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Naps Nurture Growing Brains 39

sciencehabit writes "Few features of child-rearing occupy as much parental brain space as sleep, and with it the timeless question: Is my child getting enough? Despite the craving among many parents for more sleep in their offspring (and, by extension, themselves), the purpose that sleep serves in young kids remains something of a mystery—especially when it comes to daytime naps. Do they help children retain information, as overnight sleep has been found to do in adults? A new study provides the first evidence that daytime sleep is in fact critical for effective learning in young children."
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Naps Nurture Growing Brains

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  • Good luck with that (Score:4, Informative)

    by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Tuesday September 24, 2013 @07:39PM (#44942863)
    modern schools are designed to condition kids to work hard on less sleep. Heck, public schools in America were original developed to get farm kids used to the kind of regimented life factory work requires (read "A people's history of the United States" for citation). America is all about working harder for less. I suppose it might be different in the rest of the world though.

