Journal MickLinux's Journal: Better train system
Okay, here's my next PD idea:
a train system, in which each car has its own driver, and can connect to other cars while in motion, with connection pathways front and back.
Now, suppose between DC and NYC you have 12 stops: A, B, C, D,... J, K, L. Start with 3 cars (1..3) in DC, 1 car in A (4), 1 car in B (5), 2 cars in C(6,7), and so on. People get into the cars at the right time.
Now, three cars start out from DC towards A. Those who want to stop at A, sit in the back car, car 1. Those who want to stop at B, sit in car 2. Those who want to stop at C, sit in car 3.
The train (1,2,3) starts out. When it is 2 miles from station A, car 1 drops off, with its own driver, and starts slowing down. Meanwhile, car 4 starts out from station B, running at 5 mph slower than the train. The train (2,3) connects with (4) in motion, and resumes full-speed travel. Meanwhile, car (1) stops at station A, people get out, people wanting to go to DC get in, and then the car heads back to DC.
Next, when the train (2,3,4) is two miles from station B, train (5) starts out, 5 mph slower than (2,3,4), and car (2) drops off the back of train (2,3,4), to make (2-stopping) and (3,4-fastest) and (5-fast). (3,4) joins with (5), while (2) stops. Now (3,4,5) is headed to station C, and (3) drops off, while (6,7) attaches at the front.
Each time a train joins up, the passengers who will get off soonest go back to the back car; then other passengers go back to their own appropriate car.
In this way, the train makes a nonstop trip the whole way, for all passengers. Meanwhile, there are as many drivers on board the train, as there are cars. The driver in back will be preparing to drop off; the driver in front will be driving the whole train. Other drivers can provide assistance, security, meals, and whatnot.
The whole thing can probably be run cheaply, especially since there will be a large profit on the meals; the train is more efficient than individual vehicles; the number of cars can be adjusted to match the number of passengers. Thus, the transportation can be cheap.
Now, the way I described it is suitable for a single line (such as the Eastern Shore Railway), in which lots of people are going in one direction but few are going in the other (such as during rush hour). People going against the rush will necessarily not have a nonstop trip.
However, if you have two lines, then you can have two sets of nonstops: one going N, the other going S. Then, train cars need only transfer to the opposite line, and they will return to their original positions.
Just as an addendum, here's how to get the thing going, if you can't afford to build train cars. Do it with buses. Have the buses join front and back, with a fast mechanical connection.
Now, people get on one bus; they wait for the nonstop to come in and join to the back. Then the old back bus disconnects (so that passengers can get out), and the front bus takes off.
Once the bus is on the highway, people can move to whichever bus section is appropriate.
The total stopping time, then, is minimal -- no more than pulling up to a red light -- but people can take their time getting on and off, paying, and loading/unloading their belongings.
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