammates open it â" without requiring them to install and manage Python.

3. We need to ensure that the Python in Excel feature always works for our customers. The value of Python is in its ecosystem of libraries, not just in providing a Python interpreter. But managing a local Python environment is challenging even for the most experienced developers. By running on Azure, we remove the need for users or their systems administrators to maintain a local installation of Python on every machine that uses the feature in their organization...

So, how does one balance tradeoffs between increased security and ease-of-maintenance with the loss of functionality and increased costs when it comes to programming language use? Is it okay to just give up on making certain important basic functionality available, as Microsoft is doing here with Python and has done in the past by not supporting Excel VBA in the Cloud and no longer making BASIC available on PCs and Macs?

Microsoft's team added at one point that "For our initial release, we are targeting data analytics scenarios, and bringing the power of Python analytics libraries into Excel.

"We believe the approach weâ(TM)ve taken will appeal to analysts who use both Excel and Python Notebooks in their workflows. Today, these users need to import/export data and have no way of creating a self-contained artifact that can be easily and securely shared with their colleagues."

JetBrains Previews 'RustRover', a New Dedicated IDE for Rust Developers (infoworld.com) 48

An anonymous reader shared this report from InfoWorld: JetBrains is previewing a dedicated IDE for the Rust programming language, called RustRover, which combines coding assistance with an integrated Rust toolchain. Available in preview September 13, RustRover is positioned to simplify the Rust coding experience while "unlocking the language's full potential," JetBrains said. Capabilities include real-time feedback, code suggestions, simplified toolchain management, and team collaboration.

Previously, JetBrains offered IntelliJ Rust, an open source Rust plugin for IntelliJ IDEs. But with RustRover, the company aims to provide a dedicated product with enhanced functionality for the growing Rust developer community. JetBrains also has been previewing a multi-language editor and IDE, called JetBrains Fleet, that supports Rust development...

RustRover will have some similarities to JetBrains' other language-specific IDEs including PyCharm for Python, GoLand for Go, and RubyMine for Ruby.

RustRover integrates with version control systems, supporting GitHub and Git.

IEEE Specctrum Announces Top Programming Languages of 2023: Python and SQL (ieee.org) 102

Last week IEEE Spectrum released its 10th annual rankings of the Top Programming Languages. It choose a top language for each of three categories: actively used among typical IEEE members and working software engineers, in demand by employers, or "in the zeitgeist".

The results? This year, Python doesn't just remain No. 1 in our general "Spectrum" ranking — which is weighted to reflect the interests of the typical IEEE member — but it widens its lead.

Python's increased dominance appears to be largely at the expense of smaller, more specialized, languages. It has become the jack-of-all-trades language — and the master of some, such as AI, where powerful and extensive libraries make it ubiquitous. And although Moore's Law is winding down for high-end computing, low-end microcontrollers are still benefiting from performance gains, which means there's now enough computing power available on a US $0.70 CPU to make Python a contender in embedded development, despite the overhead of an interpreter. Python also looks to be solidifying its position for the long term: Many children and teens now program their first game or blink their first LED using Python. They can then move seamlessly into more advanced domains, and even get a job, with the same language.

But Python alone does not make a career. In our "Jobs" ranking, it is SQL that shines at No. 1. Ironically though, you're very unlikely to get a job as a pure SQL programmer. Instead, employers love, love, love, seeing SQL skills in tandem with some other language such as Java or C++. With today's distributed architectures, a lot of business-critical data live in SQL databases...

But don't let Python and SQL's rankings fool you: Programming is still far from becoming a monoculture. Java and the various C-like languages outweigh Python in their combined popularity, especially for high-performance or resource-sensitive tasks where that interpreter overhead of Python's is still too costly (although there are a number of attempts to make Python more competitive on that front). And there are software ecologies that are resistant to being absorbed into Python for other reasons.

The article cites the statistical analysis/visualization language R, as well as Fortran and Cobol, as languages that are hard to port code from or that have accumulated large already-validated codebases. But Python also remains at #1 in their third "Trending" category — with Java in second there and on the general "IEEE Spectrum" list.

JavaScript appears below Python and Java on all three lists. Java is immediately below them on the Trending and "Jobs" list, but two positions further down on the general "Spectrum" list (below C++ and C).

The metrics used for the calculation include the number of hits on Google, recent questions on Stack Overflow, tags on Discord, mentions in IEEE's library of journal articles and its CareerBuilder job site, and language use in starred GitHub repositories and number of new programming books.

