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Amazon Blocks Sale of N95 Masks To the Public, Begins Offering Supplies To Hospitals (cnbc.com) 108

Amazon is no longer offering N95 masks to the general public, as it prioritizes the delivery of essential supplies to hospitals, government agencies and other groups amid the coronavirus outbreak. From a report: Earlier this week, the company rolled out a new section of its website dedicated to COVID-19 related supplies. There, any U.S.-accredited hospital or state or federal agency can fill out a form to access necessary items like N95 masks, surgical masks, facial shields, surgical gowns, surgical gloves and large-volume sanitizers. The site states it is not accepting requests from the general public, noting: "We are not accepting requests from individuals or non-qualified organizations at this time." Amazon also noted it will not make a profit from the orders.
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Amazon Blocks Sale of N95 Masks To the Public, Begins Offering Supplies To Hospitals

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Look, the WHO said there was no evidence [twitter.com] of human-to-human transmission! You trust the World Health Organization, don't you?

  • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday April 02, 2020 @01:44PM (#59901474)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • and I'm sure not having enough masks doesn't help. Yes, there's some evidence that wearing a mask might help prevent getting it (there's also evidence that it doesn't matter unless you're already sick, and if you wear them wrong they can be worse than useless).

      But I'd rather have my doctor have a mask and take my chances (while doing all the stay at home I can) then have him get it and be down for weeks sick and/or dead.

      Also, when this is over we need to seriously question the failures of our entire
  • Have they have started sending single face masks to each hospital unsolicited.
  • by Socguy ( 933973 )
    Good. N95 is only effective if you're fit tested for the proper model and know how to properly put it on. The general public is not fit tested nor are they donning them correctly and thus they're basically throwing their money away anyway. A basic mask will do just as much for those folks.
    • Re: (Score:1, Informative)

      by thegarbz ( 1787294 )

      Err no. N95 masks are not fit tested in any industry and only come in one size. Don't confuse them with full respirators.

      • Re:Good (Score:5, Informative)

        by GungaDan ( 195739 ) on Thursday April 02, 2020 @02:52PM (#59901798) Homepage

        Slashdot needs a "Wrong" moderation - your post deserves it. N95 masks are typically fit tested in medical settings, though some facilities are skipping that requirement now since so many masks are being re-used. They also come in multiple sizes.

      • Err no. N95 masks are not fit tested in any industry and only come in one size. Don't confuse them with full respirators.

        OSHA appears to disagree with you. Here's their complete procedure for fit testing an N95: http://www.kdheks.gov/cphp/dow... [kdheks.gov]

        • Err no. N95 masks are not fit tested in any industry and only come in one size. Don't confuse them with full respirators.

          OSHA appears to disagree with you. Here's their complete procedure for fit testing an N95: http://www.kdheks.gov/cphp/dow... [kdheks.gov]

          Then OSHA is wrong. Doesn't matter how fit they are, they're glorified dust masks. They do nothing for the wearer. Breath and air goes right around the mask, and it does not filter anything, because the air pressure of breath easily overpowers their cheesy stringy elastic bands. Medical professionals wearing N95 and expecting protection are being infected by the hundreds. N95 should only be worn by sick people, because N95 can not possibly protect the wearer from virus infection. To actually be protected, y

          • Um, wow. Okay, the rest of the world is wrong and you're right. Must be amazing to be you.

            • He's right, you know. You should wear a minimum of an N/P100 if you really want a proper fit and filtration to remove very small liquid droplets and virus particles.

              N95s really are glorified dust masks. That's exactly what we use them for. Nicer dust masks. For everything else we use an APR and goggles with the appropriate filter set.


      • by darkonc ( 47285 )
        To work properly, N95 masks need to be fitted so that air doesn't leak around the edges. If you don't know how to properly fit an N95 mask, then don't waste your money. Get a normal process (surgical) mask, and let the N95s be available to people who know how to use them and need them.
    • Look, you might try different models or sizes but in general an n95 mask pulls against your face and makes a decent seal. A surgical mask is not going to be anywhere as effective at like 60-70% of particulates
    • N95 is only effective if you're fit tested for the proper model and know how to properly put it on.

      We were told by the medical community that wearing a mask is worse than not wearing one, that masks are for infected people.

      Now they are getting nearly exclusive access to masks, telling us how essential it is that the medical community has them so that they can wear them.

      Was it a lie for the greater good?
      Or was it a lie because they are selfish fucks?

      A bit of both. Surely.

      • by Zak3056 ( 69287 )

        The medical community needs them for more than just personal protection. Healthcare workers who are literally in the middle of a plague are amazing disease vectors with orders of magnitude more impact than J random person.

        Improperly fit masks are probably more harm than good, because you will continually touch your face to adjust them. Masks that aren't fit (i.e.surgical masks) have the same problem, and are also far less effective (they prevent YOU from getting OTHER people sick, they are not designed to

  • At first place this seems reasonable - however there are a ton of people that would be considered health care workers, that do not work at a hospital. Like for instance everyone who works at any assisted living center in the country...

    I think what is really needed is way better procedures around sterilization of equipment, as hospitals throw away way to many things like masks that could be re-used if sterilized. Even if you could just reuse a mask a handful of times it would greatly lower the spike demand

    • by lgw ( 121541 )

      Not so sure - sterilizing stuff takes man hours. Sterilizing stuff that can't be autoclaved is difficult. You're going to, what, soak these cheap masks in bleach solution overnight? Doesn't seem practical. But even if it were, that's labor spent doing that instead of something else.

      I think effort would be better spent to just have mask manufacturing capability in the US to begin with, instead of importing everything from China. It's much easier and faster to ramp up production when you already have pro

  • Fortunately, the plague doctor masks [amazon.com] are still available.

  • by erice ( 13380 ) on Thursday April 02, 2020 @02:58PM (#59901830) Homepage

    This is the Chinese equivalent to N95. Experts in the field say they are equivalent. Unfortunately, health care providers aren't allowed to used them. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/a... [buzzfeednews.com]

  • by DontBeAMoran ( 4843879 ) on Thursday April 02, 2020 @03:16PM (#59901924)

    I only order N94 masks anyway, they're 1.05% cheaper.

  • just when the governments are going to cave and admit yes you do need a mask if you interact with people. Listen I wont dog health care workers getting it first but anyone with half a brain that paid attention to this in asian realized civilians needed it too when going out.
  • Never sure each day whether I'm in something by Fellini, Monty Python, or Orwell.

    "Masks don't work! (also, er we need them for the important people)"

    "Oh, by the way now we're mulling possibly ordering you to wear one. Even though you can't buy any, you greedy hoarder. Next up, make bricks without straw. "

Computer Science is merely the post-Turing decline in formal systems theory.
