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Journal eglamkowski's Journal: Martha Stewart 6

Tim Wilson, on Martha Stewart:

"Boy, I feel safer now that she's behind bars. O.J. & Kobe are walking around, Scott Peterson's going to be soon, but they take the one woman in America willing to cook and clean and haul her to jail."

The Dutch vs. the Muslims:

Media bias - only minority politicians who are democrats are to be celebrated, minority republican politicans are somehow "traitors" to their race. Or so the media would have you believe:

Florida voters as old-fashioned southern conversatives (registered as democrat but vote conservative regardless of a politician's party affiliation)
Of course, someone should tell them that Bush isn't conservative...

Blue states may pay more in taxes, but red states give more to charities.
Which is to say, people in blue states like to be charitable with OTHER peoples' money, while those in red states are charitable with their own. Hmmmm....

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Martha Stewart

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  • Which is to say, people in blue states like to be charitable with OTHER peoples' money

    Because, of course, they pay no taxes themselves. Bah.

    • The people in red states do pay taxes too, AND they pay a greater % of their income to charities than those in the blue states.

      And given that their income is frequently significantly lower (compare Mississippi to Massachusetts, for example), they have much less to spare, but are still more generous anyways.

      If the people in blue state deemed charitable giving important enough to enact into legislation, shouldn't they also be charitable with their own money as well, beyond just what the government seizes?
      • Just pointing out that the glib line doesn't capture the whole picture :-).

        Yeah, I think the secessionists are morons, no matter how amusing the maps are.

  • I'd considered posting the MM article, but decided that I didn't need to be called racist today. :-)

    Good article on Van Gogh, too.

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