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Journal rastakid's Journal: Submitting Slashdot stories

After being rejected with six submitted stories, I decided to put all the stories I submit up in my journal, so that other users can comment on it, and explain why they think the Slashdot authors are right or wrong to reject it. It's too bad that Slashcode doesn't allow to view the submitted stories, only the subjects. Anyway, here's my seventh (rejected) submitted story:

2003-12-25 10:21:48 Beagle touchdown failed? (articles,science)
The Beagle 2 probe has failed to broadcast the "I'm okay" signal after touchdown on Mars. According to Professor Colin Pillinger there are five possible scenarios for the failure, where you can read about in this CNN article.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot: Merry Christmas!
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Submitting Slashdot stories

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