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South Australia To Be Home To Australia's New Space Agency ( 71

"South Australia, which has a history with space events long ago, is set to become the base for the Australian space industry," writes Slashdot reader Badooleoo. ABC News reports: Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced Adelaide will be the home of Australia's new space agency. South Australia beat strong competition from other states to secure the headquarters, after enlisting homegrown NASA astronaut Andy Thomas to help with its campaign. The agency will be based at Lot Fourteen, the former Royal Adelaide Hospital site, which is being transformed into an innovation precinct. The Prime Minister said South Australia was an ideal home for the new agency and was already a key hub for the space and technology industry. "This agency is going to open doors for local businesses and Australian access to the $US345 billion global space industry," Prime Minister Scott Morrison said. "Our Government's $41 million investment into the agency will act as a launching pad to triple Australia's space economy to $12 billion and create up to 20,000 jobs by 2030."
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South Australia To Be Home To Australia's New Space Agency

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    • After the recent anti-encryption bill that was enacted into law, I wouldn't trust any range safety officers self destruct signal, that's for sure...

  • when some random dude can launch a very successful space agency himself... just saying.
    • Only a Seppo would consider the Australian Prime Minister to be "some random dude".

      Next time you need help with your space program, let us know.

      • by skegg ( 666571 )

        Apparently even Angela Merkel thinks of Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison as some random dude []

        • by quenda ( 644621 )

          But Prime Minister Scott Morrison could be the first PM with plans to ascend physically into space himself,
          - as a Pentecostalist in the Rapture.

          I'm sure in the US you are quite accustomed to religious fundamentalists in power, but this is a new one for us.
          Fortunately, he will be gone in a few months.

          • by sd4f ( 1891894 )

            Only to have an even bigger wet noodle as a replacement, in Bill Shorten...

            I'm starting to think that if China were to invade Australia and end democracy, they'd be doing us a favour...

            • You don't have Democracy, that's why you don't get to vote on which wet noodle leads your country.

              As is true in every other Representative Parliamentary system, none of your leaders would have actually won a national election.

              • by sd4f ( 1891894 )
                Yea got me there, I understand well that we don't have 'democracy' as is so often flippantly used. Best description I can find is that we have an electocracy. While the description for 'totalitarian democracy' more or less describes what we have, it still uses democracy, which infers that people have the power. We only sort of have the power to chose who lords over us, but you already know that.
          • As we learned from the Stargate documentary, if you want to Ascend, your physical body does have to die.

  • ... that does not make me an owner of my "own" screwdriver industry. It's satellite industry. Not space industry.

    Space industry is the industry of building and launching rockets. It's the industry of breaking the first cosmic velocity.

    And it will stay that for a while. Unless you are building and flying your own rockets, stop yapping about space industry.

  • May as well put it in Tasmania ? It's even further from the equator.
  • by scdeimos ( 632778 ) on Wednesday December 12, 2018 @06:49AM (#57791384) []
  • The NBN of space :) (Score:3, Interesting)

    by captbollocks ( 779475 ) on Wednesday December 12, 2018 @07:09AM (#57791414)

    It could be the equivalent of the National Broadband Network, which cost billions to lay down a third national data network and ended up being so slow that most 3rd world countries I have visited have much higher internet speeds in the countryside than my mother who lives in a major city.

    • Oh? Are we going to vote for a different political party next election who out of spite will decide that any spaceship launched from Australia must not be capable of withstanding a vacuum?

  • by Myself ( 57572 ) on Wednesday December 12, 2018 @09:09AM (#57791676) Journal

    https://quokkaspace.wordpress.... []

    It's a long read but full of ire at mismanagement and dashed hopes. Here's hoping they turn a corner someday.

    • by sd4f ( 1891894 )

      Without knowing a whole lot detail on the topic, being an Australian, I would hazard a guess that where there's public money, someone's mates get a good gig and get jobs where they do very little, have no appreciation of the subject, and achieve absolutely nothing, while getting a decent paying job in the process.

      So the problem is, I don't think anything will change. The set up of this agency is already an endeavour in pork barrelling, so I doubt anything will come of it.

  • Wouldn't Northern Australia be better, as it's closer to the equator?
  • "Our Government's $41 million investment into the agency "

    It's Australia, they are taking giant leaps with an empty pouch, even the animals there are doing it that way.

"It is easier to fight for principles than to live up to them." -- Alfred Adler
