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Earth Science Technology

2018 Was Earth's Fourth-Hottest Year on Record: NOAA and NASA Report ( 183

The string of hotter-than-average annual temperatures continued in 2018, as Earth experienced its fourth-hottest year on record, according to NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [PDF]. From a report: Also in 2018, the United States suffered 14 weather and climate disasters with costs surpassing $1 billion during a warmer- and wetter-than-average year, NOAA reports. Global temperatures across land and sea were 1.42 degrees Fahrenheit above the 20th century average, making 2018 the fourth-warmest year since record-keeping began in 1880, NOAA said in a report Thursday. In a separate report, NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies said global temperatures were 1.5 degrees above the 1951 to 1980 mean, also the fourth highest going back to 1880.

The 2-degrees Fahrenheit increase in global temperatures since the late 19th century has been driven largely by growing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions from human activity, said the institute's director, Gavin Schmidt. The conclusion reaffirms NASA's long-established finding that man-made emissions are driving climate change, which President Donald Trump and some senior administration officials frequently challenge. By both agencies' measures, Earth has now recorded its five hottest annual average temperatures in the past five years. "2018 is yet again an extremely warm year on top of a long-term global warming trend," Schmidt said in a press release.

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2018 Was Earth's Fourth-Hottest Year on Record: NOAA and NASA Report

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 06, 2019 @04:25PM (#58080154)

    The summary points out that 2018 was the fourth hottest year on record, but neglects to mention that the three hotter years were all this decade, with 2016 being the hottest since records began.

    Of course, nothing with stop the global warming deniers...

  • Just a little while ago /. ran an article about the internet becoming more civil. Then this article happened.
  • When your lakes, rivers, ponds, and oceans are polluted to the point it is dangerous to even swim in. You have a problem.

    Where you have ground water needing to be filtered and clean to make it drinkable. You have a problem

    When you have a area of a very large ocean so polluted that it is visible from space. You have a problem

    When you look out any window, any place, any where and see trash. You have a problem.

    When you have to wear a mask to go outside so that you can breath. You have a problem.

    • Pollution will us much quicker than fucking Global warming.

      You accidentally a word there.

      you put a stop to pollution, your fucking Global Warming crisis will disappear.

      Sure, as long as you include CO2 pollution.

    • by XXongo ( 3986865 )
      It's possible to worry about more than one thing.
    • I don't know where you're from, but in the USA:

      The water in lakes and rivers is much cleaner than it was 20 years ago. And even cleaner compared to 30 years ago.

      The air is much cleaner than it was 20 years ago. And even cleaner compared to 30 years ago.

      Trash and littering are much less of a problem than 20 or especially 30 years ago.

      Groundwater has always needed filtering, in most parts of the world.

      Those are just facts. If you live somewhere else, where it's getting dirtier instead... that's
  • We only have 20 years, for the 3rd time in a row, to save the planet before we all die.

    Up next: The fear mongering Net Neutrality article if the day where we pretend its about equal bandwidth rules when it's actually about kicking conservative media off the internet.

    • Up next: The fear mongering Net Neutrality article if the day where we pretend its about equal bandwidth rules when it's actually about kicking conservative media off the internet.

      Whut? How is making sure conservatives can get their traffic about kicking them off the internets?

  • Whatever, another article about how we are all doomed.

    Here's what I want to see, solutions that work. Wind and solar don't work because without massive levels of storage to even out the varying load to the varying demand then it simply cannot keep the lights on. Also, add up all the resources needed to build all these windmills, solar panels, and batteries, and you will find yourself a situation that will destroy the economy and/or the environment in trying to dig up all the materials needed.

    You think wind and solar don't have any environmental impact? Where do you think all that steel, aluminum, copper, concrete, rare earth elements, and so on come from? We dig it out of the ground, that's where it comes from. Same for the batteries, that stuff has to be dug up, refined, machined, molded, and transported to the construction site. This takes energy and materials. Energy and materials we cannot produce in any meaningful time frame.

    We need solutions, not another restatement of the problem. Seems no one wants to speak of what that solution might be.

    Oh, and I give citations on why the solutions brought up so often will not work. [] [] []

  • There is a graph of the global temperatures in the Smithsonian Natural History Museum. It was an regular up and down wandering average over millions of years . The "global warming" portion of the graph was just a small portion of the same graph that was zoomed in on modern times. Basically they are trying to tell us all this "warming/climate change" is significant even though it is basically just noise.

    The best part...the trend line shows the temperature going down not up. Of course this display was

    • Make up your mind science

      "science" has been pretty consistent on this since the nineteenth century.

      Of course this display was back when they were telling us were still in an ice age and all going to die

      Oh right you're one of those total fuckwith who confuses the popular press with "science". Your moronic claims have been debunked time and time and time again. The only reason for still holding them is blatant, willful ignorance.

      I've got plenty guns for dealing with all the starving looters that either cris

      • The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington DC is popular press? The same that was opened in 1846? Hmmmmm That doesn't sound right to me.

        Unless total fuck-whit means well read, informed, educated engineer I think you might not be mistaken on that as well.

        • Lol, should have said "You might be mistaken on that as well." Damn you /. for no edit but, and you too Ms Delarco (my 7th grade English teacher) you were right. I can't write/spell worth a damn.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Never been to the Smithsonian before have you? They have an entire wing devoted to the ice age. Pretty sure there was some strong consensus. Turns out they were wrong. Just like the Global Warming display next to it.

Why do we want intelligent terminals when there are so many stupid users?