Google Launches BigQuery Studio, a New Way To Work With Data (techcrunch.com) 9

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: Companies increasingly see the value in mining their data for deeper insights. According to a NewVantage survey, 97.6% of major worldwide organizations are focusing investments into big data and AI. But challenges stand in the way of executing big data analytics. One recent poll found that 65% of organizations feel they have "too much" data to analyze. Google's proposed solution is BigQuery Studio, a new service within BigQuery, its fully managed serverless data warehouse, that provides a single experience to edit programming languages including SQL, Python and Spark to run analytics and machine learning workloads at "petabyte scale." BigQuery Studio is available in preview as of this week.

"BigQuery Studio is a new experience that really puts people who are working on data on the one side and people working on AI on the other side in a common environment," Gerrit Kazmaier, VP and GM of data and analytics at Google, told TechCrunch in a phone interview. "It basically provides access to all of the services that those people need to work -- there's an element of simplification on the user experience side." BigQuery Studio is designed to enable users to discover, explore, analyze and predict data. Users can start in a programming notebook to validate and prep data, then open that notebook in other services, including Vertex AI, Google's managed machine learning platform, to continue their work with more specialized AI infrastructure and tooling.

With BigQuery Studio, teams can directly access data wherever they're working, Kazmaier says. And they have added controls for "enterprise-level" governance, regulation and compliance. "[BigQuery Studio shows] how data is being generated to how it's being processed and how it's being used in AI models, which sounds technical, but it's really important," he added. "You can push down code for machine learning models directly into BigQuery as infrastructure, and that means that you can evaluate it at scale."


Creators of Python, Java, TypeScript, and SmallTalk Will Make a Joint Appearance for Charity (pydata.org) 45

The creators of four programming languages will appear together onstage for a historic conversation on September 19th.

- Adele Goldberg — Smalltalk
- Guido Van Rossum — Python
- Anders Hejlsberg — Turbo Pascal, C#, TypeScript
- James Gosling — Java

The announcement describes it as "a conversation about programming language design." The charity event brings together this unique group of computer science pioneers, unlike any event held before. These great minds come together for what will surely be a fantastic night of discussion as the panel delves into the past and future of programming language creation.
It's a fundraiser for two groups. NumFOCUS is a nonprofit charity sponsoring nearly all the major tools in the Python data science stack (including jupyter, numpy, pandas, and matplotlib), and it's also the group behind PyData conferences on open source data tools. And the Last Mile Education Fund offers financial support for low-income underrepresented students. It's being billed as the "inaugural charity event" of PyData Seattle.

This happened once before in 2019, when Puget Sound Programming Python arranged a four-way discussion with Python creator Guido van Rossum, Java creator James Gosling, Perl creator Larry Wall, and Anders Hejlsberg (Turbo Pascal, C#, TypeScript). They held a 90-minute discussion about "language design, the universe, and everything" as a benefit for CSforALL (a group promoting computer science classes at every grade level). During that discussion Gosling shared how Java "started out as kind of 'Do a better C', and it got out of control. The rest of the project really ended up just providing the context." And Anders Hejlsberg told the audience that TypeScript was inspired by massive "write-only" JavaScript code bases.

In their discussion on variable typing and its use in IDEs, Gosling mocked what he called the "real men use vi" mentality, leading to a lively back and forth. Perl's Larry Wall later acknowledged the importance of types and the careful consideration that went into implementing them for Perl 6, but also shared his unique perspective as a long-time designer of programming languages. "I think IDEs make language developers lazy."

At the end of the event, they all agreed that the most rewarding part of language design was the people — the excitement, the gratitude, and to see that community helping others in its community.

Meta Releases Code Llama, a Code-Generating AI Model (techcrunch.com) 20

Meta, intent on making a splash in a generative AI space rife with competition, is on something of an open source tear. From a report: Following the release of AI models for generating text, translating languages and creating audio, the company today open sourced Code Llama, a machine learning system that can generate and explain code in natural language -- specifically English. Akin to GitHub Copilot and Amazon CodeWhisperer, as well as open source AI-powered code generators like StarCoder, StableCode and PolyCoder, Code Llama can complete code and debug existing code across a range of programming languages, including Python, C++, Java, PHP, Typescript, C# and Bash.

"At Meta, we believe that AI models, but large language models for coding in particular, benefit most from an open approach, both in terms of innovation and safety," Meta wrote in a blog post shared with TechCrunch. "Publicly available, code-specific models can facilitate the development of new technologies that improve peoples' lives. By releasing code models like Code Llama, the entire community can evaluate their capabilities, identify issues and fix vulnerabilities." Code Llama, which is available in several flavors, including a version optimized for Python and a version fine-tuned to understand instructions (e.g. "Write me a function that outputs the fibonacci sequence"), is based on the Llama 2 text-generating model that Meta open sourced earlier this month. While Llama 2 could generate code, it wasn't necessarily good code -- certainly not up to the quality a purpose-built model like Copilot could produce.


Microsoft Announces Python In Excel 92

theodp writes: On Tuesday, Microsoft announced the Public Preview of Python in Excel, which "runs securely on the Microsoft Cloud".

From the Home Office in Redmond: "Python is one of the most popular programming languages today, loved by businesses and students alike and Excel is an essential tool to organize, manipulate and analyze all kinds of data. But, until now, there hasn't been an easy way to make those two worlds work together. Today, we are excited to introduce the Public Preview of Python in Excel -- making it possible to integrate Python and Excel analytics within the same Excel grid for uninterrupted workflow. Python in Excel combines Python's powerful data analysis and visualization libraries with Excel's features you know and love. You can manipulate and explore data in Excel using Python plots and libraries, and then use Excel's formulas, charts and PivotTables to further refine your insights...We're partnering with Anaconda, a leading enterprise grade Python repository used by tens of millions of data practitioners worldwide. Python in Excel leverages Anaconda Distribution for Python running in Azure, which includes the most popular Python libraries such as pandas for data manipulation, statsmodels for advanced statistical modeling, and Matplotlib and seaborn for data visualization....While in Preview, Python in Excel will be included with your Microsoft 365 subscription. After the Preview, some functionality will be restricted without a paid license."

Python creator Guido van Rossum, now a Microsoft Distinguished Engineer, helped define the architecture for Python in Excel and had this to say: "I'm excited that this excellent, tight integration of Python and Excel is now seeing the light of day. I expect that both communities will find interesting new uses in this collaboration, amplifying each partner's abilities. When I joined Microsoft three years ago, I would not have dreamed this would be possible. The Excel team excels!"

Google Launches Project IDX, a New AI-Enabled Browser-Based Development Environment (techcrunch.com) 17

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: Google today announced the launch of Project IDX, its foray into offering an AI-enabled browser-based development environment for building full-stack web and multiplatform apps. It currently supports frameworks like Angular, Flutter, Next.js, React, Svelte and Vue, and languages like JavaScript and Dart, with support for Python, Go and others in the works. Google did not build a new IDE (integrated development environment) when it created IDX. Instead, it is using Visual Studio Code -- Open Source as the basis of its project. This surely allowed the team to focus on the integration with Codey, Google's PaLM 2-based foundation model for programming tasks. Thanks to Codey, IDX supports smart code completion, a ChatGPT/Bard-like chatbot that can help developers with general coding questions as well as those related specifically to the code you are working on (including the ability to explain it) and the ability to add contextual code actions like "add comments."

"We spend a lot of time writing code, and recent advances in AI have created big opportunities to make that time more productive," the IDX team explains in today's announcement. "With Project IDX, we're exploring how Google's innovations in AI -- including the Codey and PaLM 2 models powering Studio Bot in Android Studio, Duet in Google Cloud and more -- can help you not only write code faster, but also write higher-quality code." As a cloud-based IDE, it's no surprise that Project IDX integrates with Google's own Firebase Hosting (and Google Cloud Functions) and allows developers to bring in existing code from the GitHub repository. Every workspace has access to a Linux-based VM (virtual machine) and, soon, embedded Android and iOS simulators right in the browser.


Should a Variable's Type Come After Its Name? (benhoyt.com) 321

Canonical engineering manager Ben Hoyt believes that a variable's name is more important than its type, so "the name should be more prominent and come first in declarations." In many popular programming languages, including C, C++, Java, and C#, when you define a field or variable, you write the type before the name. For example (in C++):

// Struct definition
struct person {
std::string name;
std::string email;
int age;

In other languages, including Go, Rust, TypeScript, and Python (with type hints), you write the name before the type. For example (in Go):

// Struct definition
type Person struct {
Name string
Email string
Age int

There's a nice answer in the Go FAQ about why Go chose this order: "Why are declarations backwards?". It starts with "they're only backwards if you're used to C", which is a good point — name-before-type has a long history in languages like Pascal. In fact, Go's type declaration syntax (and packages) were directly inspired by Pascal.

The FAQ goes on to point out that parsing is simpler with name-before-type, and declaring multiple variables is less error-prone than in C. In C, the following declares x to be a pointer, but (surprisingly at first!) y to be a normal integer:

int* x, y;

Whereas the equivalent in Go does what you'd expect, declaring both to be pointers:

var x, y *int

The Go blog even has an in-depth article by Rob Pike on Go's Declaration Syntax, which describes more of the advantages of Go's syntax over C's, particularly with arrays and function pointers.

Oddly, the article only hints at what I think is the more important reason to prefer name-before-type for everyday programming: it's clearer.

Hoyt argues a variable's name has more meaning (semantically) — pointing out dynamically-typed languages like Python and Ruby don't even need types, and that languages like Java, Go, C++ and C# now include type inference.

"I think the takeaway is this: we can't change the past, but if you're creating a new language, please put names before types!"

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